This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I didn't see such a thread.
It's true each duel is awesome, but which is the one that excites you most?? Gets your blood pumping? Mind racing? Heart thumping??
As for me;
ep. 29 "Azure Paler Than The Sky"
First off, I love every Juri duel. She's stunning; awesome; agile. Amazing!
This duel was incredibly intense for me, for some reason. Maybe it was the scenes flashing of Ruka and Juri. And Shiori's presence didn't calm things down. The very end of the duel was astounding, with the rain and the broken locket, to Juri merely forfeiting. Not only that, but I love the song "Watashi Banbutsu Hyaku Fushigi".
Your turns! Discuss!
speckled rose wrote:
I didn't see such a thread.
It's true each duel is awesome, but which is the one that excites you most?? Gets your blood pumping? Mind racing? Heart thumping??
As for me;
ep. 29 "Azure Paler Than The Sky"
First off, I love every Juri duel. She's stunning; awesome; agile. Amazing!
This duel was incredibly intense for me, for some reason. Maybe it was the scenes flashing of Ruka and Juri. And Shiori's presence didn't calm things down. The very end of the duel was astounding, with the rain and the broken locket, to Juri merely forfeiting. Not only that, but I love the song "Watashi Banbutsu Hyaku Fushigi".
Your turns! Discuss!
damn i have to second that TT; that was the most touching moment for me
She would definitely be a worthy challenger (and she would win. Too bad that her heart is clung on... well... special things. Her obsessions are holding her back from victory)
Juri's first duel.
I loved the second a lot too, almost as much as the first but I still vividly remember the impression the first duel left me when I first (overuse of 'first', heh?) saw it. Juri undeniably has the upper hand in the duel, she even blocks Dios's attack and disarms Utena and... and gets her own rose cut by an "accident"!
I love the duels so much! It's really hard to choose the runners-up for Juri's duels. Even though Utena wins nearly all the duels, there are so many different unexpected turns within the duels that I enjoyed.
Touga vs. Utena ( both duels )
I'm a Touga fan, ok? Wakatta? Good. *chuckles*
Last edited by Seitokaichou (07-29-2008 11:16:32 AM)
Touga = , so we understand.
Maarika wrote:
Juri's first duel.
I loved the second a lot too, almost as much as the first but I still vividly remember the impression the first duel left me when I first (overuse of 'first', heh?) saw it. Juri undeniably has the upper hand in the duel, she even blocks Dios's attack and disarms Utena and... and gets her own rose cut by an "accident"!
Yeah, I was totally going to mention that duel, because it's my close-second.
It was pretty amazing, so cleverly done.
Juri's second duel. Juri=
So many!
First would probably be Miki's second duel, just because it was so bizarre. The whole end of the world, dueling in an arena of cars hadn't really set in yet, and the lyrics to the duel theme were totally crazy too ("Stop! The egg and the bed are cheating each other!"). And then there's that whole moment where Kozue has her way with Anthy...
Wakaba's duel was probably the most emotionally intense for me, because it was just so sad to see her so corrupted, and I really could relate with her reasons for dueling. Every time I listen to the theme from that episode I get a bit emotional
I loved Nanami's second duel, because I really felt like she had finally surpassed (haha) her character during that episode. I think that of all the duelists, she's probably the one who grew the most throughout the course of the series.
I love Utena's final duel with Touga as well, though mostly because the theme is named "Allegory, Allegorier, Allegoriest!". Amazing.
They're all too good to list.
Both of Nanami's duels. Nanami's first duel is when I really began to respect her, because she honestly was not part of the duelling game. She didn't want the power to revolutionize the world. She wanted to destroy the people who would hurt her brother. Even after her rose is cut, she keeps going with that dagger! How badass! She may have fought just as selfishly as everyone else, but at least she didn't try to hide it behind noble intentions. Her second duel is one that really breaks my heart. At first, it looks like she backtracked-- now she wants to revolutionize the world? But you realize that this is only the case because she doesn't have her brother anymore, and it will take a revolution to get Nanami's life back in order. She also has amazing lower body strength-- she jumped straight over Utena's attack, probably 10 feet in the air! I salute you, Nanami.
Shiori's duel, of course, isn't a particularly emotional one, but I love it all the same. I think she used up most of her emotions in the elevator scene, so the duel thrives on anger and pride. I love to see Shiori sticking up for herself that way, standing tall and proud, ready to fight! Ready to win! Even if Utena ultimately claims her rose, I still cheer for her every single time.
Keiko's duel is one that I know by heart for no apparent reason. But you slap that sucker on, I will recite it line for line. I think Keiko was a pretty tough girl, and I approve of her duel.
Both of Juri's duels are also amazing. Her first duel chorus is still my favorite duel chorus to this day. You really get a taste of how strong and unwavering Juri can be. Her second duel is notably more intense, but sometimes I wish that Ruka hadn't been there, telling her things like "Don't hesitate, Juri!". It made me feel like Juri couldn't do this on her own... which, in itself, was an interesting change. Losing the locket is definately one of the most dramatic moments in the entire series for me, and it still has me on edge whenever I watch it.
I think that my all time favorite would have to be Nanami's second.
I'm weird, because Juri's duels never moved me much. :/
It was actually Nanami's duels that rocked my wee world. The first duel has that beautiful song, and the lyrics in it are quite haunting. And yeah, Nanami's hidden dagger was a neat little twist. Her Akio arc duel is just as passionate, or not, or just in a wholey different way. Despite appearances, it's not really Nanami's anger that shines through, it's her rather compelling desperation and struggling independance. In addition to that, the moment Nanami loses the duel, and does not get hit by the Akio car is one of the big moments in the series that redefined and shed light on who Nanami was. (For me at least.)
A close second is Saionji's duels. One reason is that, cha-YEAH, I love Saionji, and alot of what I love him for is pumped into his duels. The frustration, the uncontrolled emotion, the dilusion, and Saionji playing the fool once again. You get to see alot of Saionji's attempted bravado and pride in the place it matters to him most. ;__; He comes in second though, because like the eternally shafted character he is, alot of his duel's screentime and the episodes including them's screentime is eaten up by Utena and Anthy, and most of his duels are meant to look basic and easy to decipher, because they are the first in their respective arcs and are used to layout guidelines for the more complicated duels that follow.
In third it's a tie between Kozue, Wakaba and Shiori's Black Rose Duels. Kozue and Shiori both because it shed a new and drastic light on their character's, and because of how goddamn deliciously twisted they were. It wasn't just pure pain and longing there; there was real complexity of character there. Wakaba's is too, because I feel damned sorry for her, not because she doesn't feel special, but because Utena seems to exacerbate that in the duel itself, and doesn't really understand what Wakaba is saying/ dueling for. You can't really blame Utena for not truly understanding, but still, sometimes what a friend really needs is understanding more than anything else, and Utena's lack thereof only reminded Wakaba of how alone and unimportant she feels. Also, unlike with the other Black Rose Duelists, Utena prevents Wakaba from hitting the ground after she removes her rose, and so Wakaba does not fall asleep afterwords.
So, is why Wakaba appears to remember Saionji's stay after the duel, and does she still remember the duel itself?
Seitokaichou wrote:
Touga vs. Utena ( both duels )
Don't you mean all three? But actually if you were to corner me to name a kick-ass duel, it probably would be Touga's second duel in the first arc or Akio's duel. This would be because I equate 'kick-ass' with excessive amounts of male posturing and cockwaving. (In Touga's case the latter was quite....literal.) Poor Saionji is out of the running though, because with Touga and Akio there's the illusion of them having an advantage, for a while anyway. Saionji, know he's gonna lose.
I suppose if we're talking about the more classic kind of kick-ass, just RAWR PHYSICAL RAWR, then I can see why Juri is winning, since she's definitely the scarier fighter, although I'm still inclined to give Touga kick-ass props for basically disrobing his opponent. Perhaps if Juri were more honest with herself, she'd have done the same. Even so, the most kick-ass duel in that regard to me was Wakaba's. Fury more personal than it gets for perhaps any other BRS duel, all of Saionji's concentrated hostility with the added bonus of a real advantage. It's only in Wakaba's duel that I get the feeling she would happily have drawn blood. Anyone's.
Nanami's second duel, Wakaba's duel, and the final duel are my absolute favorites. Then comes Touga's second first arc duel. Guess I like the ones that end in tears.
The most "kick ass" duel I would say was Touga's last duel. I mean, holy hell! Utena holding up the sword of Dios, cutting numerous pimpmobiles in half while her woman holds her tight.
Touga and Saionji on their sidecar, ready to fight.
And then that little romantic scene in the middle of all of it; Touga takes Utena's hand, they look deeply into each others eyes, and then she pulls away and a driverless car speeds between them.
It. Was. Awesome. Epic to the greatest extent. All it was missing was the boxing kangaroo.
Both of Nanami's duel shook me. I am the biggest Nanami fan, but really, I admire her so much. When the rose was cut from her she kept going, which no one else did. AND she was the first and only person to disobey the End of The World, except of course Anthy.
Giovanna wrote:
Seitokaichou wrote:
Touga vs. Utena ( both duels )
Don't you mean all three?
But actually if you were to corner me to name a kick-ass duel, it probably would be Touga's second duel in the first arc or Akio's duel. This would be because I equate 'kick-ass' with excessive amounts of male posturing and cockwaving. (In Touga's case the latter was quite....literal.)
Two. *snerks* Only because his last duel showed more of his softiness than his bastardly side. I like my antagonist and/or misunderstood characters sly and vicious. His first duel was ok that wasn't fair but he's Touga-and-ambitious so it was understandable; I may be biased though, but I have the right to because I love him. Lol. His second duel was the most kick-ass duel in my eyes. Not because he lost (hate! hate! hate!) but because I was sadistically in awe (and cheering) at how he almost - ALMOST - ripped Utena's clothes off. I say, what a spectacular scene! Fleeting though it was.
My favorite is, of course, Miki's second duel. EPIC. It's so sad and vicious in so many ways, and, of course the KozueXAnthy. And the words spoken beforehand. And, that entire episode.
My second favorite is Touga's second duel as well, with her slowly being disrobed and how utterly callous he proved himself to be underneath it. Oh, and Utena being so kickass and unafraid. Both of them where just so amazing, any time I watch that I fall in love with Utena Tenjou again Not to mention the Rose Bride.
I'm going to have to get on the Nanami train here too. She's not usually a favourite of mine... until she goes into serious mode. Then I just can't stop feeling for her and getting teary-eyed. D: The choreography in her two duels is pretty good, too, especially in the second. I get chills whenever I see her leap above Utena in that second duel, for some reason. It's just a great image that's timed very well with the music, I think. Oh man, not to mention the breaking of her dagger and it slicing through her braid in the first duel!
Another favourite duel of mine is Mikage's, for three reasons. 1) It features my favourite of the duel choruses. 2) Mikage is one of the few people to see through Utena's usual strategies (i.e.: the jump). And 3) Mikage hearing Mamiya in his head and having the revelations about what really happened all those years ago.
...Oh, and 4) all those picture frames flipping over at the same time. Ee!
Touga's final duel is outstanding. So many things happen in it, from the touching to the crazy, and let's face it: jousting Touga is just full of win. That's the kind of vehicular combat that should have been the climax of the Utena movie, IMHO.
Oh, and Wakaba's duel deserves praise. Pure, concentrated, heart-breaking drama.
For my favorite, though, I have to say the duel with Akio just edges out the others. You can just feel how desperately and furiously Utena is fighting, using every technique she's learned (or inherited from Dios), all the while the projector is changing the scenery to reflect each arc of the dueling game. It's so evocative, and as a nerd, I'm reminded of the archetypical "final boss stage" of many a great video game. Utena's mashing buttons and missing with her best super moves, but the big bad is getting worn down, and maybe, just maybe there's hope... Epic.
Eryn Cerise wrote:
Another favourite duel of mine is Mikage's, for three reasons. 1) It features my favourite of the duel choruses. 2) Mikage is one of the few people to see through Utena's usual strategies (i.e.: the jump). And 3) Mikage hearing Mamiya in his head and having the revelations about what really happened all those years ago.
...Oh, and 4) all those picture frames flipping over at the same time. Ee!
That duel song probably has my favorite duel-song-lyrics in the whole duel-song-songs. It was so haunting for the music/lyrics and Mikage's scene to mix just before Utena silently strips his Black Rose. And the ending to that episode was just as creepy -- Anthy slowly turning her face to the fourth wall almost the same way Mikage did to Utena.
I think I'm into things happening simultaneously. I loved how all the picture frames fell forward in Mikage's duel too, so I also loved Shiori's duel because of how all the birds began to fly over Anthy just as Shiori started screaming. And I like screaming, so thereby I also love Wakaba's duel -- and her whole fit about "special people."
Besides those, I'd also go for both of Juri's duels and, yes, Touga's last duel. But I really like all the duels, because there's at least one thing special about each one of them.
One duel not mentioned yet is definitely Mikage's. I liked his style. He was very graceful and precise. But, of course, it was the emotional impact more than anything. His past, after all, is the darkest of all the characters short of Anthy's (and maybe Akio's). Touga may seduce a lot of women. But Mikage brutally slaughtered a bunch of young boys, giving them all horrible deaths. He's the only confirmed murderer in the whole series. At the end of his duel, he realizes how horribly pointless it all really was. The picture frame cracking and then falling, the moment of silence...I think it was definitely the most heartbreaking of all the duels.
In terms of badass, Juri's first duel. She seemed like she could beat the crap out of Touga. And she would have won! On terms of skill alone! Where Touga relied on cunning, she pretty much directly kicked Utena's ass. It was only through a sheer freak intervention of Dios that she won. In the second, she conceded the duel. Furthermore, she was the only one who managed to protect her rose from the strike of Dios. That's far more than anyone else did. However, I wasn't such a fan of the second one because it seemed like a Ruka wankfest than anything.
Wakaba's on the list for me, definitely. Watching her get corrupted just makes your gut twist. Furthermore, there was so much potential and development there. And then she just gets blown off for the rest of the series. I know it would have broken the pattern, but they should've given her another duel. Or at least another episode.
Akio's duel seemed a bit anti-climactic. I mean, he shoved a 5'3 girl in front of him for protection. While his manipulative and sexual abilities may be exceptional, he didn't exactly show a lot of physical prowess in a direct fight. I pretty much felt like most of the other characters could have kicked his ass there. I personally would have laughed so hard if Touga had just randomly jumped him and beat him to a pulp.
But I'm sadistic that way.
Edit: Oh wait. Mikage was mentioned. Seconded, then!
Last edited by Jellineck (07-30-2008 08:35:59 PM)
I like this question.
I'm going to go with a lot of people and say Juri's first duel. When I watched it, it was intense and the fact that Juri is highly skilled and could have easily beaten Utena is a great tension builder. After that scene, I was a die-hard Juri fan, *sorry Utena* but yeah
Jellineck wrote:
Akio's duel seemed a bit anti-climactic. I mean, he shoved a 5'3 girl in front of him for protection. While his manipulative and sexual abilities may be exceptional, he didn't exactly show a lot of physical prowess in a direct fight. I pretty much felt like most of the other characters could have kicked his ass there. I personally would have laughed so hard if Touga had just randomly jumped him and beat him to a pulp.
But I'm sadistic that way.
I really think that's more Saionji's style, don't you? Touga's problem is he plays the same game Akio does, but not as well. Have Saionji foaming at the mouth chasing down Akio with a katana and it's no contest. But, as I'm sure we'll be reminded at some point in Naji's dubs, Akio's a lover, not a fighter. Frankly he sucks at swordfighting given the edge he should have by experience. But maybe that's the point; you can only be truly skilled with one type of sword.
Which is actually making me think of Mikage. Definitely a kickass duel, and he's a surprisingly good fighter, but he approaches it the same way he approached manipulation (Akio's game). In both cases, treating them as a calculable science meant he was highly skilled, and really quite capable in them, but when push comes to show, Akio and Utena had intuition and intent, and that trumped the academic take.
Which actually makes me think something about Mikage...maybe I'll necro the thread about him, though.
I liked firstly, Juri's first duel. She and Ruka have a more physical, pragmatic way of fighting, full of body checks and the like. She fights like she learned from ARMA. I also like the fact that against Utena, Utena herself never takes Juri's rose. It happens as the sword falls from the sky and in that she tears it off herself.
Nanami's is one of the most dynamic, IMHO. She's quick, she's strong, she's daring. If she were a few years older, she would kick Utena's ass quite honestly.
Wakaba's duel is tragic; her own sword, her own heart betrayed her. Poor, poor Wakaba. I also loooove the song. Aaaah...
...but it's really unnerving to watch Saionji's final Duel.
I vote for both Juri's duels. They end waaay different than the other ones.
But if i had to chose, Juri's second duel, with Ruka. With the rain.
I never got the impression that Akio was any less skilled with the sword than the other characters, but maybe that's just me. I guess he did say that he wasn't a duelist, so that would make sense if his sword skills aren't as up to par as they ought to be.