This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
It's too big for my ring finger on either hand, but fits fairly well on my right middle finger (not the left though). It fits loosely on Paradox's ring finger but doesn't quite fit over his middle knuckle.
They really are lovely though. Might look at eBay to see if anyone puts up a spare so Paradox and I can both have one.
Mine is technically too small for my ring finger and too big for my pinkie. At the very least though I can probably find a way to add some space in the ring to make it fit more snuggly on my pinkie. Either way I love the ring and the boxset is an absolute dream. It makes me so happy to look on my TV shelf and see all three remastered sets facing outwards.
I think the problem with my discs was only with the ps2, since everything plays fine on my laptop, xbox, and dvd player. That makes me happy
I want my ring to fit! It slides right off every one of my fingers
Aelanie wrote:
Not at all. For a variety of reasons, Japanese disc sets tend to be designed differently. They're often quite fancy, as befits their vastly higher price-tags...also of course, there are different market considerations - as you may notice, Anthy and Utena are nude on the rightmost box. That obviously wouldn't go over as well in America...
However, the Nozomi set does use the same artwork that features on the actual DVD sleeves that fit inside the Japanese boxes. You can see the details of the Japanese sets here:
Aha! I knew that artwork had come from the Japanese sets, but I didn't know it was just on the DVD sleeves! What we put on the covers of our sets is only good enough for their sleeve art . . . Then again, that art is almost too awesome to just put on DVD sleeves.
That CD box set is crazy though. I bet it was like a million dollars.
The moral of the story is that Japan is basically the best in the world at making really awesome stuff for nerds.
PrettyPeopleWithSwords wrote:
That CD box set is crazy though. I bet it was like a million dollars.
It was surprisingly reasonable, or at least it was when I got it, considering that it has 10 CDs in it. I think it averaged just over $10 per CD for me.
Mylene wrote:
PrettyPeopleWithSwords wrote:
That CD box set is crazy though. I bet it was like a million dollars.
It was surprisingly reasonable, or at least it was when I got it, considering that it has 10 CDs in it. I think it averaged just over $10 per CD for me.
Same here. The CD box set cost me only a little over US$100. I got it at Play-Asia I believe.
I GOT MY BOXSET AND RING TODAY!!! *insane laughter*
*takes deep breath*
Okay... Excuse me. Ahem.
I'm surprised that my ring actually fit, but it did! It's a little snug, but easy enough to get on and off. Very interesting stuff in the booklet, too. I was freaking out over some of the first character designs for Touga and Saionji.
Glasses!!! OHEMGEE!!!!
BlackRoseVixen wrote:
I GOT MY BOXSET AND RING TODAY!!! *insane laughter*
*takes deep breath*
Okay... Excuse me. Ahem.
I'm surprised that my ring actually fit, but it did! It's a little snug, but easy enough to get on and off.Very interesting stuff in the booklet, too. I was freaking out over some of the first character designs for Touga and Saionji.
Glasses!!! OHEMGEE!!!!
Juri with aquamarine hair!
Early designs for what appears to be Saionji have him in glasses, Gio. It's also quite interesting to see "Touga" with short hair!
The booklet for this set is so beautiful! The dedication to Ms. Kawakami was an especially sweet touch.
And...I am loving this signet ring!! Fits perfectly!
I can totally see Saionji with glasses, in a black turtleneck, lounging with some sake, reading Mishima. A Japanese beatnik.
I'm glad to see everyone so happy with the box! Any updates on that disc, though? Those are like, my favorite episodes.
^The discs seem to be fine now for me, I can play em on everything else but the playstation, which is what I first tried it on.
Giovanna wrote:
I can totally see Saionji with glasses, in a black turtleneck, lounging with some sake, reading Mishima. A Japanese beatnik.
Glasses and SHORT hair.
Honestly, it was a good look for him. Nothing against his current design, mind you.
*Reloads over and over again*
I'm super-cised about this package. It's estimated to get to me todayyyy. I hope it shows up early. I'm so lame. ;_;
My ring is xbox huge on my finger. :/ It's still very pretty! I'll have to just rock the one I made instead XD
The ring is pretty sweet. It fits on the ring fingers of both my hands, the left finger a bit more snugly... but I think whatever it's made out of, I'm allergic to, since after a day and a half of wearing it on my left ring finger, I got a rash, which still hasn't quite gone away a week later. But at least I got several compliments on it when I did wear it! I've worn it occasionally on my right, but I've avoided wearing it for too long at a time since I don't want a rash on both hands, haha.
Ayu Ohseki wrote:
The ring is pretty sweet. It fits on the ring fingers of both my hands, the left finger a bit more snugly... but I think whatever it's made out of, I'm allergic to, since after a day and a half of wearing it on my left ring finger, I got a rash, which still hasn't quite gone away a week later.
But at least I got several compliments on it when I did wear it! I've worn it occasionally on my right, but I've avoided wearing it for too long at a time since I don't want a rash on both hands, haha.
If I remember right, it's supposed to be nickel-plated, and some people are indeed allergic to nickel. (Not me it seems, thankfully.)
I've been wearing mine to work on and off...I really don't think it's a good idea, I'm afraid of damaging it, but it's hard to resist putting it on when I'm getting ready to leave...
[Raises hand]
Nickel allergy here. I haven't gotten my package yet -- it's entered some type of USPS limbo ;_; -- but I can confirm that nickel allergies are vicious. If you end up with a small rash from wearing the ring... *don't* keep wearing it. Small rashes can quickly become big, ugly rashes with weeping wounds.
Ahh, too bad. It's a shame they couldn't have gone with some other material, but obviously they probably had a tough budget and limited choices. A non nickel-based variety of stainless steel, perhaps?
The ring I made is a stainless mix. It's not as shiny as the nickle plated official one. Then again, I had to sand and polish it by hand. If they do another run for individual sale, I'm hope they go with sliver!
It's too tight for regular wear, unfortunately. I guess I'm not in high school anymore.
Just looking at it on my desk makes me feel like I passed up on a scholarship to Hogwarts or the Unseen University: bittersweet and thoughtful, but also like I dodged a bullet. Dueling is hard work!
dirufacade wrote:
[Raises hand]
Nickel allergy here. I haven't gotten my package yet -- it's entered some type of USPS limbo ;_; -- but I can confirm that nickel allergies are vicious. If you end up with a small rash from wearing the ring... *don't* keep wearing it. Small rashes can quickly become big, ugly rashes with weeping wounds.
Weeping wounds that sting and burn horribly, and at least for me cause my lymph nodes to swell up and redden. Still, I'm thinking I can make do. I can put the ring on a nickel-free chain and wear it so the ring rests against my shirt -no skin contact! Or wear it with thin gloves, or only for very small increments of time.
Sadly I haven’t received my package yet but I know it’ll only be a few more days. I have a question though, I don’t have an allergy to metal (that I know of) but silver jewellery seems to tarnish on me really quickly and turns my skin green when I wear it, I want to avoid this as much as possible so is there anything I can do to keep my ring from tarnishing?
Artsychick wrote:
Sadly I haven’t received my package yet but I know it’ll only be a few more days. I have a question though, I don’t have an allergy to metal (that I know of) but silver jewellery seems to tarnish on me really quickly and turns my skin green when I wear it, I want to avoid this as much as possible so is there anything I can do to keep my ring from tarnishing?
It won't tarnish like silver would. That's one of the reasons for the nickel plating; nickel is corrosion resistant.
I got my package last Tuesday, but I wasn't able to start watching until Saturday because I had them send it to my dad's house. (I live in a dorm when I'm in school and I didn't want to have them send it there in case it didn't arrive before the fall semester ended.) I still need to watch the last three episodes and the movie. I did have some problems with disk nine though. (The one with the picture of Touga, Saionji and Utena getting freaky together.) It would play, but the sound and picture would skip on some of the episodes. I will try it on other DVD players, but it still should have played on my dad's DVD player okay since all the other disks for this set as well as the two other box sets played just fine on it.
But if the disk is the problem, I'll ask for a replacement. I did pay almost $60 for this set and I expect it to work. But other than that problem, the rest of the disks that I've watched seem just fine and I love the booklet. Also, the ring fits! I've been wearing it almost all the time.