This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Im just gonna throw this into here, im actually finishing up unlocking all of the games in my WarioWare "Smooth Moves"
its too too too awesome!
Last edited by KissingT.Kiryuu (02-21-2007 06:53:40 PM)
Teapot wrote:
Bart is my favorite character
(Seems like there are other fans of Xenoxenoxeno here, too! Hurrah!)
Oh god, it's too hard to pick one! I guess I liked Billy a lot for some strange reason the first time around. I love the gunslingers *bam*! Renmazuo's gear design bothers me though since it somewhat resembles a mosquito.
Persephone wrote:
Legend of Zelda OOT
By playing OOT do you mean actually "playing through" or searching for an item that by all means more then likely does not exist? Using any means neccessary (Gamesharks, Rom Hacks, Beta Material that sort of thing?)
As per Frosty's request, I will cast Ressurection upon this thread to goob about Final Fantasy XII.
Okay, Frosty, half my characters are 53 and the other half are 54. The Hell Wyrm was level 60 with a gajillion HP. Seriously, the health bar was scary looking because it was skinny and had all these dots underneath it. I discovered that ONE DOT was one whole bar of health. Damn did that battle suck. It takes a long time to figure its pattern out and what works to keep your people alive and then it really sucks when he changes his gambits when you've got him down to about a quarter of his health and then he smacks the shit out of you a whole lot faster (yet unhasted) with Rake which does way too much damage for my tastes when he combos it into three hits. The easiest part of the fight is when he's constantly using Invert because he refills up your magic for you allowing you to actually use Holy on him. Assuming you've found and bought it before playing with the HUMONGOUS dragon.
Frosty, you've managed to not do story and have Vaan to level 40? Damn. I don't have anywhere near that patience to level one character that far. I really enjoy the story and I'm at the end of the game. All I have left to do story wise is go to Bahamut. I really enjoy this story. Having played many Final Fantasies, 12 is my favorite by far of the games. You really don't need to be anything more than level 50 to beat the story (though the end may be a little hard if you are only 50), but there's so much you can do if you want to keep leveling up.
My only warning to you, Frosty, is that when you finally do go on with the story, it will bw a long time until you have access to purchase the good spells. Spells only become available in certain cities and then they change to more powerful ones aqvailable depending on where you are in the storyline. I still have to go buy Scathe (which is in a secret merchant in the Necrohol). I'm also deciding if I want to get the last two espers - Ultima and Zodiarc. I don't need them and I'd have to level up to 60 before having a chance, and I have no desire to go through Giruvegan anymore than required (I HATE Giruvegan), but I may eventually. I think I may beat the story, saving on a different slot and then go back and do the other stuff.
We got sick of FFXII and have stopped playing it for a while. Then we were playing Okami, and I'm not certain why we decided to stop (possibly overload from all the stupidstupid race games with Toby). In desperation, we looked back at games we never finished, mostly because we just petered out on playing them, not for any egregious reason (like, say, the final dungeon of Persona 2).
So now we're playing Wild Arms 2 again. I'm really enjoying it, because the battles are pretty easy and I get to move the story forward pretty much at my whim. And it's chock-full of story.
Currently playing Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney! I LOVE IT!!
I am a survival-horror junkie.
Kanashimi wrote:
There's also Kuon & The Suffering (a bit more action intense) if you're interested in horror games. Also Silent Hill and Resisdant Evil. Also, another unknown game is Siren which has a second game coming out soon from what I know.
[Apologies for replying to stale post]
Siren (Forbidden Siren in the UK) is a game I highly recommend, IF you like stealth games and you have the patience of a perfectionist. It is very hard, very scary and incredibly original. You get to play a diverse range of characters who are trapped in a small Japanese village in which red rain has turned the inhabitants into zombies ("shibito"). You can hurt these creatures but they never die. You can also LOOK THROUGH THEIR EYES which is really creepy because you also hear their weird muttering. Most of the characters are quite weak, which makes for some extremely tense moments sneaking around in the dark to get past these awful things. It's really confusing for the first 10 hours or so, but after that the plot is mindblowing.
To anyone who has completed Clocktower 3 : does the clocktower staircase (the one that you climb before the final boss battle) remind you of anything ? I am pretty sure the designers must have watched Utena at some point. I'd post a screen shot but I don't have a convenient saved game.
I actually had a very hard time with Siren. I think I only played for like 3 hours? I just was like THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE D:< I'll have to give it another try. Someday . . .
Teapot wrote:
Ohhhh, right now, I'm playing Xenogears. It's been aaaages since I last did, too...
Bart is my favorite character
(Seems like there are other fans of Xenoxenoxeno here, too! Hurrah!)
Yes...that game is insanely cool.
It goes all trans-generation/resurrection/metaphyiscal/philosophical/psychological on you in two discs..clearly a successor to the mind-fuck that Final Fantasy VII put on some people.
I beat FFXII today. So much love for this game.
angelicreation wrote:
My only warning to you, Frosty, is that when you finally do go on with the story, it will bw a long time until you have access to purchase the good spells.
Ooooooooooh, angelicreation, you beat the game?!? CONGRATS!!! That's awesome!
So, I just have to wait for the powerful magic spells then. Might keep the magicians out of the front lines, for now! I am looking now for the city to buy the thief cuffs, or gold cuffs, whatever they are, which give out double the SP, and EXP when equipped! However, they are expensive and I've spent all of my cash on spells, tactics I haven't even learned, and such. Oh well.
I played the game through, until I was in the Ozmodia Plains (sp?) and several of my characters were DYING left and right. I couldn't take it. So I shut it off, and went to, printed out the Power leveling guide, and used it to build to level 40. I did that, by using Vann solo, opening 3 of his Mist abilities, and killing those two werewolves over and over and over again...for about 1600 exp, per hit. I think it's taken me a combined total of about 10 hours...
But, the paradox of power leveling is that now I know where the story is going, and it's hard to force myself to do all of the side-quests, like the hunts and running around opening the stores, and gaining every single item, buying all the spells, like I love to do, because I'm overpowered, can blow past anything right now, and kinda bored without New Story Elements...which will not open up until I get myself to the point I stopped at, which was meeting the Chief at the Ozmodia Plains. I'd say 1/4 into the game, correct?
I'd really love to fight a hard boss battle right about now! But that wish will be solved by running through that ridiculously hard cave (where you have no chance to survive unless you cast all the protection spells and avoid every battle) to grab the Dragon Lance or Spear or whatever-it-is (I haven't checked the guide in a while) which is the most powerful weapon in the game.
Also, everybody loves Haunting Ground so much... I JUST found the dog about an hour ago, and I can't get past the 2nd time the big Demented guy chases you around. I just run her around in a semi-circle until she eventually faints and the man eats her up or whatever he does, shakes her to death like a little dolly! And I have MET the girl, that KTK likes so much, Dementia, I knew something was suspicious about her because the dog growls whenever you pass by her, but so far, she's been really nice to me. I mean, she gave me some really tight-fitting sultry clothes to wear, so I could get out of that silky sheet I was wrapped in whenever I started the game! Ahahaha!
I'll keep playing, but I really don't like being chased around. I can't find hiding places WHILE I am being chased, only after... no time to search the areas. If you try to search, and a monster is chasing you, it will not let you look, but reads "I have no time for this, gotta get outta here." So you have to run, about 2 screens ahead of the monster to actually let the game let you hop into the hiding spots...but you can't even tell if they are hiding spots or not, unless you are far enough ahead of the monster to check. I guess I'm just not fast enough. Too many slow-paced RPGs.
Frosty, RE: Haunting Ground : I also found the constant running and hiding to be annoying. My advice : save often while you are exploring, and then if you are found by Debilitas just restart. You can also try getting Hewie to attack him to buy you some time to find a hiding spot. There are really not many good spots, the best one is under the bed in your room.
Once you have finished the game you unlock some sweet extras, including a leather outfit complete with functional whip, which replaces the pathetic "kick" control.
I've been playing one of Kealdrea's visual novels called Hourglass of Summer. The main character is called Kotaro, but I call him Shiori's Boyfriend, because they have the same voice actor. I was trying to get the scenario of a girl named Tomo-chan, but apparently I did something wrong, because I've gone far enough into the game that I should have gotten it by now. I ignored everyone else, so I'll probably either have to start over, or get a bad end. I heard a girl scream, but I ignored her anyway. Aren't I nice?
I was trying to get Tomo-chan, who is Shiori's Boyfriend's science teacher. No, I don't know why the hell he calls his teacher Tomo-chan. The fact that you can date her at all bothers me a bit. I'm like, "He's your student! Don't hit on him!" She's really cool, though. At least he's not his little sister. D:
I'm also playing a video game called Phantasy Star Online, as I mentioned in another thread. I'm level 50 at the moment. The last boss in that game was very annoying. It had three forms, and on the last form, it was almost impossible to hit it, and it was invincible more than half the time. It casted the most powerful dark magic attack in the game, which is unavoidable, as well as another than kills you instantly if it hits you. On top of all that, it creates a copy of you character's soul in its mouth, so if you hurt it, you kill yourself.
I started to play Poke'mon: Pearl version. I hate all of the starter Poke'mon, but I named my fire monkey Chu-Chu.
Razara wrote:
I've been playing one of Kealdrea's visual novels called Hourglass of Summer.
I've always wondered how those are, and Hourglass of Summer is the one that I probably hear the most about. I take it it's like a choose your own adventure type thing? How do you think it would be for replay value? I've tossed around the idea of getting one of these DVD games but I'd want it to be worth my time and money if I did.
If Kealdrea were here right now, she would probably say, "Support Hirameki!" (The company that licenses visual novels.)
From what I've seen from watching Kealdrea play, and from what I've played myself, I would defiantly recommend buying them. Personally, I enjoyed Hourglass of Summer, and I think that Kealdrea's favorite is Ever 17. (I don't know if I'm spelling that right.) However, don't buy Amusement Park, or you'll never consider buying another visual novel ever again.
Even after you finish the game, it still isn't over. If you go back and choose different answers, you get an entirely different ending.
I'll take that as a recommendation. If I can find one of the ones you mentioned at a good price, I may give it a shot.
I've never ever played Massive (or is it Massively) Multiplayer Online RPG - but, I have been playing Elder Scrolls: Oblivion! WOW!!!
I love this game. In the beginning you get to play with making the face of the character. The controls look about as complex as one of those FBI machines that let you age a missing child. Very complex controls. The character I ended up with looks like a very wicked cross between the Inorganic Angel Rosiel from Angel Sanctuary, and our beloved Dios!
Since this game was rated Players Choice 2 years in a row, I wonder if anyone else has picked up this little gem?
Sorry to all lovers of Haunting Ground, but that game has been put on permanent hiatus until I beat the new RPG from Natsume, Chulip. It's a game that' should I very Japanese. You play a young boy who looks disturbingly like a monkey, and to kiss the girl of your dreams who I named Dove, you must first kiss Every Single NPC in the game. Yes, you heard correctly. And no, it's not some lame porno " Leisure Suit Larry" or "Hooters Racing" (yes they did) or "Playboy Mansion" (which I hear is more strategy?) but a harmless little RPG where your quests consist of doing the right objectives to put the characters in the MOOD to kiss them...and after you have kissed every single person in the game, you get to take the girl of your dreams to the Lover's Tree and kiss her.
Will she accept or will I be smacked in the face? Only time will tell, though, I seriously doubt the semantics of a game where to kiss the one you really want, you have to kiss everyone else. It's so silly, that it's actually quite fun. Kissing old men, old women, animal-esque people, strange aliens, and just about every Japanese stereotype character there is, you're locking lips. Definitely a fun game! Not sure about replay value though, as I haven't beaten it. Like I said, when I'm not working, I'm WORKING on Elder Scrolls: Oblivion!
I finally finished Okami. Man, that game was fun.
Next on the list: Finish Suikoden V!
Frosty wrote:
I've never ever played Massive (or is it Massively) Multiplayer Online RPG - but, I have been playing Elder Scrolls: Oblivion! WOW!!!
I love this game. In the beginning you get to play with making the face of the character. The controls look about as complex as one of those FBI machines that let you age a missing child. Very complex controls. The character I ended up with looks like a very wicked cross between the Inorganic Angel Rosiel from Angel Sanctuary, and our beloved Dios!![]()
Since this game was rated Players Choice 2 years in a row, I wonder if anyone else has picked up this little gem?
Hell, yes. Actually, a friend got me this for Christmas last year, and I've just now managed to get my hands on a video card that can play it the way it was meant to be played. I enjoyed the last one, Morrowind, immensely, and I'm really excited about this one. Are you playing on the PC or a console? If it's the PC, you're in for a treat. Check out
This game is extremely customizable. Pretty much everything about it can be manipulated and recreated by players in their own homes. You wouldn't believe the stuff they come up with.
Also, in another thread, Gio mentioned Final Fantasy Tactics, which is one of the coolest games ever! So I thought I'd mention it.
I'm playing my GTA Liberty City...
well not exactly playing as I am just picking up all the hookers I can, screwing them...and surprisingly letting them live least until I get out of the car and chase them down.
Haha, Debie Mazar as Maria is funny as hell..
I got a Wii. I originally tried it out on my friend's Wii, and since my attempt to make myself ended up looking like Kanae, I decided to make Kanae, instead. She looks like Evil Kanae, though. Kealdrea says Kanae looks like it's going to molest her Mii.
Another friend of mine likes Touga now, (they always do,) and so she made a Touga Mii. Kanae (me) beat Touga (her) at tennis and bowling pretty badly, but Touga beat Kanae at baseball, golf, and boxing. Boxing was very amusing to watch, especially because we were speaking for the characters.
Kanae: "How dare you sleep with my fiance?!" *Continues boxing Touga*
Touga: "Oh, yeah? Well maybe your fiance would rather sleep with me than you!" *Knocks Kanae out*
Poor Kanae...
I've also been playing Zelda for the Wii, which I think I should have just finished on GameCube. I went from being an expert shooter to sucking at it. Also, I was playing Zelda: Wind Waker. I'm trying to take all of the pictures in the Nintendo Gallery.
Emiemipoemi wrote: … ection.gif
Currently playing Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney! I LOVE IT!!
I'll resist the urge to go all OMG WTF FANGURL LOL about this series. But I love it, too. I just started the last case of PWAA: Justice for All, and Capcom has announced plans to bring over the next game in the series. Yey!
I also picked up Final Fantasy XII again for the first time in forever. Stupid Henne Mines with its stupid Jelly ambush and stupid flying leech-bat things. I couldn't even get to the Map Urn on my first try (all party members at level 20). Grumble grumble. So I decided to wander aimlessly and do some levelling-up. I'll give it another go when everyone's at level 22. Bless Larsa and his bottomless supply of Hi-Potions; couldn't do it without him. (Yes, this is an unabashed cry for help and/or advice!)
Y'all have such awesome taste! I'm playing through FFXII for the first time myself; I'm almost finished. What's been so cool, reading through this thread, is seeing that everyone else has had the same issues I had -- chief among them being, this is a very hard game compared to other FF installments. I don't think you need to power-level to beat it by any means, but you do have to use strategy; the Gambit system is helpful, and the sooner you can get two or three Quickenings, the better. (Quickenings aren't great by themselves, but the doubled/tripled magic bar is sure nice!)
Xenosaga rocks too.
mercurynin wrote:
I also picked up Final Fantasy XII again for the first time in forever. Stupid Henne Mines with its stupid Jelly ambush and stupid flying leech-bat things. I couldn't even get to the Map Urn on my first try (all party members at level 20). Grumble grumble. So I decided to wander aimlessly and do some levelling-up. I'll give it another go when everyone's at level 22. Bless Larsa and his bottomless supply of Hi-Potions; couldn't do it without him. (Yes, this is an unabashed cry for help and/or advice!)
Those Jellies KO'd two of my party members before I figured out how to deal with them. The solution is deceptively simple. Ready? I'm going to spoil...
... Hit the switch and run for your silly life! The exit to the area is right next to you, after all, and they can't follow you across area transitions. You can always come back later to take your revenge. (Then again, when I came back later, guess what fell on me instead when I hit the switch? A rare mob. Fortunately, I was armed to the teeth at that point, but it did give me a scare!) Also, if you haven't played with gambits yet, it's worth it; healing gambits make it so that you don't have to react so fast when those fricking bats decide to suck your blood.
I must have the musical score to Final Fantasy XII. I love the music they use for the Ozmone Plains (I think that's the name of it). Anyways, it's great music, just like Final Fantasy VIII, and VII.