This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Are you saying that castles in the sky aren't real?
Figurative ones, maybe, real ones, no.
Surprisingly warm here, for one of the coldest countries in the world. Around 7 degrees Celsius, at the moment. And I prefer it that way, because I know with near-certainity that in February I'll be freezing my ass off in -15 C weather and wind, at the very least. When you've seen the snow fall 21 times, it really isn't that wonderful stuff, any more. Well, I know that many of my countrymen disagree, but they're winter-sport freaks and people who don't have to walk outside, if they don't want to.
On the other hand, the extreme warm temperatures can be rather unpleasant, as well. Only once I've visited Mediterranian enviroment during the summer. Air warmer than my body-temperature outside sauna was a new experience - my first feeling was choking, as I couldn't feel the cool air enter my lungs. It was not one of the best vacations I've taken, although the air in the mountains and during the night was more pleasant.
At the moment I'm convinced that 20-25 C is the best temperature to be in.
I agree. 20-25 is sublime.
I adore cold weather. Anything above 70 degrees F and I get rather irritable. God knows how I survived 16 years in California (though, having moved to Colorado, this isn't a problem, and being at school in Maryland is agreeable as well).
It seems that Utena fans have an affinity for the cold. I can remember working in a service station for a couple of weeks during the school holidays where I had to stock the drinks inside the cooler rooms.
They told me I was supposed to wear warm clothing if I was to be in there for more than a minute because it was only about 2C(36F) in there.
I worked inside that cooler room for over half an hour wearing only T-shirt and shorts and it didn’t worry me at all, in fact, it wasn’t until I came out of the cooler room that I felt uncomfortablely hot where it was 15C(59F).
I was built for the cold, I guess it's a good thing I live in the frozen wasteland of central Alberta.
I love it when the temp. is somewhere between -15 and +20 celsius. That is Just the Best.
Its also really cool living only a couple hours away from some of the most beautiful mountains in the world.
o.O i generate alot of heat so i dont mind cold weather but i'm quite use to the warm weather of southern california...when i was little i lived up northern california so it was mildly colder up there then down here....o.< but dang winter in california is called unpridictable might be cold it might be might rain when the sun is still shining about
Man, all this celsius is just confuzzling me.
I adore wintertime in New England (where I'm originally from), especially the days when you get up before the sun, and leave for school when its just starting to get light, and when you step outside for the first time it just hurts to breathe 'cause it's so cold. The air just has that wintry smell to it, and even when the sun is completely up its sort of like its shining through a tank of water. Even better is when you can tell it's going to snow - the light looks different and the air smells different, and its amazing.
My dislike for cold weather probably has to do with my school. For one thing, I have to walk to school every day. It hasn't even snowed yet, but the grass is so frozen that footprints are left behind when I walk across it.
My school is like a realistic version of Ohtori Academy. It's huge. The largest independent academy in America, if I'm not mistaken. The English building is bigger than my old middle school. We have a quite a few different buildings, so we have to walk to each class no matter what the weather is. There's also a greenhouse, and a clock tower that makes me think of the duel bells every single time I hear them ring. The track field reminds me of the "forest behind the school" to an extreme extent. You can't see it from outside the forest, and it's completely surrounded by trees.
You had to walk to school! In the snow! Uphill both ways!
Sorry, I just couldn't resist.
It's 64F/18C in Miami right now. Everyone at my office is wearing sweaters, jackets, at least two layers besides, and mittens.
Razara wrote:
My dislike for cold weather probably has to do with my school. For one thing, I have to walk to school every day. It hasn't even snowed yet, but the grass is so frozen that footprints are left behind when I walk across it.
My school is like a realistic version of Ohtori Academy. It's huge. The largest independent academy in America, if I'm not mistaken. The English building is bigger than my old middle school. We have a quite a few different buildings, so we have to walk to each class no matter what the weather is. There's also a greenhouse, and a clock tower that makes me think of the duel bells every single time I hear them ring. The track field reminds me of the "forest behind the school" to an extreme extent. You can't see it from outside the forest, and it's completely surrounded by trees.
Not meaning to disparage your pain, but I absolutely DEMAND pictures of your school, because that sounds awesome. I think I'll start a new thread, since I was just sending a bunch of pictures of Ottawa's gothic architecture to Gio anyway.
Offline … kerton.gif
I love my school, and I feel very fortunate to go there. If Akio were to take over a school other than Ohtori Academy, it would probably be this one. You can't see the track field in this picture, but it's across the street. The greenhouse is at the bottom of the map. And for the record, it is uphill both ways.
Sorry for complaining. e.e
Giovanna wrote:
It's 64F/18C in Miami right now. Everyone at my office is wearing sweaters, jackets, at least two layers besides, and mittens.
At that temperature, I would be feeling comfortable wearing T shirt and shorts.
Giovanna wrote:
It's 64F/18C in Miami right now. Everyone at my office is wearing sweaters, jackets, at least two layers besides, and mittens.
Man, and I thought all the Southerners at my school were bad... at least they wait until it hits 50 F. The only person who was throwing on winter clothes before then was the girl from Hawaii (she'd never been in weather colder than 55 F before!). What I still don't understand is why all these Southerners will bitch and moan about the cold while throwing on heavy jackets, but then they continue to shuffle around in flip-flops I just don't get it.
Today it was 23F I adore the cold, so its great. Now if only it would snow!
A Day Without Me wrote:
Today it was 23F
I adore the cold, so its great. Now if only it would snow!
It snowed for the first time where I live this morning. I was shocked to see that the sun was shining with very few clouds in the sky by the afternoon. The weather here is so strange...
Razara wrote:
A Day Without Me wrote:
Today it was 23F
I adore the cold, so its great. Now if only it would snow!
It snowed for the first time where I live this morning. I was shocked to see that the sun was shining with very few clouds in the sky by the afternoon. The weather here is so strange...
I miss the snow... ;_; Where I'm from it snows a bunch, but now I'm in college in the South, so it doesn't snow Although, I'm going back home to-morrow, so hopefully I'll get to see some snow!
The date: 9th of December 2006, Adelaide, South Australia
Temp = 41C/106F
Humidity = 6%
UV factor = Extreme
The heat is bad enough, but the high UVs really put a stinging sizzle to walking in the sunlight thats for bloody sure.
Last edited by Tamago (12-08-2006 08:34:45 PM)
6% humidity? Do things explode when you touch them after walking across the carpet?
Winter has arrived and is making a statement here.
Got down to -9C/16F last night, and only made it to -2C/28F in the day. Currently it's -6C/21F. Welcome to a New England December! Now all we need is snow...
(and I have to ask, Tamago, since I haven't been able to figure it out yet... what is your avatar from? It's not AzuDai is it? It has me wanting to watch whatever show that is. I could watch that hair twitch all day. )
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
6% humidity? Do things explode when you touch them after walking across the carpet?
Winter has arrived and is making a statement here.
Got down to -9C/16F last night, and only made it to -2C/28F in the day. Currently it's -6C/21F. Welcome to a New England December! Now all we need is snow...
I love New England winters... there is nothing like walking outside in the morning into air which just hurts to breathe because it is so cold. I always wore miniskirts in the wintertime
And, wow, 6% humidity... I can even imagine what that's like. I think the lowest humidity I've ever been in was 20%, and that was really weird.
Well 6% is not that unusual for South Australia as it is the driest state in the driest inhabited country in the world but after dealling with 60%-90% Humidity like it has been for a while here, its a welcome change, the heat is bareable even at a high temperture, the only reason to stay out of the sun is more to do with the stinging UV rays, they put the real sizzle to the sun here, its high enough that you can almost feel the sunburn forming on your skin...yowch!
I hope you're enjoying your summer Tamago.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
I hope you're enjoying your summer Tamago.
Well I have learnt to cope with it thanks to modern reversed cycle air-conditioning but I would hate to have to work outside with the heat, the too bright sun and the stinging UV rays thats for sure.
I rather have winter being a bit of a thermophobe myself.
I prefer winter to summer. The only thing I dislike about winter is the rain. I'm sure you aren't the only member of the board living south of the equator but you're certainly the only one in this thread.