This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Who is your least favorite anime couple. Canon or fanon Het, yaoi or yuri.
Sesshoumaru & Rin (either young (vomits) or older Rin IMO I just think it's just plain WRONG!)
Kagura & Kyo from Fruits Basket : IMO This pairing is NOT KOSHER on all grounds. (and it's not just because Kagura is a boar/pig/filthyswine) Kyo dosen't need some aggressive B_____ to slap him around. This paring reminds me of that (fairly new )Eddie Murphy film "Norbit".
IMO: KyoXTohru 4ever
anything with incest
Anything with incest
anything from Inuyasha
Anything with incest
I think that's all a matter of opinion.
Also, SKU has a lot of incest, so I'm a little surprised to see someone so annoyed with.. although, I generally don't prefer incest pairings, but I have a few exceptions. One of my favourite pairings happens to be incest and yaoi (Ed/Al from FMA), and the other is yuri (Utena/Anthy). ..yeah, shoot me. But it's kind of funny, because the majority of the other pairings I like are het. *shrugs*
Pairings I tend to not like are ones with two characters who barely know each other. Or pairing the two hottest male characters together who rival each other, simply because they're hot. (Now, I do like me some Touga/Saionji, but that's kind of different)
Conner....i think i love you!
someone else who thinks Sesshomaru X Rin is wrong!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!
what, cauae people draw her older that makes it right? I DON'T THINK SOOOO!!
Any fan-pairing where the two characters hate each other in canon, and I'm not talking about love-hate.
Like, say, Harry/Draco, which isn't anime but it's a gross abuse of canon. And involves what I find to be the two least interesting characters in the entire series of books.
You speak the truth! Harry/Draco = No No No! That was one of the first "fanfiction" experiences I ever had in my life, and I was horribly scarred.
The worse fandom couples can be formulated into this equation:
Mary Sue(or Marty Stu) + any Anime character = UTTER DREK
Saying that, not all self inserts or avatars are Mary Sues, I have read some good SI/Ava fanfiction where the author was careful not to make their SI/Ava character too perfect (perfection is boring) or make their character the centre of that 'universe' all the time.
Also known as an Author Avatar. This is a character that is basically a representation of the author. Quite often Avatars are also considered Mary Sues and as such most uses of this term are derogatory. The assumption is that the author wrote the story as a sort of wish fulfillment. Some original fiction stories also have characters accused of being author avatars.
Though technically a form of self-insert by some people's definition of the term, the "avatar" does not use the same name as the author and is sometimes even different in physical description; the character itself is a part of the fantasy, as opposed to merely taking part in the fantasy.
Mary Sue
(Sue for short) is a pejorative term that refers to characters perceived as being badly-characterized and unsympathetic, often written in a cliché manner, who usually dominate the story they appear in, whether through upstaging the established characters, romancing one or more established characters, or having her own story set in the same universe in which she is the star.
Mary Sue most often refers to a heavily idealized character, and as such, most argue that characters they perceive as Mary Sues lack any significant or noteworthy flaws, and thus are unrealistic.
I hate most random crack pairings that contain characters that have never met/have very little interaction between them [even though I have about two of those pairings which I adore]. In SKU, I hate Utena being shipped to anyone who isn't Anthy. I hate Juri/Shiori, in a sense - I find their relationship intriguing, but as an actual pairing? As in "people who love each other and actually get along"? All the no in the world wouldn't cut it. Juri is going to get out of Ohtori, find some nice lady, marry her and live a long, relatively angst-free life. I also hate Juri/Ruka because she's a dyke and he's dead so what's the point. Also, I second Tamago on the Mary Sue hate [isn't the male version called Gary Stu, though?].
Juri/Saionji. Worst. Pairing. Ever. It doesn't work in any sense whatsoever! She's a lesbian, brooding, and doesn't take shit from anyone. He's [IMO] gay [but insecure], violently abusive, and can't even take proper care of himself in most cases. How could that ever work?
Outside of SKU, I hate Haruhi with Hikaru, Kaoru, Mori, or Kyouya. THEY. DON'T. LOVE. HER. Don't let the cutesy moments that sometimes arise fool you! I especially hate her with the twins. HOW DARE YOU TRY TO RUIN MY TWINCEST!
Outside of anime, I'm a huge AFI fan. Yes yes, we know dollface, we know. My favorite pairing is Hundam, and I absolutely flip when people put Hunter with anyone other than Adam. Anyone. I can handle Advey, because there is at least something supporting that, but Hunvey, Junter, and Jadam are completely out of the question. I flip out when I see fandom for them.
Edit: Only one s in lesbian dollface. Get your act together.
Last edited by dollface (03-06-2007 01:07:32 PM)
dollface wrote:
Juri/Saionji. Worst. Pairing. Ever. It doesn't work in any sense whatsoever! She's a lesbian, brooding, and doesn't take shit from anyone. He's [IMO] gay [but insecure], violently abusive, and can't even take proper care of himself in most cases. How could that ever work?
It's because whenever Saionji wears that apron, Juri is so incredibly turned on that she just can't help but to tie him up and make him wear nothing but that and bowling shoes.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Any fan-pairing where the two characters hate each other in canon, and I'm not talking about love-hate. Like, say, Harry/Draco, which isn't anime but it's a gross abuse of canon. And involves what I find to be the two least interesting characters in the entire series of books.
I'm not sure it's so much an abuse of canon after Book 6. I mean, even Harry's friends were noticing that he was kinda obsessed with Draco. And the line, "I need to know what Malfoy is doing inside you!" (paraphrased from memory) just made me howl.
But anyway.
I don't like the SakuraxSyaoran pairing AT ALL. I love CCS, but I cannot stand that pairing.
I am with the ones that hates fandom pairings of characters with no chemistry at all. I despise yaoi for the sake of yaoi, yuri for the sake of yuri and het pairings that just don't click.
There's a lot, but the one that sticks out for me is Sailor Moon- ChibusaxHotaru (As Sailor Moon is really what got me introduced to the interwebs ). First off- Ew lolicon, second off- any Chibiusa pairing is
Drukqs wrote:
There's a lot, but the one that sticks out for me is Sailor Moon- ChibusaxHotaru (As Sailor Moon is really what got me introduced to the interwebs
). First off- Ew lolicon, second off- any Chibiusa pairing is
Hm... I don't see Hotaru as a lolli. After she's reborn, she's much more happier. The REAL ew lollicon in my opinion is that Misa from Death Notes. I can't stand her with anyone...
Chibiusa pairings... Don't you think that scene where Helios kisses her in the Elysian Fields resembles Dios kissing Utena?
Chibiusa and Helios … _chibi.gif
Utena and Dios
Last edited by Hiraku (03-06-2007 09:12:08 PM)
I always found ChibiusaxHotaru pairings to be not nearly as gross as ChibiusaxMamoru pairings, which I've read far too many of.
Speaking of Sailor Moon, UsagixHaruka pairings fucking piss me off. I can't justify exactly why it pisses me off, and I know it's blurredly canon, but it's still a good way to make me not read a fic.
tohubohu wrote:
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Any fan-pairing where the two characters hate each other in canon, and I'm not talking about love-hate. Like, say, Harry/Draco, which isn't anime but it's a gross abuse of canon. And involves what I find to be the two least interesting characters in the entire series of books.
I'm not sure it's so much an abuse of canon after Book 6. I mean, even Harry's friends were noticing that he was kinda obsessed with Draco. And the line, "I need to know what Malfoy is doing inside you!" (paraphrased from memory) just made me howl.
But anyway.
I suppose it could technically work set post-book six, except it's never been done so that it worked. I've seen a grand total of one Harry/Draco fic that even came close to working, and its premise was a love potion.
I can't abide by making clearly gay characters straight or clearly straight characters gay. If they're ambiguous, go ahead and pair them with whoever, but if they're actually defined then keep them that way. I also don't like splitting up canon couples without damn good reason, which basically means that if you want to pair Usagi with someone else you have to kill Mamoru off, since there's really nothing wrong with the guy. This spawned the epic parody fic, "Mamoru Must Die!" on
And pairing Juri with Saionji makes about as much sense as pairing Haruka with, oh, Nephrite?
Humm...Tomoyo/Sakura from CCS. I don't like worshipful obsessions. That is not love. Its creepy. The whole Tomoyo making herself into a martyr for Sakura's happiness was just too much.
Mamoru x Michiro and Usagi x Haruka from sailor Moon. What is up with that anyway? Haruka likes Usagi in the way you like a kitten, and NOT IN 'THAT' WAY. Michiru and Mamoru would make a good couple possibly, but in a boring way.
I like Usagi x Seiya as friends, maybe boyfriend-girlfriend but not as lovers. It just wouldn't last, they're both too immature and too much like each other.
And I do NOT approve of Watanuki x Doumeki from XXXholic. Even though I didn't read much of the series.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Like, say, Harry/Draco, which isn't anime but it's a gross abuse of canon. And involves what I find to be the two least interesting characters in the entire series of books.
Quoted. For. Truth.
dollface wrote:
Juri/Saionji. Worst. Pairing. Ever. It doesn't work in any sense whatsoever! She's a lesbian, brooding, and doesn't take shit from anyone. He's [IMO] gay [but insecure], violently abusive, and can't even take proper care of himself in most cases. How could that ever work?
I didn't even know Juri/Saionji they even talk to each other in the series?
YamPuff wrote:
Humm...Tomoyo/Sakura from CCS. I don't like worshipful obsessions. That is not love. Its creepy. The whole Tomoyo making herself into a martyr for Sakura's happiness was just too much.
Mamoru x Michiro and Usagi x Haruka from sailor Moon. What is up with that anyway? Haruka likes Usagi in the way you like a kitten, and NOT IN 'THAT' WAY. Michiru and Mamoru would make a good couple possibly, but in a boring way.
I like Usagi x Seiya as friends, maybe boyfriend-girlfriend but not as lovers. It just wouldn't last, they're both too immature and too much like each other.
And I do NOT approve of Watanuki x Doumeki from XXXholic. Even though I didn't read much of the series.ShatteredMirror wrote:
Like, say, Harry/Draco, which isn't anime but it's a gross abuse of canon. And involves what I find to be the two least interesting characters in the entire series of books.
Quoted. For. Truth.
dollface wrote:
Juri/Saionji. Worst. Pairing. Ever. It doesn't work in any sense whatsoever! She's a lesbian, brooding, and doesn't take shit from anyone. He's [IMO] gay [but insecure], violently abusive, and can't even take proper care of himself in most cases. How could that ever work?
I didn't even know Juri/Saionji they even talk to each other in the series?
They probably shared some kind of telepathic link that Ikuhara doesn't want his viewers to hear
Just kidding, just kidding, but on a more serious note, I think people came up with that pairing because, well, they both shared the same experience of losing someone they really like. But, yeah, to me, that's not really much of an excuse to be together. Actually, it would lead to a possibility of ruining the characters by making them appear pathetic. Juri without her angry angstiness is just not the Juri I love.
Hm, yeah, About the Watanuki x Doumeki... I don't think they ARE gonna be couples because Doumeki is just being VERY protective of Watanuki, it's not necessarily a romantic feelings. Just someone important.
Wait... then is Utena and Anthy a romantic couple or just two kindred spirits?
Hiraku wrote:
Wait... then is Utena and Anthy a romantic couple or just two kindred spirits?
There's really no point in asking that question 'cause there is no answer. There are many debates on it but I suggest you to view it just the way you believe it is.
Edit: gah, typos.
Last edited by Maarika (03-07-2007 08:47:21 AM)
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
Conner....i think i love you!
someone else who thinks Sesshomaru X Rin is wrong!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!
what, cauae people draw her older that makes it right? I DON'T THINK SOOOO!!
Fucking seconded
YamPuff wrote:
I didn't even know Juri/Saionji they even talk to each other in the series?
They speak to each other exactly once! To be more accurate, Juri says something to him exactly once, and he sort of snorts and looks away.
In embarassment, obviously.
Because they are knocking heels and it's a secret and Juri's not supposed to tease him like that in public, obviously.
Just for that, he's tying her up and wearing the Wakaba mask tonight.
I. Hate. TsuzukixHisoka from Yami no Matsuei. Why? BECAUSE TSUZUKI IS OVER 100 YEARS OLD OMG. And Hisoka is, like, 16 or 17 at that time. Also, Hisoka says that he thinks of Tsuzuki as FAMILY.
Lady Nilamarthiel wrote:
I. Hate. TsuzukixHisoka from Yami no Matsuei. Why? BECAUSE TSUZUKI IS OVER 100 YEARS OLD OMG. And Hisoka is, like, 16 or 17 at that time. Also, Hisoka says that he thinks of Tsuzuki as FAMILY.
I hate Saionji x Touga *hides under her desk*.
I don't like Gon x Killua or Gon x Hisoka fandom pairings in Hunter x Hunter. Just ew.
I don't like Kyo x Tohru. Yes, kill me now. I don't like their love story, its all about screaming and crying and over the top stunts, I don't like their personalities (little miss perfect plus mister anger management control issues).
Blade wrote:
YamPuff wrote:
I didn't even know Juri/Saionji they even talk to each other in the series?
They speak to each other exactly once! To be more accurate, Juri says something to him exactly once, and he sort of snorts and looks away.
In embarassment, obviously.
Because they are knocking heels and it's a secret and Juri's not supposed to tease him like that in public, obviously.
Just for that, he's tying her up and wearing the Wakaba mask tonight.
Oh, obviously. because in SKU talking with someone is symbolic of having sex!!
Epi_lepsia wrote:
I hate Saionji x Touga *hides under her desk*.
You ought to die for that.