This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
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It was brought up in the box set thread that RightStuf has a bit of a difficult ordering system for people living outside of the United States. This presents a problem for those of you who would like to get the special secret surprise for preordering through them instead of getting the box sets elsewhere. I've okayed this with Alison, and am extending to you international IRGers MY SWEAT AND TIME so you better love me for it.
If you want the item that comes through preordering through RightStuf, but don't want to provide photo IDs and go through wait times with ordering, I will preorder/receive the box sets on your behalf in the US and ship them to you.
The Rules
1. You must pay all costs. I'm sorry, but I'm poor.
1a. The first box set is 37.49 USD to preorder. I'm assuming the next two will be similarly priced. I suggest paying me in installments for each, even if you elect to receive them all at the same time.
1b. The shipping to me from RightStuf should be free, since I'll be ordering over 50bux. No charge there.
1c. Shipping from me to you is UP TO YOU. In my experience, UPS is very reliable. If you prefer how FedEx does things for you, that's fine also. I don't care if you want them next day or slow and cheap. You're paying for it. Assume a 2 pound package coming to you from US zip code 33033, or if you prefer, wait until I can give you an exact weight. Keep in mind though that will delay shipping your item until I get your shipping payment.
2. When it comes to monies--NO ORDER WILL BE MADE FOR YOUR ITEM UNTIL I HAVE THE MONEY IN MY HANDS TO BUY IT. Similarly, no items will be shipped unless I have the money, from you, to pay those costs. I am willing to work with you on payment schedules except for that--nothing will happen if I can't use your money to do it. If you want to buy the box set but pay for shipping a couple months from now, that's fine. But if you don't pay for the shipping, your box set sits in my closet unless you come get it yourself.
2a. If you choose to have the boxes held for a single shipment, I suggest paying for the boxes as they become available for preorder and then I will give you an accurate cost of shipping when I get all of them.
3. I will accept any method of payment so long as I receive it and can actually use it. That will be pretty much Paypal and international money orders, though I prefer Paypal. If you use Paypal, either gift the money to me, or add a couple dollars per transaction. Since you're responsible for all costs, that includes Paypal's nasty fleecing. Obviously, if I don't receive the money by the time the preorder is period is up, nothing's going to happen. I will be placing my order on May 15th, so have your money in my hands by then, I will place no orders after that point--it's more than enough time for you to get things to me.
4. I am not going to make any profit on this. I'm not charging you for my time, or any other fee for the service provided. All I ask is you don't cost me money. If you're wondering if you should trust me...well you should. I have sales records both on eBay and on Amazon if you wish to see them, but really, if you can't trust someone with an Akio avatar and a self-professed love for evil bastards well...who can you trust? (No seriously, if there's a question of my merit here, I'm sure there will be forumites who will vouch for me. I haven't done anything exactly like this here, but for crissakes I organize conventions. You silly sods trust me with dining decisions.)
5. This should go without saying, but if you don't order all three through me, and in a timely fashion so I preorder them, you won't get the special cool prize. So uh...I suggest you commit to that! I'm not responsible for a loss of special item because you didn't make me able to order correctly for you!
This thread's for questions and sorting out how you want this to work. Personal information obviously should be kept to PMs. Also sorry to sound all serious business and kind of crabby, but I'm sleepy and my family's bugging me. I just wanted to get this offer on the table as soon as I could. If no one wants to bite, that's fine, if people do, I'm glad to help. Everyone should get a shot at something this unbearably badass!
I'll bite, and I'll bite hard. I'm off to Aussie again tomorrow so I probably won't sort it out until I get home in a couple of weeks time, but I am totes up for this.
The lines on this are thin for a lot of things, but I'm assuming in this case that "Outside of the US" does include Canada, for once. If so, I'm all for it. (I haven't seen Utena yet, but I'm fairly certain I'll like it enough to buy it. I loved the hell out of Star Driver, therefore...)
I think I read in another post that there was going to be another pre-order sale? Would we be able to wait until then? Or, I guess since it's not known when that will be, it may be too late...
DiscardedData wrote:
(I haven't seen Utena yet, but I'm fairly certain I'll like it enough to buy it. I loved the hell out of Star Driver, therefore...)
This might be kind of self-evident, but we on the Utena forums definitely recommend the series. The point of connection is screenwriter Yoji Enokido, right? Then yeah, he's pretty great, and if you liked one series that he worked on, it's definitely worth your time to check out the others. (Speaking of which, I should probably check out Star Driver...)
For a new viewer, though, it's a shame only the first third of Utena is coming out to begin with. General consensus is that it's one of those series that gets better as it goes along.
Dallbun wrote:
DiscardedData wrote:
(I haven't seen Utena yet, but I'm fairly certain I'll like it enough to buy it. I loved the hell out of Star Driver, therefore...)
This might be kind of self-evident, but we on the Utena forums definitely recommend the series.
The point of connection is screenwriter Yoji Enokido, right? Then yeah, he's pretty great, and if you liked one series that he worked on, it's definitely worth your time to check out the others. (Speaking of which, I should probably check out Star Driver...)
For a new viewer, though, it's a shame only the first third of Utena is coming out to begin with. General consensus is that it's one of those series that gets better as it goes along.
Everybody I talk with says that Star Driver is about 80% of what Utena was in terms of fabulous. Oh god that final episode. I highly recommend watching it.
I've got a hold of the older versions of Utena's release, so I'm going to watch those, and if/when I fall in love with it I'm going to order the new super versions! But we're getting off topic.
Last edited by DiscardedData (04-04-2011 12:33:49 AM)
DiscardedData wrote:
I think I read in another post that there was going to be another pre-order sale? Would we be able to wait until then? Or, I guess since it's not known when that will be, it may be too late...
Yes, Canada counts, and I'll happily do Canada.
The thing is there are going to be three box sets. The first is up now for preorder. The other two will also be up for preorder. If you preorder all through through RightStuf (through me), you get a special secret item RightStuf isn't saying what is.
Giovanna wrote:
Yes, Canada counts, and I'll happily do Canada.
Great, thanks! And ah, I get it now. I just had to re-read the post I read once or twice. It would be a deal on the set of all three, but you wouldn't get the special goodie with it.
Yah, no doubt the box set will be available from many retailers in Canada (HMV, if you want to saw an arm off and give up your firstborn), but it's only by preordering here that you get this special item. It's also worth pointing out that this is more directly to the people releasing the show here. Unless I'm very wrong, the people who did the work get more money if we buy through RightStuf.
We usualy get some ( tell the truth- all ) digitall things here... You non-samurai way for free...
Saio wrote:
We usualy get some ( tell the truth- all ) digitall things here... You non-samurai way for free...
Free stuff is nice, and we live in an era where we can get most digital stuff for free if we want to. Companies like Nozomi take a big risk when they spend a lot of money on distributing an anime, especially an old anime that's long since been ripped by thousands of people, because there's the risk that people will just pirate it if it's any good. And you know, for some companies and some anime, that doesn't bother me. But this is Nozomi, which is a quality distributor, and Utena, which is one of the best anime ever produced. Thanks to Gio, you all in Europe have the opportunity to come by these DVDs legally, compensating the many, many people it took to create the show, remaster it, and put it in your hands. You have to decide for yourself whether to pay money for something we all know you can get for free. But it seems strange to me, if you love shows like Utena, to engage in behavior that discourages artists and companies from making more shows like it.
What satyr said. We're all...ahem..children of the internets. We know what's out there. But open discussion of piracy, especially in the face of an immediately available and convenient legal release, isn't cool around here, k? And he's right--Nozomi took an unusual and frankly awesome leap of faith on an anime that's no virgin to the US buyer base. It's bothering to hunt down the licenses and argue with the holders of an anime that already got here and had its shot. Nozomi's electing instead to do the extra work and do it right. We can't make you buy their product, but if you're going to gleefully refuse to support the release in favor of torrenting it, don't discuss it here.
I apologise if this is the wrong place to be asking this (or if I'm just being dim,) but does this mean that if you pre-order, and am outside of the US, you don't get this special treat? Is that the jist of it? Because I have already pre-ordered, gone through their weird verification system, and everything =/ Me no get special treat nao? D':
As long as you order all three sets from RightStuf directly (as they become available for doing so), you should be good to go for the super special gift.
Gio is providing this service for those who want the special gift, but do not want to go through all of the steps that you have done. In other words, she's being a proxy buyer.
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (04-05-2011 01:41:56 PM)
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
As long as you order all three sets from RightStuf directly (as they become available for doing so), you should be good to go for the super special gift.
Gio is providing this service for those who want the special gift, but do not want to go through all of the steps that you have done. In other words, she's being a proxy buyer.
Oh right okay
Thanks for clearing that up!
I just wanted to say, as a non-US fan I want to be thankful to Giovanna for offering this to help those of us outside America. I'm not going to be availing of your generous offer, Gio, because I'm broke and having food/roof over my head/money to go out are my current priorities. But I still want to say a big thank you for this massive effort!
Giovanna wrote:
We can't make you buy their product, but if you're going to gleefully refuse to support the refuse to support the release
I am forced to be rude, Giovanna.
That's compleete bullshit.
Please, continue to be spoilted rich infants (even when most of You are after 25) and support greedy corporations , making their money on Your stupid heads, full of shit and making it (money) on Your empty hearts also.
Utena fans, my ass.
Your are all the same as guro genre fans for exaple.
It's a pity , You've choose so tender and real thing like SKU to be Your fetish.
People are still starving and dying ( mostly outside Your fucking US, that's right).
And Your continue to feed corporations. And feeling Yourself fool of fulish pride on that reason.
FUCK all of You !
I am out of this comunity of dumbs.
Wow, I didn't know making well below the poverty line each and every year and having to often sell my possessions in order to buy food made me spoiled, and that saving up to purchase something that will make me happy is a denial of my own privilege. Furthermore, I am now totally enlightened to the fact that asking for people to not boast about illegal activity on a public forum currently being paid visits from the people who legally own the rights to the anime you are bragging about stealing is acting like a mindless, selfish tool to be exploited by the big, bad powerful and uber-rich companies like Nozomi, who will no doubt use our commercialism to buy baby seals to line the interior of their golden limos with, and who haven't provided the least amount of care, effort, time or money into bringing all of us a product that we, personally, will enjoy by doing things such as spending three years negotiating extras for the dvds or asking for and actually utilizing our suggestions for the boxsets.
No, you are right. YOU deserve to not have to pay for anyone else's hard work, YOU deserve to be able to rudely judge and try to control how other's spend the money they worked hard to make, and YOU deserve to make assumptions about people and corporations in order to rationalize your own behavior.
Last edited by OnlyInThisLight (04-18-2011 05:25:40 PM)
Saio wrote:
I am out of this comunity of dumbs.
Okay! Bye.
Wow, this last week or so has brought us all kinds of examples of how not to argue, hasn't it? We've banned Saio for a week. (Good rule of thumb: the phrase "fuck all of you" is usually abuse.) The merits and flaws of capitalism and copyright law are interesting to talk about, but amazingly, this can be done without calling anyone an infant or accusing anyone of complicity in other people's starvation. Maybe some other time!
Now, back to our regularly scheduled thread, in which Gio generously offers her time and help to anyone abroad who wants to pay for a show that's worth paying for.
Just pre-ordered set 2, Black Rose Saga, coming out in August. Seems like they are releasing these fairly quickly, awesome!!! Nozomi has priced these items quite fairly, I believe. And with the Rightstuf membership, 10% more off. Every little bit helps. Cannot wait to receive these!
Nozomi/Rightstuf has set up a fancy website for Utena as well, check it out and order here:
Excellent! Any biters for the international shipping can grab both from me at once.
Also, I could swear I recognize the coloring on the rotating images at the top of that pretty website. Or I'm an egomaniac.
Bahahaha do you think they used your gallery pictures too?
I'm pretty much a lurker on this board, but I really have to come out of the shadows to get my hands on the delicious remaster.
I just want to say that you are awesome for doing this. The international ordering on the RightStuf website confuses me so bad.
I live in the UK, and if all the boxsets are around $40 then I'll definitely have enough for it. Only thing that worries me is cost of postage and packaging. I've never ordered anything from the U.S. before, so I have absolutely no idea how much it would cost, or which service is best to go for.
Then there's the whole thing with import tax and handling fees - when I ordered something from Hong Kong using FedEx, I was hit with a bill that was half of what the item was worth. I hear that you're much less likely to be hit with the tax if you choose a slower delivery option though. I'm perfectly fine with waiting a few more months for it to arrive if that's the case.
Is there something I can use to work out the approx. cost of postage? I think I'll end up going slow and cheap.
Also, I assume I'll be paying with Paypal?
So to answer your questions in public!
I went through all the Fedex and UPS and USPS postage rates. The Fedex and UPS charges are absolutely astronomical, as in 150+ to the UK. The cheapest way for absolutely anyone NOT in Canada (the prices are more competitive for Canada) is Priority Mail by the USPS. I am assuming the box will weight 5 pounds, which makes it cheaper than the flat rate shipping Priority, but basically for most of you it's going to be between 40-60 to ship the box sets in one package. These take about 2 weeks, aren't trackable, but can have insurance put on them, about 5bux for 150 in insurance. That means for most of you, you're looking at about $165 USD for the whole shebang.
As far as import taxes, discuss those with me in PM since we need to work out what your particular country wants. As far as I know, you'll have to pay those fees on delivery, since I've never been asked to pay import tax at the point of shipping.
Reminder, guys! Cutoff is the 15th, so if you want box sets, you better get PMing me!
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