This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Because the bad guys need love too. Who in your opinon, is the best of all time? For me it's Cell. The guy has incredible power, savviness, and scary heartlessness.
Incognito from Hellsing. Talk about heartless, this guy wrote the book.
Father Anderson form Hellsing. Seriously, that guy needs to be locked somewhere...
Anime villains. Hmm.
This is really obscure, but Papachariino Nanadan from the series Photon. Not only is he one of the best examples of a bumbling, incompetent villain with bumbling, incompetent minions that he beats on a regular basis, but he's a fiendishly good setup for when the REAL villain, the galactic emperor, appears in the last episode and is genuinely, truly creepy.
Also very obscure, but Silky from Tenshi ni Narumon. During the first half of the series, it appears as if she's the slave, or toy of the apparent villain, Dispell, but at the halfway point as Dispell ails over having failed to achieve his objective, Silky declares she's bored and turns Dispell into a doll, and proceeds to be the real baddie, and a batshit crazy one too.
Okay, fine. Something more mainstream. Jinnai from El Hazard, just because he's hilarious.
captian hook and jafar. disneyvillians.
Whoopsadillio. Ah come on. No love for Lecter and such? Anime villains. Well, obviously there's Akio. But waaay above him on my list is Kazutaka Muraki. Muraki is one of my single most defining villains and I was frankly rooting for him throughout the entirety of Yami no Matsuei.
Light Yagami (Death Note) to me is one of the worse types of villains; the type that believe they are the real good guys. This means that their own conscience is on their side and those are the type of people for whom the phrase "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." was created for.
Freeza - DBZ. C'mon, he's in the gallery of the most evil tyrants of the Universe. Actually, all of them from the family are wicked villains. Freeza, Cooler, King Cold... I wonder what Freeza's mom's name is... "Glacia"?
Mock Puppet wrote:
Light Yagami (Death Note) to me is one of the worse types of villains; the type that believe they are the real good guys. This means that their own conscience is on their side and those are the type of people for whom the phrase "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." was created for.
Well, he's so intolerable, and it's what made Death Note unwatchable to me. I want a protagonist I'm meant to be rooting for when I watch something. Not to mention there are so many the fans of the show that think Light is actually meant to be the hero and want a Death Note of their very own to exact their petty pre-teen sense of justice on the world with. Kind of makes a series hard to approach.
Baka Kakumei Reanna wrote:
Mock Puppet wrote:
Light Yagami(Death Note)
It's what made Death Note unwatchable to me.
Makes sense if Knight Templar type characters tend to piss you off, especially if they are the star of the show.
Hellmaster from Slayers. I love that he's a kid, it adds to his cruelty.
Dilandau for the seriously psychologically messed up...
Tamago wrote:
Baka Kakumei Reanna wrote:
Mock Puppet wrote:
Light Yagami(Death Note)
It's what made Death Note unwatchable to me.
Makes sense if Knight Templar type characters tend to piss you off, especially if they are the star of the show.
Mmm, TV Tropes. Everytime I go there I spend at least two hours there. Good job. D:
@Baka Kakumei Reanna
Yes TvTropes has that effect doesn't it?
Tamago wrote:
@Baka Kakumei Reanna
Yes TvTropes has that effect doesn't it?
Agh stop it!
Also: Fallout 3 applies to this in a way that's really not fair. But now I've hijacked the thread, so...
Baka Kakumei Reanna wrote:
Well, he's so intolerable, and it's what made Death Note unwatchable to me. I want a protagonist I'm meant to be rooting for when I watch something. Not to mention there are so many the fans of the show that think Light is actually meant to be the hero and want a Death Note of their very own to exact their petty pre-teen sense of justice on the world with. Kind of makes a series hard to approach.
I watched it for the pleasure of eventually seeing his teeth metaphorically kicked in, and that smirk wiped off his face. At first it was fun to see his awesomely cunning schemes, and then it was fun to see him fail utterly.
Well, odd enough that Akio hasn't yet been mentioned - you people take him for granted, or something?
I find him especially impressive in that he manages to be almost completely nonviolent, and extremely rarely doing anything even resembling intimidation, yet he still manages to be a powerful, impressive villain-character. Plus that he can wear an apron and bake a cake, and still not lose his cool.
Hmm...What else...Yoshi from Texhnolyze is pretty damn impressive too. A pudgy, friendly middle-aged exterior hiding a lifetime worth of pent frustration and hatred at the world he couldn't change, all boiling down to pure insanity as soon as he sees a glimpse of a society that he likes.
Oh, and Kazunoto Gôda from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig. Another magnificent bastard who completely lacking a personal ideology beyond the desire to show his abilities manages to approach the society from a scientifically impassive view, and tinker with it like an engineer with a complex machine, changing its course for an outcome that proves his point, simply because he can. A true meme programmer like I've never seen in any other work of fiction.
Baka Kakumei Reanna wrote:
Mmm, TV Tropes. Everytime I go there I spend at least two hours there. Good job. D:
...excuse the typo, I didn't make it. Still true, though. As for Death Note, what I always find really interesting about the show is that I liked neither L nor Light; I can see their opposing viewpoints quite easily but they're both too extreme for me to support either one of them. The show is like watching a train wreck. But I seem to enjoy watching train wrecks.
Lightice wrote:
Well, odd enough that Akio hasn't yet been mentioned - you people take him for granted, or something?
I find him especially impressive in that he manages to be almost completely nonviolent, and extremely rarely doing anything even resembling intimidation, yet he still manages to be a powerful, impressive villain-character. Plus that he can wear an apron and bake a cake, and still not lose his cool.
Maybe we can just have a "Who's Your Favorite Utena Villain" thread in the Utena forum. That way we can all say "Akio" and have collective orgasms.
Baka Kakumei Reanna wrote:
Lightice wrote:
Well, odd enough that Akio hasn't yet been mentioned - you people take him for granted, or something?
I find him especially impressive in that he manages to be almost completely nonviolent, and extremely rarely doing anything even resembling intimidation, yet he still manages to be a powerful, impressive villain-character. Plus that he can wear an apron and bake a cake, and still not lose his cool.Maybe we can just have a "Who's Your Favorite Utena Villain" thread in the Utena forum. That way we can all say "Akio" and have collective orgasms.
I think I'd rather say someone else, but unfortunately, I can't think of any other Utena villains.
The_A_Man wrote:
Baka Kakumei Reanna wrote:
Lightice wrote:
Well, odd enough that Akio hasn't yet been mentioned - you people take him for granted, or something?
I find him especially impressive in that he manages to be almost completely nonviolent, and extremely rarely doing anything even resembling intimidation, yet he still manages to be a powerful, impressive villain-character. Plus that he can wear an apron and bake a cake, and still not lose his cool.Maybe we can just have a "Who's Your Favorite Utena Villain" thread in the Utena forum. That way we can all say "Akio" and have collective orgasms.
I think I'd rather say someone else, but unfortunately, I can't think of any other Utena villains.
Just as planned...
Baka Kakumei Reanna wrote:
The_A_Man wrote:
Baka Kakumei Reanna wrote:
Maybe we can just have a "Who's Your Favorite Utena Villain" thread in the Utena forum. That way we can all say "Akio" and have collective orgasms.
I think I'd rather say someone else, but unfortunately, I can't think of any other Utena villains.
Just as planned...
Touga's sort of a villain.... Saionji is too.....both of them in season one. Sort of.
Oh and there's Anthy, as well. Sort of. Maybe Akio's the only real definite villain?
Last edited by hollow_rose (03-10-2009 06:53:25 PM)
hollow_rose wrote:
Touga's sort of a villain.... Saionji is too.....both of them in season one. Sort of.
How about Mikage?