This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
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I have had literally, comedically, zero time whatsoever to so much as wipe my ass lately, nevermind work on EM. I can't apologize for that--that's the nature of the educational toilet I'm in right now. But it won't always be that way, and I know in the pauses in my life, I always feel tempted to come back to my humble little website. The problem is my ideas and hopes for it, as they always have, rather outrun my time to spend making them happen, so my priorities get a little befuddled and I end up not knowing where to begin.
So basically, on the assumption that some time in the next year (
) I work on the site...what should I do with it? I know what I want to do with it, but I honestly don't know if anyone even gives a shit about the main site anymore, nevermind what people want to see or not on it.
So here's a sort of breakdown of the thoughts I've had about it, in the order I prioritize them. How do you?
1. I never really finished the Akio shrine to my satisfaction; there's a section on the car and projector and probably the camera that I want to add, titled 'machines'. I prioritize this 1. because I already changed the layout to show the section, 2. it's new content, and 3. I'm a whore. The danger here is that touching the Akio shrine brings up an old demon where I'm never ever satisfied with the layout. Someone just tell me to leave the fucking layout alone. I could build ten Akio shrines worth of content in the time I'll spend making yet another layout I swear doesn't do him justice.
2. A new section of the site devoted to the video game. Meaning: permanent hosting of the files needed to play it (YES THAT'S RIGHT) with me rudely stealing all available information, including the FAQ and everything else, especially if I can get permission. Obviously very little of the content would be of my making, but it's valuable stuff and obviously there's demand for it, and that would offer a centralized location.
3. The three missing DVD covers need to be added to the gallery. I need to clean them up first to do this. Part of my hesitation there is that I feel they don't compare in quality to the first three so I'm being lazy. Why'd the artist suddenly get fucking Parkinson's when it was time to draw the characters I like?
4. I coded a sort of cheat sheet for the release of the new DVDs; I feel like I should expand that into something a little like the Audiology page to basically cover the American and Japanese release histories of the series with a no doubt permanently incomplete collection of merchandise information to be added to as we think of it and find stuff.
5. More vector traces. This isn't really a single attempt to do anything but more frequently a consequence of me making layouts, so it's not something I'll aim to do so much as end up doing.
6. Some sort of essay or compilation or something or other using the content I wrote about ten trillion years back in the miles long body language thread where I picked apart specific shots.
7. Overhauling the fandom section to reflect the use of wordpress like I did in multimedia to make it more navigable and easier to find character-based content as people would want to look for it. I almost feel like doing this is kinda moot since the content isn't new, and frankly most anyone's already familiar with it if they ever cared, and it would be a lot of work on my part.
8. You'd never really grok based on my site except for the gallery that there's more than the series. Frankly, the site's for the series, but I almost feel like I should at least provide an information page about the movie and manga and such, but this would probably blend into whatever I'd build about the release history.
One thing not on the list because I really really wanna do it but I'm not even sure how or when or why is the Ultra Secret New Site That I Will Only Say Relates To Saionji And Is Not A 'Shrine' Per Say. Basically, if you like Saionji at want me to do this, right? Anyway guys, I'd really appreciate some feedback, honestly. If you feel like 'hay fuck the site it's fine the way it is' say so. If you'd like to see any of this stuff, say that instead.
I'm honestly past the point in my website career, so to speak, where my interests can function as the only motivator for me to do it. It's a small fandom these days, and worth catering a little to.
Just don't ask me for a Juri shrine. You want that, you build it yourself! (And if it's rockin', I'll host it.)
Personally I'm most interested in the body language potential essay.
And also the three DVD covers, or at least the one with Nanami and her gang!
And a section on the game would be great too.
(But you know, it's fine as it is so no rush!)
1) The layout is fine; but do finish those sections, because it's Akio. And everyone, including me, is a whore for Akio.
2) This would be amazing! I would definitely ab- I mean, use the crap out of it. And there are already a few forum members who are savvy with the game mechanics who would be able to help. Perhaps it could have its own analysis section? -Or game analysis could go in the main analysis section, but ya'know-.
3) No one will blame you for the poor artist's quality, you can put them up and then make a note to 'fix them up' later.
4) Sounds cool; but exhaustive.
7) This would be awesome, but for the amount of effort it would take, you would want to be guaranteed that you would get some fresh blood into the fandom section -hey, if you do decide to do this, I'll be the first to try and whip up a few new pieces that are less disturbing than my previous entries. Promise.
Overall, I think the best bet for your time is to finish up/perfect old projects before starting new ones, otherwise you are going to bog yourself down. :C
Also, consider this just a suggestion, but would ever consider putting up a section for the site dedicated to short, introductory character profiles with pictures for all of the SKU characters? That way those who aren't familiar with SKU or are new to it and have something of a bit of problem understanding a certain character would have a neato place to catch-up or inform.
Like, because. The first time I watched the series I COMPLETELY misunderstood Shiori, Nanami and Ruka, and I'm not afraid to say it. Ok I am please don't scorn and shun me. :<
I'm sorry to hear about your lack of time Gio
Giovanna wrote:
Someone just tell me to leave the fucking layout alone.
Leave the layout alone. It looks fine.
OiTL wrote:
Also, consider this just a suggestion, but would ever consider putting up a section for the site dedicated to short, introductory character profiles with pictures for all of the SKU characters? That way those who aren't familiar with SKU or are new to it and have something of a bit of problem understanding a certain character would have a neato place to catch-up or inform.
I agree with this comment. Some charts would be nice too. (I'll make them if you'd like)
My $0.02: I would like to see an RSS feed for the Analysis and Fandom sections, so I can know when new content is added. It wouldn't have to be extravagant, just an update with a link to the new content (and perhaps a one sentence description, or the first sentence of the essay) would be enough. Does that relate to #7?
I love Empty Movement and visit it quite a lot, especially the scripts, fanfic, and analysis sections. And I think the layout/design is fine.
And as for possible changes, I think the fanfic section should be added to and possibly revamped to be more searchable. But than again I'm a fanfic addict/fan and I know that you're not as into that as some of the other other fan stuff, Gio.
Another cool idea could be a short guide to Japanese honorifics (and how they're used in Utena).
And I definitely support minervana's excellent RSS feed suggestion. That would be droolworthy.
Last edited by sharnii (03-08-2010 01:39:49 AM)
I am a web developer/programmer willing to assist when i can
The video game is a must; i had a heck heck heck heck of a time getting it to run and it took lots of work; so if we had a step by step guide; that'd be wicked. I can provide screenshots as well as the information to get it to load. ( I don't want to seem like i'm dying to get into the FTP or anything; i've just always beleived that if you offer ideas you better be ready to support them and do it yourself)
DVD covers, i say is a must for a complete website; once again, i am capable.
Juri shrine: [brood] /end.
I vote for DVD covers first. I know image clean-up can be a pain in the ass, especially after a whole overhauled and awesome gallery behind you, but it does kind of seem like the thing you'd be quickest to finish out of all the other options.
My second pick would be the video game section with a little bit of yummy secret project on the side.
Oh! And your layouts are awesome. No touchy. Though, actually... That puts an idea in my head, in case you still have old layouts you've since replaced with new ones. I don't know about everybody else, but I've always been kind of curious to see a collection of those. Of how EM and its sections have evolved through the years... Is that possible? Or actually desired?
That is all.
I also endorse the idea about a section for the video game.
Honestly, I think everything listed here sounds wonderful, and I have very little preference. I am also perfectly happy to wait patiently for updates--don't stress about having to wait!
I mostly wanted to pop in to tell you that I DEFINITELY "give a shit" about the main site. As in, I adore it. I think it's wonderful, and I don't want you to doubt that, so I had to tell you how much I love it and how many hours of my life I have spent there. The analysis and Fanart sections are woooooooonderful, and I can't tell you how much I love having the gallery and scripts to enhance my watching, and the Audiology section to enhance my listening.
Basically, it's glorious. I would throw my 2 cents in to say that the game section sounds extra amazing. And I too have an unhealthy amount of love for Saionji.
I come to the site for the gallery, the analyses, and the fan works, so I would love to see the new DVD covers and permanent space for the video game more than anything. You don't have to make a whole shrine to it, but I would love to have a little guide or something.
Oh, and I agree that RSS feeds for analysis and/or fandom section updates sound great.
Giovanna wrote:
One thing not on the list because I really really wanna do it but I'm not even sure how or when or why is the Ultra Secret New Site That I Will Only Say Relates To Saionji And Is Not A 'Shrine' Per Say. Basically, if you like Saionji at want me to do this, right?
Excuse me while I have a cow in the corner, Gio. *squeals*
1. Add the additional information about the car you don't have to change the layout. Leave it alone.
2. would rock and seems kinda less intensive so including it would be a good idea.
3. hummmmmmmmmm.... if you have to Put the DVD covers up for completion then do so; say that the crappiness is due to the original artist.
4. Section would rock please add.
6. Yes please.
7. It is fine the way it is. Quite frankly, unless you get a lot of new content that warrants it or are fucking tired of looking at it; leave it alone.
Giovanna, you take this site down the apocalypse will commence.
Oh lord, I can't decide...I'd say either game information or SuperSecretAwesomeSaionjiProject, but all of these things sound frankly awesome and I would be perfectly willing to wait patiently for whatever you produce.
Seriously, I fucking love this site.
*Whistles nonchalantly* I for one would be willing to do most anything to help contribute to a Saionji-whatsit. *whistles*
Also. Have you considered a separate fanfic section for the Akio-shrine? This also I would approve of/ hump screen over.
A game shrine sounds useful, especially since both of the English-language guides that are online right now have mistakes and/or gaps. I found a good Japanese site a while back whose choice-chart seemed pretty thorough... or alternately, didn't there used to be scans of the game's Japanese strategy guide floating around?
Giovanna wrote:
6. Some sort of essay or compilation or something or other using the content I wrote about ten trillion years back in the miles long body language thread where I picked apart specific shots.
I would LOOOOOVE a game section!! It sounds amazing! I would be free to help out with the section as well, like testing or writing a help section.
A lot of these things sound like great additions to Empty Movement. (: But pace yourself too! I honestly don't care how long the updates take (well, I do, but I understand why..) as long as the site is still there! I think it would be cool to have a new layout though, even though I LOVE the current one the best.. for some reason I just associate new layout with new update, I guess. But swords of hatred Anthy is my favorite image eva so I can't complain.
I'm also adding my enthusiasm for a Video game section. That would be SO awesome for the site! And I'm curious about the Saionji-but-not-a-shrine-per-se thing.
I actually really like the Akio shrine layout. Its so mysterious. I think a "Machines" section would be really interesting too.
I bow to the unrelenting demand of the Roman horde. The three DVD covers are up in the gallery.
Got sick of working on my care plan.
81 pages of text.
Not done yet. As for the Saionji thing, pretty sure it's gonna happen, as will the game. But projects like that won't get rolling until summer break I think.
BalamiyaVardihi wrote:
Giovanna, you take this site down the apocalypse will commence.
Given I just spent 200bux to keep the domain through to 2014, I don't see the site coming down.
AHHHH The Akio/Anthy/Utena DVD cover is sexy.
I need to make wallpapers out of these..
Anything you do is awesome, really. I'm partial to video game section, more essays and vector traces, but really, anything and everything you do would be great.
Ragnarok wrote:
Thank you, Gio!
The Nanami one is my favorite out of the batch. The first three, well...the Juri one and the Miki one, did a great job of portraying the character relationship dynamics. The Utena and Anthy one a little less so, but it still looked almost like Anthy was hesitant to be it worked.
The Touga and Saionji one makes them...well look like poofsters. But you could say Akio (or his car) came between them and probably be right in a couple different ways.
The Akio, Anthy, and Utena one doesn't say anything really except FIGHT! ROUND 1! Oh wait, it also says that apparently Akio and Utena are just about the same height because she's only slightly shorter and it's because her knees are bent under the dress.
I really am a little bitter about that. So much you can do with Akio, especially if Anthy's in the shot, and they went with generic 'hay you know they duel at the end right'
OH SWEET LORD! I am ridiculously happy that you put the cover with Touga and Saionji in the couples section, Giovanna! *squeals*
Dittio and thanks for taking the time to do that...I have to go appreciate our new art...
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