This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
So I've finally found a way how to buy stuff from any online shop, but it'll cost me. A lot.
Does anyone know where to get some Utena stuff for reasonable prices? (Not that they would be reasonable for me since they'll be about doubled )
I'm mostly interested in DVDs and soundtracks. Also, Amazon seems to be a fairly decent place for getting them, but I was wondering if anyone would know something better.
Well, there are few that I use: is a fairly good place with reasonable prices and very good sales, occasionally, but their overseas shipping costs are above average. is somewhat ambigious - they have very cheap prices, but their shippings can at worst take months, though usually the stuff comes in three weeks. Also, once they sent me a completely wrong product and I had to send it back, paying for the return-shipping, before I could get the right one. Still, many have good experiences about the place. is a terrific place for us members of EU in the sense that there are no customs to be paid and the shipping-costs are included in the given prices. However, it isn't the cheapest place around - some stuff is ridiculously expensive, actually. But if it's going to be expensive anyway, at least you won't need to add customs to the price.
All these sell Region 1 DVDs, so you need a multi-region DVD-player, as you propably know.
Amazon, both British and American is a good place for general purchases, especially books, but their prices aren't usually the cheapest when it comes to anime and soundtracks.
For Utena I recommend DeepDiscountDVD and Anime Corner Store - DC-DVD charged over double the price on Utena-collections, last time I checked.
Last edited by Lightice (01-09-2007 08:54:02 AM)
Maarika wrote:
So I've finally found a way how to buy stuff from any online shop, but it'll cost me. A lot.
Does anyone know where to get some Utena stuff for reasonable prices? (Not that they would be reasonable for me since they'll be about doubled)
I'm mostly interested in DVDs and soundtracks. Also, Amazon seems to be a fairly decent place for getting them, but I was wondering if anyone would know something better.
What's the problem with the online thing?
For me, I get most of my stuff through Amazon, though I can usually beat their prices in other places. They just happen to strike the right balance of price and reliability for me, even with free shipping, I always get my stuff within a week or so.
I think you realize the big problem for you is location...if you found things at the right place for the right price, but they'll only ship to the States, I'm sure any one of us, including me, would be happy to buy the items on your behalf and ship them over to you. (You'd have to prepay though, I'm broke. )
My experience with Deep Discount DVD has been stellar, but I always buy very common DVDs from them, and realize I'm gonna wait an extra week or maybe two because I wanted to save a few bucks.
Giovanna wrote:
I think you realize the big problem for you is location...if you found things at the right place for the right price, but they'll only ship to the States, I'm sure any one of us, including me, would be happy to buy the items on your behalf and ship them over to you. (You'd have to prepay though, I'm broke.
I was thinking that perhaps I could find someone who'd buy them for me and I'd send them money in cash. But I don't know if it'll be cheaper though since it seems to me that shipping costs are insanely high everywhere.
I'm planning of using an Estonian site that offers this service. Their office is located in the States so I would have to pay for shipping the stuff to their office and then also for the shipping from there to Estonia. It's so complicated though, I'm not sure what I'll do about it yet. I guess the smartest thing would be save some money.
Also, thanks for the links, Lightice. I'll check them out.
As far as I can tell, it wouldn't get any cheaper to have someone else buy them for you, since the shipping doesn't dissapear anywhere. I haven't found the shipping costs insanely high, unleses buying something very heavy - the cost of my new trenchcoat took a third of my summer earnings due to that and the customs. When I buy DVDs from overseas, I always keep the sum under 40€ so it doesn't reach the customs-limit - I suggest you do the same Maarika, whatever the limit is in Estonia. Customs and extra taxes can turn any item seriously overpriced. The shipping of a DVD here seems to be around 5-6$ in most places, which I find pretty acceptable, especially since it's not much more for a whole boxset, either.