This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
That said it's an amusingly accurate description. Hell, if you'd shown that to me years ago it woulda made me watch the series a lot sooner.
I'd been all over it.
I wonder how they managed to miss Miki's little obsession wih his sister though since they got everyone else on the council pegged.
Farlex Dictionary Version of Revolutionary Girl Utena
At least this version at least seems reasonably objective.
skewed_tartan wrote:
You forgot the surfing elephants and body swapping curry.
Last edited by Tamago (11-05-2006 09:22:32 PM)
Surfing elephants are teh awesome.
The Utena dub starts off shit but it does get better, in my opinion. Cowboy Bebop has an excellent dub. Personally I can't watch it in Japanese. Now, Cromartie High School has an exquisite dub, much much better than the origional japanese.
I'm guessing most people on this forum have seen CardCaptor Sakura and then heard the travesty that is Cardcaptors. SOB. KILL ME.
Movie Akio sucks whatever language he's speaking in. Though the 'I can't find the key' speech in the dub made me chuckle for some reason.
Yeah, the Utena entry gets all kinds of biased crap. Before it was edited, anything relating to Juri was obviously written by a raging Juri/Ruka fan. I mean, I like the pairing alright, but she claimed that Juri secretly enjoyed his creepy rape-kiss and "reluctantly" pulled herself away. Also, that the big moment when she tore off her rose in her last duel is when she realizes that she's really loved Ruka all along. Errrrr?
Oh, and the thing I love about the Wikipedia entry is that it had the Spanish names of the cast. Mikage is Sonny, people.
Akio: Anthy's brother, he fucks her all the time. He is also the villain.
Touga: A douchebag.
Saionji: An even bigger douchebag than Touga.
(Although really on what planet is Saionji the biggest douchebag in the series? Come on.)
Hahahaha, that's awesomely bad.
Akio = the villain, which takes the backseat to ongoing incest.
Touga = (snicker) If you take him out of context, I can see it. Terrible, very terrible, but just great.
Saionji = (Nearly died laughing about this even bigger douchebag thing)
What series? Try the Utena movie. (Silently hates that for the portrayal of Saionji) -_- I mean come on. I really can't take that thing seriously with anyone. Except maybe tones of Anthy's character. (Will not get on a tangent about hair and skin)
The movie was the worst thing ever to happen to Saionji's character.
Akio was so absolutely fucking off the wall that no one even thinks to connect the two. Saionji in the movie is close enough, some retarded warped caricature, that you can allow the movie to seep into the series and it soils the potential for any thought you might have given him.
I mean...he was foaming at the mouth.
Giovanna wrote:
The movie was the worst thing ever to happen to Saionji's character.
Akio was so absolutely fucking off the wall that no one even thinks to connect the two. Saionji in the movie is close enough, some retarded warped caricature, that you can allow the movie to seep into the series and it soils the potential for any thought you might have given him.
I mean...he was foaming at the mouth.
...was he? I really don't remember that. I must watch the movie again *horror*
Mostly I don't care for the movie because Mikage and Ruka aren't in it
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Apparently the English dub gets better as the series progresses, but I don't think it's worth it. The only series I like dubbed is Hellsing, which works for me since it takes place in England, and the fake accents are very good.
Starting with the Black Rose Saga, the English dub gets loads better and Rachael Lillis does some great nuanced work as Utena. The first season is TERRIBLE though with atrocious mispronunciations of characters names, etc.
Thank god the Akio "ciao" thing is only in the movie, never in the series.
If you like the Hellsing English dub, that's Crispin Freeman doing Alucard. He does Touga for the Utena English dub. He has commented at conventions that they got NO prep time with Utena because of the low budget. They did not know their characters at all when they started; they just got handed a script and a short description. He says he watches all of the shows that he dubs for on his own time because they don't pay them for that.
I will watch Utena no matter what language but if I'm trying to get someone new to watch it, they almost always want to watch it in English. Very few of my friends will watch a show with me if they have to read subtitles. Kinda disappointing.
Ger wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
The movie was the worst thing ever to happen to Saionji's character.
Akio was so absolutely fucking off the wall that no one even thinks to connect the two. Saionji in the movie is close enough, some retarded warped caricature, that you can allow the movie to seep into the series and it soils the potential for any thought you might have given him.
I mean...he was foaming at the mouth....was he? I really don't remember that. I must watch the movie again *horror*
Mostly I don't care for the movie because Mikage and Ruka aren't in it
Yep, he's foaming at the mouth. Isn't it great?
My little friend who has never seen the series is both shocked and afraid.
Want to see mouth foaming in abridged version, anyone? Here's movie Utena V.S. Saionji. And I say he's most definitely foaming at the mouth, there.
Once again, COME ON. The boy does have a soul.
Last edited by jmie5 (11-06-2006 07:38:08 PM)
I like the dubbed movie Saionji's voice it fit's him pefectly, now that there is no Touga HE is the best, he is everything. He only hit's Anthy out of his way and he is also muchy more affectionate to her in the movie then the show... though he's only in that duel and in one shot in the car scene. So... it's hard to actually use that.
As I have only watched the Utena series on Youtube, I have only seen the Japanese version with subtitles so I have never heard the English dub but from what I have read about the cast in the dub, Rachael Lillis plays Utena... I have scary visions of Jessie from Pokemon dressed up like a prince with James as the Rose Bride not to mention Lisa Ortiz as Shiori, the idea that Miss Lina Inverse having an inferiority complex amuses me.
Tamago wrote:
As I have only watched the Utena series on Youtube, I have only seen the Japanese version with subtitles so I have never heard the English dub but from what I have read about the cast in the dub, Rachael Lillis plays Utena... I have scary visions of Jessie from Pokemon dressed up like a prince with James as the Rose Bride
not to mention Lisa Ortiz as Shiori, the idea that Miss Lina Inverse having an inferiority complex amuses me.
You mean like this? … ashion.jpg
Last edited by ShatteredMirror (11-07-2006 12:12:05 AM)
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Tamago wrote:
As I have only watched the Utena series on Youtube, I have only seen the Japanese version with subtitles so I have never heard the English dub but from what I have read about the cast in the dub, Rachael Lillis plays Utena... I have scary visions of Jessie from Pokemon dressed up like a prince with James as the Rose Bride
not to mention Lisa Ortiz as Shiori, the idea that Miss Lina Inverse having an inferiority complex amuses me.
You mean like this? … ashion.jpg
That seems about right.
Well James always was keen on roses.
I think you're even worse than me.
Dani wrote:
Starting with the Black Rose Saga, the English dub gets loads better and Rachael Lillis does some great nuanced work as Utena. The first season is TERRIBLE though with atrocious mispronunciations of characters names, etc.
Thank god the Akio "ciao" thing is only in the movie, never in the series.
If you like the Hellsing English dub, that's Crispin Freeman doing Alucard. He does Touga for the Utena English dub. He has commented at conventions that they got NO prep time with Utena because of the low budget. They did not know their characters at all when they started; they just got handed a script and a short description. He says he watches all of the shows that he dubs for on his own time because they don't pay them for that.
It's a shame they don't screen the shows to their actors, but then again, I guess it's not like the pleasure of theviewing audience is important or anything.
I've always felt that the dub is very good, especially having grown up on a diet of Sailor Moon, Tokyo Babylon(easily one of the most painful dubs to watch EVER) Transformers and Cardcaptors (which, actually, I didn't watch as I much preferred the manga to the anime, but my sister did). I thought Rachael Lillis was damned good as Utena, esp as I only have BRS and AA to reference (God, I need to get the Seitokai arc). In some parts I thought she did better then the original seiyuu, athough I think I may be shot for expressing that opinion. She was damned good, very subtle, I thought. I always thought the girl that did Anthy was awful, and ought to be shot. She doesn't get any better, no matter what. I liked Juri's, although a lot of the time it wasn't quite on.
I can't imagine how Miki sounded older then Akio, though. Akio just sounded...not dumb, but...not....Akio...
ShatteredMirror wrote:
I think you're even worse than me.
You really think so? But I'm sweet, innocent and pure!
So stick that up your clacker! *hehe*
Back on the subject... more or less!
This site here deals with the various tropes that shows up on shows like Utena and other series.
morosemocha wrote:
I've always felt that the dub is very good, especially having grown up on a diet of Sailor Moon, Tokyo Babylon(easily one of the most painful dubs to watch EVER) Transformers and Cardcaptors (which, actually, I didn't watch as I much preferred the manga to the anime, but my sister did). I thought Rachael Lillis was damned good as Utena, esp as I only have BRS and AA to reference (God, I need to get the Seitokai arc). In some parts I thought she did better then the original seiyuu, athough I think I may be shot for expressing that opinion. She was damned good, very subtle, I thought. I always thought the girl that did Anthy was awful, and ought to be shot. She doesn't get any better, no matter what. I liked Juri's, although a lot of the time it wasn't quite on.
I can't imagine how Miki sounded older then Akio, though. Akio just sounded...not dumb, but...not....Akio...
Rachael Lillis IS damn good (although I was thrown when I watched Pokemon the first time ). She really nailed the character starting with the "For Friendship, Perhaps" episode and I think the final three episodes are real achievments for her (Episode 37 because Utena has a different mood in every scene and during the Anthy/Utena heart-to-heart on the balcony scene). The Japanese voice for Utena is heavy on the harsh tomboy inflection a lot of the time and doesn't seem as subtle to me.
YES, Sharon Becker plays Anthy like a Stepford Wife, that's an English voice I have serious problems with (Anthy in Japanese is, well, sexy) Actually when Rachael Lillis plays Anthy in the curry body swap episode, SHE does a better Anthy.
Also Akio in English sounds like a bad pimp, creepy but not nearly seductive enough. I like Miki's voice (can't get over the female Japanese voice) and Tsuwabuki, I think they convey the younger ages of the characters. Nanami, great. Juri, really good starting with the "Unfulfilled Jury" episode. Kozue, really good. And the voice actor for Shiori might be the best, she's amazing in episode 29 "Azure Paler Than the Sky". I didn't think much of Shiori as a character until I watched that episode in English. But Ruka, sheesh, the voice is weird and annoying but it kinda grows on me after a bit.
Utena got me into anime so I wasn't a subtitle junkie when I started watching it. Now that I have to settle with watching a lot of shows before they get to the US, I'm more used to watching other shows in Japanese now.
Also the English cast dubs alone so they have no one to play off of during their scenes. That's another way to cut costs which is a shame.
Last edited by Dani (11-07-2006 07:20:58 AM)
Dani wrote:
Rachael Lillis IS damn good (although I was thrown when I watched Pokemon the first time
). She really nailed the character starting with the "For Friendship, Perhaps" episode and I think the final three episodes are real achievments for her (Episode 37 because Utena has a different mood in every scene and during the Anthy/Utena heart-to-heart on the balcony scene). The Japanese voice for Utena is heavy on the harsh tomboy inflection a lot of the time and doesn't seem as subtle to me.
YES, Sharon Becker plays Anthy like a Stepford Wife, that's an English voice I have serious problems with (Anthy in Japanese is, well, sexy) Actually when Rachael Lillis plays Anthy in the curry body swap episode, SHE does a better Anthy.
Also Akio in English sounds like a bad pimp, creepy but not nearly seductive enough. I like Miki's voice (can't get over the female Japanese voice) and Tsuwabuki, I think they convey the younger ages of the characters. Nanami, great. Juri, really good starting with the "Unfulfilled Jury" episode. Kozue, really good. And the voice actor for Shiori might be the best, she's amazing in episode 29 "Azure Paler Than the Sky". I didn't think much of Shiori as a character until I watched that episode in English. But Ruka, sheesh, the voice is weird and annoying but it kinda grows on me after a bit.
Utena got me into anime so I wasn't a subtitle junkie when I started watching it. Now that I have to settle with watching a lot of shows before they get to the US, I'm more used to watching other shows in Japanese now.
Also the English cast dubs alone so they have no one to play off of during their scenes. That's another way to cut costs which is a shame.
Juri's voice was really strong, and one of the better matches, but there was just something about her delivery might be because they didn't have anyone else to play off of though, I'd forgotten about that.
Shiori's voice itself grates me a bit, but I think it's perfect for her, because she does psycho, and slut, and manipulative, and she can still sound like a normal girl around her classmates. I love that about her. If you ever catch Firefly (Joss Whedon is my GOD!), there's a character named Saffron who I can see as Shiori in Space very easily. What else... believe it or not, I think with some coaching, Ruka's voice might have been better on Akio then the guy that did end up with it.
But yeah, Anthy was the worst part of that dub, esp in the last three episodes. And because Rachael Lillis does so well, the contrast is made even more painfully obvious.
morosemocha wrote:
If you ever catch Firefly (Joss Whedon is my GOD!), there's a character named Saffron who I can see as Shiori in Space very easily. What else... believe it or not, I think with some coaching, Ruka's voice might have been better on Akio then the guy that did end up with it.
Joss IS a god and only one season of Firefly is a travesty. You're dead on about Saffron, what a conniving bitch (doncha love her!). Buffy is my favorite show of all time but anything Joss (TV, movies, comics) is all gold. Hmm, a show about a heroic, kick ass heroine who finds herself attracted only to characters with a dark side, plus a cast of screwed up characters who learn by her example and seek redemption. But hey, no similarities to Utena, nah, course not
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
I'm sorry, Gio, but this is for your own good.. *tranquilizies*
But wow, someone out there is biased. That's one reason why I don't like wiki. Anyone can go and edit the articles and be as misleading or biased as they want. Or post extremely false facts, which I had the mistake of reading a few times..
NEVER, EVER TAKE WIKI AS ABSOLUTE GOSPEL. This is the very first bit of advice I give to people who consult Wiki constantly (and I am one of those folks, so what does that say?). The articles can be altered by, quite literally, anybody with a computer and an Internet connection. There isn't enough moderation for Wiki articles, in my opinion. I've queried things beside Utena (my other interests, shall we say for now
), and many things I found were borderline bias or just plain wrong, given either the character under the microscope or perhaps an event in a series or game.
There are other, far more moderated and reliable sources than Wikipedia. After all, they derived the word "wiki" from a Hawaiian word meaning "quick." What does that say about the website?
Dani wrote:
Also the English cast dubs alone so they have no one to play off of during their scenes. That's another way to cut costs which is a shame.
This, I feel the need to point out as someone in the acting industry, is simply incorrect. North American dubbing is virtually always alone, budget nonwithstanding, and the reasons don't really have to do with cost so much as the difficulty of scheduling entire casts together (since voice acting is not a full-time lucrative industry like Japan), the fact that North American audiences are more concerned with mouth movements fitting dialogue (which is well-nigh-unto impossible to do with full cast recordings) and the precision instruments used, which pick up every time somebody shifts in their seat, breathes wrong, moves, or really does anything at all. For an illuminating example: voice actors can't even pronounces the letter "p" like a normal person because of the "pop" you automatically make when you do it (listen for yourself); instead, what they say is something of a mix between "p" and "b".
Many actors prefer the North American way of doing things, many prefer the Japanese way. There is no consensus on the topic, and there's advantages to both methods.
It's also not correct to say they don't have anyone to play off of. They are watching the show as they dub it, generally speaking, and they will be working off the prerecorded lines of their cast members. Of course, what lines are prerecorded just depends on scheduling, but that isn't always a bad thing. You have to intensely focus to get into your character in solo dubbing, which can often lead to a greater identification with that character.
As far as the Utena dub goes... it's something I have a love/hate relationship with. I find Japanese dubs, generally speaking, very uninspired and cookie-cutter; the Japanese voice acting industry loves to pigeonhole people into "types" of voices rather than encouraging individualism (look for the latest clone of Megumi Hayashibara in an anime near you!), which is something I dislike. They do have a certain baseline level of competence that some early anime dubs (and many non-anime-dubs, like video games) don't have, but that's something that in recent years has vanished (there's virtually no badly acted/directed English dubs in anime anymore, though many TV dubs have cartoony voices and edited dialogue, of course). I do appreciate that apparently every Japanese voice actor can sing halfways competently, but that rarely makes or breaks a series for me. English voice acting, on the other hand, I find has more freedom to be real individuals who use the individual qualities of their voices rather than "generic hyper girl/deep-voiced rival/squeaky-voiced perverted old man/old woman who sounds like she's sucking gravel/etc", which helps me appreciate characters better. As well, animation is a visual medium, and subtitles are thus an inherently inferior way of watching it (as they necessarily distract and obscure the visuals).
So I usually prefer English dubs these days, though some anime I still like the original Japanese dub (and in some shows, such as Shaman King, I can hardly stand either, unfortunately). Utena is iffy for me. Some things in the Utena English dub I really, really like (Jimmy Zoppi's Miki is, AFAIC, ten times more nuanced and interesting than Aya Hisakawa's bog-standard rendition of him, and his voice is not really that deep), and some I really, really don't (Nanami's voice actress, while perfect-sounding, is not actually a very good actress in my opinion). The mispronunciations of names are very unfortunate, oweing to Software Sculptor's low budget and poor directing at the initial release. I understand why they kept them later for continuity's sake (except in the movie, where they quietly fixed a few), but it's still very grating on me to hear, especially Koe-zoo-ay.
I wish I could throw both versions in a blender and come out with a perfect dub, but failing that, I tend to watch whatever appeals to me at the time (often depending on what character is being focused on). The only exception is the movie, which I find basically the best part of the dub (it probably doesn't hurt that Nanami isn't really there and Kozue's name never gets mentioned) and thus strongly prefer the English... which is good, since it's the most visually appealing part of Utena.
As for Wikipedia, it's much easier to ensure an accurate article in something that can be fact-checked and cited (like scientific topics and historical events). The problem is it's almost impossible to accurately and reliably moderate an article on something like a TV show. All sources other than watching the thing yourself may be just as biased; beyond even that, so many things are matter of opinon (the Utena article does or did state that Utena has a clear canonical sexual interest in Anthy, something many people might agree with but I rather vehemently do not). So it's just a situation that can't be solved, unfortunately. As others have said, don't take it as gospel, though it makes a good starting resource for many topics.
Hinotori wrote:
Reminds me of the Encyclopaedia Dramatica article.
I read the entry and almost died of laughter, although I am a bit offended by their superficial interpretation.