This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
FencingCaptain wrote:
I don't wish to be (nor sound) biased, but in my honest opinion, the re-created signet looks better than the one from Japan. The details are far clearer and solid --- the Japanese make seems like the crest was soldered, not engraved, if you take my meaning.I agree a hundred percent. I really want one, but the only ones I could ever find were the Movic ones, and I hate the way they look. I think they're awful, despite the fact that I like the seal in the movie better. I like that it's pointy, heh. The bf was asking what I want for christmas, so I'll have to send him the link.
I completely agree as well. A friend of mine has the official ring and honestly I was a little disappointed when I saw it. These handmade rings are very very cool. I hope they post more pictures soon!
Well when I get my Student Council and Black Rose Signets in the mail I will let everyone know what I think of them. I will also try to get pictures posted. I can hardly wait!
morosemocha & Emiemipoemi wrote:
I agree a hundred percent.
I am quite glad that we share the same opinion. ^^
Giovanna wrote:
The silver is a coating and it can chip…
This at least I can wager my behind for --- it won't chip, since it (the ring) is not silver plated; it's the real thing. It's a bit heavy, and if you drop it on the floor, you can hear a very nice and delicate metallic tinkling sound --- not the dull/noisome sound that steel or iron emits.
(Though I reckon nobody would buy the ring just to hear it drop nicely on the floor. ^^0 )
tohubohu wrote:
The design looks very similar to the rings that my wife and I bought each other some years ago. Does anyone know if this is the same silversmith and poster who took orders via the Utena Mailing List on the old Utena Encyclopedia?
As far as I know, the present silversmith has never done the SKU signets before. They just got the hang of things but recently, a few weeks or so as I can remember. ^_^
Alithea wrote:
Well when I get my Student Council and Black Rose Signets in the mail I will let everyone know what I think of them. I will also try to get pictures posted. I can hardly wait! :dance:
Cherl told me about your order… you rich little lady you! Getting two rings in a pinch! *nudges playfully* We shall both be waiting, then. *grins*
Again: … 84061.html
She's posted the new pictures and OH MY GOD they look great. ;_; I just want to go ahead and order, but I am quite fond of the design on the movie ring...
For security reasons and quicker facilitation of orders, we've decided that from this day forward we will receive payments via Western Union only.
what the fuck i don't even know how to text message on the phone
I bet you don't have to jump through this many hoops to get a signet from Akio himself.
(I need $170. I want a red one...
You need a cell ohone with text capability and international long distance capabilities. i have all but the international capabilities on mine. And I don;t know if I can get international long distance from Cricket outher than Mexico and Canada. *grumbles*
Yeah, why mobile phone? To prevent fraud there are other ways :\
And for my poor region problem, I hope someone of you can help me.
They are as expensive as the official duelist rings that used to be available on ebay years ago @_@;; I love them, but they are too expensive. That's why I made my own out of FIMO clay years ago (and then made Juri's locket + ChuChu plushie too the next year). Mine might be fragile and not really to be worn for long period of time, but it is good enough for looking. I actually interpret the ring colour as white instead of silver from the anime.
Ohh, the locket looks so cool! I wish I had the patience to make something like that. I guess the cheapest way of getting stuff like this is by making it yourself :/
rhyaniwyn wrote:
...OH MY GOD they look great. ;_; I just want to go ahead and order, but I am quite fond of the design on the movie ring...
I already got my signet ring last Saturday. I'll see about photos. ^^ I'm waiting for the Movie signet as well; and admittedly I don't think I can wait any longer. ^^0
Sey wrote:
For security reasons and quicker facilitation of orders, we've decided that from this day forward we will receive payments via Western Union only.
Some people have been wondering about the same thing on LiveJournal, and were asking if payments through PayPal would be acceptable. Unfortunately, the PayPal service here in the Philippines is limited to sending, and not accepting funds.
To Giovanna, tohobu, angelicreation and Sey
Regarding the SMS (Short Message Sending)/Text Message/Mobile Phone concern:
I'll point this matter out to Seitokaichou; we shall see what can be done as an alternative.
As for why she opted for text messaging, this is the fastest and safest way to confirm things. (As far as I know, the two customers from the U.S.'s orders were facilitated in like manner, and I heard they've confirmed receiving their rings in the same way.)
Rushita wrote:
They are as expensive as the official duelist rings that used to be available on ebay years ago @_@;; I love them, but they are too expensive.
Well, on that I would say "almost as expensive". ^^0 Technically (this is according to the seller) $35 of the $170 price applicable for North America orders would go to international shipping (FedEx or EMS, depending on your choice.) Plus, the ring is made of pure silver, not silver plated like the official rings released by Shogakukan as our esteemed Modliness has attested to. To top it off, a gram of silver in the US costs $11, and a ring's weight would be around 8-15 grams or so, depending on the size. ^^0 (Not to mention it's handmade, and by professional quote, handmade rings cost more than two hundred dollars. *faints* )
Rushita wrote:
That's why I made my own out of FIMO clay years ago (and then made Juri's locket + ChuChu plushie too the next year). Mine might be fragile and not really to be worn for long period of time, but it is good enough for looking. I actually interpret the ring colour as white instead of silver from the anime.
I've seen your Duelist ring and Juri's locket; you did a very good job on both. Two thumbs up for you. *grins* No doubt you put in a lot of heart and effort into it as well; things like these are worth more than any amount in any currency. *smiles*
Last edited by FencingCaptain (01-17-2007 04:25:21 AM)
Rushita wrote:
That's why I made my own out of FIMO clay years ago (and then made Juri's locket + ChuChu plushie too the next year).
Hoyl crap, these are made of fimo? O_O They're beautiful! You're so talented.
Yeah, it's not like they're cheap, but I think the price is fair--particularly now that you can see how amazingly nice they look. $170 is like, ouch, but since shipping is included, I am pretty satisifed with it. My mom, grandma, and aunt are supposed to help me get one as a late birthday present.
I'm really fond of how the Black Rose Signet looks, but I don't want one. I don't wanna be a Black Rose duellist!
It would be nice to have some sort of alternative to the SMS message. I have a cell phone with text message capabilities, but I honestly have no idea if I have international text messaging... And if I did it would probably cost me several dollars on its own, since I have a pre-paid phone.
I haven't bothered to worry about that aspect yet, since I am pretty sure I'd rather have the movie signet. Although I like the series better than the movie, I like the design of the movie ring more. And I already have the series signet design tattooed on my wrist, right? ;)
I got mine! I got mine!
They're beautiful and wonderful and yay!!!! If I can get a hold of a camera I'll see about getting photos for you all. I highly recommend getting a ring or two. I got a student council ring and a black rose. It's so worth it.
I'm so happy!
I've heard somewhere that you can obtain the special "rose grips" online, but they're frightfully rare...rarer than even the rings themselves. The grips are what the Duellists use to hold their roses in place on their chests during a duel.
Somewhere, too, I heard you can buy a version of Juri's locket, although it's about as rare as a rose holder. I think I saw these on another Utena site that catalogued many of the available Utena-related merchandise. I can't be too sure of the site, but I stumbled across it ages ago.
I wish that Utena wasn't so obscure in general. I loved the first seven episodes, and still wait to watch the others on DVD. Somehow, YouTube just doesn't do it for me.
BioKraze wrote:
I wish that Utena wasn't so obscure in general. I loved the first seven episodes, and still wait to watch the others on DVD. Somehow, YouTube just doesn't do it for me.
Uhm, unrelated to the topic, but Block Buster online has it, if you ever want to go with their program thing. They have the entire series.
I have a rose holder. When I bought my official ring off of ebay the ring came couple with the rose holder and a trading card of Miki.
If I could find and afford the locket I would totally buy it as well. Ah well... maybe someday.
I found Juri's locket off The Noodle Bowl.Com. (Simply wonderful, I must say.)The site owner used to take orders for the locket, but she said she no longer does.
I think I'm going to cross my fingers and beg Seitokaichou's ringmaker cousin to make a sample of the locket. ^^0 And hope it doesn't devour my pocket too.
Oh...and for those who have questions regarding the Signet Ring and order/processing concerns, the seller would be willing to address your queries personally. Just leave me a message with your working e-mail address, and I'll forward them to her.
BioKraze wrote:
I've heard somewhere that you can obtain the special "rose grips" online, but they're frightfully rare...rarer than even the rings themselves. The grips are what the Duellists use to hold their roses in place on their chests during a duel.
Somewhere, too, I heard you can buy a version of Juri's locket, although it's about as rare as a rose holder. I think I saw these on another Utena site that catalogued many of the available Utena-related merchandise. I can't be too sure of the site, but I stumbled across it ages ago.
I've seen maybe three rose holders on ebay, and one of 'em went for over two hundred. I've never seen an official version of the locket though....
FencingCaptain wrote:
Some people have been wondering about the same thing on LiveJournal, and were asking if payments through PayPal would be acceptable. Unfortunately, the PayPal service here in the Philippines is limited to sending, and not accepting funds.
To Giovanna, tohobu, angelicreation and Sey
Regarding the SMS (Short Message Sending)/Text Message/Mobile Phone concern:
I'll point this matter out to Seitokaichou; we shall see what can be done as an alternative.
As for why she opted for text messaging, this is the fastest and safest way to confirm things. (As far as I know, the two customers from the U.S.'s orders were facilitated in like manner, and I heard they've confirmed receiving their rings in the same way.)
I found Juri's locket off The Noodle Bowl.Com. (Simply wonderful, I must say.)The site owner used to take orders for the locket, but she said she no longer does.
Ahh...If we are talking about Philippines, then things make sense. I think it is also because people in Philippines are so used to text messaging. I have many Filippinos staff at work and they do text messaging a lot. One of them used to text message back to Philippines to his wife on a regular basis before his wife was approved to come over here.
Ohh... pretty lockets. Now that's the real locket. Mine made out of clay wasn't a real one that you can open, it is more like a pendent because I couldn't figure out how to make the hinge without worrying it will fall apart. So, no Shiori inside I read the site and this person also uses Polymer clay and gold spray paint, but she uses a real locket but put the rose pattern on top. That's why I noticed the gold colour for the front and back is not the same. Mine is just clay inside out ('cause I had to enter it to model contest, the whole thing has to be made). The rest is about the same procedure. I also notice on the site he/her also has made Sheeta's pendent (from Laputa). That's one I have also tried to make out of FIMO clay for Anime North 2003. The only problem is the orginal pendent was supposed to be transparent, but no clay is transparent even for the one that they call it "transparent". Same problem with the one he/she made on the site. I eventually bought the official one from Japan for keepsake
Huh? Americans don't do text-messaging? That's the primary form of phone communication, for me...
I don't do text messaging because a) I hate phones, b) it costs extra on my phone plan, and c) I hate phones. If I'm going to do instant messaging, it'll be online, and I hardly ever do that.
tohubohu wrote:
I don't do text messaging because a) I hate phones, b) it costs extra on my phone plan, and c) I hate phones.
On the other hand, I do text messaging because a) I hate phones and b) it costs less than actually speaking.