This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Maybe it's something big and exciting, or maybe it's something simple that you just do because you want to. It doesn't have to be on New Years Eve or Day specifically, but just something that you do every year to mark the occasion.
For me, this will be my third year of starting off the year by watching all three Lord of the Rings movies (extended editions) in order. Not all in one day, mind you... I don't have that kind of free time! I'll be watching Fellowship of the Ring sometime this week, then hopefully the next two weeks I'll get The Two Towers and Return of the King in. I always try to be done by the end of January, but sometimes it takes me until mid-February. We'll see how I do this year.
I never used to do anything to mark the new year (personally, I find the way it's celebrated in the US to be ridiculously overrated), but one year I decided to watch Fellowship on New Years Day, and that started it all.
So how does everyone else start the new year off?
I'm not a big fan of New Years. It's probably my least favourite holiday since I mentally associate everything after Halloween with the next year.
So I've been celebrating New Years for the past six or so years hanging out in my room and listening to tunes and comforting all my friends who didn't get invited to parties. It's a good night to unwind.
Family day for me, I just hope I don't have to go church the first even if it's mean because it´s in memorial of my dead grandfather. (he was born the first)
It just turned midnight where I live. If the world ends this year, that's my fault, because I turned on Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku the second that it turned midnight.
My New Years tradition is to stay up all night. This is really more of me not learning my lesson from the last few years than a tradition. My family's tradition is to go out to eat on New Years.
I don't really have any traditions. Went to see Borat though, and it was fun.
My family always watches the Dinner for One, a comedy play shot on screen in 1963 and shown every New Year in here, Sweden, Germany and some other countries, apparently. It tells about 90-year old woman having a dinner party with her friends, who have sadly all died decades ago, so her butler has to act their roles, drinking four toasts for her at every course.
I have no traditions as well, but I'm going to spend the whole day on drawings and painting.
I heard that if you do something on New Year's Day then you'll end up doing it for the rest of the year too. I dunno whether it's true or not, but I've decided to take a day to draw and not to study anything. I wish this day would last longer though. Or that I hadn't slept so long.
I like going out on New Year's Eve, if I can get my close friends all together, if not, I prefer to stay home rather then shove off kisses at 12...or worse, accept kisses after one too many celebratory shots.
I like to watch the NYC ball drop, whether I'm in a public place, or on my living room couch...I'll see that, usually with the "featured musical guest" (aka Mariah - what is she the only star they can get every single year) muted.
New Year's Day, I always spend writing massive lists of all the things I'm going to accomplish that year.
Usually ends in depression as 1. I love holidays and hate when the season is over. 2. Expectations are so high, I'm always disappointed when there aren't angels & trumpets surrounding the festivities 3. The 'list of things to accomplish' always has lots of entries left over from the year before.
In spain we eat 12 grapes in the last 12 seconds of the year o_o i don't know if it's the same in all the world. I can't eat the 12 grapes -___- it's hard..
Ever since I was little, my family would always watch the Back to the Future movies back to back on New Years Eve.
Epi_lepsia wrote:
In spain we eat 12 grapes in the last 12 seconds of the year o_o i don't know if it's the same in all the world. I can't eat the 12 grapes -___- it's hard..
I like this tradition. I will do that next year.
My tradition, if I'm starting a trend by yesterday, is to be bawling my eyes out watching Return of the King while I stitch together a shot of Touga in his kendo uniform.
Now I kinda wish I'd at least flipped to the TV to see the ball drop.
I always have a half-shot glass of Bailey's Irish Cream(the other half is milk) with mom & dad when the ball drops in Times Square. Usually it gets me really really drunk though, so I end up crawling on my hands & knees to my room.
I usually sit on the couch with my parents, watch the ball drop, and stay up after they go to bed.
I. Rock.
I usually go to some party being held. Thats what I did this year. I know, I'm so original.
Uhm...usually I stay up, but this year was the fun New Year's Eve of the 103.3 Degree Fever.
I died.
This is my ghost writing this.
Well it's not a tradition but I went to see Borat with my family. I haven't seen my dad laugh that hard in a long time. Which of course is doubly funny because he's Jewish too, though not as much as our beloved Borat.
morosemocha wrote:
Uhm...usually I stay up, but this year was the fun New Year's Eve of the 103.3 Degree Fever.
I died.
This is my ghost writing this.
I kid, I hope you feel better soon, dear. That's no way to start a new year...dying and becoming a ghost and all. Bad for your hair.
Epi_lepsia wrote:
In spain we eat 12 grapes in the last 12 seconds of the year o_o i don't know if it's the same in all the world. I can't eat the 12 grapes -___- it's hard..
neta? They also do that in spain I thought it was only on Mexico XD
Giovanna wrote:
Epi_lepsia wrote:
In spain we eat 12 grapes in the last 12 seconds of the year o_o i don't know if it's the same in all the world. I can't eat the 12 grapes -___- it's hard..
I like this tradition. I will do that next year.
You have to count them and ask a wish for each grape.
Oh I forgot on my family when is midnight everybody cheers with cider I think they also do it in other countries
Romanticide wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
Epi_lepsia wrote:
In spain we eat 12 grapes in the last 12 seconds of the year o_o i don't know if it's the same in all the world. I can't eat the 12 grapes -___- it's hard..
I like this tradition. I will do that next year.
You have to count them and ask a wish for each grape.
Neta, actually that tradition comes from Spain, they said that in a farmn, or something like that, they had MANY grapes that year so they ate 12 and asking wishes in the last 12 seconds of the year. Grapes are a spanish symbol û_u but oh god, it's hard to ate them all in 12 seconds -i never fail, anyways-
This year, in the centre of the city, we were eating the grapes and there were some accidents, specially with the foreinger people, a japanese girl suffocated with the grapes û_u..
Eso pasa por culpa de la conquista, las tradiciones se mezclan 8D
Epi_lepsia wrote:
In spain we eat 12 grapes in the last 12 seconds of the year o_o i don't know if it's the same in all the world. I can't eat the 12 grapes -___- it's hard..
Are you eating fresh grapes or dried grapes? Perhaps you can use dried grapes next year for a change.
I don't have any tradition for New Year. This year I spent my day at my mother's home, and had an early celebration for my birthday.
I've started it off by being terribly no fun there.
Aww, you were sick too? That's no fun...
Yeah...I think I got it at work....and all this week I've been this little weakling. But I hope I'll get better were sick too?