This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
DAMNIT! Work is making it impossible for me to see Spiderman 3 at the Springs' IMAX. The things I sacrifice so I can have time off to give my grrl my undivided attention when she comes to visit.
I'm going to see it at midnight with some friends from work! I'm so excited!
Just watched, One Hour Photo. Creepy but amazing.
Personal_IceQueen wrote:
Just watched, One Hour Photo. Creepy but amazing.
lol did you like the Evangelion reference? Apparantly Robin Williams is a huge fan of Eva!
Emiemipoemi wrote:
Apparantly Robin Williams is a huge fan of Eva!
Robin Williams is a huge nerd, period.
And One Hour Photo was god damn amazing. He did that and Insomnia right next to each other, I guess he was in the mood to play maniacs?
I watched Stranger Than Fiction the other day.
Just imagine if the character you were writing about turned out to be a real person... If that were true, then there's a girl named Takatsuki Shiori somewhere in Japan that I feel really bad for... I've put her through so much.
Also, my World History Class got to watch The Holy Grail on Friday, but I wasn't there, so I didn't get to see it. I'll just rent it and watch it again instead.
Razara wrote:
I watched Stranger Than Fiction the other day.
Admittedly, I was quite annoyed when I saw the previews for that film because I'd had it in my head to write a story with a premise similar to that. I enjoyed the film, though. Loved Emma Thompson.
Last time I rented my friend and I checked out Trainspotting and Through A Scanner Darkly. (We didn't intentially pick out "drug-themed" films...) About the former, all I can say is -- I really wish I had thought to watch it with subtitles on. Those Scottish accents are hard to parse. Scanner was interesting, but I found myself more fascinated by the technical aspects of the film (rotoscopy!) than by the content. It also, unfortunately, has Keanu Reeves in it. It redeems itself by co-starring Winona Ryder.
Ewww, Keanu Reeves. Gross. Winona Ryder scares me a little, but I liked her in Beetlejuice. My inner 13 yearold is demanding I go buy that, like, RIGHT NOW.
It also wants Jumanji, The Adventures of Pete and Pete, Darkwing Duck, and Gargoyles.
It's a very demanding psyche, unfortunatly.
Is Gargoyles on DVD now cause if so i want it badly
The first season and the first half of the second season are out on DVD.
Unfortunatly Disney has no current plans to release the second half of the second season, due to low sales (and that they're jerks.)
Hey, has anyone seem Doom Generation? It's an amazing movie, so much sexual tension and then such horrible-ness.
Emiemipoemi wrote:
Personal_IceQueen wrote:
Just watched, One Hour Photo. Creepy but amazing.
lol did you like the Evangelion reference? Apparantly Robin Williams is a huge fan of Eva!
yeah that was pretty cool...
Iris I have seen Doom Generation and it is a great movie with all its sexual tension and horrible-ness, but hey thats being young.
Being young?
"Girls have no sense of adventure..." Tehehehe
when I saw it, I was pretty young so ...ever since that I just associated 'Doom Generation' with being a teenager so it's lodged in my memory
Right now I'm watching The Illusionist for class. We're supposed to pick a movie and write a review on it. It's our final project.
Also, the movie is FUCKING. AMAZING.
Lady Nilamarthiel wrote:
Right now I'm watching The Illusionist for class. We're supposed to pick a movie and write a review on it. It's our final project.
Also, the movie is FUCKING. AMAZING.![]()
I loved that movie. I also want to see The Prestige, since freaking David Bowie is in it, along with a good majority of the production crew and cast of Batman Begins.
And Aqua Teen Hunger Force -- I laughed. But there are so many mixed reactions to it.
Just watched the SKU musical comedie, or whatever the hell that was. My brain hurts, and I think it may be broken. I have two immediate comments:
1. Where is Miki's stopwatch? It just isn't quite Miki without it.
2. Kiryuu Touga-ga-ga-ga! The style, the grace...I think I'm beginning to see the appeal of Touga, and I'm a little ambivalent about that...
Oh, and one more thing, when Nanami went crying across the stage, I laughed so hard my lungs collapsed. Both of them.
hmmm... Just watched SUICIDE CIRCLE japanese hardgore is pretty.. heavy. But I always preferred Battle Royale. I mean, SC has a pretty deep meaning at the end.. but .. MORE BLOOD and GORE plz TT
Trench Kamen wrote:
Lady Nilamarthiel wrote:
Right now I'm watching The Illusionist for class. We're supposed to pick a movie and write a review on it. It's our final project.
Also, the movie is FUCKING. AMAZING.I loved that movie. I also want to see The Prestige, since freaking David Bowie is in it, along with a good majority of the production crew and cast of Batman Begins.
I remember being confused about those two films for while (similar themes, huh?), so I just referred to them as: "The one about magicians. You know, the one with Edward Norton" or "The one about magicians. You know, the one with David Bowie." Those actors, plus late 19th-early 20th century menswear, really are selling points on their own. I found both films very enjoyable, though plot-wise I thought there were weak points in each. Bowie makes a captivating Nikola Tesla.
Stormcrow wrote:
Just watched the SKU musical comedie, or whatever the hell that was. My brain hurts, and I think it may be broken. I have two immediate comments:
1. Where is Miki's stopwatch? It just isn't quite Miki without it.
2. Kiryuu Touga-ga-ga-ga! The style, the grace...I think I'm beginning to see the appeal of Touga, and I'm a little ambivalent about that...
Ahaha! I had the same reaction to Touga in the musical. His character suddenly, inexplicably became rather appealing...
beautifulpanther wrote:
hmmm... Just watched SUICIDE CIRCLE japanese hardgore is pretty.. heavy. But I always preferred Battle Royale. I mean, SC has a pretty deep meaning at the end.. but .. MORE BLOOD and GORE plz TT
Ah, Jisatsu Saakuru. I wrote down my reactions after seeing it:
I'd heard some buzz about it previously, particularly regarding the opening scene, so I was pretty curious to see how it would be executed. Expecting something dramatic, instead the spectacle of fifty Japanese schoolgirls jumping in front of a subway train unfolded to the tune of cheery J-pop music with an unsettling, if not precisely disturbing, effect. It wasn't nearly as scary as I had imagined, actually. It was all oddly blithe-spirited, even flippant for such a dark movie, but of course part of this is due to how often the irony is obscured by gore and pretension. Actually, it struck me, at times, as weirdly life-affirming for a movie about suicide. The jury is still out on this one. It's a very strange film, and I wouldn't expect any less from a Japanese cult classic, but I simply don't know what to make of it all. My friend and I couldn't decide if the overarching message was "live for yourself" or "beware of subliminal messages in the songs produced by inconsistently-named J-pop groups." The emphasis on technology and pop culture felt, by turns, highly reminscent of Serial Experiments Lain and yet less philosophically interesting. My girlfriend and I discussed it later, and she told me that actor who plays the visual-kei-esque leader of the group Genesis in some of the film's more surreal scenes (a bowling alley littered with women bound in white sacks?) frequently played Frank-n-Furter in Japanese productions of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. She also told me that the director used to produce gay porn. Neither of these facts surprise me.
EDIT: Fixed grammar, oh dear.
Last edited by Abraxas (05-03-2007 05:24:27 PM)
beautifulpanther wrote:
hmmm... Just watched SUICIDE CIRCLE japanese hardgore is pretty.. heavy. But I always preferred Battle Royale. I mean, SC has a pretty deep meaning at the end.. but .. MORE BLOOD and GORE plz TT
Damn, I remember renting that video a few years ago. I like the leader of the circle. He's a total stud-muffin. Definately.
Last edited by Trench Kamen (05-02-2007 05:35:04 PM)
Abraxas wrote:
Trench Kamen wrote:
Lady Nilamarthiel wrote:
Right now I'm watching The Illusionist for class. We're supposed to pick a movie and write a review on it. It's our final project.
Also, the movie is FUCKING. AMAZING.I loved that movie. I also want to see The Prestige, since freaking David Bowie is in it, along with a good majority of the production crew and cast of Batman Begins.
I remember being confused about those two films for while (similar themes, huh?), so I just referred to them as: "The one about magicians. You know, the one with Edward Norton" or "The one about magicians. You know, the one with David Bowie." Those actors, plus late 19th-early 20th century menswear, really is a selling point on its own. I found both films very enjoyable, though plot-wise I thought there were weak points in each. Bowie makes a captivating Nikola Tesla.
I still haven't seen The Illusionist (odd, given Edward Norton is usually a deciding factor for me in going to movies), but I really liked The Prestige. Of course, I made the mistake of going to it a) after I'd just been to a massive concert and b) at one in the morning, so being both deaf and sleepy made it even harder to catch the full meaning of, but scaring our taxi driver all the way home with bizarre hypotheses was great. I think we got there in the end.
And now I want to watch Labyrinth. And my DVD is in New Zealand. Boo. Guess it's back to Arrested Development for me...
Just watched Children of Men for the first time today... what a great movie. Dystopian future, great cinematography, and long tracking shots! (my favorite kind)
Alfonso Cuaron is fast becoming my newest favorite director. This is the third movie of his that I've seen, with Prisoner of Azkaban and A Little Princess being the others. I've enjoyed them all quite a bit.
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (05-03-2007 07:42:45 PM)
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
This is the third movie of his that I've seen, with Prisoner of Azkaban and A Little Princess being the others.
I rewatched Prisoner of Azkaban the other day, since it's been rotting on my shelf, and I wanted to see Lupin, even if I don't like his actor all that much. I kind of want to watch the fourth movie again, since I only saw it once.
I laughed when Cedric died. o_o I don't know why. It was just the way his father was screaming, "WHY?!" I guess. It was pretty awkward, though, what with people crying in the audience...
I literally just walked in the door from the midnight showing of Spiderman 3.
I honestly... am not sure what to say. The reviews... are really positive, and the movie...
Let me put it this way; all movies have strengths and weaknessess. Spiderman's strengths are very very strong. It's weaknesses however... are very very debilitating.
If you want spoilers, ask away, and I'll post in white, but the only two things I will say is that Venom utterly, completly and totally dominates -and that Bruce Campbell's cameo is wildly funny. Better then the other two.
Oh, but I will give you fair warning. There's an awful Travolting dance sequence. Avert your eyes.
I'm going to see Spiderman-3, like a geek I am totally excited about it, but thanks Mocha for the warning about the dance sequence...
I just finished watching If these Walls Could Talk 2....*weep fest*