This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Hehe, I can see where you get your screename from now, Clover.
I'm not sure what to say about Clamp, except the artwork is gorgeous. From what I've seen there seems to be a variety of different kind of stories by Clamp, and "something for everyone", but I have yet to find one I really like. I've read Chobits, but it was too perverted for me. (in the annoying fanservicey kind of "ooh look innocent girls showing their panties on accident" way that I don't like, not that awesome SKU way I adore) Although, I did adore the ending, but that's about it.
Clamp seems to do a lot of different stuff, though.. although most of it I've heard was romance-based, but I haven't heard much, really. Are there any stories by them that are less romance-based? (Because, uh, I do like romance, but most of the romance descriptions I've heard for Clamp didn't interest me.)
Whee, babbling.
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
Hehe, I can see where you get your screename from now, Clover.
Totally. I have no shame. That and it's a pretty simple SN.
Are there any stories by them that are less romance-based?
X features copious amounts of gore! And TRAGEDY. But IMHO, not 'romance based'. There are a lot of hints of 'yeah, they totally like each other'. But come to think of it, I can't think of any CLAMP work that has not had some undertone of 'these people totally like each other but won't admit it until 5 books later' syndrome.
I actually liked Angelic Layer - it was light, fluffy and cute without the odd trauma CLAMP tends to throw into things. Plus, they only put one shot of Tokyo Tower in it and that's a plus there. I suppose what anime/manga you enjoy all depends on what you're looking for at any given moment.
As far as series being over.underreated, I can only really think of one anime series that actually lived up to all its hype and that is Cowboy Bebop. Amazing music, great characters, wonderful art, fun as well as gritty stories. I consider Cowboy Bebop to be a win-win series.
Clover is love. I have the original four releases, and they're beautiful. The kind of treatment that I wish Utena had gotten. As for xxxHolics, yeah. It tends towards the repetative. But one thing I've always liked about CLAMP are their clothing designs, and Yuuko's stuff is no exception. I really got hung up on the thought that she'll grant a wish, but the price isn't what people are expecting to pay.
I feel like a loser since this kinda became the Bash-On-CLAMP thread, and I really enjoy a lot of their work. I'm not cool.
Oh well. Like I care?
*Cries in a corner* But I love CLAMP....
I really do. It has so much prettiness, and sweet charecters, and so much fantasy worlds about perfect friendships, and lovely girls, and tends to make a perfect contrast to Utena, which goes into why/how all of those things aren't real.
And why these sweet idealized people can't exsist with real people.
I thought Angelic Layer was rather tramatic though, with the whole mother not wanting to see her daughter for that long of a time, and everyone keeping them seperated... and the little girl forcing herself to pretend at such a young age.
A Day Without Me wrote:
onsenmark wrote:
Now, now -- I *liked* Wing... but only for the mecha. And Duo is frakking win. XD
And G Gundam is made of hotblood and win. XD
And I'll admit -- I effing HATE Tsubasa. I've read the first nine volumes, and for me, it's just "meh". Give me Emma any day.I did like Wing, I just still think its over-rated because a lot of people out there will tell you its the "Best Gundam series EVAR!!1 OMG, WTF, DUOxHEERO FOREVAR! DIE RELENA!1!" It gets a little wearing.
Emma is greatThe ending to the anime made me angry, though, although it was pretty realistic the way they had it finish - and it was always one for realism, so I guess it'd've been stupid if they suddenly veered for the sugary ending instead.
There needs to be more Heavy Arms Custom worship. 'cause superior firepower is superior. XD
And there's a second season of Emma, IIRC. Dunno when it's airing in Japan, tho'.
morosemocha and Iris wrote:
they like CLAMP
Me three... I was feeling discouraged too, but now I'm happy I can hang out with the other uncool CLAMP fans here.
On the manga side, Shirahime-Syo is beautiful both in presentation and story, and I really want to read Clover. I hope it goes back into print. Fortunately in today's manga climate, if it is it'll probably be unflipped. As long as they recreate the original book design, it would be a very much welcome addition to my collection. Also, I'm partial to Mick Nekoi's (or whatever she's calling herself these days) artwork, so Suki is one of my favorites of the manga.
Angelic Layer is my favorite CLAMP anime of those that I've seen (barely edging out Cardcaptor Sakura). I can't help but root for Misaki, and I really like how it's a tournament show that's not a tournament show.
It's not that I don't like CLAMP, I just find them becoming commercialized when they sort of turned their genre from shoujo to shounen. I feel that they're too tender to be involved in that category
The reason that the friendship and love being presented in their story are usually impossible is because CLAMP is portraying relationships that have no limits or boundaries. So, characters can interact without consideration for other factors in this world like social conventions or even how other characters are feeling.
MKR and RG Veda showed that kind of relationship, but it was at the expense of the entire world, like Clover
sigh...I wish CLAMP can make another story that involves people in a global scale
Last edited by Hiraku (03-08-2007 05:36:37 AM)
dollface wrote:
Anime like SKU or Lain [also underrated, IMO] have their sheer brilliance passed off as mind-fucks[which they are sometimes], and end up second place to cutesy little scruff-muff anime where the guy always gets the girl through a series of amusing and cliche events.
Quoted for truth.
For manga, I want to definately say Confidential Confessions. Almost everyone I know has never read or heard of it, probably because it was never made into an anime, so it never had much of a chance to get big. It's one of my all-time favorite manga series. It touched me more and more with every book, especially 1,3, and 5. See? That's sad if you can name your favorite volumes. But I can, because each story was unique, heart-felt, and real. This shit happens to girl like me, every single day. Go pick up a copy. Now.
I've been meaning to read that for quite a while, but not a single manga store has it. Do you know if I can download it from somewhere?
My sister adores Confidential Confessions. I don't particularly care for it myself. But I guess I'm past that emo stage.
Super underrated? Annnnnnything by Erika Sakurazawa. The style takes some getting use to, esp. if you like super detailed and super styalized. It's very loose, people ae drawn very sketchbook style, BUT! her stories are worth the read. Between the Sheets was her first translated, and still one of the best. It's a one novel stand alone about a girl who doesn't realize she's falling in love with her best friend -another girl. It's one of the most real stories I think I've ever read, and Saki's speeches about cheating and dating and just her general reactions to a lot of things are very me.
Most people don't like to buy her stuff 'cause it's wrapped in plastic, but I figure that'd be a draw for this crowd.
Speaking of plastic wrapped, Sensual Phrase is weird. I'm not dropdead oh my god crazy for it, but it is pretty sex filled so someone here may care for it. It's cute, but I lost interest. Snowdrop and Ragnarok are manwha, technically - Korean- but very much worth looking into. Both have amazing art styles, and the storyliens are...different. Snowdrop is def more shoujo, whereas Ragnarok is pretty shounen. But whatever. Fenris and Lydia rock my socks off. I really want to cosplay Fenris, and much better then my truly horrid Lydia one.
Last edited by morosemocha (03-08-2007 07:46:29 AM)
Ragnarok is always a favourite. Speaking of Manwha, I'm sure some people here would like UnbalancexUnbalance, which is on of my favourite manwha. It's kind of girly, though.
Seconding Erika Sakurazawa too. (Morosemocha has rly good taste ;() She does A LOT of yuri and Lililicious has a few of her unlicensed manga translated if anyone wants to sample. Yamaji Ebine is about on the same level art and writing-wise, and they do similar material. In fact, I pretty regularly get the two confused. Neither are particularly talented artists and have a bad habit od drawing girls with sicence fair kid face.
AND IF YOU LIKES YOU SOME EMO. Try Deep Love. I'm pretty sure it was someone's attempt to be as depressing as possible and it worked kind of hard.
Last edited by Hinotori (03-08-2007 08:20:06 AM)
*shrugs* I rather like Naruto. It's one of the two anime series I'm trying to keep current.
IMO I don’t know what is SO dern-good about Naruto. This show IS genuinely OVERRATED. It’s art is’nt THAT good, neither is the animation, and the character development is so-so. I find Uzumaki to be rather irritating, even a bad ninja rip-off of Bart Simpson IMO. After the first 30-odd episodes, I dropped out completely. Sorry if I offend anyone, but the show is over-loved and gets too much of a free pass, for a show with such a big following, Naruto gets too much respect in anime/manga circles: for every 1 critic of the show there’s like 50,000 rabidly religious“Narutards”
I suppose I'm just too far out of the mainstream to really know what's out there anymore. I pick up anime/manga usually because a friend either talks about it long enough I decide to give it a try or I see some art from it and get mesmerized by the pretties. Over my entire exposure to anime/manga, I tend to find any of the Gundam stuff (except 08th Team) to be very overrated.
When it comes to 08th MS team, I’m on your team, It is VERY and SHAMEFULLY UNDERRATED, IMO it’s one of the best. However I DISAGREE with your broad brush view on all Gundam being overrated. Wing and Seed (perhaps the 2 most popular and overrated of all, especially WING, and its stiff format) Yes (though with Seed I like a lot of the characters) but G Gundam ( a show I liked because it was IMHO a fun show) and even the original Gundam , NO.
I suppose Trinity Blood is underrated, given a lot of people have base assumptions about anything with vampires in it.
I agree 100%
Meh. I don't even know a quarter of the stuff available in the US. I remember when everyone was OMGDBZ!
Please don’t take me back to them DARK AGES!
*rolls eyes* I watch anime/read managa for the art and character development.
#7 | Back to TopYesterday 07:54:54 AM
Hina the Prince
Overrated: Naruto, InuYasha and Bleach. Both are insanely popular and not really good [except for InuYasha which is downright BAD] I agree with you on 2 of the 3 (esp. Narunto(not as misspell) I detest the show like a sickness) with Bleach being the exception (good but NOT AT ALL worth the uber-hype but…..
except for InuYasha which is downright BAD
I must disagree with you on your broadbrush opinion on Inuyasha. This is a manga/show that was good at first, then OK then sucked . It was once underrated when it began, overrated when it peaked and now IMO the show is (IMO) OVEREXPOSED AND OVER-HATED and has more haters than fans, (almost the opposite of Naruto-50,000 haters for every 50 fans) The show’s flaws (especially with plots and lack of character development) can wear out even the most rabid of fans. The franchise, IMHO “jumped the shark” when they added that insolent waste-of-ink Koga (Kouga): simply a fan-service, blatant uncreative clone of Takahashi’s own Ryoga Hibiki (Ranma ½) for the enjoyment of them forementioned “fan-sluts” (and they can’t get enough of him-I DISLIKE KOGA FANSLUTS) Shippo is also annoying. And I cant stand how the fans go so ga-ga over Sesshoumaru.(especially the SessXRin fans). Saying that there are some of things that I like about the manga/show, notably the relationships between Inuyasha and Kagome and (esp) Sango and Miroku. I think Rumiko is keeping this puppy (pun intended) going for the Benjamins (err…..yen) (though she dosen’t really need the money- just like someone else said , she’s ome of the wealthiest people in Japan) I think It would’ve been much better if Rumiko’s manga finished up in 100 chapters and the (TV) show only lasted 65 episodes. But in closing, the Show is too Over EXPOSED and overHATED.
. The FMA anime. It was pretty good, but people calling it "the best anime ever"? Peh!
Right You are! This show is good ,ranks high on my list of fave anime, but no where near the top.
Also, Gravitation. All fansluts love it. I hate fansluts. I hate Gravitation.
Have to disagree with you there, I KINDA LIKE (but not insanely love) Gravitation.
And Prince of Tennis, which is insanely popular and INSANELY SHITTY.
It's all about pretty boys being gay and playing boring, predictable and reptitive tennis games. Hate that show. So much.
Your opinion is your opinion, but I STRONGLY DISAGREE with you on NEARLY ALL FRONTS on this. And Prince of Tennis, which is insanely popular and INSANELY SHITTY.
First of all It may be INSANELY POPULAR where you live (Israel) but not here in the U.S (yet) I like the manga. The TV show has just begun here so I’ll kinda give you the benefit of the doubt.
It's all about pretty boys being gay and playing boring, predictable and reptitive tennis games
I’m not going to let your hateful opinion dethrone the FACTS. The show may be about tennis and the boys may all be all be bishounen, but NONE of characters are gay. The franchise however (like any with bishounen characters……(Including Utena) or for that matter any with a lot of male characters) has been yaoi-ed a lot which gives the impression just because there’s a lot of young men, they’re all gay. Secondly, like Naruto, Death Note and the formentioned Claymore, It’s a Jump (Shueisha) boy’s/young men’s manga for gosh-sakes, not a yaoi manga!
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts
:US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Underrated: The Claymore manga and the Venus Versus Virus manga. They're both pure awesomeness and no one but me seems to be reading them, which is truly a shame.
Heard of Claymore. Never read either, but true that
I don't think Utena is underrated. I live in Israel [which is like... Israel], and most people in the anime community here who aren't 8 year old InuYasha fans know the series and love it. And hey - the series is almost 10 years old and it has its own extremely active forum with plenty of members.
Amen to that
#9 | Back to TopYesterday 03:22:04 PM
Anything aired on American TV is overrated. Most of the fans that watch that are new to anime, not that there's anything wrong with that. Anything with pretty boys and lots of Yaoi pairings is overrated.
That is why I detest Naruto
This might just be due to my bitterness over the fact that I stopped caring about D.N.Angel the moment people started caring about it.
I can't help but feel slightly annoyed at how much merchandise there is of Naruto and Inu Yasha, when I can't find even a single wall scroll or poster from SKU. No one where I live has ever heard of SKU.
Such a shame,
#10 | Back to TopYesterday 04:03:36 PM
I actually rather enjoy Naruto... but only the subtitled version. I've rather gotten attached to the characters, although the animation can be down right horrible. Half the time they're talking and the mouths aren't even moving.
Actually as much as I hate the series, I like Iruka and Kakashi ( though not in a yaoi way) and that Zabuza guy was pretty cool tooUnder rated:
Death Note. It constantly gets dumped on as being made for little teeny boppers and taking itself too seriously, but it's actually a very intriguing show, my second favorite, right below Revolutionary Girl Utena.
Overated... Tsubasa chronicle the manga isn't definately Clamp's best but the anime is just horrible
Most of Clamp’s recent work is horrible, I loved Clamp’s older (Chobits and earlier) works (esp CCS) and their early doujinshi, but most of its post-chobits properties stink to high heaven. Like Rumiko the’yre in it for the Benjamins……..errr, yen.
Which brings me to another Overrated candidate. : Anything by Yuu Watase post- Ayashi no Ceres. Many in my circles claim that Imadoki and all of the series that she did after that were better than AnC and earlier, STRONGLY Disagree with that. Imadoki was overrated to a T and Alice 19th was , though an improvement , not worth the money I spent on the manga either. Zettai Kareshi was an improvement, but still overrated.
OVERRATED: Trigun, this show is good but not Holy as some would like it to be! And the only thing Millions Knives is good for is cutting millions of oranges. (it’s a joke people!)
Cowboy Bebop: Great but, like FMA over-loved and over respected.
Buso renkin: BOOOOORING!
UNDERRATED: Kenshin, call me a dumkopf, but I never thought Kenshin never really got the respect that it deserves.
And all Manhwa is Severly underrated.
I don’t hate , I love everyone, and to those I disagree with, I love them more, but I then proceed to ream them a new ass
conner wrote:
First of all It may be INSANELY POPULAR where you live (Israel) but not here in the U.S (yet)
Judging by the amount of fanart/fic this fandom has and how lively all its LJ communities are [and there are plenty], I think it's safe to say it's popular in America as well.
I’m not going to let your hateful opinion dethrone the FACTS. The show may be about tennis and the boys may all be all be bishounen, but NONE of characters are gay.
That's right, and Utena and Anthy are best friends, and Touga and Akio never did anything, just posing on the bed with their shirts off and pants open. You go on thinking that.
Okay, guys, let's not get in a tizzy here. Anything shown on the screen is fact; anything you are supposed to deduce is opinion, as these things can be different based on cultural context, personal impressions and memories, and different perceptions. conner, it's perfectly fine to disagree with someone, but calling their opinion 'hateful' is a personal insult and out of line. I don't want to see that happen again.
conner wrote:
Imadoki was overrated to a T and Alice 19th was , though an improvement , not worth the money I spent on the manga either.
Hmm, I dunno if they count as over-rated, honestly - notice that neither has gotten an anime version, which just goes to show they aren't really that popular. I think Alice 19th in particular is, if anything, under-rated - its a really fun story, but it seems like no one has read it. I have yet to meet another person who's ever even heard of it, honestly.
EDIT: Oo, and on the manhwa front, Let Dai is completely under-rated. It's yaoi with absolutely no fluff whatsoever - I would compare it with Beserk in a way just to illustrate how... rough and uncensored the content is. It's a story that will definitely not have a happy ending.
Last edited by A Day Without Me (03-08-2007 04:33:39 PM)
Thank you conner, for providing us with a thread where we can whine about how nobody understands our super refined elite anime tastes.
Without further ado,
Miyazaki Sucks!
Hinotori wrote:
Thank you conner, for providing us with a thread where we can whine about how nobody understands our super refined elite anime tastes.
Without further ado,
Miyazaki Sucks!
Ouch, that really hurts. Miyazaki is literally the lifeblood of the children back when I was in kindergarten.
Aww, I love Miyazaki - he's pretty much the only director that I'll go see a movie of without knowing anything else about it.
Castle in the Sky is over-rated, though, I'll give you that.
I like Miyazaki, thanks. I mean, there's no way that everything he does can live up to the hype just because it's so insanely over-hyped, but I liked Spirited Away a lot. It was basically an anime Alice in Wonderland.
*hides my Ghibli catalogue next to my CLAMP collection*
...tough crowd.
Lest there be any doubt, being 'popular' has no bearing on what I enjoy... if I like something I like something. Anime, music, movies, whatever.
I think that's a good way to go - because not watching something solely because it's popular is just as stupid as not watching something because it's not popular.
Which is why I'm not ashamed of my Miyazaki love.
I didn't have the experience of watching his stuff early on or anything so I don't really have the same fond memories of it that most people do. To me he's just the guy that everyone liked and I was kind of indifferent to until he butchered Earthsea. Now he can go right to hell. I'll admit I liked Howl's Moving Castle, but Princess Monoke really bothered me. I was confusing, but not in a good "it gets you to think" way but in the, "god dammit all this crap's going on at once and I just forgot a major plot point" kind of way. It was a lot of energy put into a message that's been conveyed cleanly in so many other places. D:
This is comming from a person who thinks Big O is awesome and really wants a third season, and that's almost unanimously thought of by the animu community as cheesy crap that American anime fans predicably lapped right up. Nobody should have to worry about being cool on the internet~.
Hinotori wrote:
Thank you conner, for providing us with a thread where we can whine about how nobody understands our super refined elite anime tastes.
Without further ado,
Miyazaki Sucks!
I liked some of his work, but
God, that was the worst movie ever. I can't believe people think it's a masterpiece.
Gears in Hinotori's head wrote:
Well I could comment that I thought the manga was okay but I'm sure there's someone out there with the capacity to use that to lable me a manga-elitist and compare it to people saying shit like, "The first album was best!!11" Ah screw it. It's IRG and cool, internet, etc.
I thought the manga was alright.