This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Haha! Yes, that was what I was planning to do as well. Though some of them are quite indistinct and it's difficult to think up an effect (I had planned to use the girl rat from that play but couldn't come up with an idea) I see your point and it's an excellent one at that, I'll get to it tommorow.
FArAhem... sorry for the extended wait but some things came up...
Hmm, that won't happen unless he is buffed (by some of the very cards in this set!) I believe trying to conjoin the small green monster's around this concept will hopefully work.
I could have sworn I give this thing stats... anyway it's 2/1 it's ability is actually sort of like Kozue''s but instead of bringing dead thing's back to life it makes summoning cheap creatures even cheaper.
Like miki's presumed first arc card, I always believed this shadow play to be about what Kozue had done that annoyed Miki, but as Utena simply says "ignore her" at that moment the "Bothered Passenger" asks for some food. I believe this to be foreshadowing in awa yt his Akio Arc duel, I could be wrong though, but whatever the case...
A very cost effiecient card which could let some of your early game quick hitter's to attack your opponent all at the cost of one card.
Uh... it was supposed to have a white twin called Comforting Angel but I have misplaced the card.. .apparently.
This might be too good, but because of it's cost and low survivability, I think it works.
I don't know how much use this could get... might get rid of +2/+0 while defending part.
I really liked the style I gave this card and the regenrate bit is from him surviving the initial Dios Rush. Oy accursed card limitations... that should read "own" at the end.
Frankly, I hate the name so any better one would be much appreciated. I also forgot to give her a mana cost... 2 Red and 2 seems acceptable.
Far too overcosted, maybe 3 woulld be acceptable WWW of course.
For some reason... I'm not a real fan of this card.
I don't quite like the piccture, but... oh well.
Confusing templating, other then that, I really like this card.
Hmm, well unfortuantely it would appear as if the two director's (Satyreyes and CMK) have gone missing, so this should probably be put on hold till they return, I feel my cards have been lacking in something, and without order or discipline, I have no restraint, which in itself is not bad, but I can hardly handle that. I'll simply wait for either of these two to return, sorry to all whom wanted to see a complete set.
It's hard to pull it along with only one person having any grip on the rules. Perhaps try PMing or e-mailing CMK, I'm not sure where he's been lately. satyreyes does poke in on occasion and I suspect he'd get back into it if the ball was rolling again.
Giovanna wrote:
It's hard to pull it along with only one person having any grip on the rules.
Perhaps try PMing or e-mailing CMK, I'm not sure where he's been lately. satyreyes does poke in on occasion and I suspect he'd get back into it if the ball was rolling again.
I "poke in on occasion?" Gio, I'm surprised at you! I lurk every single day! I probably average a post a day, too (albeit mostly on IFD) -- one whole post! I even started a topic the other day I think you are marginalizing me because I am approximately the only IFD'er who has not yet posted a graphic description of what their genitalia look like after a blowjob, or discussed what their favorite sexual fluid is and why, or whatever.
In any case, part of the problem is that CMK has a better idea than I do of what the set looks like at the moment, by which I mean what colors and card types we need, and what we need them to do. Does green have an answer to the duel mechanic? Is there too much cheap blue bounce that's going to make Henshin incredibly frustrating? CMK knows the answers; I do not. Plus I've had some trouble getting really excited about this set as a unified whole, because I don't feel like it is a unified whole with a central idea to rally around -- just a collection of interesting cards. At this point all I could really do is review the individual cards.
Last edited by satyreyes (03-13-2007 09:37:37 AM)
satyreyes wrote:
I "poke in on occasion?" Gio, I'm surprised at you! I lurk every single day! I probably average a post a day, too (albeit mostly on IFD) -- one whole post! I even started a topic the other day
I think you are marginalizing me because I am approximately the only IFD'er who has not yet posted a graphic description of what their genitalia look like after a blowjob, or discussed what their favorite sexual fluid is and why, or whatever.
That must be it. I don't mean that you lurk or don't post necessarily but that you post less than some other people.
Don't be offended!
Also, I've never posted what my genitals look like after oral sex, or what my favorite sex fluid is.
satyreyes wrote:
In any case, part of the problem is that CMK has a better idea than I do of what the set looks like at the moment, by which I mean what colors and card types we need, and what we need them to do. Does green have an answer to the duel mechanic? Is there too much cheap blue bounce that's going to make Henshin incredibly frustrating? CMK knows the answers; I do not. Plus I've had some trouble getting really excited about this set as a unified whole, because I don't feel like it is a unified whole with a central idea to rally around -- just a collection of interesting cards. At this point all I could really do is review the individual cards.
That's about the sum of it. To me it's that I just don't have that much experience. It seems to me like really the whole game mechanic needs to be thought through again, and that perhaps a departure from MTG is necessary. Like...perhaps we should be centering around the dueling game but departing a bit from the series in that we don't demand it define who can duel. I'm almost wanting to assume something like Pokemon except I know nothing about how that's played. But either there could be an emphasis on character cards or fewer of them and make buffing more important. But that not everyone needs to be a 'creature', as it were. Given that we keep trying to pull creatures out of our ass for a series that doesn't lend itself to it, maybe the focus should be shifted back on the duelists being central, but not high in number. Like a filled out deck might only have five or six actual 'creatures' in it that would be used for fighting. Other creatures could be complimentary but not primary fighters, and they might be reliant on the creatures above them. I'm not sure what I mean here but I keep thinking in terms of what kind of decks people would have based on the core idea. Something based on interaction. Like you might have a Touga-Saionji-Nanami deck, or a Touga-Saionji-Wakaba deck, or a Wakaba-Utena-Saionji, etc, etc, etc. Obviously mechanics would have to be built in so that you could get your hands on your main fighters, maybe even make the game so that you start with them and the strategy is in how you accessorize and use them.
I think part of the problem is we're trying to build the game around Magic, when that's not necessary and actually if we put the thought into it, we could come up with something better.
And printable.
Edit: Like I'm thinking, say, that the Rose Bride isn't a card, but instead a set of buffs and attributes you have when you're the current victor, and you have to be in possession of her when you win the game to really win it. (Which would incline you to take damage when you possess her, which is amusingly fitting given her role in the series...)
Similarly, Akio might not be a playable card, or he might, like others, have cards that are about him, but you can't make him a duelist since, even though he duels, he's not technically one.
lol or maybe he could have his own small set of cards, letters dealt out at certain times that change the game in some way. Like the chance cards in Monopoly, playing a card might require you to draw one of his letters, which might work for or against you. Touga especially would have cards to do that.
I think I'm on to something here, but I might also be stupid.
Last edited by Giovanna (03-13-2007 10:07:42 AM)
ive given this thread alot of thought.
it seems to me that most people here have a good grip on the basic game mechanics. why not take what Giovanna is saying?
maybe not a whole new game, as i understand it, but perhaps a stand alone MTG? i dont believe that Magic has had a true stand alone since mirage. but i dont really know for certain. i only peek in on the newer stuff from time to time. they lost me around the time mirrodin came out
but as a stand alone... we would have more creative licence
guardian_rose wrote:
ive given this thread alot of thought.
it seems to me that most people here have a good grip on the basic game mechanics. why not take what Giovanna is saying?
maybe not a whole new game, as i understand it, but perhaps a stand alone MTG? i dont believe that Magic has had a true stand alone since mirage. but i dont really know for certain. i only peek in on the newer stuff from time to time. they lost me around the time mirrodin came out
but as a stand alone... we would have more creative licence
It depends what you mean by "stand-alone." In a sense, every Magic set is designed as a stand-alone, because that's how many people play. They'll play "block constructed," meaning you put together a deck using only cards from the last block, or "booster draft," which normally means you put together a deck by passing around boosters from the latest block. This has sort of been our on-and-off operating premise in the current project; we wanted the basic functions (some kind of Counterspell tweak, some kind of Shock tweak, etc.) to make it into the set along with more creative/original mechanics.
Giovanna's idea does capture my imagination. I like the idea of getting away from a strict M:tG format, because she's right; Utena isn't totally in the spirit of Magic, or maybe it's vice versa. Most games would probably not even feature the Rose Bride. I'll give it some thought, and I hope y'all do the same
I did give this some thought, ages ago. Along the lines that the characters should define their colours and not the other way around. In fact I considered doing away with the basic lands in favour of rose colours.
ie. Have Miki be Blue -> Have a Blue Rose card as a basic mana source -> Make Blue cards which fit Miki or Miki related concepts.
Of course doing that is a heck of a lot more work than fitting SKU to M:TG because, even if all the rules remain intact, the core of the game is redefined. Not to mention the difficulty of keeping the number of colours down to five.
And so forth... I didn't bring it up because it would only have impeded the progress which was going on at the time. Ultimately, I just enjoyed making creature cards based on the characters.
Hey look, it's this again!
Maybe I shouldn't be reviving this thread, because I think it may have eaten CMK and Xu Yuan. Has anyone seen them? satyreyes could be next!
I decided to give Nanami her shot at the color spectrum.
I'd say this set is less conventional than the others I've done and that lackeys make for too much text.
Ragnarok wrote:
Maybe I shouldn't be reviving this thread, because I think it may have eaten CMK and Xu Yuan. Has anyone seen them? satyreyes could be next!
In the immortal words of some Star Fox 64 character: You worry about your own hide!
I'd say this set is less conventional than the others I've done and that lackeys make for too much text.
Are you kidding?!? This is probably the most printable work I've seen from you. You have some interesting twists on old ideas, without crossing any lines. Your templating (choice of words and phraseology) is also much better. Have you been studying? ;)
And I just noticed you arranged them in the color pentagon. Very cute.
WHITE: The cutest of the five! Magic has played with this sort of thing before -- for instance, we've seen "this creature cannot block a creature with power greater than its toughness," i.e. "this creature can't block a creature that could kill it" -- but this variation is new. Basically, Nanami can't be blocked by a creature she can't kill. This is maybe a little unusual for white, but I think you can justify it by appealing to white's emphasis on gaining advantage in creature combat.
GREEN: Hee hee! Nice flavor! And very green. Lends herself to lots of combos -- say, with Savra, Queen of the Golgari (who also combos nicely with Black Nanami) or cards like Pandemonium or Death Match. I feel like she can probably be broken; you'd just need to find a way to untap her cheaply and repeatedly.
RED: I'd consider making her 4/2, to balance her cost and improve the flavor. (This way she deals her power when she goes to the graveyard, like she's striking one last blow.) Otherwise great; it makes me think of Firemaw Kavu.
BLACK: Again, nice flavor! Pretty black, too; this one makes me think of Skeletal Vampire. Possibly a little slow -- 2 toughness and no evasion means you probably can't attack with her until you've invested a turn to make a Lackey -- but that may be as it should be. Interestingly, no reason you can't combine Black and Green Nanami to pump Green Nanami up permanently for not much mana.
BLUE: My least favorite of the five, but still cool. I feel like the cost of the card and the ability are so high that the only way they're useful is if you find a way to abuse the card (say, with an infinite-mana combo). Compare it to a card like Elvish Hunter. The Hunter's casting cost and activation cost are much cheaper, and its 1/1 body isn't a lot worse than Blue Nanami's 1/3. The biggest difference is that the Hunter has to tap to activate, meaning that the advantage of using Nanami is that you can activate her more than once per turn -- and if you reliably have six or nine blue mana to feed her to make that happen, something's up. Add that to the fact that Wizards today tends to shy away from cards that threaten "Stasis-locks" -- situations where only one player ever untaps, or where no one untaps -- and you see why I'm a little leery. Still, neat idea, and your templating is straight out of Olde Magic.
Last edited by satyreyes (06-25-2007 12:17:51 AM)
satyreyes wrote:
In the immortal words of some Star Fox 64 character: You worry about your own hide!
Oh Falco, you so crazy.
satyreyes wrote:
Are you kidding?!? This is probably the most printable work I've seen from you. You have some interesting twists on old ideas, without crossing any lines. Your templating (choice of words and phraseology) is also much better. Have you been studying? ;)
Studying isn't my strong suit. I did look up cards which had similar mechanics to what I wanted to use, like Caribou Range for Green and Black.
satyreyes wrote:
RED: I'd consider making her 4/2, to balance her cost and improve the flavor. (This way she deals her power when she goes to the graveyard, like she's striking one last blow.) Otherwise great; it makes me think of Firemaw Kavu.
This is the one I thought of first. I've had it in the back of my mind for a while, but there were already two red Nanami cards and I didn't want to step on anyones toes.
It's an improved Bogardan Firefiend. I opted for having her being able to target players as well as creatures instead of matching power to damage at death. Even though it doesn't sync as well, this way she becomes a bigger liability when blocked. If an opponent blocks with a 2/3 creature, it means losing that creature and probably being hit with 4 direct damage anyway. I agree the cost is high for what you get, this way she may have a little more survivability, I'm not sure.
satyreyes wrote:
BLUE: My least favorite of the five, but still cool. I feel like the cost of the card and the ability are so high that the only way they're useful is if you find a way to abuse the card (say, with an infinite-mana combo). Compare it to a card like Elvish Hunter. The Hunter's casting cost and activation cost are much cheaper, and its 1/1 body isn't a lot worse than Blue Nanami's 1/3. The biggest difference is that the Hunter has to tap to activate, meaning that the advantage of using Nanami is that you can activate her more than once per turn -- and if you reliably have six or nine blue mana to feed her to make that happen, something's up. Add that to the fact that Wizards today tends to shy away from cards that threaten "Stasis-locks" -- situations where only one player ever untaps, or where no one untaps -- and you see why I'm a little leery. Still, neat idea, and your templating is straight out of Olde Magic.
Elvish Hunter was my inspiration for this card. (Susan Van Camp's art for it is one of my favourites.) Two blue for activation seemed overpowered, while with tapping she's just an expensive Hunter. Ideally she'd be 0/4 or 0/5, but a Nanami without direct offense didn't seem right. Thinking about it now, I'm not sure what made me think she'd be unsuited for combat. At 3/3ish she'd be useful for more than just her ability.
I understand your concerns, it's probably best to come up with something new. Usually the Blue I see in Nanami is when she's psyching herself out.
satyreyes wrote:
GREEN: Hee hee! Nice flavor! And very green. Lends herself to lots of combos -- say, with Savra, Queen of the Golgari (who also combos nicely with Black Nanami) or cards like Pandemonium or Death Match. I feel like she can probably be broken; you'd just need to find a way to untap her cheaply and repeatedly.
BLACK: Again, nice flavor! Pretty black, too; this one makes me think of Skeletal Vampire. Possibly a little slow -- 2 toughness and no evasion means you probably can't attack with her until you've invested a turn to make a Lackey -- but that may be as it should be. Interestingly, no reason you can't combine Black and Green Nanami to pump Green Nanami up permanently for not much mana.
this sounds alot like a nanami sliver deck.
I'm still very interested in this idea. I like the henshin mechanic, but with the mechanic, you're going to need cards that help you summon the transformations you need from your library, in the vein of the harbinger cards from the lorwynn set.
they could be sorceries:
Letter From Ends of the World:
Search your library for a duellist card and put it in your hand.
or enchantments:
Character Development
Whenever a creature with henshin engages in combat, you may search your library or graveyard for the card that is next in its henshin series, reveal it, then put it on top of your library
You may play that creature for its henshin cost even if the previous card in the henshin series is no longer in play
Personally, I'm not especially interested in revisiting the idea of making a 150-card set out of Utena; I think our effort floundered for good reasons, mostly that making a coherent set of that size is hard, and no one but CMK wanted to do the work. I'm happy to make and look at individual cards, though
Since we last left this thread, the Champion mechanic has appeared in Lorwyn, and amazingly, it works almost exactly like Henshin. The biggest difference is that Champion cards can only be played if you remove their predecessors from the game; the second biggest difference is that unlike most of our Henshin cards, they target broad classes of cards ("champion an Elf; champion a creature") rather than a specific card ("Henshin - Saturn, Warrior of Ruin"). I think both of these are good changes. They make the mechanic more cost-effective and more usable, respectively.
Some of my cards have champion. Perhaps we could use the same mechanic but make it more specific (Champion an Akio card?).
Ouch... that would be hard. Here are a few cards:
Title changed to suit the mood of the shot.
Last edited by Anthiena (03-15-2008 06:18:15 PM)
I think a 60 card prebuilt deck is a very realistic goal for this.
The theme should be dueling with your big creatures. The duel arena would be a legendary land that prevents more than one creature from attacking per turn but forces one creature to do so.
The duellists would be the main attack cards, with minor characters as support cards which give effects to support the duellist cards or hinder your opponent's duellists.
That leaves the problem of the early game. Anthy themed enchantments or sorceries could prevent all creature drops or attacks for a turn. Alternatively, Anthy herself could have a cheap persona designed to be brought out early game which prevents all creature drops or attacks as long as she remains tapped.
For instance (excuse the text only format, the creation site gives me trouble):
Duel Arena
Legendary Land
Cost: B R/U W/G
While Duel Arena is in play, each player must attack with one creature of their choice per turn. No other creatures may attack during this turn.
Tap: add one mana to your mana pool of the color of a creature you dealt damage with this turn
Mokushi, kumoshi, shikumo koshimu...
Schoolgirl Anthy
Cost: 2W
Legendary Creature-Rose Bride
Tap: You and your opponent may not attack on each of your next turns. You may not play this ability if you have attacked this turn.
If there is another creature with "Anthy" in its name, this card is sacrificed as it comes into play*
P/T: 0/2
Power of Dios that sleeps within me...
*to prevent multiple Anthys, Tougas, etc.
Last edited by Hedgehogey (03-14-2008 10:40:27 PM)
Yeah! I did all my card ideas! Yea for cropping!
Oops, forgot to edit in "soi":
One more time, Tamago: this thread is for Utena/M:tG cards. I think spoon-san is planning on creating er own Utena/Yu-Gi-Oh thread soon.
satyreyes wrote:
One more time, Tamago: this thread is for Utena/M:tG cards. I think spoon-san is planning on creating er own Utena/Yu-Gi-Oh thread soon.
I was going to do one for non-SKU stuff, actually since I was going to do some old snes based ones, but if Tamago or whoever wants to do an SKU one, that'd be great, too! Thank you in advance if anyone does it.
satyreyes wrote:
One more time, Tamago: this thread is for Utena/M:tG cards. I think spoon-san is planning on creating er own Utena/Yu-Gi-Oh thread soon.
Opps soory!