This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
It seems to me like most of the post-series fics out there had the grown up characters going back to the high school setting of Ohtori Academy to fight against Akio's magical might. Has anyone written anything about the grown up cast having to face Akio in a grown up world, where the devil's might manifest itself by way of real life demands?
How about a story in which the Utena cast, 10 years past the revolution, found themselves all trapped in various office jobs they have no passion for, but is only working to either make ends meet, please their families, or to secure their social statues. The cast eventually realize that Akio Ohtori, now a multi-billionaire in their so-called real world, in fact owns all the companies they've been working for, and have been manipulating them via office politics for the purpose of trialing a strong enough heart sword for him to seize. Utena, under-qualified and heavily burdened by financial needs in the real world, must decide whether to quit her job and gain true freedom but risk being poor, or stay employed in Akio's financial kingdom and have her fiesty soul suffocated by corporate machinations. True revolution, Utena will come to realize, is starting her own business and being her own boss.
I'd write this fic myself if I'd had enough free time, but I don't. Thus I'm posting the fic idea here hoping that some talented fic writer reading will want to pick it up and start another good fic for everyone to enjoy
Dare I hope that this becomes a multi-part epic that will actually get finished?
Interesting to think what kind of jobs the Utena cast would get in the real world. Somehow I can't see Juri flipping burgers; she'd be a sharp-dressing CEO hitting on all the young pretty secretaries.
Now Saionji I can see flipping burgers.
Now Saionji I can see flipping burgers. emot-rofl
Or maybe flipping sunny-side ups (like he actually did in the series) at a commerce building food court breakfast franchise counter, grinding his teeth in impotent rage as he was made to serve CEO Touga and his snobbish girl friends . . .
I see Juri modelling just as she did in the TV series. Grown up Juri would be "too curvy" for high fashion (since she already had curves as teen, imagine how she'd be as a woman), and would agonize over how her agency keep telling her that she can't make it in the high fashion realm for her womanly endowments, that she need to lose weight plus get a breast reduction to attain the now popular "Shadow Girl" chic. Shiori, the bi-makeup artist there, also say she could only fancy tomboys with a tomboy built. Imagine her horror/rage when she realized her entire agency was owned by Akio, and their words is his words . . .
Last edited by gorgeousshutin (04-13-2012 10:12:14 AM)
Oooh! I've actually considered this kind of thing pretty strongly before. What would happen if Akio, removed from the school he manipulates in, had to set his stage in the modern adult world. Definitely one of those 'owns half the universe' kind of things, and it would be so easy to use corporate politics to drive people to the same irrational behaviors he does in the show. It'd be comparatively bland in some ways--the school setting allows for a lot of themes that would be absent in adult casts.
But how would it go with them all grown up? Juri beginning to resent her commercial modelling success, because even if she comes out, it will only be yet another shallow surface of her that people will cheer for, while none ever know who she truly is. Touga fighting and clawing his way to the top, only to find the view gets very boring because from such heights, the landscape rarely changes. Saionji finding out those noble qualities he always failed so hard at turned out to mean even less than he thought they did. Does he drown his disappointment with life in sake? Does it all fold back in on itself and turn him into a cruel, cynical user? Seeing this, will Touga laugh...or cry?
It's kind of scary, the things Akio does play to every audience. Children are weaker, easier, perhaps even more fun, but at the end of the day, his tricks, even when they seem so cheap from a distance, would work pretty much anywhere.
Oooh! I've actually considered this kind of thing pretty strongly before. What would happen if Akio, removed from the school he manipulates in, had to set his stage in the modern adult world.
Oooh! I'm so glad I'm not alone in this!
It'd be comparatively bland in some ways--the school setting allows for a lot of themes that would be absent in adult casts.
I think an adult setting could also allow for some interesting themes if done right (office bullying vs school bullying). I know that many Asian companies will make joining company sport events semi-mandatory for employees, so the "duels", at least, can in fact still exist in the corporate world (be it via kendo, fencing, or other sport-types).
The thing is, there ARE adults in the series who remain under Akio's influences despite their not residing in Ohtori: Miki's father, "engaged" to Anthy in the "outside world" despite neither a student nor a duellist; Tokiko, who left Ohtori but still returning often to the tower for meetings (or maybe more) with Akio. It seems odd to me how most fans simply assume that leaving Ohtori would mean less influence from Akio, who is depicted as this cosmic, all encompassing type of villain in the show.
Last edited by gorgeousshutin (04-13-2012 07:00:05 PM)
gorgeousshutin wrote:
I know that many Asian companies will make joining company sport events semi-mandatory for employees, so the "duels", at least, can in fact still exist in the corporate world (be it via kendo, fencing, or other sport-types).
Wah! I totally forgot about stuff like that. Force that team spirit on the group kind of thing, yeah?
Duels are by nature not a team effort, though. I don't know much about this trend in Japan, but isn't the point that it's stuff like baseball that forces the group to work together? Or is Akio just that strange a CEO that he wants to instill a competitive spirit between individual members of the group?
[img]Duels are by nature not a team effort, though.[/img]
Where the likes of Akio is involved, any "team effort" could easily get twisted into vigorous power tripping
And, since the duelists are not even in the same companies/firms in my vision, but just a number of different corporations upon which multi-billionaire Akio has major shareholder power in, each company's team could, in fact, have one duelist in the captain/leader spot
Or, Akio in the 'real' world takes the form of the leader of a cultural movement encouraging individualism and self-servingness, similar to his role in Ohtori as a liberating teacher.
Is Mikage gonna be there?
[img]Is Mikage gonna be there?[/img]
I'm hoping to fit both Mikage and Tokiko in there somehow, maybe as professors/educators working for top Universities that are funded by Akio?
I know it's real world and all, but I have a half-mind to have a reincarnated "real" Chida Mamiya in this real world somehow . . .
Then again, since this is just a fic idea, and I'm unlikely to be the one actually writing it (if it gets written at all), who knows how things will actually go. I'm simply putting this fic idea in my agonizing moment of utena fic drought, that's all.
Atropos wrote:
Or, Akio in the 'real' world takes the form of the leader of a cultural movement encouraging individualism and self-servingness, similar to his role in Ohtori as a liberating teacher.
So he runs Occupy?
I could see it working either way. Either the setting encourages people to be the same or fit in, and they chafe against those limitations, or individuality is so honored that it's exaggerated past all reasonable behavior. Ohtori Academy kind of has a bit of both, with the student body versus the student council.
Wow . . . I'm so glad that this fic idea thread actually seems to be gaining life. Thanks for all the input so far, guys!
Now if only we can get a fic writer willing to churn out something along these lines . . .
Giovanna wrote:
So he runs Occupy?
If Akio runs the large corporation that owns everyone else's place of work and starting her own business is Utena's means of revolution, does that make Anthy representative of the wealthy investors other people aren't sure how to make use of?
[img]does that make Anthy representative of the wealthy investors other people aren't sure how to make use of? school-devil[/img]
Hi mooring!
The Seinen Anthy in my vision is actually the owner of a classy flower shop in a commerce court frequented by office suit types; these men will go into the shop looking to find something to impress the secretaries/colleagues/superiors they're originally interested in, and ended up getting hooked by the woman behind the place instead
Anthy's client-list will include higher-ups from the same set of companies Akio has dips in, thus allowing her to become a major stock trader who can manipulate even these companies' stock values via heavy (insider) trading
Last edited by gorgeousshutin (04-17-2012 02:32:53 PM)
. . . god help me, for I am actually in the process of finishing part one of this crack fic (even when I so obviously LACKED the time to do it)!
Will post it in this forum once I finish. Should I start a new thread with the [fanfic] in the header?
gorgeousshutin wrote:
. . . god help me, for I am actually in the process of finishing part one of this crack fic (even when I so obviously LACKED the time to do it)!
Will post it in this forum once I finish. Should I start a new thread with the [fanfic] in the header?
Excited to read
Thanks, Rebel Prince!
BTW, dose anyone know of any Utena fic hosting site aside from that has reasonable traffic? Originally I was only gonna put it on, but the site now has these dangerous seeming ads that I'd rather not get . . .
Well there is my little site, but high traffic it's probably not these days.
There seems to be a lot of using Tumblr for this, but I'm not good with trying to obtain traffic.
Thanks anyway, Giovanna!
I think I'll likely put it on my blog first, as a blog post. I thought about putting a copy in my [fanfic] thread, but had no idea how to preserve formatting on this forum, so I'll probably just link to my blog post from there.
Please C & C when it come out, guys
*cough* Surely you mean Josei Kakumei Utena ;)
gorgeousshutin wrote:
BTW, dose anyone know of any Utena fic hosting site aside from that has reasonable traffic? Originally I was only gonna put it on, but the site now has these dangerous seeming ads that I'd rather not get . . .
I didn't know the ads on could get you. I haven't bothered in a loooong time. o__o This being said, Utena doesn't get a lot of traffic, but maybe you could look into seeing if there are any active communities on Livejournal? Thanks so much for being willing to share!
Thank you for the suggestion, jmie5!
In case people still don't know, the actual fic is posted in this thread:
Hi Koshernova:
*cough* Surely you mean Josei Kakumei Utena ;)
Actually, I do mean *Seinen* (Have the title already given some kinda spoiler away?)
But really, Seinen is "青年" in kanji. While often thought of as meaning "young adult male" when used to categorize manga demographics, this kanji term (like its Chinese equivalent) simply means "young adult". Seinen is really a gender neutral term, even though many commonly associate it with young adult males unless there's the "女" (female) character preceding it.
Josei, "女性", by strict definition simply means "female gender" without being age specific. It can apply to kids or grannies. The term josei is only associated with "lady" because it is a "sophisticated" way of saying female.
In case you wondered, I'm Asian. Thus why I'm familiar with these terms.
Please see
for the actual fic itself, and if you could, C&C pretty please