This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I was just wondering if anyone else has seen Dragon Ball Z abridged by Team Four Star. I would recommend it because it is hilarious. I hadn't seen DBZ since I was a kid watching it on the Toonami block, and this show is definitely a good way to bring back the old childhood nostalgia with much more hilarity and much as less filler. (Seriously DBZ had so much filler. No wonder they made Dragon Ball Kai. Which by the way is pretty good and you can actually watched subbed versions of it on the internet.)
I'd recommend this to anyone who likes DBZ and to anyone who didn't like that show because they do make fun of a lot of the sillier aspects of it. You can watch it here:
Some of the episodes might have been removed from the youtube page, but they'll be on their website. Feel free to discuss other abridged series on this thread too!
I love DBZ Abridged! I have episodes 1-17 saved on my comp here. They're hilariously awesome.
Yes yes yes! I think that DBZ is the funniest abridged series out there. Episode eighteen is my favorite~ I watch it almost everyday.
iatemylavalamp wrote:
Yes yes yes! I think that DBZ is the funniest abridged series out there. Episode eighteen is my favorite~ I watch it almost everyday.
Episode 18 has so many quotes, I thought I was the only one who watched it every day. I AM AN ADULT
OMG, I'm so happy that other people love this series. I attempted to get my brother to watch it, but he didn't really pay a lot of attention. I think he was on drugs or something. I'll attempt it again when he seems more sober.
I also watch episode 18 a lot too. It is so awesome, not only because of the whole "I need an adult" running gag but because of Vegeta's epic scream of rage that can be heard 20 years in the future in the parallel time-line by his teenage son.
I also really like the Ginyu force. And I'm looking forward to how TFS handles Goku's hallucination/dream sequence where naked!Vegeta comes back to haunt him and tells him to avenge his death at the hands of Freeza. Yes, that seriously is what happens.
Did you also see the Bardock Special and Christmas Tree of Might Special. If you haven't, then your mom's an army!
Oh, DBZ Abridged! I love that parody so much. Nappa's my favorite character.
Vegeta: "What?"
Nappa:"....I can fly."
Vegeta: "Ergh... Nnngh... Yes Nappa. Yes you can."
Classic stuff.
I may come here and randomly quote the series now:
Gohan: I'm now as strong as you were back on Earth!
Vegeta: Well congratulations! You're still weaker than the last 3 guys i've killed...
Gohan:...I now know what it feels like to be Krillin.
Krillin: Sucks, doesn't it?
Last edited by Epee_724 (01-02-2011 07:19:11 PM)
The Abridged series are amazing. XP I've seen a few episodes of the DBZ one, the Yugi-Oh one and I'm loving the pants off the Sailor Moon abridged series right now. I'll check out more of DBZ Abridged for sure.
Oh yes, love it. The first episodes were a bit weaker than the rest, but by the second season it feels like a polished parody. so much better than LittleKuribo, who I think relies too heavily on making references and whose latest works has left me feeling bored.
Who wouldn't love Vegeta?
Mel Brooks once advised that you have to love what you're mocking. Thus, what I really about this abridged series is that you can tell that the creators have a lot of appreciation for the show, for all of its many numerous flaws. You can watch it if you loathe the original, but you can especially enjoy it if you're one of those former fanatics that find nostalgic visitations extremely guiltily pleasurable. Not to mention the voice acting is DEAD on and it's all very well edited. I especially love continuing joke of Mr. Popo being the most evil terrifying creature in the multiverse, but simply not giving enough of a damn to go kill everyone. Fucking genie freaked the shit out of me as a kid.
Katzenklavier wrote:
Not to mention the voice acting is DEAD on and it's all very well edited.
That's what amazes me the most. Vegeta, Nappa, Chiaotzu, and Piccolo's voices are wonderful. DBZ will always be special because it was my gateway anime, and this parody has made me rediscover my love for it.
Katzenklavier wrote:
I especially love continuing joke of Mr. Popo being the most evil terrifying creature in the multiverse.
Kami: Mr. Popo?
Popo: Yes?
Kami: Where are they? (Speaking of Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chou Tzu)
Popo: I'll tell you where they're not...SAFE. *maniacal laughter*
So, anyone see episode 30 yet? (spoiler warning)
I liked Tien pointing out that death was meaningless due to the magic dragon and that they should all just stop angsting whenever one of them dies. And I especially liked that Chiaotzu will apparently get a free ice sundae the third time that he dies and comes back.
I watched this recently, and it's hilarious. I haven't actually watched the anime though (save for a few scenes), just read the manga.
And yes, death was ridiculously cheap in this series.
My goodness is this series great. What they have done to Nappa and Popo is genius. There are a couple other abridged series that are good too.
The fact that they've been so consistent is what is the best for me.
By consistent, do you mean the writing style? Because if so I have to agree. I like Yu-Gi-Oh! abridged a lot, but every episode it feels like he's trying to do a parody of Yu-Gi-Oh! plus some other random thing. With DBZ abridged, they do have a few shout-outs to other franchises, but the whole show is consistently a DBZ parody.
Death is definitely cheap. In the first series, the Dragon Ball series (The one where Bulma discovers the dragon balls and then she and Goku go on lots of cool adventures) it takes time for death to become as cheap as it is in DBZ. It's been a while since I watched it, but it takes a while for Krillin to get killed off and even then I think Goku has to do stuff other than collect the dragon balls to bring him back. (I forgot what it was.)
CausalityStar wrote:
By consistent, do you mean the writing style? Because if so I have to agree. I like Yu-Gi-Oh! abridged a lot, but every episode it feels like he's trying to do a parody of Yu-Gi-Oh! plus some other random thing. With DBZ abridged, they do have a few shout-outs to other franchises, but the whole show is consistently a DBZ parody.
Death is definitely cheap. In the first series, the Dragon Ball series (The one where Bulma discovers the dragon balls and then she and Goku go on lots of cool adventures) it takes time for death to become as cheap as it is in DBZ. It's been a while since I watched it, but it takes a while for Krillin to get killed off and even then I think Goku has to do stuff other than collect the dragon balls to bring him back. (I forgot what it was.)
I meant the writing style and how well they keep up with posting. It's such a long series, I wonder how far they'll get to. The Buu saga has quite a lot to parody.
I love how they brought up the pattern of waiting for everyone to die/heavily injured until Goku finally shows up. Also points for Jice (Space Australia).
DBZ Abridged is amazing. I think part of the reason that YugiOh Abridged seems to run off the rails is that if it didn't, he's have to start recapping the seasons with no Yugi or any of the other characters we like. It seems like a way of keeping the series in stasis so we won't have to get to the playing-children's-card-games-on-motorcycles season.
My and my boyfriend say this literally every time we discuss Pokemon:
NAPPA: Look Vegeta, it's a Pokemon!
Chaotzu: I'm Choatzu
NAPPA: *gasp* It's a CHAOTZU....
My boyfriend also says, "Pecking Order" in that weird Popo voice ALL THE TIME. I don't know about you guys, but I'm actually enjoying Goku more as a character after watching DBZ Abridged. Also, their voices are being replaced in my brain with the Abridged version voices, even if there's less of a difference than other shows.
Someone else said it too, but if you haven't checked out Sailor Moon Abridged then WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE. It's clearly made by girls who loved this ridiculous, ridiculous show. Also, Abridged!Sailor Mars. That is all.
CausalityStar wrote:
Death is definitely cheap. In the first series, the Dragon Ball series (The one where Bulma discovers the dragon balls and then she and Goku go on lots of cool adventures) it takes time for death to become as cheap as it is in DBZ. It's been a while since I watched it, but it takes a while for Krillin to get killed off and even then I think Goku has to do stuff other than collect the dragon balls to bring him back. (I forgot what it was.)
Yeah, and if I remember correctly, the younger Goku was less averse to killing. I don't remember what else Goku had to do to bring Krillin back, though.
And I'm not gonna lie, abridged!Goku is kind of endearing. I definitely imagine him with his abridged voice too.
I adore DBZ Abridged, and a lot of abridged series. Quick List:
DBZ Abridged by Teamfourstar: As stated, is hilarious and well edited and voiced, and made my people who care. The editing really is phenomenal by the way. Man they make Kaiserneko work.
Yu-gi-Oh Abridged by LittleKuriboh: The original, and I adore it, running gags, self-referential humor and all. Plus Lady Gaga songs.
Naruto the Fan Parody Comedy Spoof Show (or whatever he is calling it idk) by LittleKuriboh: This one is a parody of the already existing Naruto Abridged series which I never myself cared for. Really, it's just him making a parody where he intentionally goes for the most obvious, obnoxious and stupid jokes he possibly can and I love every second of it.
Code MENT (parody of Code Geass) by purpleeyeswtf: Timing. This series has it. Also he throws in random little techno AMVs and there ain't nothing wrong with that.
Pokemon Abriged (By 1kidsentertainment, specifically): No references in this one. It just lets itself be weird and has hilarious voice work. This is the abridged series I show to friends who aren't all that into anime or Abridged Series, because the humor in it works regardless because it isn't based off nerdy references.
ALL of HBi2K's completed abridged series, such as Escalflowne and Berserk: Seriously, this guy is so underrated. He completes the series he sets out to do, and beautifully. He manages to keep the plot of the show very well intact as he does so, and derives quality humor from that so it is definitely more of a true "abridged" series than it is a parody.
Yu-Yu Hakusho Abridged by Lanipator: This is the guy that voices Piccolo and Vegeta in DBZ abridged, and his voice acting is even better here. He is an absolute dead ringer for Yusuke and Kuwabara in this, it's kinda scary. He has let it fall to the wayside a bit, but his later episodes are pure quality and his abridged movie even has the actual VA for Hiei guest star!
Sailor Moon Abridged by Megami and Co: As said, hilarious and made by people who not only gel well together, but love the show. My one complaint is that I wish they had better mics and sound quality, as some jokes are difficult to hear.
Metabridged by someone who I can't remember: It was only one episode, but it is what it says on the tin -it that parodies the abridging process, following the Metabot characters like they are actors and screenwriters and directors trying to make a quality parody of the show itself.
Also, just gonna put this here, but ALL of these series contain a lot of triggers and offensive humor. Rape jokes, violent humor, hipster sexism/racism/transphobia and all that. Just be careful, because for the most part none of these series rely solely on that for humor.
CausalityStar wrote:
So, anyone see episode 30 yet? (spoiler warning)
I liked Tien pointing out that death was meaningless due to the magic dragon and that they should all just stop angsting whenever one of them dies. And I especially liked that Chiaotzu will apparently get a free ice sundae the third time that he dies and comes back.
Then God knows how many Krillin will get.
What I liked was that they shortened Frieza and Goku's fight and SPOILER ALERT Producer!NappaSPOILER ALERT.
Also on the genius Abridged series list is Lanipator's (Napa) Hellsing Abridged, it takes the dark humor already present and turns it all the way up.
You mean Takahata101?
And yes, it is very dark, violent and super triggery, but I would expect no less from a Hellsing Abridged series. But maybe I'm partial because it references Adventure Time.
Ha, came back to make all of those exact amendments. Thank you.