This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
My computer was in the shop, so I was gone, but now I'm back in the m/f house!!! Hi guys, I missed you all!!!
Here's the dealio: I was ordered to take a test for my Speech class, and post the results on our schools online discussion board. I know there are millions of quizzes out there, so we try to select only the creme of the crop to be presented in the IRG forums. Because this test seems somewhat rooted in science and was condoned by a university - I'd say it has met the challenge. Answer like 5 basic questions, and BOOM a rather fitting personality description based on the animal you are. It was determined that I was a bat, and I think the description is well-suited. Take the test, and then let's compare our animal instincts! Without further ado...
Survey Says wrote:
We've all encountered people who remind us of animals. They act like bears, baboons, weasels, sloths, and vultures and often even physically resemble the animals they behave like. The Animal in You (St. Martin's Press) explores why this correlation is not coincidental, for it is rooted in nature's need for diversity, which is an essential component of a healthy ecosystem. Without it, instability and population booms threaten the balance. The food chain -- or, more accurately, the food web -- requires the interaction of predators, prey, burrowing creatures, arboreal animal, and insects to remain stable, and it is the interplay of this divergence that gives rise to enduring and healthy populations.
Through a process known as parallel evolution, unrelated animals species separated by vast distances often evolve similar patterns to take advantage of available niches. We're all familiar with the pack mentality, hunting behavior and physical characteristics of the North American wolf, but in Australia, isolated from the mainland for thousands of years, some marsupials have evolved into animals that are remarkably similar to the wolf. Although almost driven to extinction by hunters, the Tasmanian Wolf or thylacine with its dog-like body, coughing bark, and canine hunting behavior parallels the wolf in many ways. Similarly, the porcupine -- a small creature with a prickly exterior for defense -- is mimicked by the porcupine fish, spiked dinosaurs, the cactus and Joan Rivers.
Because our own species so completely dominates the environment, it has essentially become an ecosystem unto itself. So it's not surprising that this same process works on humans, since the attributes that provide equilibrium in the animal world -- aggression, passivity, stealth, skittishness and so on -- also provide stability in our society. This is why we each exhibit a set of characteristics that corresponds to a particular animal species. Animal Attraction explores the relationships between each of the individual species and details the mating strategies for each animal.
Determining your animal personality is a matter of matching your personality traits to the animal species that is closest to you by taking the Animal In You personality test.
.......................................................... ......................................................
I'm an otter or a beaver. O_o Okay.
Funny random thing: there was an Amazon ad for SKU soundtrack on that website when I was browsing it.
edit: Never mind, I figured out why there was a SKU ad there. Not funny anymore. I thought it was random.
Last edited by Maarika (06-09-2007 06:36:25 AM)
A hippo?
Hippos are highly complex creatures, easily recognizable by their large bodies and slow-moving lifestyles. While hippos aren't the only animal personalities with such grand frames, they tend to be somewhat self conscious about their ballast, disguising it with loose clothing and by avoiding of social interactions.
Most hippos never really accept themselves for who they are. Traditionally viewed as jolly fat people, they have tried every diet on the market. But if the hippo's heart is a cauldron of powerfully conflicting feelings and the average hippo loves to wallow in this emotional stew, it's not that a hippo gets angry more often than others. It's just that its emotion tends to magnified to an outrageous degree. In fact, the wild variety of hippo kills more people than any other predator in Africa, including the malevolent crocodile.
But, even with this occasionally destructive behavior, there is no bigger heart beating in the animal kingdom. These are loving, warm, creatures who are concerned with the emotional well-being of everyone they know.
Everything about the hippo is big and slow but once it has gained momentum, watch out! Its performance in the boudoir is no exception and the hippo's mate must be able to handle some fierce lovin'. When it mates, it prefers others of equally oversized dimensions such as elephants and rhinoceroses, but is best suited for marriage with water-based animals like sea lions and dolphins. It is the ponderous walrus, however, that is its ideal mate, for it shares the hippo's passion for food and opulence. Think Tom and Roseanne.
That first bit about hippos worrying about their size is extremely hard to swallow, I think that's more of a human trait. About the only accurate information in the second paragraph is that hippos are very dangerous animals. No bigger heart in the animal kingdom? Hippos prefer large animals like elephants? Walruses? WTF?
It's not an accurate description of me either. Tom and Roseanne indeed...
Welcome back, Frosty!
(Why are there two distinct threads? I guess this is the actual thread?)
I'm a porcupine.
Porcupine wrote:
Porcupines are physically small individuals with an over-abundance of attitude. Probably due to their lack of self-esteem, they have a tendency to seek comfort by putting others down, and wit, sarcasm, and ridicule are the primary weapons of its oftentimes disagreeable personality. In defense of the porcupine's actions, its barbs are not designed to cause permanent harm. Instead, they're intended as a preemptive attack to protect its own sensitive feelings, and if anyone is wounded by its thorny words, the porcupine is quick to come to its victim's aid. The porcupine displays the characteristically sharp mind and opportunistic lifestyle of the rodent personalities, but unable to function successfully in social situations, it is limited in its career choices and is rarely found in sales or management positions. Of course, a job like postal worker, DMV employee, and IRS agent, matches its prickly personality perfectly.
Like other rodent personalities, porcupines are opportunists and are resourceful and creative in their endeavors. Adept at taking advantage of others' mistakes, they are the first to jump on the bandwagon when an opportunity arises. With their consciously minimalist lifestyle, their financial needs are limited to the bare essentials of living and their homes are unadorned but functional. Unambiguous loners, porcupines prefer jobs that reward individual effort -- avoiding manual labor or work that demands mental concentration. However, if it's lucky enough to find a job that requires a biting tongue, it performs above the call of duty.
If there were two words that summarized the porcupine lover, they would be use protection! For in the bedroom, the porcupine tends to be a little too curious and explorative. For them, sex is a gala event that should be spiced with all manner of strange toys and odd positions. Nocturnal animals, they prefer the safety of their homes or small offices during the day, and most of their social connections take place at night, when they wander off to seek the companionship of the opposite sex. But their caustic wit and defensive posture puts others on their guard and they often return alone.
It can be painful to get close to a porcupine and only those who have earned its trust can endure an intimate relationship. It is comfortable and secure in the company of mice and mole personalities, but should fastidiously avoid the companionship of larger carnivores like bears, foxes and wolves.
I'm not that much of a bitch, am I?
I'm a wild dog. Second: a wolf.
Wild Dog
Genera and species: Canis canidae
Collective Term: A tribe of wild dogs
Most people who meet a wild dog are struck by its energetic, demonstrative and restless behavior. This mid-sized individual differs from its domestic dog and wolf cousins in a number of notable ways: it is physically more powerful than the domestic dog, and its social structure differs dramatically from that of the lone wolf. It is difficult to describe the wild dog's personality without explaining it in terms of its pack of friends, for wild dogs don't see themselves as rugged individualists but rather as members of a social team that demands constant bonding and cooperation.
Thinking of bringing that new invention of yours to the market? Put a wild dog in charge. For no one can take an idea and run with it, better than this hardy individual. Its powers of endurance and canine enthusiasm make for such a powerful combination, that wild dogs are consistently amongst the highest wage earners. So why don't they simply run their own businesses and reap the rewards? Well for one thing, they don't possess the leadership and entrepreneurial talents of their canine cousins. Instead, by concentrating on relationship building and teamwork, wild dogs achieve the kind of job satisfaction that no salary can replace.
Wild dogs are highly principled individuals although they take a while before placing their trust in others. Employers should give them a lot of freedom since they do not perform well in structured environments. When it comes to stamina, they are without equal and are usually the first to arrive and the last to leave. Versatile in their skills, their sharp minds can adapt to almost any environment,
A wild dog will not overwhelm you with its beauty, nor can it match the suave Tom Cruise style of the wolf. Instead, its mating strategy is summarized in two words: persistence and endurance. By wearing down its quarry with an endless offering of flowers, cards, and romantic dinners, the prey eventually succumbs to sheer exhaustion. The wild dog is clearly a dog at heart and is willing to romp with the best of them but manages to maintain its dignity under the most demanding bedroom conditions.
I've always conder myself a wolf. And according to the results, i think i'm more like a wolf rather than a wild dog.
Edit: typo.
Welcome back Frosty
Last edited by Epi_lepsia (06-09-2007 09:16:00 AM)
Razara wrote:
I'm a porcupine.
Porcupine wrote:
Definiton of porcupine's personality.
I'm not that much of a bitch, am I?
I'm sure you are not!
It's how tests work. I'm also a porcupine in their opinion.
Asfalolh wrote:
Razara wrote:
I'm a porcupine.
Porcupine wrote:
Definiton of porcupine's personality.
I'm not that much of a bitch, am I?
I'm sure you are not!
It's how tests work. I'm also a porcupine in their opinion.
Taxonomically, it's Epi that's a bitch. I don't know what the technical term is for a female porcupine, though.
I am the Walrus, koo koo kachoo.
Edited to add link.
Last edited by Raven Nightshade (06-09-2007 10:04:57 AM)
I'm a bear.
The test results wrote:
You are a zebra! These strong shouldered quadrupeds are closely related to horse personalities. But since zebras have evolved in the competitive environment of the African plains, they've developed a tougher exterior and more aggressive demeanor than their cousins.
Those that come into contact with the zebra find it to be a powerfully loyal and intelligent friend. Its black and white nature shuns the gray zones of compromise and its decided idealism is incapable of accepting defeat in an argument. Zebras find it difficult to be punctual when it comes to meeting commitments that have little value to them, and close examination of this trait reveals the subtle arrogance that pervades the zebra's personality.
While its behavior might be construed as selfish, the zebra is generally appalled to discover that others have perceived it to be egotistical. For zebras always expect to be given the benefit of the doubt and are perpetually on the offense when it comes to setting the record straight with regard to their motives.
Zebras have a tendency to view the world in black and white and have a strong sense of right and wrong. Unlike their horse cousins, they are unwilling to be saddled with the burdens of others and insist that everyone carry his own weight. Their love of debate has them forming friendships with people that hold diametrically opposed views, and their enigmatic personalities contain a well-hidden dark side. When the deeper aspects of the zebra's character surface, it proves to be an interested and interesting partner.
As is typical of herbivorous personalities, zebras tend to form mixed herds with other grazing animal personalities and these mutually beneficial friendships often extend to business partnerships. Once the zebra's mind is made up, it is difficult to shift its position, which explains its reputation for stubbornness. This reputation is somewhat unfounded however, since the zebra's opinions are only formed after deliberate and logical consideration.
Don't cross a zebra unless you can match its sharp wit. For although zebras are formidable debaters, they are not necessarily good communicators. The problem is that they get so caught up in what they're saying that they never get around to listening to your views. In matters of intimacy, they reduce discussions to mere exercises of logic, leaving their mates emotionally isolated.
And yet, underneath this coat of black and white logic beats a heart of pure gold.
Careers and Hobbies
Scientist Accountant
Football referee Legal system
Basketball Tennis
Karaoke Horse-riding
Famous Zebras
Christopher Darden, Rudy Giuliani
Seems accurate enough. I'M A ZEBRA!!!!
Stormcrow wrote:
Asfalolh wrote:
Razara wrote:
I'm a porcupine.
I'm not that much of a bitch, am I?I'm sure you are not!
It's how tests work. I'm also a porcupine in their opinion.Taxonomically, it's Epi that's a bitch.
I don't know what the technical term is for a female porcupine, though.
I have the excuse of being genderless 8D
You are either a Porcupine or a Bat personality.
Porcupines are physically small individuals with an over-abundance of attitude. Probably due to their lack of self-esteem, they have a tendency to seek comfort by putting others down, and wit, sarcasm, and ridicule are the primary weapons of its oftentimes disagreeable personality. In defense of the porcupine's actions, its barbs are not designed to cause permanent harm. Instead, they're intended as a preemptive attack to protect its own sensitive feelings, and if anyone is wounded by its thorny words, the porcupine is quick to come to its victim's aid. The porcupine displays the characteristically sharp mind and opportunistic lifestyle of the rodent personalities, but unable to function successfully in social situations, it is limited in its career choices and is rarely found in sales or management positions. Of course, a job like postal worker, DMV employee, and IRS agent, matches its prickly personality perfectly.
Like other rodent personalities, porcupines are opportunists and are resourceful and creative in their endeavors. Adept at taking advantage of others' mistakes, they are the first to jump on the bandwagon when an opportunity arises. With their consciously minimalist lifestyle, their financial needs are limited to the bare essentials of living and their homes are unadorned but functional. Unambiguous loners, porcupines prefer jobs that reward individual effort -- avoiding manual labor or work that demands mental concentration. However, if it's lucky enough to find a job that requires a biting tongue, it performs above the call of duty.
If there were two words that summarized the porcupine lover, they would be use protection! For in the bedroom, the porcupine tends to be a little too curious and explorative. For them, sex is a gala event that should be spiced with all manner of strange toys and odd positions. Nocturnal animals, they prefer the safety of their homes or small offices during the day, and most of their social connections take place at night, when they wander off to seek the companionship of the opposite sex. But their caustic wit and defensive posture puts others on their guard and they often return alone.
This is a decidedly nonconformist creature, for as an airborne personality, the bat tends to look down at the conventions of the ground animals. And yet, since it is not a true bird and having not mastered the art of smooth controlled flight, it often appears awkward in social situations. (Hence the term -- acting batty). But as compensation for this social ungainliness, many bat personalities sport a built-in radar, which enables them to intuitively read the motivations of others.
Identifying bat personalities is not difficult. Being nocturnal creatures, they come alive at night and can be spotted in underground clubs or dimly lit bars. They prefer the sanctuary of dark clothing and dark corners, and you'll never see a bat sporting a heavy tan. These are intelligent, spiritual, creative individuals who use their full range of senses (other than their poor eyesight) to carefully navigate their way through life.
Bats have a habit of flitting in and out of social situations, swooping down to interact briefly with others before quickly flying off to resume their bat lives. Unassertive and aloof, they'll take flight at the first hint of a confrontation to seek comfort in their personal spaces that are decorated in unusual but expressive ways. The bat's sixth sense gives it a number of advantages in its work, and its insightful nature enables it to understand others better than it understands itself.
In the romance department, bats are enamored with the idea of love more than they are with its colder realities. Decidedly untraditional, they are prone to flights of extraordinary fantasy -- and it's not the traditional Ken and Barbie type of romance that tickles its fancy either. It's the Bram Stoker kind: dark, moody and gothic.
Bat personalities have an enormous sense of loyalty and if you ever do a favor for a bat, it will never relax until it has paid you back. In fact, in nature, the bat is the only animal (other than man) to demonstrate true altruism when unrelated individuals will unselfishly offer food to a cave-mate without expectation anything in return. This powerful sense of quid pro quo is one of the defining characteristics of the bat personality and anyone should consider themselves lucky to be in a bat's good graces.
Bats have no strong yearning for parenthood, for the kind of ego gratification that comes with having one's own children doesn't appeal to its karmic temperament. They are instead quite content to satisfy their maternal or paternal instincts by adopting or merely baby-sitting. If they do have children, they prove to be perfunctory parents: methodical yet unconventional . Still, bats place great emphasis on ethics and morality and insist that their children be indoctrinated in the values of good citizenship.
I tried to reproduce the results because I didn't notice the examples at the bottom, and this time I turned up as an elephant. I guess I like that a little better.
dollface wrote:
You are either a Porcupine or a Bat personality.
You are supposed to pick one after reading them 8D i was either a wolf or a wild dog.
I re-did the test... Turns out I'va become a mole:
Mole wrote:
Genera and species: Castor canadensis
Collective Term: A business of beavers
It's easy to recognize the mole personality. For one thing, they have a pasty complexion and are usually seen in late night coffee shop, jazz bars, or underground clubs. To avoid drawing attention to themselves, they favor dark clothing and sunglasses and are the first people to volunteer for the graveyard shift.
The mole is a smallish individual with far more power than its flaccid body suggests, although its strength is more mental than physical. With its ability to focus on the job at hand, there is no situation from which a mole cannot extricate itself.
There's something compelling about the mole personality, and in the early sixties it was quite fashionable to be a mole in the form of a creative and philosophical beatnik -- expressing angst through music and poetry. Bob Dylan and John Lennon carried the mole standard into the seventies, but the fashion largely died and moles were forced back underground.
Moles are restless and although constantly engaged in activity, they never seem to get anything done and despite their drab appearance, they have extremely sharp minds and are excellent problem solvers. As reflected in their determined burrowing through difficult terrain, moles prefer solutions with straight lines rather than having to go around problems. When confronted with difficult issues, they never give up -- hacking away with dogged determination until the answer is found. This attribute makes them perfect for jobs in engineering, accounting or diagnostic work.
Sex is not the most important thing in the mole's life but if there is one animal personality that can push all the right buttons; it would be its soul mate, the bat. (like Yoko Ono) The bat and the mole share a love for dark intimacy and when these two get together, black magic is bound to happen.
I like this one better
Heh. Well, I don't know if it's me, but I guess it's how I must look from the outside.
Genera and species: Felis sylvestris
Collective Term: A clowder of wildcats
Wildcat personalities do not differ substantially from their domestic cousins Felis Domesiticus and exhibit the aloof behavior that is common to all felines. With their well-deserved reputations as creatures of comfort, wildcats jealously guard their independence while indulging in the finer things in life. Attractive, solitary, creative, and curious, these individuals are quite happy to observe the world from a distance.
The wildcat would never take a conventional route, preferring to explore life from off the beaten track -- relying heavily on its instincts and powers of observation to guide it safely through the jungle. Its air of indifference and need for privacy keeps it on the outskirts of society, but its love for comfort always brings it back
The wildcat differs from its lion relatives in its approach to its social structure. With an aversion to the complex family organization of the lion, the wildcat finds freedom and self-indulgence to be far more compelling. So as a natural explorer, it disdains staying in one place for long, preferring the freedom of solitary roaming. in exotic locales. This wanderlust makes it ideal for a career as a travel agent, explorer, mountain climber, researcher or writer.
It's difficult to really know cats. Although they make little attempt to disguise their emotions, their communication style is somewhat abstract. They readily display their disgust and boredom as it stalk off to spend solitary time sulking. Usually however, they return to the place that offers them security and creature comforts. Close alliances are formed with others that share their eremitic and wandering ways. Horse and deer, and tiger personalities are good candidates as soul mates, while gorillas provide them with much appreciated security.
Wildcats are also incorrigible flirts and their feline mannerisms are attractive to members of the opposite sex. As a result, wildcats almost always get what they want -- plenty of pampering without the nuisance of a long-term mate. And making love to one is more than just a lot of hissing and scratching, for it is a curious lover whose tendency to get lost in the moment guarantees an unpredictable encounter.
Because of the wildcat's tendency to protect its independence, it can be difficult to get it to talk about personal issues. But when it comes to matters of the world, the wildcat loves a challenging debate. It is thoughtful and insightful on neutral themes, but when things get personal . . . logic flies out the window with the cat close on its heels.
Careers and Hobbies
Explorer Dancer
Travel agent Researcher
Traveling Massages
Shopping Dancing
Famous Wildcats
Michele Pfeifer, Heather Locklear.
It says I'm either a Bat, Snake, or Mountain Goat. Quite a menagerie! I think I can eliminate Snake, but the other two are both mostly hits (with a few misses).
I don't know if anyone here is a Golden Compass fan. "The Golden Compass" is the first in a trilogy of young adult novels. It's set in a world much like our own, but different; for one thing, everyone is accompanied everywhere by an animal "daemon," sort of like a witch's familiar. The shape of the daemon reflects the person's adult personality. Naturally, I've spent altogether too much time wondering what my daemon would be. I could live with a bat or mountain goat
satyreyes wrote:
It says I'm either a Bat, Snake, or Mountain Goat. Quite a menagerie! I think I can eliminate Snake, but the other two are both mostly hits (with a few misses).
I don't know if anyone here is a Golden Compass fan. "The Golden Compass" is the first in a trilogy of young adult novels. It's set in a world much like our own, but different; for one thing, everyone is accompanied everywhere by an animal "daemon," sort of like a witch's familiar. The shape of the daemon reflects the person's adult personality. Naturally, I've spent altogether too much time wondering what my daemon would be. I could live with a bat or mountain goat
Here, a His Dark Materials fan!!!
Do you mean that my result of this test = my daemon?
Don't really like moles, but well... maybe it can still transform itself?
Asfalolh wrote:
satyreyes wrote:
It says I'm either a Bat, Snake, or Mountain Goat. Quite a menagerie! I think I can eliminate Snake, but the other two are both mostly hits (with a few misses).
I don't know if anyone here is a Golden Compass fan. "The Golden Compass" is the first in a trilogy of young adult novels. It's set in a world much like our own, but different; for one thing, everyone is accompanied everywhere by an animal "daemon," sort of like a witch's familiar. The shape of the daemon reflects the person's adult personality. Naturally, I've spent altogether too much time wondering what my daemon would be. I could live with a bat or mountain goatHere, a His Dark Materials fan!!!
Do you mean that my result of this test = my daemon?
Don't really like moles, but well... maybe it can still transform itself?
There's actually a what's-your-daemon test, designed as a tie-in with the upcoming Golden Compass movie. Let's see if I can find it...
...Not exactly. You have to navigate there from the home page, here. Just go to Menu, choose Daemons, and click Meet Your Daemon.
It says mine is an osprey named Aditi. So much for bats and mountain goats!
Oh thanks!
My brand-new daemon is a male gibbon called Agapius. I it!
I'm a mole, apparently.
Except for one thing... volunteering for midnight shift? Um... how about no! I have trouble staying awake past 130am anymore, though that's mostly due to my work schedule.
Also, I'm not fond of sunglasses.
Except in emoticons.
I don't go clubbing either...
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (06-09-2007 03:26:50 PM)
satyreyes wrote:
It says I'm either a Bat, Snake, or Mountain Goat.
My two favorite animals are mountain goats and wolves
A Tiger?! In Africa? At this time of year? So yeah, took the daemon quiz and they matched me with a tiger named Pelagia. On the other hand, by their numbers about ten percent of people get matched with tigers, so...they also said I was shy, assertive and humble. Uh huh.
I can't wait to hear what the bible thumpers have to say about a movie that matches children with "daemons"
Fox or Wildcat.
Fox wrote:
Genera and species: Vulpes vulpes
Collective Term: A skulk of foxes
Appealing and cerebral and of average size, the fox is a close relative of both the wolf and dog personalities and displays typical canine qualities of loyalty, passion and creativity. Largely misunderstood to be a shy, retreating individual, it's the fox's unique stature as a small carnivore that defines its survival strategy. Because it cannot succeed in the world using brute force alone, it must rely on its sharp mind and engaging personality to garner resources, and it consequently spends a lot of time in its head -- giving the impression that it's trying to outsmart its friends. So the fox is often surprised to learn that its intellectual pursuits are intimidating.
So, the fox tempers its serious nature with a sardonic sense of humor and engaging playfulness while interacting with its eclectic community. It expects others to be as honest about their strengths and shortcomings as it is of its own, and while these high expectations don't make the fox a snob, it expects its friends to first demonstrate their worthiness before returning the favor with loyalty and devotion.
Foxes are typically successful in the work place but their competitiveness and ambition sometimes makes coworkers feel belittled. They would never deliberately take advantage of others, but their single-mindedness often blinds them to their feelings. So they thrive in their own businesses and like to surround themselves with family and friends in these ventures. Although they demand consensus in all decisions, they dominate discussions and steer the plans to reflect their own agenda.
A discussion with a fox is invariably stimulating and challenging. Its great curiosity and worldly experience makes it a wonderful conversationalist and it's able to hold forth on a number of different topics with ease. Sometimes, however, the fox will view a conversation as a competitive challenge, which proves to be off-putting and annoying to its companions.
Careers and Hobbies
Computer programmer Lawyer
Doctor Advertising
Chess Gambling
Debating Jeopardy
I feel in touch with my inner furry.