This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I was thinking of the title "Ends of the Sim World," but it's probably won't fit. Not to mention that it's too close to Gio's title.
Arki wrote:
Best swimsuit choice: None at all. (Skinny dipping, yay!)
Can the Sims do that? n_n'
I had to change Shiori's personality around to take that hottub picture, because she kept getting into the hottub without any clothes on. On second thought, maybe I should have left her the way she was.
Archambeau wrote:
And, on a final note, here we have Saionji asleep in his spaghetti.
You beat me to it. XD One of my sims fell asleep in his Baked Alaska. I was surprised that it didn't burn his face off.
Razara wrote:
II had to change Shiori's personality around to take that hottub picture, because she kept getting into the hottub without any clothes on. On second thought, maybe I should have left her the way she was.
Yeah, you should have. You really should have.
I noticed that Juri's aspiration was getting low, and that one of her "wants" was to have sex with Shiori, so I decided to fulfill that want so that she go crazy and start talking to Stick-Cup Buddy. I figured that doing this would either force Kozue and Ruka get out, or cancel the action all together. Apparently I was wrong. Juri and Shiori didn't feel like waiting for them to get out, so they started going at it while Kozue and Ruka were still there. As if that weren't enough, out of sheer curiosity, I wanted to see whether or not Kozue and Ruka could do the same thing while Juri and Shiori were still there, and apparently they could.
Wow, Ruka. Three girls at the same time? Way to go.
Sweet it is fan fic in real time and this is not helping me study
but it is funny as hell coangrats
*Rocks back and forth in the fetal position* Shiori... I’m so sorry... It didn’t know... It was all my fault...
Something bad happened while I was playing The Sims today. Shiori was flying a kite, and suddenly she was stuck by lightning. As if that weren't enough, then she caught on fire, so she almost burned to death. Luckily, I was able to put it out in time.
As most of you probably know, Shiori is my favorite character in SKU, and in anime in general. Needless to say, I usually watch over my Shiori sim like a mother hen, but how was I supposed to know that flying a kite would do something like this? It's not as though there was a key at the end... That was a very unpleasant experience, and now I feel bad for laughing so much. XD;
There, that's better... :3
I tried to use the cheat that removed the censors for this picture, but for some reason, it didn't work. Those blurs certainly do ruin the picture. The strange thing about sims is that they can soak in a hottub with a naked sim for hours, and they won't acknowledge their nudity until they get out of the hottub.
"I'm in love with my older brother!" : D
That mascot is evil. It tried to shove Ruka and hit on Akio. When will it ever learn? Even so, Nanami is now best friends with the cow mascot now.
The original caption for this picture was, "You're the only one who understands me, Bricky."
If you thought that Shiori's Stick-Cup Buddy was disturbing, here's a picture of Juri petting her pet brick "Bricky." A distant relative of the pet rock, the pet brick makes a fine pet. Why have animals that rip up your couch and chase Juri around the house when you can have the simple obedience of a pet brick?
Sims in suits. :0
I took this picture a while ago. The discussion of men in suits on this forum made me want to take a picture like this. I'm a camera-whore, (No? Really?) and so I enjoy putting together these scenes.
Ruka in a suit! Ruka in a suit! I have to do a dance for that!
Archambeau wrote:
Before I head to bed, I thought I'd post a few amusing screenshots from my recent Simming exploits. I'm playing my Utena Sims up to the point at which the series begins, so in the meantime establishing the pre-existing relationships (and then destroying them, in Juri and Shiori's cases) has been fun.
Touga and Saionji...enjoying...the Love Tub. I love how overly indulgent the Kiryuu manor is. It's, not surprisingly, the party house on campus.
And, from the Love Tub, they proceed to Touga's room for more debauchery. Saionji really knows how to pick his swimwear.
And, on a final note, here we have Saionji asleep in his spaghetti.
Razara -- I'll take some pictures of the uniforms for you tomorrow.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
This is why I couldn't have the Sims, but I so want it to attempt to create an Utena world where I could do whatever I wanted. And... the shounen-ai world is just so cute.
Saionji and Touga's house is just classic.
Razara wrote:
"You're the only one who understands me, Bricky."
Razara wrote:
That mascot is evil. It tried to shove Ruka and hit on Akio. When will it ever learn? Even so, Nanami is now best friends with the cow mascot now.
A cow that hit on Akio - that is probably the best thing I've heard today.
Oh, and I doubt I mentioned it, but my keyboard is officially flooded with nosebleed blood from those TougaxSaionji pictures
Last edited by A Day Without Me (12-15-2006 10:40:21 PM)
angelicreation wrote:
Razara wrote:
"You're the only one who understands me, Bricky."
Now I want a pet brick too.
Also, the suit pic is awesome! Is it possible to make female characters wear suits too?
Maarika wrote:
Also, the suit pic is awesome! Is it possible to make female characters wear suits too?
Unfortunately not. I could make some suits for women from scratch, but that will be a lot of work. I'll try to see what I can do.
Tamago wrote:
Marionette Mistress
I like this title the most. Does it have a direct enough relation to The Sims? I can't seem to think of anything good with the word "Sim" or "Chairman..."
I think "Marionette Mistress" suits you well. It's even alliterated!
ShatteredMirror wrote:
I think "Marionette Mistress" suits you well. It's even alliterated!
Here, here!
As I am finally home, I decided to go ahead and package up my hoard of Utena Sims for all of you. I hope you enjoy them. All of their clothing/hairstyles are compatible with both adults and young adults, so those wanting them in a school environment will not go without. Some of my clothing experiences slight alignment problems, which I am too lazy to fix, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Tenjou Utena
Requires: The "Simple Purity" hair mesh by Seomi.
I used the uniform available on the exchange for this Utena, as the natural shading the game gives to objects gave this enough dimension for me to be satisfied with it.
Himemiya Anthy
Requires: Nothing outside of the game defaults. Be sure you select the special Anthy skintone, though, otherwise there will be an ugly gap between her hair and her bangs (found in costume makeup).
Kiryuu Touga
Requires: The "Sephiroth" hair mesh by MimeWhite.
I modified the uniform on the exchange so that there was a bit more shading. I can't get over how much that collar in the mesh irritates me, but c'est la vie.
Saionji Kyouichi
Requires: The male "Jeanette" hair mesh.
Another recolor of the original on the exchange. Another obnoxious collar. I gave him a light dusting of freckles, as they just seemed to suit him.
Arisugawa Juri
Requires: Janna's "1940's hair" mesh. … itstart=24
Made this one myself. Be sure to choose the custom eyebrows to get that widow's peak effect.
Kaoru Miki
Requires: The "Yuki" mesh by Louis (found on page 6).
I made this outfit myself. The alignment is a bit off and there is some "lumpiness" due to trying desperately to avoid the collared mesh, though I don't think it detracts too much from it.
Kiryuu Nanami
My pride and joy. Her outfit took an ungodly amount of time to make, but I'm extremely happy with it. That hair mesh will unfortunately not work on young adults, though, so apologies for that.
Takatsuki Shiori
Requires: Nightlife for her hair.
Pretty cut and dry.
Kaoru Kozue
Requires: --
I think I got her looking reasonably identical to my Miki, no?
And lastly, here's a quick link to the male school uniform:
(Requires this mesh:
Razara I can see that you like the "Marionette Mistress" title.
It looks like the "Marionette Mistress" has been well received and the title does rolls off the tongue quite nicely as well.
Archambeau created:
Edit: Added Archambeau comment!
Last edited by Tamago (12-16-2006 03:12:00 PM)
Razara wrote:
Tamago wrote:
Marionette Mistress
I like this title the most.
Does it have a direct enough relation to The Sims? I can't seem to think of anything good with the word "Sim" or "Chairman..."
Tamago wrote:
I wonder how long it would take Razara to notice her new title when she pops in again? Mhmmmm!
I think it'll be funny to see how long it takes ShatteredMirror and Sevelle to notice theirs...
A Day Without Me wrote:
Tamago wrote:
I wonder how long it would take Razara to notice her new title when she pops in again? Mhmmmm!
I think it'll be funny to see how long it takes ShatteredMirror and Sevelle to notice theirs...
Crikey Moses! I hope thats the title they want otherwise... OH MY! How embarrassing!
Tamago wrote:
I wonder how long it would take Razara to notice her new title when she pops in again? Mhmmmm!
About a minute or two. :3
Yasha and Giovanna, I can't thank you enough for the title.
Utena: "Ha! Paper beats rock! I win the Rose Bride!"
As much as I would like to hope that maybe someday Maxis will add swords to the game, it doesn't seem very likely. This is a life simulating game, and not many people have swords in real life. Until then, we have rock, paper, scissors instead... When I first watched episode 31, I found myself wishing that sims could play rock, paper, scissors. I got my wish eventually, but really, I think it's kind of sad how this game works. Every time they lose, they like the sim they lost to a little less. They look really pissed off about it, too.
*Matrix jump*
Not only is "Bust A Move" a great way to raise relationships, but it looks really funny too. I actually turned the game onto slow motion for this picture, and I couldn't stop laughing as I watched. It actually looks a bit like a battle scene.
"Will dance for simoleons."
It wouldn't be an Aspiration Desperation action without a poorly drawn smiley face somewhere in the picture. I had trouble deciding who should try out this action. The only other aspiration that I haven't seen the desperation action for is the Family Aspiration, because it sounds more depressing than entertaining.
I really don't understand why my Touga sim would be begging for money, since he has more money than Bill Gates. Wealth sims are very greedy, but they're one of my favorite aspirations, only because they frequently want to sell paintings. Last night I took some advice from the Wealth Aspiration sims on how to get money by having Kozue seduce and marry a rich sim, and then kill her. Not that I needed the money, of course. I just did it for fun. Those Diva's are really hard to impress, you know. :3
Razara wrote:
Last night I took some advice from the Wealth Aspiration sims on how to get money by having Kozue seduce and marry a rich sim, and then kill her. Not that I needed the money, of course. I just did it for fun. Those Diva's are really hard to impress, you know. :3
I don't know if I should thank you for making me laugh at this or check myself into therapy because of it.
Ragnarok wrote:
I don't know if I should thank you for making me laugh at this or check myself into therapy because of it.
Kozue also slept with the mailgirl in a bed on the front lawn this morning, just because she was there. Apparently Akio had already slept with her on one of my, "Let's make Akio sleep with the whole town," sprees. Oh, and killing a Diva for her money isn't nearly as bad as the time Akio wedded and killed the maid, just so I could have Anthy wear her clothes.
Last edited by Razara (12-16-2006 06:40:01 PM)
Razara wrote:
Sims in suits. :0
Or you can just ruthlessly pander to me. That's fine.
Actually my first thought was that room looked like it popped right out The Devil's Advocate.
Razara wrote:
"I'm in love with my older brother!" : D
That mascot is evil. It tried to shove Ruka and hit on Akio. When will it ever learn? Even so, Nanami is now best friends with the cow mascot now.
Its nice to see Nanami make some real friends for a change... it must be some kind of bovine chemistry.
"You're the only one who understands me, Bricky."
Aww isn't that cute and just so Juri, I can imagine her when she is upset with someone, she would shouts something like "Go get'em Bricky!" and toss her 'pet' at that persons face. *hehe*
I just want to say that no matter how wonderful and hilarious this thread has proven to be, I still blame all of you for the fact that after three long and hard months of being clean, I am now back on the crack.
...ah, well, at least when my methadone patients say to me: "You have no idea how hard it is to get off the crack!" I can smile benevolently and say: "You have no idea, mate."
...why yes, I AM the worst pharmacist in the world. Knowing that is the only thing that gets me through the day. [is now going back to teh eval MAXIS]
angelicreation wrote:
Razara wrote:
"You're the only one who understands me, Bricky."
SECONDS hahahahahahaha