This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Lets see here...
Durh.... >____< BAH!
I don't know...
*kicks brain*
^3^ yay...
hyacinth_black wrote:
Okay, but I'll have to make a sim of you first. I'll try to have it done by either tonight or tomorrow.
If anyone else would like a sim of themself, I'd be willing to make three more.
Razara wrote:
hyacinth_black wrote:
NANAMI RULES!!! BWHAHAAAA!!!!!!Okay, but I'll have to make a sim of you first. I'll try to have it done by either tonight or tomorrow.
If anyone else would like a sim of themself, I'd be willing to make three more.
w00t!! THANK YOU!!! *hugs for you*
I want to make bubbles with Mikage and Ruka >_<
Razara wrote:
If anyone else would like a sim of themself, I'd be willing to make three more.
Tempting... Would you promise not to crush me with a satellite, even if I was mistakenly mean to Shiori?
::dies laughing:: Razara, you are the best ever.
I'm gonna go buy Sims now, before I even finish setting up my computer. You are love, m'dear.
I want my Sim to go play with Ruka.
Ragnarok wrote:
Tempting... Would you promise not to crush me with a satellite, even if I was mistakenly mean to Shiori?
I promise nothing.
... Only joking. I promise not to crush any of you with satellites, no matter who you upset. Shattered made Gio cry, and I didn't kill him.
morosemocha wrote:
I want my Sim to go play with Ruka.
Board games, or a different kind of "play?"
Hmmm....I'm liken' that hot tub thing...
::Just noticed Akio is totally mackin' Gio's thigh::
I feel so voyueristic...yum!
Shattered made Gio cry?! Not with delight I take it?
Poor baby...
Last edited by morosemocha (12-26-2006 05:05:42 PM)
morosemocha wrote:
Hmmm....I'm liken' that hot tub thing...
::Just noticed Akio is totally mackin' Gio's thigh::![]()
I feel so voyueristic...yum!
Okay, RukaxMorosemocha it is then. :3 I should probably mention that some other good spots for making out are on a couch or bed. The windows on the car fog up too much to see what they're doing inside of it, unfortunately.
morosemocha wrote:
Shattered made Gio cry?!
Not with delight I take it?
Poor baby...
He laughed at her because of it... But it wasn't his fault. He was a newly created sim, and so didn't know any better.
Last edited by Razara (12-26-2006 05:23:06 PM)
Razara wrote:
AkioxGiovanna FTW!
I am confused by the whole bikini thing, there. As if I'd bother with coverings of any kind with Akio around.
Razara wrote:
Touga walked into the room and got into the hottub with them while they were having sex.
...and didn't join?
...didn't even tease a stray ankle?
...then again sometimes it's just fun to watch.
Razara wrote:
Shattered made Gio cry, and I didn't kill him.
He's just jealous because I was totally sexing it up with Akio. Who can, in fact, mack on my thigh whenever he wants. Ohhh yeah...
Sim Giovanna totally wins. I will live vicariously through her since I have no hot tub and certainly no naughty naughty Akio lifting my leg up while he leans in.
By the way, what specs do you have on your computer? I really wanna play this damned game but my computer was new and awesome about a century ago.
Touga is MINE! *bears fangs*
Maxis has the information on system requirements for Sims 2 at their site:
Look on the right side.
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
Touga is MINE! *bears fangs*
Aw come on, dear. Can't we share? Isn't there enough Sim Touga for all of us?
Can...can I at least make him a sim sammich?
Judging by those specs, I could get it to run but it'd run like crap on account of my video card. My other specs are fine. I really need a new card anyway dammit.
I have a pretty good computer, but The Sims 2 still lags horribly. That's just because I keep all of my graphic options on their highest level. I've spent countless hours designing these sims, so I'm willing to wait a few extra minutes for everything to load, just as long as everything looks pretty. The number of pictures I take is also a problem. I can't even go inside of Anthy and Utena's house anymore because I've taken over 1,000 pictures.
Just keep all of the graphic options on low, and it should be alright. However, you might not be able to watch the scenes it shows the first time two sims have sex together... I tried to videotape you and Akio, put I pressed the wrong button.
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
Touga is MINE! *bears fangs*
Touga wouldn't be Touga if he didn't have a little on the side... But you'll be the special one in his heart. :3 Just don't slap Gio for making him a grilled cheese sandwich.
Giovanna wrote:
I am confused by the whole bikini thing, there. As if I'd bother with coverings of any kind with Akio around.
I'm going to have to find a mod that removes the censors before I can take any pictures of sims without clothes on. Does Sim nudity have to be in IFD? It doesn't show anything.
Apparently Jack Thompson tried to ban The Sims 2 because he heard that there was a way to remove censors. When he found out that the nudity wasn't explicit, he didn't even apologize to Maxis for it. Bastard.
I'll try not to...shut off my free will! lol
You dont have other hair mods on your sims?? you just use the stock ones?
I'm sorry I made you cry, Gio!
I just want to see what happens with me. See if my counterpart is as well-liked as I am. Everyone knows I have a soft spot for Juri but I'm not about to move in on Shiori's territory. Don't want to get killed.
Razara wrote:
I have a pretty good computer, but The Sims 2 still lags horribly. That's just because I keep all of my graphic options on their highest level. I've spent countless hours designing these sims, so I'm willing to wait a few extra minutes for everything to load, just as long as everything looks pretty. The number of pictures I take is also a problem. I can't even go inside of Anthy and Utena's house anymore because I've taken over 1,000 pictures.
D'you think it would help if you went into the folder with the photos and moved them from the game folders? I really don't know if it would -- my computer handles the game fairly well, but I haven't taken anywhere near that many photos! -- but perhaps it could help. [scratches head] I'm just not sure why the photos being in the Neighbourhood folders would cause the problem in the first place. Hmm.
And I just have to say thank you to you, too. Not only do you provide the forum with endless entertainment, I no longer feel guilty about playing this game for maybe a couple hours a day. I mean, you must be on that thing for days at a time...
ShatteredMirror wrote:
I just want to see what happens with me. See if my counterpart is as well-liked as I am. Everyone knows I have a soft spot for Juri but I'm not about to move in on Shiori's territory. Don't want to get killed.
Hmm... You can sleep with Juri, if you'd like. Just say when and where.
Now that I think about it, Juri doesn't usually get much other than Shiori and Kozue. It's because plot wise she and Utena are the only two that show faint signs of morality. Needless to say, she doesn't sleep with the maid, only to kill her afterwards.
Clarice wrote:
I mean, you must be on that thing for days at a time...
Pretty much. :3 Part of the reason why I have so much to say about these sims is because I've had them for more than a year, and so a lot has happened within that time.
when i uploaded my new sims games it deleted all of my sims and mods!! ohhhhhhhhhh snap!!! i am so totally sad now!
Sally is gone
Orchid and her 4 kids are gone
Eiries is gone
Shattered and Hyacinth are gone
my Hot Topic mod is gone!
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
when i uploaded my new sims games it deleted all of my sims and mods!! ohhhhhhhhhh snap!!! i am so totally sad now!
Sally is gone
Orchid and her 4 kids are gone
Eiries is gone
Shattered and Hyacinth are gone
my Hot Topic mod is gone!
Poor Kissing!!!
You need a hug!
*hugs for you*
Do you have any saved games or anything?
nope, ive never had to back them up before... and usually the game warns you to back them up...
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
nope, ive never had to back them up before... and usually the game warns you to back them up...
This reminds me of the time that I accidentally deleted my FF8 game...
I was on disk 3!!!! DISK 3 AND MY GAME DIED!!!
*sobbing uncontrollably*
I still can't bring myself to even start a new game... every time I try I start to cry...
Here, Kissing, you can use me as something nice and soft and all cushiony to cry into, if you want!
It's all I have to offer for you...
how about playing all the way through Metroid prime echos, being on the final boss and then your house burning down....
that metroid game wasnt even mine...and i only had that game cube for just under a year!
i hate bringing that up but it crushed me.....
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
how about playing all the way through Metroid prime echos, being on the final boss and then your house burning down....
that metroid game wasnt even mine...and i only had that game cube for just under a year!
i hate bringing that up but it crushed me.....
It seems that you are a misfortune magnet, like in Night Watch. (if you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry. It's an obscure Russian independent film, not thaat good, but kick ass storyline & effects... I'd be surprised if anyone else was a Night Watch fan like meself... it's also a book... I'm rambling again, aren't I? Oh well... I'm kinda hungry... I'm gonna go get myself a bowl of Trix... be right back... there we go... Trix... Mmmmmm... hate the commercials though...)
That also reminds me of the time when I got a Game Cube, but my dad lost it. (still can't find it) And then he sold my n64 without asking me... and then he lost my PS1!!! >_> for those of you who are a little slow on the uptake... my daddy is no good with keeping track of his stuff... *sighs wistfully* I still have all my Game Cube games...
I could go on and on about misfortunate things... I wonder how I remain so perpetually euphoric & genki?