This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Since people seemed interested, I want to see if a lot of us could re-watch SKU together - one episode a week, and we get the whole week to discuss that episode and any new observations we've made. You can talk about spoilers, forshadowing to future episodes, etc. since this is a re-watch and it would be very strange if someone didn't see the whole series on this forum.
So, for now, how many people want to do this and when should we start? I think we should decide on a certain day of the week for each episode.. you all can discuss what days of the week would be best for you, and I'll try to pick one based on what is best for the most people. But, remember, even if you don't get the watch the episode on the exact day, you still have the rest of the week to catch up and jump into the discussion!
What does everyone think? Let's re-watch.
Update - 03/14/10: Okay, so far it looks like we're going to be watching 2 episodes a week so that the entire rewatch won't take up to 10 months. Every sunday afternoon I'll post a little announcement and some screencaps from each of the two episodes, just to kind of divide the discussions up for each week.
For those who don't have access to the Utena episodes, here are a few options:
1) SlickRick099 has them on youtube, some remastered:
2) Kumby also has all the episodes here: … a-episodes
3) If you join the anime_downloads community on, you can also find them here: … tml#cutid1 … tml#cutid1
Just make sure to please comment on the posts so that the person hosting them can keep up with her bandwidth. Thank you!
Last edited by SleepDebtFairy (03-14-2010 01:57:34 PM)
Hm, how about we pick Sunday as a turnover day? Like, starting Sunday we can start with episode 1, and for the rest of the week, we can discuss the episode as more people find time to watch it. Then when Sunday rolls around again, we move on to the second episode? Do you think we should do it in batches though? 39 episodes translates to about 10 months...
Oo! So exciting! My last re-watch was great, but kind of a bummer because I feel so obligated to get through the whole series quickly. It would be amazing to have a week's worth of commentary on each episode.
Any day is fine with me!
Syora wrote:
39 episodes translates to about 10 months...
Yikes! 10 months sounds like a long time...
On the other hand, an episode a week is a good pace for me. And I have no special preference on the day we switch to a new episode, considering you have the whole following week to comment it. But I suggest the day be sometime during the weekend, because that's when most people will probably have enough free time to watch and think about it? I vote for Saturday or Friday (evening), because then you have a whole weekend to comment on it while the episode is still fresh. Or something to that effect.
Yeah, I'm thinking a day in the weekend would be best too.
Oh, wow, 10 months is a long time.. But I agree, some people don't have much time and 1 episode a week would be an easier commitment for them.
I'm fine with doing either 1, 2, or maybe even 3 episodes a week. Its really up to you guys though. I'll go with whatever is best for most people. I'm kind of in favor of one episode, less pressure and with the one week of discussion we would get to focus on a single episode at a time, but if others want to do more than I'm fine with that too.
Last edited by SleepDebtFairy (03-12-2010 04:57:15 PM)
How about 2 episodes a week? People could watch them on the same day. There's not much difference between making them time to watch 30 minutes versus an hour.
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
How about 2 episodes a week? People could watch them on the same day. There's not much difference between making them time to watch 30 minutes versus an hour.
I think two episodes a week is good, that way it's not too much, but it'll go by faster.
Does anyone know where they have full episodes online that are subbed? I tried Youtube, but they always loose a part or two per episode.
Yeah, I wouldn't be opposed to 2. (some, like Miki's episodes, come in pairs)
Let's see.. have you tried hulu? I haven't checked myself, but I've heard they have episodes of lots of shows.
I wish I could somehow get episodes to people who don't have them.. Only reason I can rewatch now is cause I borrowed the last 3 dvd sets from my friend. I need to get those some day..
Edit: Checked hulu but couldn't find Utena. ): Damn it.
Last edited by SleepDebtFairy (03-12-2010 05:45:13 PM)
Count me in! It was almost time for my annual SKU rewatch anyway. Two episodes a week seems like a good benchmark; any more might take more commitment than some IRGers have time for, and 10 months is a really drawn out timeframe if we went one episode a week.
For any forum members without access to the DVDs, SlickRick099 has all the subbed episodes uploaded, and all of them are complete, from what I can see. Some of them are the remastered versions, to boot! Also chiming in with the others who don't care what day of the week it is. I have plenty of free time at night to watch and discuss.
Setsuna wrote:
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
How about 2 episodes a week? People could watch them on the same day. There's not much difference between making them time to watch 30 minutes versus an hour.
I think two episodes a week is good, that way it's not too much, but it'll go by faster.
Does anyone know where they have full episodes online that are subbed? I tried Youtube, but they always loose a part or two per episode. … a-episodes Kumby has them as well as veoh....
My friend (she might be joining us soon) says that you can also get them here, at anime_downloads on .. but you have to join the community first, and the person who posted the downloads ask that you comment if you use them since she has limited bandwich: … tml#cutid1 … tml#cutid1
When we decide on everything I'll edit the first post to reflect the "rules," and post some of these links for people who need to find episodes. (: Thanks for all the sources everyone.
So far I'm really liking the 2 episodes a week idea, actually. Also, if its okay with everyone, would this sunday be a good start? If not, we can wait for the next week, on a friday or saturday if its preferable.
I'll probably make a post to announce each weekly watching with a screencap or two from each episode. Not saying people can't watch the episode(s) ahead (especially if I'm late posting) but just to kind of separate the discussions from the previous episodes to the next ones. I might update the thread title to reflect what episode(s) we're on too. Sound okay?
Edit: Wait.. I guess you can't edit/change the thread title? Oh well, the first post then.
Last edited by SleepDebtFairy (03-12-2010 08:18:55 PM)
I'm in on this. Also I'd suggest 2 weeks. Early in The Day, we attempted a similar project for reading SKU-related novels (Demian) and it failed largely to being on too large a time frame.
Giovanna wrote:
I'm in on this.
Also I'd suggest 2 weeks.
You mean two per week? That sounds like the right pace to me too. And I haven't watched most of the remasters yet, so it'll be like seeing the show for the first time! Okay, not quite, but still -- exciting
Last edited by satyreyes (03-12-2010 10:19:29 PM)
Yes. Two per week. I'm an idiot.
If this were class I'd have just killed a patient.
I use the computer every night before sleepies, so I don't care what day. Though I'll probably appear and disappear alot in it.
I am down for this!! Especially since I've been meaning to get the series re-watched anyway.
Count me in! Two a week sounds great! And as far as watching online goes, I think that this guy on YouTube has all of SKU subbed and remastered uploaded and is currently uploading the dub as well.
Paradox and I would be interested in participating in this as well. Two per week should work--trying to do 200 days of Sailor Moon with a.f.s.m. didn't work, but surely we can manage them. Now to decide how we want to do it--we still haven't popped in the remastered DVDs yet...Run the remastered on my PC with the audio on, and run the old ones on the big screen so we can double check what's being said on the subtitles, perhaps? Or maybe not, Paradox doesn't seem too keen on the double-screen approach. Looks like it'll be the original CPM release for us! ^_^
Okay. So far it looks like 2 episodes a week. Is this sunday okay for everyone to start or do you want to wait?
I'm in, but I don't know if I can do two episodes a week. However, weekends are the best times for me and I can start this Sunday.
I do remember someone posting up all 39 episodes of the remastered version subbed on youtube. What was the username? Slickrick009? Cannot remember -but if you type Utena remaster into the search bar you should find them pretty easily.
^ believes you to be correct... found out it's slickrick099 LINK
I will also participate in the Re-Watch, it's been awhile since I last wached SKU in it's entirety. I'll be able to view two episodes a week and am fine to start sunday....
Last edited by Melancholic_Soul (03-13-2010 06:14:36 PM)
So we have to watch 1 and 2 after Sunday or before?
Anticipatory Grieving related to Saionji's embarrassing defeat as evidenced by silly whining noises whenever Saionji looks displeased
Starting sunday as in, any time between this sunday and the next sunday. You all can jump in and post your thoughts any time this week starting sunday when you've found time to watch the episode. If you guys want to start later though, that's cool too. Just let me know.. right now I can post the little "start post" tomorrow afternoon/evening.
..yay Daylight's Savings.
Okay, so far it looks like its okay with people, so let's start!
Episode 01 "The Rose Bride"
Episode 02 "For Whom the Rose Smiles"
(as always, got the screencaps from Empty Movement. Wasn't sure if I could direct link or not so I re-uploaded them just in case)
So you have from today until next sunday to watch episode 1 and 2 and post any comments/discussions.
My roommates are fighting over the Xbox to play Fable, so I might not be able to watch until this evening.
Last edited by SleepDebtFairy (03-14-2010 01:45:07 PM)