This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
In which I return to IRG for the sake of musical completionism.
When I've asked this question previously, I've returned empty-handed, though given the concentration of dedicated fans here, I'm hoping someone has leads, if not actual tracks. We all know that Seazer was previously involved in Terayama's theatre work in the seventies, but does anyone actually have any of Seazer's older works? Such a find would make my day.
Thank you in advance, and feel free to move the thread if it's in the wrong forum; I wasn't certain.
I do. I have three on my computer, two of which I previously owned: Ship of Fools, Ahousen, and Jashumon. I'm at work right now so I can't tell you more than that, but when I get home I'll see what I can do about hooking some folks up.
How about including it in the next audiology shuffle? A lot of people might be interested in something that hard to obtain.
Giovanna wrote:
I do.
I have three on my computer, two of which I previously owned: Ship of Fools, Ahousen, and Jashumon. I'm at work right now so I can't tell you more than that, but when I get home I'll see what I can do about hooking some folks up.
I've got Sho o Suteyo, Machi ni Deyou and Denen ni Shisu to add to that... though I thought Ahousen was Ship of Fools? It translates to the same thing, anyway...
Furthermore, Gio, how gorgeous is Jashumon? I'm in love with The Crane's Theme.
I think Black Mantha's idea is excellent.
And welcome back, Archambeau! Will you be staying this time?
Thank you, it's nice to see you again. I'm not sure how dilligently I'll be visiting, but as summer is generally more permitting than the school months, I certainly at least have the time to stop by now and again.
Almaser wrote:
I've got Sho o Suteyo, Machi ni Deyou and Denen ni Shisu to add to that... though I thought Ahousen was Ship of Fools?
It translates to the same thing, anyway...
Furthermore, Gio, how gorgeous is Jashumon? I'm in love with The Crane's Theme.
I have it listed as two things with different track lists. BTW....HOOK ME UP. I'll try to make an Audiology post. have track lists?
Half of why I've avoided posting is I have no tracklist or album info.
Giovanna wrote:
Almaser wrote:
I've got Sho o Suteyo, Machi ni Deyou and Denen ni Shisu to add to that... though I thought Ahousen was Ship of Fools?
It translates to the same thing, anyway...
Furthermore, Gio, how gorgeous is Jashumon? I'm in love with The Crane's Theme.I have it listed as two things with different track lists.
BTW....HOOK ME UP. I'll try to make an Audiology post. have track lists?
Half of why I've avoided posting is I have no tracklist or album info.
Hrm, I'm not sure why that would be... maybe your Ship of Fools is really Midokumaru, but I'd have no way of knowing. Is the album only 8 or so tracks long?
I can't hook you up with my stuff just yet, my external is damaged and I have to go get a new casing for it (and I hope that's all I need... erk), but once I do I'll definitely share.
And now, the Jashumon tracklist!
1. 狂女節 - Kyoujobushi - Song of the Madwoman
2. 仁 - Jin - Charity
3. 獅子の子 - Shishi no Ko - Lion Cub
4. 東京巡礼歌 - Toukyou Junreika - Song of Pilgrimage to Tokyo
5. はらいそう - Haraisou [1]
6. 凶兆 - Kyouchou - An Ill Omen
7. 母捨般若経 - Bosha Hanyakyou - Sutra on the Wisdom of Casting Away Mother
8. 犯されたら泣けばいい - Okosaretara Nakeba Ii - Those Who Are Violated Should Weep
9. どこへどこへと殺!- Doko e Doko e to Satsu! - Where to, Where to, My Killer! [2]
10. くらま天狗 - Kurama Tengu
11. 邪宗門 - Jashuumon - The Heretical Faith
12. 母恋地獄 - Hahakoi Jigoku - Oepdial Hell [3]
13. カラス - Karasu - The Crow
14. 棺桶風呂 - Kan'oke Fuuro - Coffin Bath
15. 和讃 - Wazan - Gentle Praise
16. つるのテーマ - Tsuru no Teema - The Crane's Theme
17. 口笛賛歌 - Kuchibue Sanka - Whistle Hymn
18. 1970年8月 Issenkuhyakunanajuunen Hachigatsu - August 1970
19. 和讃 - Wazan - Gentle Praise
[1] - Very vague. Could mean 'Looks like you will pay' or 'Let us Purify this,' but without any kanji it's got no real context until I translate the song...
[2] - Confusingly worded even in Japanese, however the 'Satsu' kanji is very similar to 'Tono,' which means Lord. Thus, this could be read as 'Where to, Where to, My Lord (You Killer)?'
[3] - Literally 'Hell of desire for Mother'
Edit: Also, album info!
Composer: J.A. Seazer (Well okay, that much is obvious)
Artist: 天井桟敷 - Tenjou Sajiki
Year: 1972
Release Date: 1999
Last edited by Almaser (07-05-2007 01:15:37 AM)
Now I'm confused.
My 'Ahousen' is 14 tracks. 'Jashumon' is 7, and 'Ship of Fools' is 7.
....uh. Also my Jashumon and Ship of Fools are the same thing.
It's been a while since I've dug around at these because I knew nothing about them.
But my Ahousen and Jashumon/Ship of Fools are ripped from CDs I did have copies of.
This is indeed confusing... although I'm not entirely surprised, I get the niggling feeling I've seen Jashumon and Ship of Fools classed as the same thing a few times before.
Would you like to shift this discussion over to MSN so we can trade files around and work out what you've got?
Sounds sexy! My msn is
As for Ship of Fools, that's titled such in my collection because I distinctly remember that being just about the only english on the CD.
Once I work out my collection with Almaser, I have every intention of rotating the full albums on Audiology. Especially since I haven't had many requests this time around, so there will be room.
Yay for more Seazer!
UPDATE: I also just got my greedy little hands on Shindokumaru, which I mistakenly referred to earlier as Midokumaru. Silly Almaser.
However, I won't be able to get my copies of the other albums to Gio for a little bit, as the external hard drive what housed them is currently in the shop.
(I really hope it's not the hard drive itself that's damaged...)
Whatever you can get me, whenever! I know I have these two here but you seem to know what you have and I'm like HURR SONG FILES
I'll put the first album I get my grubby hands on for rotation on Audiology and keep the forum posted as to when they change. I won't have the room to post all the albums I get at once, since I'm starting to upload portions of the new gallery now.
Wait, new gallery?
You mean the gallery section of the website? I didn't know there're more...
EDIT: Oh wait, announcement, stupid me.... Should've checked... didn't realize you were working on this so hard
Last edited by Hiraku (07-04-2007 08:55:44 PM)
Hi. Jashumon and Ahobune (Ship of Fools) are definitely not the same album. Jashumon was recorded in January 1972 in Tokyo, while Ahobune was recorded at a Tenjosajiki performance at Shiraz in Iran in August 1976.
The Tenjosajiki records that feature Seazer are:
Sho o suteyo, machi e deyo (there are very different released versions of this - the original theatre performance and a soundtrack for the film version)
Baramon - Gei Revorushon
Den'en ni shisu
Ahobune/Ship of Fools
Saraba hakobune
Okami shonen/Pilgrimage of Blood
All of these have been available on CD at one time or another.
The other major Seazer release of note is his solo concert, Kokkyo Junreika, which was last reissued late last year in Japan. Seazer also did some interesting arrangements in the 70s and 80s for dark folk musicians like Morita Doji and Tomokawa Kazuki.
There's a Japanese discography that lists all his releases, with some pictures:
There's also a lavishly illustrated book about Seazer in Japanese, authored by Udagawa Takeo, though it may be out of print. The title is "J.A. Seazer no sekai", published by Byakuya Shobo. Amazon Japan lists some used copies for somewhat extortionate prices: … mp;sr=1-19
Hope that helps...
*looks around, delurks*
I just thought I'd add in my two cents, for the sake of completeness. So, in addition to the stuff posted above, I've seen two other records floating around on the great intarwebs.
One is apparently the one listed as 電球式アンモナイト in the link choan gave. It has different versions of two duel choruses, Spira Mirabilis Gekijou and Nikutai no Naka no Koseidai.
The second is... well, looks like there is/was a CD included with the book mentioned above (god, I want that stuff so bad), and this might be it. It's got bad sound quality, nowhere near the levels of WTF-ness of the other records, tags that don't match the actual songs, no title or indication of where or when it was recorded, and... I'm honestly not sure what to make of it.
If anybody wants to get their hands on those (or any others, I have all the stuff listed above except Saraba Hakobune and Okami Shonen), just poke me.
*coughs nervously, relurks*
Oh yes, I forgot that there was also a CD that came with that book. 7 tracks recorded at three Seazer concerts in 1980. There are also two bonus pieces of home film on there too. Quality isn't the best.
And another hole in my memory - I forgot Seazer's very first release, a single released in 1970 by CBS/Sony. 'Subete no hito ga shinde yuku toki ni' c/w 'Kubitsuri no ki' (which roughly translate as 'When everyone begins dying' and 'The Hanging Tree'). Snappy titles. Both tracks have been anthologized a couple of times on Japanese folk compilations.
I'm bringing this thread up from the ashes LIKE THE PHOENIX.
A kind soul has been hooking me up with even more Seazer stuff, including the CD that's above mentioned as 電球式アンモナイト. It does have early versions of Paleozoic Within the Body and Spira Mirabilis Theater, which makes me want to upload it to the site next. Unfortunately I can't find a tracklist at all, and I know some of you keep up with this stuff a bit better or know enough Japanese to hunt it down!
It's 13 tracks, if that helps!
Very eager to hear more.
Can anyone tell me if his later works with Banyu Inryoku, rather than Tenjo Sajiki, are more musical and less theatrical? While I enjoyed the songs on Jashuumon, I felt much of the album was lost on me as I couldn't make heads or tails of the dialogue.
Seazer hasn't done a whole lot with that group aside from SKU stuff. I've only listened to a bit of this CD I'm talking about, but it does overall seem more music-oriented than the Tenjo Sajiki stuff.
I'd love to see scripts or something of the older material though; just from a cultural history nerd standpoint it was such a big deal back then. One of the recordings I just got apparently broke a lot of ground by addressing homosexuality.