This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
As some of you may know, Utena did not qualify for Yuletide -- an anonymous fic exchange for small fandoms -- this year. Apparently, we're too mainstream. But I started thinking an anonymous fic/art exchange for Utena would be an awesome thing.
Now, I don't have the coding capabilities to set up something along the lines of Yuletide. But I could certainly come up with a preferences form and some basic rules. The rest would depend on if enough people want to do this.
For those of you who aren't familiar with fic exchanges:
An anonymous fic/art (usually just fic) exchange is something where a bunch of people sign up, list what characters, scenarios, etc. they like and what they don't, maybe list some prompts, that kind of thing. Then whoever's in charge matches people up based on those criteria -- you write fic for someone else, a third party writes fic for you, and this goes on until everyone has at least one assigned writer (or artist). Now here's the key thing: you're not allowed to say whom you're writing for. You can try and get a handle on what sort of thing they like, stalk them around the internet to see their favourite kind of fics, but you can't talk to them. At least, you can't talk to them as their writer.
Then, after a deadline, all the fics are sent to and posted by the moderator/dictator/whatever, so everyone can read them and go "Oooh!" After another deadline (usually a week or so afterwards), the authors (and/or artists) are revealed, and everyone can go "Oooh!" again.
Anyone game?
I totally want to do this. There's also a drabble thread, so I know that we are most certainly capable of it.
I'd be interested in the future, but I'm about to move internationally so I wouldn't be able to commit to any sort of deadline in the next two months.
I am always up for a challange.
I'm quite interested. Is there a limit/minimum on words or any restrictions/expectations for content ratings?
I'm totally into it. Prompt writing is always inspiring, the more so if it's for someone who wants the prompt. And the mystery side of it sounds appealing too!
Utena is too mainstream for Yuletide. All I have to say is .
I'm probably up for something like this.
Aine Silveria wrote:
Utena is too mainstream for Yuletide. All I have to say is
I'm probably up for something like this.
Off-topic post for the drooling over of your avatar/signature. The colors.
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
Aine Silveria wrote:
Utena is too mainstream for Yuletide. All I have to say is
I'm probably up for something like this.Off-topic post for the drooling over of your avatar/signature. The colors.
Thank you! Super simple, too. I could make a quick tutorial or something similar for you if you wanted?
Aaand, to keep off-topic to super limited, take to PM's or IM's or whatever?
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
I'm quite interested. Is there a limit/minimum on words or any restrictions/expectations for content ratings?
I'd imagine a minimum of 1000 words or so, though I'd love to see more long SKUfic. Content ratings . . . I'd imagine some people would prefer lower and some higher, so that would be considered in the who-writes-for-whom process.
CoyoteMemories, if I can get enough people to participate I'll try and make this a yearly/seasonal thing.
This is so exciting.
Ooh, count me in.
I wants to play!
Oh dear, I went and disappeared for a long time again . . . Hopefully it won't happen again anytime soon; I think I've almost got this 'time management' thing down now. Here's the preferences form, 'adapted' from springtime_gen, Yuletide, and other such challenges:
[b]Your livejournal, FFN, or AO3 account, or anywhere someone could go to get a general grip on your fic preferences:[/b] [b]Favourite characters (list at least three, or just put 'all'):[/b] [b]Prompts:[/b] [b]Other things you'd like to see in your story:[/b] [b]Characters/scenarios/etc. you'd rather not read about:[/b] [b]Characters/scenarios/etc. you'd rather not write about:[/b] [b]Fandoms you'd be okay with as crossovers:[/b] [b]What ratings you're willing to read/write at:[/b] [b]Other notes:[/b]
If you have a Yuletide letter (or something) with general notes on your preferences, you can link to it in the Other notes section or just c&p the appropriate bits in the appropriate places. Prompts, in this case, are something more along the lines of 'A zombie outbreak at Ohtori' than 'red feathers, candles, hot chocolate'. The latter would go under Other things you'd like to see in your story. Crossover prompts are perfectly acceptable. ;) And the fandom crossover bit is, of course, basically an excuse for you to list anything and everything that you think might possibly cross sort of well with Utena.
All stories, as I've said, should be roughly 1000 words or longer.
Sign-up deadline is . . . sometime in March. Once everyone who's already listed themselves as wanting to participate has filled out the form. Once I've figured out who is writing for whom, I'll PM that info to each author. A few weeks after that, I'll be asking how far along everyone is in their fics so I know when to set the deadline.
Does everyone want to do the traditional thing of emailing their fics to me (with BBCode or w/e included, as well as your username and whom you're writing for) and then I post them in the thread? Or are there enough users here to make it worthwhile for me to try and figure out the Collections thing, so we can preserve our giftfic for posterity? ;)
(BTW -- since I'm running this thing, I can't really participate, but I'll be happy to fill out the form if anyone's curious. )
Having never done Yuletide I'm not sure I understand what to do. Where do we post this code?
Oh! Sorry. Just put it in your post and fill it out, it's just a thing so I can match people more easily. ^ ^;; And it's in code so you don't have to worry about bolding the questions and it's easy to tell which bit is question and which is answer at a glance.
Livejournal: Stoic_Rose -
Other Places I dwell You can find the sort of fan fiction I write on and Archive of Our Own as Alithea.
Favourite characters: Shiori, Juri, Kozue, Mrs. Ohtori
Prompts: Light casts shadow- Juri/Shiori/Kozue, Make me an offer – Mrs. Ohtori/Shiori/Kozue, Vivid color- Shiori/? (whomever)
Characters/scenarios/etc. you'd rather not read about: I'm not crazy about anything Non consensual, but I'm up for surprises.
Characters/scenarios/etc. you'd rather not write about: I am always up for the challenge of writing whatever. Just let's not be ridiculous. And I suppose an example of ridiculous is a friend of my tried to get me to write Darth Vader/My Little Pony. O_o Ridiculous.
Fandoms you'd be okay with as crossovers: X/1999, Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, Noir.
What ratings you're willing to read/write at: I can write PG and up and will read any rating.
Notes: I do sort of thrive on unconventional pairings, but I also don’t mind unconventional points of views on characters either. It's all fair game to me so long as it’s well written.
FFN Account: Anthiena
Favourite characters: Anthy, Juri, Akio
Prompts: Appeasing old and new
Other things you'd like to see in your story: A sense of long continuity
Characters/scenarios/etc. you'd rather not read about: Hmm.... OOC-ness.
Characters/scenarios/etc. you'd rather not write about: Goofy parodies.
Fandoms you'd be okay with as crossovers: As long as it makes some kind of sense...
What ratings you're willing to read/write at: Any.
Other notes: I tend to write nightmare fuel....
Your livejournal, FFN, or AO3 account, or anywhere someone could go to get a general grip on your fic preferences: I'm on as Celeste Goodchild, and fortunately most of my stuff there is SKU. (
Favourite characters (list at least three, or just put 'all'): Mikage/Nemuro (although I do see them as two different characters, actually...), Nanami and Mamiya (more specifically the real one, but Anthy!Mamiya can be all sorts of fun! Actually, I like Anthy in general too...).
Prompts: I'll go with lines from three of my favourites songs:
Górecki -- Lamb
all this time I've loved you
and never known your face
all this time I've missed you
and searched this human race
here is true peace
here my heart knows calm
safe in your soul
bathed in your sighs
wanna stay right here
till the end of time
till the earth stops turning
gonna love you until the seas run dry
I've found the one I've waited for
Leif Erikson -- Interpol
She says it helps with the lights out
Her rabid glow is like braille to the night
She swears I'm a slave to the details
But if your life is such a big joke why should I care?
The clock is set for nine but you know you're gonna make it eight
So that you two can take some time teach each other to reciprocate
She feels that my sentimental side should be held with kids gloves
But she doesn't know that I left my urge in the icebox
She swears I'm just prey for the female
Well then hook me up and throw me baby cakes cause I like to get hooked
My Tiger My Heart -- The Boy Least Likely To
My tiger my heart
We're growing apart
We're trying to be friends
But it's hard sometimes
To be friends with something
That eats butterflies
And pencil sharpeners
And i think it would be
Happier being free
My tiger my friend
My little godsend
I know someday we'll be happy again
Other things you'd like to see in your story: If you couldn't tell from the "prompts," I like melancholy, but I love being mindfucked. Hence why I like this show so much. I don't want angst, exactly, but a reflective tone is good. Especially if it comes back to bite the reader in the arse later.
Characters/scenarios/etc. you'd rather not read about: Eh, I'm not particularly interested in Juri, Shiori, Miki or Kozue -- which isn't to say that I wouldn't read a story about them, or even write one. I just don't have a particularly personal stake in their stories, so I don't tend to slip into their minds as easily. I'm also not particularly into non-con, but the entire series itself can be pretty dub-con, which I seem to be totally down with, so go figure.
Characters/scenarios/etc. you'd rather not write about: To be honest, see above.
Fandoms you'd be okay with as crossovers: I don't really do crossovers.
What ratings you're willing to read/write at: Ha ha, surprise me. No, really. (Put it this way, I'd struggle more with "G" than "NC-17"....)
Other notes: I'm not a fussy reader or writer, to be honest. If you check me out on you'll see I've written at least drabbles about almost every character. I just tend to be more about introspection and analysis than action and cause, if that makes any sense. I also once wrote a story that was supposed to be about sex and ended up about physics. I think that says it all. (OMFG QUANTUM MECHANICS IS SO EFFING HOT.)
Last edited by Clarice (03-01-2010 12:40:30 AM)
Esmenet: Oh! Sorry. Just put it in your post and fill it out, it's just a thing so I can match people more easily.
Thank you! I thought we had to post offsite for some strange reason, but now I understand.
* * * account: sharnii Link is
Favourite characters: Anthy, Utena, Mamiya, Mikage, Akio
Prompts: Darkness masquerading as light. Or the fall of light into darkness. Or darkness being enveloped by light.
Other things you'd like to see in your story: Depth. References to stuff that happened in the anime or things that were said. Angst but with a liberal dose of bittersweet.
Characters/scenarios/etc. you'd rather not read about: Hmm I'd probably rather get a serious story than slash or humour (although I generally like both of those genres). Unless you're talking an amazing lemon piece with depth, that is, but those are very hard to do. So serious it is!
Characters/scenarios/etc. you'd rather not write about: I'll write anyone and anything. *clears throat*
Fandoms you'd be okay with as crossovers: I don't like crossovers. But I'll write it if I understand the other fandom enough.
What ratings you're willing to read/write at: I'm willing to read and/or write any rating including NC17.
Other notes: Serious fic doesn't mean you can't be funny within the seriousness of the situation, or slashy for that matter! It just means the overall movement is serious. If that makes sense...
Esmenet: Does everyone want to do the traditional thing of emailing their fics to me (with BBCode or w/e included, as well as your username and whom you're writing for) and then I post them in the thread? Or are there enough users here to make it worthwhile for me to try and figure out the Collections thing, so we can preserve our giftfic for posterity? ;)
I vote for both.
sharnii wrote:
Unless you're talking an amazing lemon piece with depth, that is, but those are very hard to do.
Ha ha, sounds like a challenge, sharnii.
It miiiight be...a hidden challenge...
Oh! Yes, please! I need to get the ink in my fanfiction pen flowing again.
FFN:TehLetterM This is pretty outdated, but it's all I've got
Favourite characters (list at least three, or just put 'all'): Anthy, Kozue, Juri, Akio
Prompts: The poster children of an unhealthy relationship (Juri/Shiori), any adult character reflecting on life at Ohtori, "Who would have thought I'd be the one here fulfilling social obligations, and you'd be the one drinking all the Kiryuus' wine?" (Kozue/?, preferably lemon flavored)
Other things you'd like to see in your story: Misery, woe, and hopeless longing; failure and regret. Nothing fluffy.
Characters/scenarios/etc. you'd rather not read about: No tentacle rape, and no Chu Chu. That's all I ask.
Characters/scenarios/etc. you'd rather not write about: Nemuro/Mikage, Miki, or Nanami. I love them, but I can't write them for crap. Also, slash fic where Akio is not a participant.
Fandoms you'd be okay with as crossovers: Berserk <--My kingdom to the (wo)man who'd write this
What ratings you're willing to read/write at: Just like Disney, PG to NC-17
Other notes: Bash Ayn Rand in context for extra credit.
Look me up at:
Favourite characters: Akio, Touga, Utena, Kozue
Prompts: Reminiscing about the past, focusing on the duels and the relationships they affected; future of Ohtori after Utena and Anthy depart; Akio's mind games with one or many others.
Other things you'd like to see in your story: Something sweet, something sour, and something spicy. And angry sex is always fun.
Characters/scenarios/etc. you'd rather not read about: Not really a fan of Nanami or Saionji fics, unless it's /Touga for either...
Characters/scenarios/etc. you'd rather not write about: Rather not write Nanami. Her dub voice always gets stuck in my head as it is...
Fandoms you'd be okay with as crossovers: I'll cross over with anything listed on my FFN page, but I'd rather not read a crossover.
What ratings you're willing to read/write at: I'll do/read anything.
Other notes: Really? Um...go nuts!