This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I expect a package from Yasha to smell of roses, but I knew something was up when she asked me to wait until she was online to open it. I knew something was really really up when I could sorta make out half of Shattered's name and angelicreation's last name. What I got was thoroughly unexpected, even after a few hours of wondering. I'm not used to writing thank you notes, or showing genuine gratitude (a different beast entirely from that manufactured stuff you shell out because it's polite), so if this comes out reading funny, or I forget to say something I should say, I'm sorry.
I've been crying on and off since I opened the package. I can't even begin to thank you guys, and nothing I say is going to truly convey how touched I am that you all did this for me, or how glad I am to know people like you. There have been many times in my life where I've joked, but not really, that if anything ever happened to me, if I were hurt, or I died, or whatever else, no one aside from my most immediate family would really give it more than a passing thought. That my room in a hospital would be empty, with nothing to suggest the presence of others in my life that would want me to know they were rooting for me. I can't crack that kind of 'joke' anymore, and I won't miss it. You have no idea how much this means to me, or how pissed off I am that I can't jump onto a plane and travel all over the place to hug every one of you and thank you in person. The internet is a poor excuse for a medium when it comes to this, which is a reason (among many) why what you've given me means so much.
I never thought, in my wildest dreams, the forum would take off like this. I figured, hey, fun fun animu community, but I never expected to meet such incredible people, or really and truly be able to call so many of them my friends. No one's ever done anything like this for me before, and again I'm at a loss as to how to thank you and remotely approach what you deserve in such a thanks. I know your names, but I'm not sure who is cool with advertising them. Frosty, Shattered, Alithea, angelicreation, morosemocha, J, Sara, Yasha of course, and everyone who has shown so much support for're awesome people, awesome in the Biblical sense. I'm honored to know you, and so very, very happy to know you care.
I told you I've been crying. And now I'm going to post this, because I won't stop crying until I do, and I wanna eat my sushi you people.
Edit: You can't see it in this picture, but I tied the little Williams-Sonoma metal thingie around his neck with the ribbon, mocha.
Last edited by Giovanna (04-10-2007 12:31:33 AM)
We love you, Gio. We have for a long time now. I'm glad that you can finally believe it for yourself.
I want to give my apologies to everyone here who would have liked to sign their names on the stuffed dino we got but didn't know about it; unfortunately, we only barely had enough time to send it around to the people we did. Much love to all, seriously; you people have been such a community and so caring, kind, and thoughtful to us and each other that sometimes I just can't even comprehend how great you all really are.
I'm crying too, Gio. I knew I shouldn't have worn eyeliner tonight.
I've been crying on and off since Yasha told me you got "the box."
I wish I had something beautiful to tell you, something special and meaningful -and all I can do is tell you what everyone else has. That we love you, and care for you, and want your happiness.
(P.s. I asked them to send a catalog too, did they? )
Well we wouldn't do it if it wasn't for you guys being so uber-amazing! Seriously, everything you guys do for us is, like, 150%! You made EM, which hosts the BIGGEST collection of official SKU artwork and scripts and whatnot EVER. AND you guys even took the time to practically kill yourselves doing vector traces (damn theys hard) so that the site will look AMAZING. And you even add those little floaty messages what I do love so very very much. AND THEN you guys have a tribute site for Akio, Mrs. Ohtori, AND even a Blog. All of which look loverly! Then you made a site for Vectors and the amazingness kept coming. And then, the moment of truth, you made IRG. Wait, were the vectors before or after IRG? I have memory issues. GAH! BUT THE POINT IS! You made IRG. Everything about this site is beautiful. Just the fact that it's not one of the usual forums hosted by whoknowswhat with a million popups makes it glorious, but you also put in the time to make a GORGEOUS layout, program the BBCode, and then put your trust that we (the fans) wouldn't turn this into one of those forums that's popular for a few months, then dies out. I mean, MY GOD WOMAN(women, really...) we don't deserve it, but you treat us like we do. It touches me. It's because you go this far to make us happy while you have problems of your own to deal with that we feel the need to reach out and do SOMETHING. *grumble* Soon enough... BUT ANYWHO. Long story short, we love you because you love us! Oh, and the suit fetish. SKU-fans can't resist a man/woman in a suit. It's been proven by science
you guys.
morosemocha wrote:
(P.s. I asked them to send a catalog too, did they?
Oh yes. Yes they did. And much drooling was done by me.
I've decided to name my dino Ian Malcolm.
Giovanna wrote:
you guys.
morosemocha wrote:
(P.s. I asked them to send a catalog too, did they?
Oh yes. Yes they did. And much drooling was done by me.
I've decided to name my dino Ian Malcolm.
Goodie. And by the way I just had a Jeff Goldblum orgasm. THANKS.
Giovanna wrote:
you guys.
morosemocha wrote:
(P.s. I asked them to send a catalog too, did they?
Oh yes. Yes they did. And much drooling was done by me.
I've decided to name my dino Ian Malcolm.
Malcolm is sucha serial killer name, ne? I mean, seriously... err... *sorry... it's like seven am right now and my meds haven't kicked in*
morosemocha wrote:
And by the way I just had a Jeff Goldblum orgasm. THANKS.
I had such a crush on that character.
Honey, you rock, and it's about damn time you realize it. If you weren't so damn amazing, we wouldn't care so much. Everyone deserves to feel loved.
Giovanna wrote:
I've decided to name my dino Ian Malcolm.
And not Saionji?
Well, it's still very awesome! I'm glad to be a part of such a nice community.
hyacinth_black wrote:
SKU-fans can't resist a man/woman in a suit. It's been proven by science
Oh, definitely! SKU + suits would make a great combination.
Maarika wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
I've decided to name my dino Ian Malcolm.
And not Saionji?
That was the obvious choice, wasn't it? I decided not to though since he's totally a lot more hung than the dino is. (AHEM.
Maarika wrote:
hyacinth_black wrote:
SKU-fans can't resist a man/woman in a suit. It's been proven by science
Oh, definitely! SKU + suits would make a great combination.
I'm totally subliminal.
Giovanna wrote:
My subconscious is telling me that I should have commissioned that picture of Akio as a sexy vampire as a picture of Akio as a sexy vampire wearing a suit instead.
But seriously, Gio, we love you. You're an amazing person, and I feel honored just being able to know you.
Giovanna wrote:
I'm totally subliminal.
I would if I know how to draw people. I can only draw bunnies and cats... Hmm... Akio in a bunny suit, didn't someone write about that in one of the analysis papers on this website?
And Gio, I must thank you, too, for helping to build this forum for me to get to know so many people who I can feel so comfortable sharing everything with, almost to an international scale!
I hope this forum lives on
Eheh... and since Gio didn't say what was actually IN the package, it was just a little care package. Ian Malcolm the stuffed dino, who got sent all over the continent so he'd get signed and drawn on by a lot of the forum members, a couple of books, a card, and some happy happy candies that I got at the asian market here.
As one who wasn't even aware of the dino-package and all of those other goodies you were to get, I'll just take this opportunity to thank Gio again for this great forum and bringing all of these great people together! What started as an idea of yours on a blog post really took off, and the SKU fan community is better for it!
Thanks, Gio!
Oh no, my tears in a public place? I'll be kicked out. The PC Room I found here in Atlanta, has been totally revamped to look like a SPACE STATION. Each computer looks like your private rocket cubicle AND over each computer is the lit up advertisement of some extremely awesome RPG Video Game... black lights twirling, and lots of little electrical green lights in strange shapes, with CLEAR WATER-FILLED computer shells, complete with tropical fish swiming around in them! SURREAL!!!
Which brings me to my point, that all the love floating around here is definitely surreal too! I mean, a girl can get used to this!!!!
It's really astounding, and restores a bit of faith in old humanity to see so many wonderful people collected under the same banner - SKU. I'm visiting people I love here, but I couldn't wait to get here to the PC Room and check on you guys, as quite obviously, I love you all too!
Giovanna, you forgot the awful joke? Great!!! Mission accomplished guys!!!!!!!! Hurray!
I'll be on my knees (not like THAT perv, unless... that's how God likes it XD) until we get the news that you're A-OK! You take care of yourself there, and remember we love you!
Yasha wrote:
Eheh... and since Gio didn't say what was actually IN the package, it was just a little care package. Ian Malcolm the stuffed dino, who got sent all over the continent so he'd get signed and drawn on by a lot of the forum members, a couple of books, a card, and some happy happy candies that I got at the asian market here.
Bitch got me The Little Prince and The Last Unicorn. Make me cry just LOOKING at them.
Giovanna wrote:
I've been crying on and off since I opened the package. I can't even begin to thank you guys, and nothing I say is going to truly convey how touched I am that you all did this for me, or how glad I am to know people like you. There have been many times in my life where I've joked, but not really, that if anything ever happened to me, if I were hurt, or I died, or whatever else, no one aside from my most immediate family would really give it more than a passing thought. That my room in a hospital would be empty, with nothing to suggest the presence of others in my life that would want me to know they were rooting for me. I can't crack that kind of 'joke' anymore, and I won't miss it. You have no idea how much this means to me, or how pissed off I am that I can't jump onto a plane and travel all over the place to hug every one of you and thank you in person. The internet is a poor excuse for a medium when it comes to this, which is a reason (among many) why what you've given me means so much.
Awww.. I didn't know about the package, so I didn't get to contribute. But that's so sweet. No one should ever have to even joke about that! There's a lot of people here that love you and appreciate you and I'm very glad I've met you and came across this wonderful website and forums for such an amazing series with amazing fans.
I know. I haven't even read it...and I know.
Hiraku wrote:
The Little Prince
It's a book to treasure for the ages
I cried while reading that book! And that says a lot because I RARELY cry at all.
Aww, I didn't know about this, nor would I really have had anything to say on it other than signing my name, but it still would have been worth it to make you feel as loved as you really are. I might not be on here 24/7, and I might not have great interpretations, or good stories, or mad photoshop skills, or anything really interesting to say, but I really do love this forum, and everyone on it. I don't really know everyone well, but I'm honored that I even know some of your names. I appreciate all the hard work you and Yasha have put into Empty Movement, into IRG, and into the hearts and computers of SKU fans everywhere. You deserve the world handed to you on a silver platter, but cute plushie dinosaurs will be enough Never forget that we all care about you very, very, very much. Even us silly teenage girls.
Edit: This awesome pop-tart will suffice.
Last edited by dollface (04-10-2007 06:03:27 PM)
Again, I just want to apologize to everyone who is just finding out about this now-- we didn't have the time to send it around to very many people. It barely even got there in time as it was
Giovanna wrote:
That was the obvious choice, wasn't it?
I decided not to though since he's totally a lot more hung than the dino is. (AHEM.
Last edited by morosemocha (04-10-2007 06:09:56 PM)