This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
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I DID NOT KNOW GOOGLE HAD THIS. I was actually looking for something on PubMed a few weeks ago and was wishing google had a scientific journal search. But yeah, those things are -always- really expensive but occasionally you can find a few free ones. The British Medical Journal is free and there are a lot of other good ones that make their catalogues available online to anyone with a library card. I abuse that privledge way more than than anyone else in this city.
And I don't mind having my brain picked at. D: I'm one of those people who can talk about their academic interests like a seven year old talks about his pokemon cards.
Hinotori wrote:
I'm telling you, Google fucking rules.
Google does so much awesome stuff that you'd seriously totally lose track if they actually did press releases or anything for it. And they tend to do really awesome stuff like this, that frankly, most people don't give a rat's arse about.
As for journals, my library card lets me access the free ones online, yeah, but there's like a 2 year stall on their release, so I can't get anything recent. Which in a field like astronomy sucks pretty damn hard, though I admit most of the astronomy material published goes over my head in the details anyway. I've been reading several psychology journals on and off since I was 14 though. (What does this say about psychology...)
I've flipped through stuff at the library, and I tend to be stuck between what's around. I'm way above Popular Science or Scientific American, but except for a few subjects, journals tend to go over my head. I remember rather liking Science (I think that's the one), but finding the subscription almost as prohibitively expensive...
Dammit. Knowledge should be free.
Hinotori wrote:
I have a pretty long rant about NASA being screwed by the government, but everyone else just about covers it. The worst part is that nobody really gives a shit about NASA and 100% of the time Congress even THINKS about NASA it's in the context of, "HMM. HOW CAN I FUNNEL SOME OF NASA'S BUDGET INTO BEING USED IN MY STATE??" And as a result of that NOTHING ever happens because everyone's too busy fighting over what part of the map the research is happening in.
I double majored in Astronomy in college and one of my Professors basically got up in front of the class and said, "If you intend to have a fulfilling career in any science at all you better think of learning another language and getting the hell out of the US because they're determined to make life hell for everyone."
Double majored in Astronomy and what? Based on your comments about PubMed, I'd guess Biology, but that's just a wild-assed guess with a bit of wishful thinking included.
I'm asking because I'm a community college science instructor who is teaching astronomy next semester (I'm not Professor Plum on this forum for nothing ) and I'm happy to meet someone here who shares my interests in both science and anime. I'm also teaching introductory biology and anatomy and physiology next semester and have taught geology, zoology, and environmental geology. Yes, I have a diverse resume.
Anyway, hello!
That's odd. We have a couple that release recent journals, as far as I can remember. Cincinnati has way too many nice things. D:
But half the problem as far as Astronomy/Anthropology/Paleontology (or pretty much any dicipline I'm REALLY interested in) is that they get quiet about things three or four months about making a serious discovery. Even in recent journals it seems like they'll trail off on a topic for a little while before barking out that they discovered a new species last summer.
The trick is to make friends with people who are willing to explain things to you. I think I got most of my pre-coursework information from lonely grad students on the Bad Astronomy boards.
Hinotori wrote:
That's odd. We have a couple that release recent journals, as far as I can remember. Cincinnati has way too many nice things. D:
But half the problem as far as Astronomy/Anthropology/Paleontology
Muahaha! Another chance to brag.
My M.S. thesis was on the fossil mollusks of Pit 91 Rancho La Brea. That means I'm a world expert on a major group of fossils at one of the most famous Pleistocene (Ice Age) sites in the world. That and $1.50 will buy me a tall cup of coffee at Starbucks. Oh well.
(or pretty much any dicipline I'm REALLY interested in) is that they get quiet about things three or four months about making a serious discovery. Even in recent journals it seems like they'll trail off on a topic for a little while before barking out that they discovered a new species last summer.
Like Tiktaalik? I read a lot of pre-release teasers about that discovery on the Evolution and Creation forum at Internet Infidels, a freethinkers board. Lots of paleontologists and evolutionary biologists hang out there. You should join--best evolution discussion I've seen on the net!
The trick is to make friends with people who are willing to explain things to you.
I think I got most of my pre-coursework information from lonely grad students on the Bad Astronomy boards.
Bad Astronomy rules!
Hello new friend.
I'm currently in the process of re-researching and re-applying to graduate schools in that very field (NOT MOLLUSKS. And it'll probably probably get me much of the same. It's still a promise that I'll be swarming around you for the remainder of this thread, and I'll check out that board. I think I've heard of it before but I've been looking for more people to bother lately anyway.
And yeah, Paleontology is a big offender. That's why I want to get in on the action. What was wandering around in my head was the whole 2003 UB313 mes and what it ultimately turned into. Drove me crazy, it did.
Hinotori wrote:
Hello new friend.
I'm currently in the process of re-researching and re-applying to graduate schools in that very field (NOT MOLLUSKS. And it'll probably probably get me much of the same.
Paleontology? Cool field, but impractical. The last job it got me was as tour guide for the Pre-Historic Forest in Irish Hills, Michigan. That place is now closed, but there's another one in Sandusky, Ohio, near Cedar Point.
What group of organisms are you interested in? That will play a big part in where you apply for grad school.
It's still a promise that I'll be swarming around you for the remainder of this thread,
Swarm around me all you like. Just remember that I'm a dirty old man (Gio can attest to this).
and I'll check out that board. I think I've heard of it before but I've been looking for more people to bother lately anyway.
Some very smart people hang out there. Just be prepared to back up your arguments.
And yeah, Paleontology is a big offender.
That's why I want to get in on the action. What was wandering around in my head was the whole 2003 UB313 mes and what it ultimately turned into. Drove me crazy, it did.
Hail Eris!
I'm luckiest in that I'm not picky. I'd -love- to do hyolitha (well SOME mollusics ) or cetaceans or plesiosaurs in the antarctic or synapsids or somethng all the rage these days but those fields are so competative I'm not holding my breath. I'm also researching some broader Evolutionary Biology programmes. I'm one of those people that wants to do research so hard I'd be content on slave wages. I know it's not the most practical thing I could go nuts over, but it's something I've said I wanted to do since I could talk, so even if I spend most of my time working at World's Largest Dinosaur I'd probably be happy with the idea that it could happen in short bursts. I'd probably like being a tour guide, too.
Right now I'm doing wildlife rehabilitation work which is pretty much the other end of the spectrum, but I'm still estatic over it.
I have no problem with dirty old men. That's been another goal of mine since I was a kitten. And I'm always up for a good argument as long as someone doesn't pick on my poor spelling. Even then I don't really mind. D:
Hinotori wrote:
I'm luckiest in that I'm not picky. I'd -love- to do hyolitha (well SOME mollusics
) or cetaceans or plesiosaurs in the antarctic or synapsids or somethng all the rage these days but those fields are so competative I'm not holding my breath.
Of all those groups of organisms, I can give you a recommendation of only one institution for only one of those groups--the University of Michigan for cetaceans, and that's only because I graduated with a Ph.D. in biology from there. Hyolithids would be an obscure enough group that you wouldn't have much competition, but I couldn't tell you off the top of my head where to go for them or for the other groups.
I'm also researching some broader Evolutionary Biology programmes.
Such as?
I'm one of those people that wants to do research so hard I'd be content on slave wages.
Which is about what you'll get, too.
I know it's not the most practical thing I could go nuts over, but it's something I've said I wanted to do since I could talk, so even if I spend most of my time working at World's Largest Dinosaur I'd probably be happy with the idea that it could happen in short bursts.
Well, then, you're devoted enough to make it happen.
I'd probably like being a tour guide, too.
Right now I'm doing wildlife rehabilitation work which is pretty much the other end of the spectrum, but I'm still estatic over it.
What kind of wildlife do you rescue? It would be really sexy if it were something like raptors, but all of it should be worthwhile work.
I have no problem with dirty old men. That's been another goal of mine since I was a kitten.
Oh, really? Be careful what you wish for, my dear, as you might get it.
And I'm always up for a good argument as long as someone doesn't pick on my poor spelling. Even then I don't really mind. D:
I'll keep that in mind.
Last edited by Professor Plum (12-27-2006 06:36:29 PM)
More Google Love for Gio!
Google joins effort to digitally film the entire universe
An excerpt:
Google today will announce its partnership with the University of Washington, the University of Arizona and others to create the world's largest database -- a moving picture of the universe.
"It will be the greatest movie of all time," said UW astronomer Craig Hogan, one of the leading scientists working on the project. "It will transform how we do science."
Technically, it's called the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, or LSST, and it's still mostly just a twinkle in the astronomical community's collective eye. Planned to begin operation in 2013 on a mountaintop in Chile, the telescope will take moving digital images -- rather than the typical static snapshots -- of all space, the entire visible sky.
"This will provide an incredibly rich view of the universe," Hogan said. Once completed, he added, the movies will be publicly accessible for anyone to watch and study. "It will be the YouTube of astronomy."
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (01-05-2007 02:20:11 PM)
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
More Google Love for Gio!
Google joins effort to digitally film the entire universe
'Imagines the possibility of finding alien life, hopely sexy alien life'
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
the YouTube of astronomy
I just managed to soak panties that are two rooms away.
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