This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I think the word "revolution" by itself just reminds me of Utena. I saw a Papa Murphy's ad on the counter today, and it said "JOIN THE TAKE N BAKE REVOLUTION!" ...My little sister and I looked at each other and I said "The pizza you must bake has been prepared for you." We added it to our story
This reminds me of someone.
Bishounen Ronald McDonald... hot. o_o;
Dognog wrote:
"The pizza you must bake has been prepared for you."
It's.... It's perfect....
School started recently, and for some reason several things remind me of Utena.
In Latin today, we were translating paragraphs into English with partners. Occasionally words we hadn't learned would come up so we would have to look in the dictionary. It's kinda silly, but one of the words was I think 'pharus' or something like that, and the 'pha' root made me think of the all the times I hear of the 'phallic' imagery in Utena, and Akio's 'phallic' tower. My partner was going to look it up in the dictionary, but I told her that it meant tower. It was actually a lighthouse but still! I thought it was interesting.
And in my US History class I heard the word 'Revolution' about 20 times in 5 minutes, and that reminds me of Utena.
Definitely this.
Dognog, that line is hilarious.
Anyway, I just moved to Portland, Oregon. This climate is apparently very good for roses, so the city has the nickname "City of Roses." Every other thing outside has a rose on it! Some of the buildings have giant 10-story roses painted on them. The stadium in town is the "Rose Garden." Even the manhole covers and cop cars have roses on them. It's like I'm in some big Ohtori-flavored city . . . well, except for all the homeless. I'm sure Akio wouldn't let them in. Unless they were sexy that is.
I'll have to visit the rose test gardens here too and keep an eye out for Anthy.
That reminds me, there's someone I sort of work with (same team but in a different city) named Xanthi, pronounced "zanthy." Anthy with a Z! I know, the Japanese pronounce it more like "anshy" but it still sorta works.
Last edited by PrettyPeopleWithSwords (08-18-2011 10:57:08 PM)
PrettyPeopleWithSwords wrote:
Dognog, that line is hilarious.
Anyway, I just moved to Portland, Oregon. This climate is apparently very good for roses, so the city has the nickname "City of Roses." Every other thing outside has a rose on it! Some of the buildings have giant 10-story roses painted on them. The stadium in town is the "Rose Garden." Even the manhole covers and cop cars have roses on them. It's like I'm in some big Ohtori-flavored city . . . well, except for all the homeless. I'm sure Akio wouldn't let them in. Unless they were sexy that is.
I'll have to visit the rose test gardens here too and keep an eye out for Anthy.
That reminds me, there's someone I sort of work with (same team but in a different city) named Xanthi, pronounced "zanthy." Anthy with a Z! I know, the Japanese pronounce it more like "anshy" but it still sorta works.
I've lived in Springfield my whole life and I never knew that
...Well, it's settled. Now I have to live there!
Chrome Homura wrote:
I've lived in Springfield my whole life and I never knew that
...Well, it's settled. Now I have to live there!
Speaking of Springfield, Matt Groening (creator of the Simpsons) is from Portland and named several characters after some of the streets. There's also little doubt that Springfield, Oregon at least unconsciously influenced the name in the show. Dunno if you are a fan but I thought it was pretty cool!
Now that I've been looking I've been seeing quite a few live rose bushes growing in random gardens too. Of course when I see one I immediately try to figure out which Utena character's color it is. Too bad Miki's and Saionji's rose colors don't actually exist.
Last edited by PrettyPeopleWithSwords (08-20-2011 12:24:35 AM)
PrettyPeopleWithSwords wrote:
Chrome Homura wrote:
I've lived in Springfield my whole life and I never knew that
...Well, it's settled. Now I have to live there!Speaking of Springfield, Matt Groening (creator of the Simpsons) is from Portland and named several characters after some of the streets. There's also little doubt that Springfield, Oregon at least unconsciously influenced the name in the show. Dunno if you are a fan but I thought it was pretty cool!
Now that I've been looking I've been seeing quite a few live rose bushes growing in random gardens too. Of course when I see one I immediately try to figure out which Utena character's color it is. Too bad Miki's and Saionji's rose colors don't actually exist.
I'm not really a huge fan, but I followed it for a while when I was younger and I've got a good memory for useless info, so I'm fairly familiar with the setting...
Interesting... I was told that he was actually from Eugene, and that the town in the show is actually based off of the real Springfield itself, which to me isn't all that far-fetched a comparison to make. But then, that's just what my dad and a friend of mine told me, so I could be misinformed...
Shaved ice stands remind me of Anthy and more are popping up here thanks to the record breaking heat wave. We must have passed half a dozen yesterday.
RhythmFusion wrote:
Definitely this. … things.jpg
Oh my goodness, I must have that ruler! That's so cool.
allegoriest wrote:
Dognog wrote:
"The pizza you must bake has been prepared for you."
It's.... It's perfect....
Go Deep(er) Dish.
wblstudios, I cracked up a little.
I can't watch episode 67 of Monster, "I'm Back," or episode 20 of Utena (with Wakaba and Saionji in the Black Rose Saga) without thinking of the other. The effect is unsettling, to say the least.
Akio and Kanae had twins on the sims o__o They were both girls, and I was trying to think of names to go with the Utena was taking I ended up naming them Giovanna and Yasha
My birthday cookie had yellow roses on it and I'm pretty sure my friends had no idea why I was giggling about someone named Nanami last night after three drinks.
Dognog wrote:
Akio and Kanae had twins on the sims o__o They were both girls, and I was trying to think of names to go with the Utena was taking I ended up naming them Giovanna and Yasha
(pretends to be shocked) But only Touga's children should be named after Yasha! Are you trying to break his widdle heart?
Riri-kins wrote:
My birthday cookie had yellow roses on it and I'm pretty sure my friends had no idea why I was giggling about someone named Nanami last night after three drinks.
Dognog wrote:
Akio and Kanae had twins on the sims o__o They were both girls, and I was trying to think of names to go with the Utena was taking I ended up naming them Giovanna and Yasha
(pretends to be shocked) But only Touga's children should be named after Yasha! Are you trying to break his widdle heart?
I thought about that lol.. But I haven't made Touga yet
Toe just came home and told me the guy that our dad talked to at the music store was named Mickey...and she saw someone with a pink wig outside the store. I wish I went with them
On Jeopardy! tonight, there was a question about the twins of Gemini. Their names, Castor and Pollux, (for better or worse) I knew because of Akio. Then, another question in a Shakespeare category had to do with Othello. Desdemona was the answer, which I only knew because of reading the analysis of episode 33. Many thanks to SKU and its wonderful fans for making me more trivia savvy!
Last edited by Crystalline_Dream (12-07-2011 05:57:59 PM)
Akio should go on Jeopardy!
Except he'd also misread 'Therapists'....
Was reading an analysis on Link's prolonged crises of growing up and mortality when I happened upon this choice paragraph:
"The story of Link’s Awakening is effectively summarized by the metaphor of the Wind Fish’s egg. Life on Koholint is like that of a creature whose life begins inside an egg. The egg incubates the newborn, keeping it safe and comfortable. But the egg is not supposed to last forever. Eventually, the newborn must break the eggshell to enter the world beyond it. Once the shell is broken, the small world inside the egg vanishes forever."
Article: … childhood/
These days, I have to post "Juri Han" when I talk about SSFIV and my obsession with her, instead of just Juri, so I don't confuse her with SKU Juri.
Every time I enter an elevator, I whistle the Zettai Unmei... elevator song. And when the doors open, I gotta be ready for a fight.
Many of the young, rail-lean, androgynous high fashion models, boys and girls both, remind me of Utena and its characters.
I was watching Shirokuma Cafe today when suddenly this came up while Panda was imagining his secret admirer...
If I had seen that picture without knowing what anime it had come from, I might have thought it was something from Utena!
It's the lost Shadow Girl!
I was reminded of Juri yesterday when I saw some orange roses.
Puffy sleeves.