This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
As I violently continue my search for an Utena resin model, I find interesting Utena things on ebay. (seriously. I want one of those stupid models )
Cell - Utena beating the living crap out of mikage
Cell - Utena looking out the school building window, possibly about to be waka-glomped
Cell - Angsty episode 12 schoolgirl Utena
It also has the same two I see all the time, but I'm really honestly not sure if they're real D: (They very well could be, but for key scenes it just doesn't look right to me...)
Tarot cards!!
Phone Cards
Also have some cosplay stuff up including fanmade rings, juri locket, duelist Utena, school girl and Anthy wig and glasses. Not to mention art books, film books and manga.
Ebay shops have soundtracks, posters, trading cards and all kinds of exciting stuff.
(How I want the smaller juju book but I canst not use their methods of payment at the moment
Oh, please don't tempt me.. *seriously needs to get a job*
Gaah.. Now I'm wanting the Utena tarot deck. (Even though I disagree with a few of the characters selected for meanings, but in general I agree with most of them) The art is so pretty, and I love tarot cards. I wondered if it would be cheaper just to print out the art from the gallery and try to make some cheap paper copies, but only the major arcana are there.
I also want a ring, too. Damn it. This series has the sexiest merchandise. (And so hard to find) Oh, and posters! And plushies...
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
Oh, please don't tempt me..
*seriously needs to get a job*
Gaah.. Now I'm wanting the Utena tarot deck. (Even though I disagree with a few of the characters selected for meanings, but in general I agree with most of them) The art is so pretty, and I love tarot cards. I wondered if it would be cheaper just to print out the art from the gallery and try to make some cheap paper copies, but only the major arcana are there.
The Utena tarot deck only contains the Major Arcana, so you wouldn't be missing anything* by printing from the gallery. Or at least, if it's supposed to contain the Minor Arcana, then I got gypped when I bought mine. Oddly, I can't seem to remember when I bought mine, or from whom. Hm.
Who the heck is that on the second phone card?
* Originally typed: "Anthying."
satyreyes wrote:
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
Oh, please don't tempt me..
*seriously needs to get a job*
Gaah.. Now I'm wanting the Utena tarot deck. (Even though I disagree with a few of the characters selected for meanings, but in general I agree with most of them) The art is so pretty, and I love tarot cards. I wondered if it would be cheaper just to print out the art from the gallery and try to make some cheap paper copies, but only the major arcana are there.The Utena tarot deck only contains the Major Arcana, so you wouldn't be missing anything* by printing from the gallery. Or at least, if it's supposed to contain the Minor Arcana, then I got gypped when I bought mine. Oddly, I can't seem to remember when I bought mine, or from whom. Hm.
Who the heck is that on the second phone card?
* Originally typed: "Anthying."
Ah, okay, I figured that too.. Damn. I guess the only reason to have the deck would be for aesthetic reasons, then. Or, I suppose you could do readings with just the major arcana, but it would be pretty limited.. Woe.
And I believe it's movie Utena, Akio in the middle, then Anthy, although I'm not sure.
(I've typed Anthying before too. )
That's why I posted since it all pops up so randomly.
And satyr beat me. Only has the major arcana.
I think the second is a black haired movie Akio.
(heh... utena's all Its my anime! remember me guys!!)
I myself think the official plushies looked kinda funny.
I myself am after the movie art books (one down!!) and the memory of rose one for the show. no manga ones for me. >_<
But the second phone card is kinda cool methinks.
allegoriest wrote:
Also have some cosplay stuff up including fanmade rings, juri locket, duelist Utena, school girl and Anthy wig and glasses. Not to mention art books, film books and manga.
Though mine aren't the ones that are up right now, I have some coming up at the end of June, and mine ARE real silver.
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
Ah, okay, I figured that too.. Damn.
I guess the only reason to have the deck would be for aesthetic reasons, then. Or, I suppose you could do readings with just the major arcana, but it would be pretty limited.. Woe.
I once read a book on the Tarot that suggested using only the Major Arcana when doing readings about important long-term themes in a querent's life, since important long-term themes are what these cards are all about (at least in most contexts). Of course, if you do, say, a Celtic Cross with the Major Arcana only, there's about a 50-50 chance that Death will show up and freak out your querent, so there are certainly drawbacks.
And... that's movie Akio? Okay, I guess I can kinda see it if I squint
Just outta curiousity, wasnt there a tarot project here, somewhere, bent on redoing the entire tarot card set plus the minor arcana?
the utena ebay market is really crashing. i remember when you would see official movic rings 2-3 times a month, the official movic locket or cowbell about once every 6 months, and sealed copies of the game. the vhs and dvd movies will always be available, i think. but the nice wall scrolls, the note pads, pencils, pens and other random stationary, the art books, OFFICIAL cds (i stress this one because most utena cds i have seen or purchased ended up being afganistan copies.) are all rare now. and when we do see these things, sellers ass rape the fans! to be honest, gas is still cheaper than utena ebay merchandise, for the most part, and thats really saying something. especially since gas is getting so expensive, anime is looking more cost effective in comparison to a tank of gas!
just a thought ;)
Well the show HAS been around for ten years. all the merchandise is just finding homes~
Well... I dunno... two days ago a 3/4 tank was $60... *cries blood*
And this is why I limit my fandoms and walk everywhere.
Some of those the buyers are willingly paying that much for anyway since they're mostly auctions.
As for the tarot thing, I dont know as much about it, but wouldn't that kinda... fix your results? I mean, if you only used the major cards. (kinda like you said I guess ; )
well, the price of gas depends where you live. today, gas is 2.79 to 3.25 a gallon. it also depends on what you drive. since i drive a wrangler, and sparingly, i genreally pay close to $35 a month on gas.
but i degress. the biggest issue i have with the ebay merchandise is that alot of sellers are selling things that they call rare or original or a fully licenced product. but alot of it is cheap hong kong rip offs.
Every day, I go to eBay, search for "Utena," and see what comes up. I finally found that poster of Shiori, Kanae, and Kozue again.
Anyone who bids against me will be shot. Survivors will be shot again. >.>
Razara wrote:
Every day, I go to eBay, search for "Utena," and see what comes up. I finally found that poster of Shiori, Kanae, and Kozue again.
Anyone who bids against me will be shot. Survivors will be shot again. >.>
I apologize Marionette Mistress! Please forgive my indiscretion! I implore you! Do not shoot me! By all means beat me instead!
guardian_rose wrote:
I apologize Marionette Mistress! Please forgive my indiscretion! I implore you! Do not shoot me! By all means beat me instead!
Or, how about I hit you with a satellite, instead?
It's been my goal to get a poster with Shiori on it for over a year now, so I won't go down without a fight. I'm weird enough that before whenever I outbid someone I would think, "But what if that person wanted it more than I did...?" (<--- Crazy.) But after someone outbid me for that last poster, I realize that it survival of the fittest.
But alas, I spent the last of my money on the Wii, so I'll have to go crawling to my parents for money. How degrading...
I dont' even see that up anywhere.
I want the Miki/Kozue one so bad
That and the threesome one.
Last time someone outbid me the last SECOND for those two.
Managed to get away with the game promo poster though
I'd really kill for one with Ruke myself.
I have a poster with a tiiiny Shiori in the corner in reds D:
The american Newtype release one...
Better yet, you could rasterbate a giant shiori for your wall!
(has utena and anthy from the opening opening shot like that, as well as Gendo, but its hell on printer cartridges.)
They have a poster with Ruka molesting Juri, the twincest picture, and the threesome up right now.
It's under a name like this "Japan Anime Utena LD w/obi Shojo Kakumei U/4070525016I," only with different numbers.
I think those are laser discs
Which... I still want... but I don't have a credit card at the moment anyway.
Why didn't I listen to my mother and give in to the evil of getting one?
*beating head on desk*
Damn. I should have realized that.
Maybe someday...
....I wish I lived in Japan just so I could buy these damned things.
school anthy
bride anthy
$55 and $65 in japanese monies no less... *cries*
wait... this one is about $30...
Akio/Anthy/Utena poster
Utena's epaulets and cord thingie!!
Night of the ball story boards!!!
oh my god I want this. I'm not sure what it is, but its awesome. Get me this and I swear I'll pay you back at least twice.*
Animate Voice Cassette
Other fun things from yahoo japan auctions include cosplay trading cards and american releases of DVDs
*terms and conditions apply. I am not made of monies. (far too sleepy to try and make sense of all of it, only got the current price and the like.)
Razara wrote:
They have a poster with Ruka molesting Juri, the twincest picture, and the threesome up right now.
It's under a name like this "Japan Anime Utena LD w/obi Shojo Kakumei U/4070525016I," only with different numbers.
Wait.. all of these are posters, or just some?
I want an Utena/Anthy one, but I'll have to wait a long time for that.
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
Razara wrote:
They have a poster with Ruka molesting Juri, the twincest picture, and the threesome up right now.
It's under a name like this "Japan Anime Utena LD w/obi Shojo Kakumei U/4070525016I," only with different numbers.Wait.. all of these are posters, or just some?
I want an Utena/Anthy one, but I'll have to wait a long time for that.
I thought they were. I got so excited when I saw them that I forgot to read the text... That might have helped.
Wait.. so what are they?
Some of them look like dvds, and others.. posters or art books?
laserdiscs of the show.
apparently someone wants the boxes for them. O_o
I think they'd still be awesome to have on display since they're kinda big anyway.
allegoriest wrote:
laserdiscs of the show.
apparently someone wants the boxes for them. O_o
I think they'd still be awesome to have on display since they're kinda big anyway.
I'd probably buy the one with Kozue, Shiori, and Kanae on it anyway if I hadn't already bought an unofficial boxset just because it had that picture on it, as well as some others I liked. Well, that and because eBay has screwed me over twice, and I was unable to watch Kozue's duel on repeat. Now I can, but with subtitles made by people who barely speak English... Eh, whatever.
hey razara, I found your poster...
but its kinda expensive
allegoriest wrote:
hey razara, I found your poster...
but its kinda expensive
So there are official Utena posters out there. I hate that the majority of my anime/manga posters/wallscrolls are bootlegs. Some of them look really good (namely the Sailor Moon ones), but I want my official merchandise, dammit!
That being said, I'm not paying $30 for, as my husband put it "Two characters I didn't really like, and one I forgot about." Now if the edges hadn't been damaged...