This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I will be in the chat for sure tonight, although I'm not exactly sure when. Probably around 8/9pm EST on through the night.
Our little forum is so old.
I will not be in the chat, I have three finals to study for. I'm also at school, and I can't launch AIM chat.
BUT....I would like to wish everyone a happy IRG day!!!
...eep my bad I said "SKU" instead or IRG! d'oh.
Last edited by lex (06-09-2009 02:42:06 PM)
Satyr, the info graphs are very nice. Thank you! (And also thank you for the timezone information.)
Okay, so it's official. I'll have some smut ready by tonight-ish. Any pairing requests?
And, of course, Happy IRG Day Everybody!!
If I could just say: This forum has been incredibly important to me since I joined in what seems like forever ago. I know I'm not around as much as I used to be (I used to check the forums every day), but it's still very very close to my heart. All of your are wonderful people--kind, considerate, intelligent, witty, sympathetic, and very helpful. You guys were a strong support system for me when I was going through really difficult times and had almost no IRL friends (I still have remarkably few ). So thank you, everyone. Thank you Gio, Yasha, and Satyr for being super amazing wonderful mods and thank you to everyone else for being amazing members and friends and people. I love you.
Happy IRG Day, everyone!
satyreyes wrote:
Happy IRG Day, Eastern Time!
Enjoy the following InfoGraff(TM)! … s-pies.jpg
satyreyes, those are the best pie graffs ever made! dollface, lets do our best to say "Shiori" more than anyone else!
Here's an analysis on An Immortal Emperor in a Mundane Universe that I wrote for you all! Hope you like it!
Teeheee.... from now for about 2,5 -3 hours, I'm at IRGBalcony. Don't miss the chance to meet NRG, folks
Whoo! Happy IRG Day!!! *hugs the forum*
I'm runnin' out the door to dinner, but when I get back I'm totally in on any chat that may be going on In the meantime, have my final and greatest fanstuff contribution of the day:
Utena Thumbnail Theater Episode 23: Qualifications of a Duelist
satyreyes wrote:
Utena Thumbnail Theater Episode 23: Qualifications of a Duelist
Mamma mia! That was hilarious!
I'm taking a very, very necessary nap for a couple hours*, then I'll be on IRG chat.
*Seriously I'm falling asleep typing.
satyreyes wrote:
Utena Thumbnail Theater Episode 23: Qualifications of a Duelist
My God the ending killed me!
satyreyes wrote:
Utena Thumbnail Theater Episode 23: Qualifications of a Duelist
I laughed so hard I cried a little bit. I heart you satyr.
Last edited by bella (06-09-2009 04:05:30 PM)
Happy IRG Day, everyone! I'm so happy there are Utena fans out there ten years after it came out. In honor of this day I bring you this list.
Everything I Need to Know I Learned From IRG
Pop-tarts are the food of the gods.
The great question in life is: Are lesbians better than Dippin' Dots?
Yes Virginia, Shiori does have fans.
If an analysis is awesome enough, you have the right to use the or
There is always somebody with kinkier tastes than you in the IFD sub forum.
Last edited by Riri-kins (06-09-2009 05:04:20 PM)
bella wrote:
I laughed so hard I cried a little bit. I heart you satyr.
I heart all y'all too.
And I would like to add "the Internet can be a beautiful place" to Riri's list.
satyr: A little SKUpidity to tide us over as afternoon approaches...
Epic win!
Razara: Here's an analysis on An Immortal Emperor in a Mundane Universe that I wrote for you all! Hope you like it!
Very in-depth. I feel like I learned a heck of a lot.
satyr: Utena Thumbnail Theater Episode 23: Qualifications of a Duelist
Brilliantly funny. It felt like I was watching the episode all over again...I swear I saw an Indian midget flash in front of my eyes. It made me cold inside. But then there was a tingly fire.
Riri: There is always somebody with kinkier tastes than you in the IFD sub forum.
Thank god for that, hey. I feel practically normal around here.
I was only one for a brief passage of time, and yet the revelations will haunt both my nightmares and fantasies simultaneously. Between the discussions about the intricacy of rope art and the iintesexual (intellectual/sexual) kinks of Akio, my mind and thus my lower inclinations will be passionately inspired for awhile. All I can say is thank you, everyone.
satyreyes wrote:
I'm runnin' out the door to dinner, but when I get back I'm totally in on any chat that may be going on
In the meantime, have my final and greatest fanstuff contribution of the day:
Utena Thumbnail Theater Episode 23: Qualifications of a Duelist
This is the most funny thing I've read for months!
Katzenklavier wrote:
I was only one for a brief passage of time, and yet the revelations will haunt both my nightmares and fantasies simultaneously. Between the discussions about the intricacy of rope art and the iintesexual (intellectual/sexual) kinks of Akio, my mind and thus my lower inclinations will be passionately inspired for awhile. All I can say is thank you, everyone.
Agreed. The chat was a lot of fun. Thanks everybody!
I wasn't there for long, but I loved the time . We must not forget about the chat, as it's a great place to relax
Edited for typo's
Last edited by Nanami's Rose Groom (06-10-2009 02:26:18 PM)
I saved some of the chat conversation. It really was very informative on many different topics. Now I'm eager to venture forth to fancy soaps and teas and sub/dom mental power play.
It was really fun and it was really nice to meet you all
I was delighted that you were on, Syora, for I promised sharnii that if I could contribute to the corruption of a single newbie...then my life would be worthwhile. Not sure if I succeeded, but I certainly did attempt. And those were my favorite aspects of the intercourse discourse as well, Alex. Thank you for your thoughtful and most stimulating contributions.
Lol! What corruption did you have in mind?
I had a wonderful time chatting, it was very interesting and thought provoking to hear your opinions. You guys are all really welcoming. I know you guys have heard it all before, but it was very heart warming and genuine. I'm really glad to have joined this forum.
Wahhh I'm so sorry I missed it! Stupid internet. It sounded fun though.