This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
So, I really love hearing weird occupational stuff. Working in hospitality, I tend to see pretty interesting aspects of people, and how they are on vacation -it's pretty scary, people (Oh, and if you ever brag about making service industry people cry, I will disembowel you) and sometimes it's pretty wierd. I did Concierge at a luxery resort, and I'm currently doing the graveyard shift at an upscale family resort. So I've seen some crazy shit, but I've got to say Graveing by far trumps Conciergering so far, because this, thiiiiiis is when you get to see the crazy drunk people.
So, my second fave story happened just this morning as I walked around the hotel delivering checkout and transportation notices. I'm walking down the hall, and I'm not really paying attention to anything (it's 5am, what in the hell is there to pay attention to?), when all of a sudden, I hear this really strange noise coming from a room a couple doors down. Me, being stupid, go to investigate, and I listen at a few doors, trying to figure out where this is coming from, is it pain, do we need an ambulance, is there a murder, wtf? OF COURSE, the obvious answer didn't hit me, until I came across the door in question, heard a very loud request for some...repeated pelvic hydraulic action... turned beet red, and moved to get the HELL away from the door. Of course, I looked down, and lo and behold, nearly tripped on a little purple thong. Outside the door. Clashing with the carpet.
I took a picture of it, and texted to my friends with the caption "Someone went drinking last night..."
That's adorable
I have no stories from work. My job is boring. You said that's your second fave, though-- share more!
Do school stories count? Because my occupation is student.
And I have some WEIRRD stories.
hyacinth_black wrote:
Do school stories count? Because my occupation is student.
And I have some WEIRRD stories.
Go for it! School is just as crazy.
morosemocha wrote:
I'm currently doing the graveyard shift at an upscale family resort
That was me for about 2 months! I can vouch for the drunk people. Also I worked at a hotel near the racetrack, so I met a bunch of Nascar celebrities. Not that I knew them from their pit crew or gave a crap, overall they were rude douchebags. They pretty much acted like because They Were Nascar Drivers and I was a lowly desk peon, that I should immediately fall to my knees and service them with more than the keys to the nicest room.
Silly Nascar people, they drive fast and then get some idea they can walk around pretending to be Akio.
Now the hotel was also near an army we used to get a lot of them, too. They were almost always very nice. And they were usually in combat fatigues.
I have a few pretty amusing stories to tell, I should post in this thread instead of work at my job tomorrow.
Has anyone else ever served an ice cream sundae to someone who just doesn't seem to know what an ice cream sundae is? Seriously, she'd point at the tiny blob of whipped cream on top of the hot fudge and insist that I hadn't given her any ice cream. I really didn't know how to respond, it was too surreal.
Oh! Oh! Oh!
I remembered one!
So I used to work in an all night coffee shop, graveyard shift. This is actually the incident that made me decide to quit that hellhole, but that's not too important.
This guy walks in, all alone, 4:30 in the morning. Scruffy, kinda stumbling, and emitting a reek of alcohol all the way from the front of the shop to where I was at the back. He actually might have been cute if it wasn't for the fact that he had lost half his letters in a beer bottle someplace. The only other person around is one of my regulars, reading his paper in the corner. The guy stumbles up to the counter and wants coffee and cookies and a sandwich and just everything you can think of. He's swaying forward over the counter and giving me that leer that says 'Baby, I've had about a million shots tonight, I would fuck a mack truck if it looked at me crosswise'. And he starts talking me up. God forbid I should ever remember any of the lines he used, because I'm absolutely certain that I would suddenly become retarded from the sheer amount of stupidity in those lines. He talks to me, he yammers on and on about how pretty I look, and where did I get my cute outfit from (IT WAS A UNIFORM) and what time the place closes and I wanted him to just shut up and take his food and leave. So when he's paying, he looks at my chest and says "That's a really pretty name... can I ask you something?"
So I say, politely, "What?"
He looks around, sees the other guy in the store (who has been laughing into his coffee the whole time), and then leans so far over the counter I'm surprised he didn't fall over into my side. Cups his hand to his mouth and whispers (read: clearly loud enough to be heard by everyone in the store), "If I paid you a hundred dollars, would you spank me?"
My brain ceases to function. I laugh nervously and say, "Sorry dude, I'm working. Your total is $13.82."
And then he begs. He pulls his money out of his wallet and starts laying it on the counter, he's talking about how he doesn't have a girlfriend, he's saying how pretty I am, and he just keeps on offering cash for a spanking. Eventually it gets through his thick skull that just because I'm behind the counter doesn't mean I'm for sale, and he looks at me, with that starey, hazy kind of intensity drunks get, and he says, "Here. I've ruined your night." And drops a ten dollar bill on the counter.
By this point, I want nothing to do with him, so I tell him not to worry about it and to go and get some sleep. He folds it up and grabs my hand, pressing the money into it and wrapping my fingers around it, and says, "I'll just go." Then he hangs his head and shuffles out the door.
At which point I decide that that a little sojourn into the employee washroom to compose myself is necessary, and that I'm giving my notice ASAP. Also, that I hate the regular in the store, whom I can hear laughing his fucking head off.
Although, if I'd known then what I know now, I would have done it. That's a hundred bucks I could have had!
Yasha wrote:
Although, if I'd known then what I know now, I would have done it. That's a hundred bucks I could have had!
Hindsight, hon. Not every woman knows that it can be surprisingly satisfying to spank a guy. Even if he's drunk and obnoxious.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Hindsight, hon. Not every woman knows that it can be surprisingly satisfying to spank a guy. Even if he's drunk and obnoxious.
Especially, I wager. But I may be thinking of something rougher than what either of them had in mind.
The two salespeople at my job enjoy a ridiculous flirtation on account of one being a cocktease and the other actually thinking there's a cock of substance in his pants. We'll call one Chick and the other Dude. Dude likes to sit in the office and randomly shout 'Ride on my balls!' or 'Suck my hairy testicles!' or 'I'm gonna go take a huge shit!'. Chick usually replies as though he's serious, frequently grinding her ass against him or bending over the desk or making like she's getting on her knees. I think it was two weeks ago, she spent about five minutes bent over a desk while Dude spanked her. Naturally there was laughing, and frankly I don't disapprove since it's better than how everyone acts with the boss around. (Like we're going to kill someone.) It is, however, a regular occurance to be informed of the sex lives of my co-workers. They, naturally, know nothing about mine since while it's perfectly fine to hear about who gave who a rimjob, my sex life would be the height of taboo.
Hokay, this one comes from my free period.
So we have one day in the school year where the cute widdul Elementary schoolers come and visit the big bad High School. They so cute. Anyways, I happened to have a free period on that particularly wonderful day so I was hanging out in the hallway and sketchin stuff. Then a caravan of kiddies began to pass & this one kid looked at his teacher & said, "Is that a boy?" The teacher said "boy's don't wear skirts, George." And the boy said, "I think that's a pretty boy. Can I touch him?" Teacher says "No! That's not polite!" And then 'George' falls back in the line, walks up to me, puts his hand on my nose for about five seconds & then goes running back to his teacher. In the meanwhile I'm just confused.
Same day...
Another crowd of young'uns comes by. This time a little cute boy who looks a little like that kid from The Omen (creepy?), stops when he passes by me. He looks at me for about two seconds & then starts to cry like I had just hit him or something & runs back to his teacher.
Am I really that scary?
Yasha wrote:
That's adorable
I have no stories from work. My job is boring. You said that's your second fave, though-- share more!
Ask and ye shall receive. This is much longer, so bear with me. Also, it may slightly verge on Flagrante Delicto. Consider yourselves warned!
Background: So, I've been working at Disney for years, in hospitality. My first resort job, way back beyond the beginning of time was at The Grand Floridian, which for the uninitiated is the most luxurious, the most elegant, most upscale, and most expensive. Views of the parking lot start out at 400 a night (offseason), and it only goes up from there. So that's the level of service I was expected to provide.
Story: So, I get this guy that comes up to my desk and asks for the manager. I ask him a couple questions to try and figure out what his problem is, and what manager could best suit his needs. He won't give me any answers, just says that it's a delicate matter, and asks again for a manager. So I go in the back, aaaaand they're all in a meeting. Great. Talk to our lead, and let her know what's going on. She comes up to the front, and takes the guy aside and explains that all our managers are unavailable, but she's currently the acting manager, can take care of whatever he needs, yadda yadda yadda. And he's listening to her, and he asks if there's anyone else he cold speak to, a male manager perhaps? Sarah replies that no, she's all there is and that unfortunatly, all our desk managers today were female (which was true). So he kinda gulps, and starts off with "Please don't get offended, but I really...this is a bit difficult, I don't really want to get anyone in trouble or anything..." Sarah checks out who her cashiers are, and it's me, an idiot, a newbie, and someone who doesn't speak english very well, and begins to expect that the guy has a complaint about one of them. Not me, though. I rock.
It takes a while, but he explains that as he and his wife were unpacking, his 10/11 year old daughter opened up the side table drawer and made a discovery of something that she was very unfamiliar with, which he described as, and I quote, "a large representation of...genetalia." That's right, folks, in the drawer of his 650$ room at disneyworld, his 10 year old daughter found a dildo. Nice.
Well, once Sarah figured out all the euphamism, she turns beet red, her hands fly to her mouth and she begins to apologize profusely. She asks if he's like to room change immediatly, maybe to a suite? He says no, they have a picture perfect view of the castle. She offers the night for free, while they reclean the room. He declines, the room is being paid for by his company as he's here for a conference. She asks what he'd like, and he says that he's just like it if someone could get the item now, and then reclean the room while they go to the parks. She credits the account (like...75$ a person, I think), and tells him to go enjoy the parks. He thanks her, and before he leaves, she gets the room number. Pulls up the account while he's there, and nearly chokes when she sees the last name -Ball. Mr. Ball. Best though was his parting line. Again, I quote "It was disturbing; I had to try and explain why that was here at Mickey's hotel."
I heard it was a 12 incher.
Last edited by morosemocha (10-31-2006 07:57:22 PM)
What, Pinocchio wasn't enough for them all to handle?
But wow, what a story. And his name, too.
morosemocha wrote:
That's right, folks, in the drawer of his 650$ room at disneyworld, his 10 year old daughter found a dildo. Nice.
Wow, I'm glad to see Disney's starting to offer a full range of high-end hotel accoutrements. If I ever paid that much for a room, I would expect the guy carrying my bags to be on call for sexual favors. (That's an awesome story, mostly because the guy was so embarrassed instead of pissed.)
Giovanna wrote:
Wow, I'm glad to see Disney's starting to offer a full range of high-end hotel accoutrements. If I ever paid that much for a room, I would expect the guy carrying my bags to be on call for sexual favors.
I dunno, bell services tend to be
1. Old men. Like. 60 or something.
2. Very unattractive.
3. Stoners. I kid you not. I think it's all the college program kids.
Now, catering, that's where it's at! I think they hire you and they're like..."Are you a piece of hot ass? Then off to catering you go!"
Except that they're alllll gayer things...
morosemocha wrote:
It takes a while, but he explains that as he and his wife were unpacking, his 10/11 year old daughter opened up the side table drawer and made a discovery of something that she was very unfamiliar with, which he described as, and I quote, "a large representation of...genetalia." That's right, folks, in the drawer of his 650$ room at disneyworld, his 10 year old daughter found a dildo. Nice.
I heard it was a 12 incher.
This are the kind of things that end at one day :XD:
My older brother used to work at an amusement park, and I've heard all sorts of crazy stories about what goes on there. For example, my older brother once got drunk with Bozo the Clown on his birthday, and went skinny dipping in the park pool. Apparently that clown is a child-molester, as is the guy who runs Kiddy Land.
morosemocha wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
Wow, I'm glad to see Disney's starting to offer a full range of high-end hotel accoutrements. If I ever paid that much for a room, I would expect the guy carrying my bags to be on call for sexual favors.
I dunno, bell services tend to be
1. Old men. Like. 60 or something.
2. Very unattractive.
3. Stoners. I kid you not. I think it's all the college program kids.
Awwwww. That's a rather huge disappointment. I guess you have to hire the male prostitutes on your own. (I wonder how often that happens at Disney.
Giovanna wrote:
That's a rather huge disappointment. I guess you have to hire the male prostitutes on your own. (I wonder how often that happens at Disney.
When I was working the phones room for the same wicked expensive hotel, I had a guy call me up and ask for a male operator. I told him I was the only one, and he got kinda flustured, and asked me not to be offended (so far everyone seems to ask me that...), and then asked me for a local strip club that was kinda high class, as he wanted to show his friends a good time in Orlando.
I've never had so much fun as using the internet at work as I did looking for strip clubs AND IT BEING ALLOWED! Hahaha!
morosemocha wrote:
I've never had so much fun as using the internet at work as I did looking for strip clubs AND IT BEING ALLOWED! Hahaha!
My version of this story has more 'whore' and 'cheap'. If you ever visit Miami and think 'hey cool let's go to the Keys', GO STRAIGHT TO THE KEYS. Don't stop in Homestead or Florida City. If you're hungry, STARVE.
I am once again the token white guy at my job (one of the managers is white but he doesn't count because he's a manager). The other guy is suing his dad's doctor for malpractice, because the doctor didn't tell the dad that he (the dad, not the doctor) had cancer. I guess he's expecting a big settlement.
Wow, I am glad and suprised to see everyone has a story to tell, they are amazing..I must say.
I've got two...
When I was a junior in high school...not too long ago...I had gotten my first job working for Bojangles.
One day this black lady comes in and takes one look at me and says, I don't want this (the n-word) to take my order or touch my food. I am just like...(whoa) because this is a black person saying this to another black person, and no she didn't mean the n-word as in what people hear black rappers say or black men in general that are my age say to one another, this was like the KKK version of the n-word she was saying to me. The lady was like in DENIAL, really she was acting like a ghetto black person, i.e. she had this obviously not her own hair weave that was blonde. Whereas I, am more of the black girl who is considered "white" by her peers. I mean what could I do?
Well, after letting the manager deal with her, and telling her not to come back, the same crazy black lady comes back again but this time she goes through the drive through. She knows that she is not allowed to ask for service so she is in the passengers side with her friend driving and ordering who SHOCKINGLY is a black woman darker than she is! And we get into it because unfortunately the Fates wanted me to work the drive through that day, and I end up having to go into the freezer to literally chill the @#%^ out and they call the police on her and she leaves again.
Then another occasion there was an incident were this one ghetto acting black woman was giving one of my co-workers a hard time and finally after getting her food, the woman walks out, walks back in and throws the food into her face. Needless to say, I stopped working there.
In fact this christmas, I'm going to find a job at Barnes and Nobles or a clothing store at the mall. Sheesh.
I'm at work right now...I work part time in a local library since I'm also in school and don't have the time to work full time.
I usually love working in libraries, but this is in a more rural, less educated part of town, where no one has internet at home. The library recently got cable 'net, so guess what...all the high school students and their parents (who act like high school students) come mainly to use the internet. I got nothin' against hick towns - I lived in one for a year in Japan and loved it. I do have complaints against people who think that it's cool to surf myspace for 4 hours at a time using the library computers, turn up their music really loud, roll around on the floor laughing (is Myspace really that funny?) shout and yell at each other across the rows of computers, and holler at me going "HEY! PSST! YO!" instead of coming up to the desk to talk to me.
I'm Chinese, so sometimes they also think it's "cool" to make "Chinese noises" behind my back cause they think I can't hear them.
Usually it's not so bad but tonight they're being particularly horrid so I figured I'd rant XD
war stories....
you know rath if you work in retail -
I work in a record store ( how glamourous right?) and one thing we consistenly have is the following mock conversation:
Record Store Clerk: Thank you for calling Wherehouse Music how can I help you?
Customer: This is the Wherehouse?
RCS: Yes.
Customer: Oh. You guys sell music right?
RCS: Yes.
Customer: Do you guys sell CDs?
RCS: Yes. What are you looking for by the way?
Customer: Uhm a CD
RCS: Do you know the name of the CD?
Customer: I don't. I just know it's on the radio, do you know who sings it?
RCS: I have no clue.
Customer: but you work in a music store! how can that be?!
RCS: let me put you on hold.....
I've got dozens... My more noteworthy jobs were at a small indie movie theater, EB Games, and (currently) tech support. You can imagine. I could tell a million stories about idiots and assholes.
But a really funny one just happened yesterday that's less work-related and more school-related. (I work at my school).
Apparently there's a rumor going around campus that a boy was kicked out of (at the very least) his class after being caught masturbating. In class. During a PowerPoint presentation.
Everyone at work immediately wanted more details...such as: inside or outside his pants? did he climax? was there a "learning outcome"?
Unfortunately I have no further details at this time.
must have been one powerful presentation....poor guy, now everyone is going to know him as the guy who masturbated during a presentation. le sigh