This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
wow, what odd choices.
heck, why not. Let's go do the completely unrelated venture of checking out the Game Center.
What?! That policeman just saw a poisoned apple, and thought it was a joke?
Anyway, let's go to the Game Center. Just because we have never been there.
Just call us Kageno "Mad-Eye" D-ko.
Harry Potter reference!
Dammit, why the heck would the policeman not do anything...!? it! The policeman isn't real, and is actually one of Akio's hirings/Anthy in disguise in cahoots w/ Chigusa, sent to manipulate you for their next big Xanatos Gambit! And deep down inside, D-ko understands that "something's wrong w/ Ohtori" (like we didn't realize that first episode. ), and so she doesn't bother going to any other outside authority figures because she subconsciously knows they can do nothing to help. Or maybe Ohtori exudes magic which unconsciously dissuades people from talking to authority figures in the outside world. I mean, given that a main purpose of the Duels is to keep people in Ohtori for as long as possible, it makes perfect sense!
Well, not really perfect sense. Sigh, the things I would do to rationalize my favorite anime...
Last edited by Nights1stStar (12-20-2009 07:12:43 AM)
Ragnarok wrote:
Nights1stStar wrote:
Ragnarok wrote:
To be fair, the duellists are all self-absorbed. No one cared when someone was trying to kill Nanami!
Except no one was trying to kill Nanami. Anthy and Touga were just scheming to get Nanami paranoid (not very hard) so she could be introduced to Tsuwabuki in preparation for the Black Rose arc, and so Utena could be impressed by Touga's dramatic rescue scene at the ep's end. Plus, it was Nanami: the duelists were used to her imagining silly things and being melodramatic. Yes, in real life, death threats should be taken seriously, but this filler ep was presented in a way so even the audience couldn't take Nanami seriously. Even if you got the impression that something sinister was going on the first time you watched the ep, I doubt anyone thought Nanami was actually going to die, or anything was outright planning her murder.
I know this isn't the thread for it, so I won't write a long response, BUT! Anthy and Touga had nothing to do with that, everything that happens to Nanami is Tsuwabuki's doing (aside from the car near the beginning, I hope.) Regardless of whether or not the audience should care, the point is that no one in the show was concerned with Nanami's fate. Similarly they now aren't concerned with Miki's. In real life someone would have looked into it by now, but at Ohtori this doesn't seem to be a priority.
Actually, I've always found it suspiscious that Anthy and Touga were talking about "killing" right in a place where Nanami happened to be listening. And either way, I highly doubt that the sudden horses, chickens, and kangeroos that appeared could've been random.
However, I do concede that the SC are extremely self-absorbed; it'd be hard to argue that point. Maybe not any more so than your average human, but self-absorbed enough to guarantee that they'd lose the duels. So while I still find it plausible that the SC didn't take the drama queen of the school seriously, (sad, but not everyone in real life takes death threats seriously), yeah, the Duelists aren't the most open-minded people in the world...
Game Center
Tea is better for you. Anyway, how do people keep mistaking Chigusa for a dude? She has, like, the largest breasts in all of Ohtori.
Re: the policeman/poisoned apple thing. Frankly, if I was the policeman, I wouldn't believe that the apple was actually poisoned. Who the heck tries to poison a schoolgirl with an apple? Clearly someone stuffed it full of something, but it was probably like really hot chili sauce or whatever... a prank, just like D-ko said. The fact that D-ko out-and-out exclaimed "poison!?" could be chalked up to youthful overreaction.
Esmenet wrote:
Anyway, how do people keep mistaking Chigusa for a dude? She has, like, the largest breasts in all of Ohtori.
Yeah... Even I can't rationalize this one.
Ohtori Gakuen, where even the police boxes are architecturally awesome.
None of the options seem appropriate for these life-and-death matters, but surely our best bet is the Cake shop!
Classical music cafe! If you're going to die, best to die to some Wagner or something for maximum drama.
Also, I think Touga hangs out there. He'll totally protect her, because she'll be giving him head and anything that hurts his penis is BAAAAD.
Wow, there sure are a lot of Snow White references in this game.
I vote for the cake shop. Nothing calms the nerves like more sugar.
Esmenet wrote:
Tea is better for you.
Anyway, how do people keep mistaking Chigusa for a dude? She has, like, the largest breasts in all of Ohtori.
The only possible explanation is that campus people have seen so much of Touga, Saionji, Utena, and Juri that they assume that anyone with long, flowing hair is either A) a guy, B) a guy wannabe, or C) someone who likes girls and is therefore male by heteronormative convention. By contrast, if you wear your hair short like Wakaba, Kozue, Anthy, Miki, and Tatsuya, then you are either A) a girl, or B) effeminate. The only clear exception is Nanami on the long-hair side, with Shiori providing a second, more dubious example. Akio is hair-ambiguous, since his hair looks short but he has a long rat-tail, marking him as happy to be anything and fuck anyone.
We almost get poisoned and these are our choices???
Game center. Maybe we can learn some self defense moves playing Tekken!
I'm enjoying your witty quips as much as anything else Dallbun.
I think I grew fond of the Japanese-style Teahouse
Shouldn't one of these choices give us Miki? And in that case, isn't it the classical music cafe? Or, with five choices is it the four remaining duellists and Utena? Were there six choices the last time we had this particular selection screen?
Ragnarok wrote:
Shouldn't one of these choices give us Miki? And in that case, isn't it the classical music cafe? Or, with five choices is it the four remaining duellists and Utena? Were there six choices the last time we had this particular selection screen?
There's one for each of the four Student Council Members and Utena, and these are the same five choices we had last time. If we pick Miki's, it tells us the place is closed and makes us choose again, in which case I guess I'll take the second-highest vote. I'd tell you which one is Miki's, but I wouldn't want to miss out on the possibility of people accidentally voting for the wrong person.
Head to the game center. From what I've noticed, Chigusa's MO centers around poisoning food, whether by adding thumbtacks or filling them with mystery substances and the like. Who's to say that she won't try screwing with innocent beverages like tea and coffee too? Self-preservation is the name of the game (though I'm sure that if our little D-ko valued her life she'd straight up GTFO of Ohtori).
What are you saying!?
Night after night, you can hear the sounds of the resentful ukulele...
Isn't that scary!?
Saionji really should learn to vent his frustrations a tad more inconspicuously.
TEAHOUSE. I really want to see any kind of confrontation between Chigusa and Saionji. The ultimate bitch-slap fight. (If we can somehow fit Nanami in there liek WOAH).
Speaking of which, Chigusa is probably Nanami's role model. Petty, absurdly antagonistic revenges....
PrinceoftheLostEternity wrote:
(though I'm sure that if our little D-ko valued her life she'd straight up GTFO of Ohtori).
Pfft. Retreat? Chigusa tore a photo of our mother, remember? It's on now.
Last edited by Dallbun (12-20-2009 05:04:37 PM)
Dallbun wrote:
PrinceoftheLostEternity wrote:
(though I'm sure that if our little D-ko valued her life she'd straight up GTFO of Ohtori).
Pfft. Retreat? Chigusa tore a photo of our mother, remember? It's on now.
What would concern me more is how she got the picture.
And now I'm having thoughts of what it would be like to see D-ko and Chigusa on the show Yo Momma. That would make me LOL so hard.
Chigusa: Your mom's so hairy that she makes Chuchu look like Vin Diesel's head!
D-ko: Yeah, well you're mom's so stupid that it makes Anthy look like she's good at math!
Chigusa: Well, your mom's such a nasty skank that even Akio won't touch her!
D-ko: ...
Kanae: Point, Chigusa!
She's poisoning everything we can put in our mouth! Let's go to the game center!
Classical Music Cafe!
I think we've had enough cake for one day and I'm not sure I appreciate Saionji's taste in tea. Area 51 anyone? Video Game Center
Classical music cafe, because it seems shockingly tasteful.
Ah, right. I keep forgetting Nanami's not even a duellist at this point.
And there's no point trying to find Miki if his choice is closed!
We went to the teahouse last time, so I'll go for the Game Center. (Plus PrinceoftheLostEternity makes a good point, this is probably the best way to avoid poison and thumbtacks.)
Classical musical cafe. That way, when Chigusa comes to kill and/or rape the shit out of us, we'll at least get to die hearing the strains of Beethoven as we bleed out.