This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Nanami: Now it's time for operation "Anthy is a weirdo who keeps snails in her pencil box"! To prove this I am going to take this snail here and put it in her pencil box, which is probably already overflowing with snails and neither Utena or Miki will find this weird for some reason. Well here I go. Anthy, may I borrow your pencil box?
Anthy: Well, I don't see why not! What could someone with as much logic as you have against little ol' me? Tee hee!
*hands over pencil case*
*Nanami attempts to insert the snail into the pencil box but fails due to snail overload*
Nanami: "EEK!"
Miki: "Its lucky for you Anthy that I am Not a member of PETA otherwise I would be pouring fuel all over this room and setting it alight for your animal crueiity, but since I am not and I want to get into your panties even if I am too shy to even admit such a thingm I will say its cute instead."
Anthy: I know, Utena-sama, but considering the fact that my brother's been sexually molesting me for years now, isn't it only natural that I'm phsuchologically damaged enough to be an animal abuser?
Nanami: Well maybe that didn't work, but there is always the chance that my next plan, "Operation Anthy is a weirdo who keeps a snake in her drawer" will work. But knowing her, she'll probably just have a weirder animal already in there that these two won't find strange at all.
*Nanami goes to put a snake in the drawer, but the snake is eaten by a mongoose*
Miki: I'm going to say exactly the same thing I said last time for tha same exact reasons!
Utena: Seriously, Anthy? No wonder you're a friendless freak. If I didn't want to bang you so much, I totally wouldn't put up with yer shit!
A_Man: Miki: *playing the Sunlit Garden on the piano* This song reminds me of my innocent childhood when I would play the piano with my sister Kozue. She doesn't know it, but I was the one who sent her that love letter that inspired her to keep playing even though she really sucked. I just liked being beside her so I could fantasize about her like I am right now while playing this song.
Especially the final line!
Utena: Awww. Repressing pain with a furry animal. That's so cute!
*fakes a yawn to mutter behind hand*
And by cute I man messed up and weird.
Miki: Awwwwwwww. Repressing sibbling affection with a hobby. That's so cute!
*fans blushing face and mutters*
And a really good idea. I feel like playing the piano.
*Nanami faints. Then miraculously revives in under 5 seconds. This is lucky because everybody ignored her fainting fit.*
Utena: Huh? Wha? Huh? I have no idea how to solve this maths problem. Cos I'm so dumb, don'tcha know.
Miki: You add 1 and 1 together. Here, use your fingers like this. 1 + 1 finger equals?
Utena: Um... Um...
*Nanami has a satisfying fantasy (again) about the Octopus she is feeling up behind her back, in latex gloves no less.*
Nanami (thinking): Eeeeeeeeee! This time Himemiya Anthy will be revealed as the freak she is! Eeeeeeeeeee! Ah ha ha! Ha ha! God, that will be so hot! My underpants are wet...
Nanami: *walks over to the closet* *thinks* Now I sure hope she doesn't have something else weird hiding in here, though with my luck, she most certainly will. Why do I even bother? *out loud* What a nice closet! Now to open it innocently. *opens it and a giant octopus balloon attacks her* EEK! I'm being raped by tentacles!
Utena: Anthy, what have I told you about putting things in the closet that physically couldn't fit in there anyway? Besides that, Nanami, could you please just sit your ass down so I can learn something! I'm hardly ever in class as it is even though I live at a school.
Anthy: Ha ha ha! Oh, you...
Utena: It's true! I mean, how often do you actually see any of us in class? I can think of three times!
Anthy: Well, the Chairman does have very low standards!
Miki: Isn't the Chairman your brother, Anthy?
Anthy: Yes he is. He lives in a giant cocktower.
Nanami: Don't any of you care that I'm being raped by a tentacle monster over here?
Anthy: Not even a little, Miss Nanami!
Nanami: *sighs as she frees herself* Well all that being raped by tentacles has made me hungry. *pulls out her bento to find Chu-Chu has eaten it* Don't tell me know all I'll get is Anthy's shaved ice?
Utena: Whatever, I'm just hungry so I'll eat it regardless.
Miki: If I eat it, maybe Himemiya-san will like me more.
Nanami: Now I see why you two don't find her weird, you're both weird yourself.
Nanami: This is absolutely RIDICULOUS. You expect me to eat this crap with my weak stomach. This stuff looks like it might give me stomach cancer, for crying out loud!! And what is THAT? Did you pour pixie sticks on top of this? Jebus, girl, you are f***ing weird.
Utena: Whatever, can I get more of the liquid protein and fiber on mine? ...What, you can't expect me to play sports AND duel on shaved ice alone.
Nanami: Well I refuse to eat this crap!
Anthy: *gets up and leaves at this point and goes to the other room sitting at the piano bench* *thinking* I knew I should have made takoyaki, although it probably wouldn't have made much of a difference.
Anthy: :looks at random sheet music: God, those freaking idiots piss me off to no end, especially that cow, Nanami. Sigh...I guess I'll channel my eternal anger and such Rose Bride angst into this pretty song which I can magically play flawlessly. Being a witch pwns.
Last edited by spoon-san (04-28-2009 01:08:02 PM)
Utena: Wow, this song is good. I never knew Himemiya could play that piano, even though I've been living with her for almost 3 episodes now.
Miki: This is the same song I played with Kozue when we were young, Using that logic, Himemiya-san must be my new sister who I'll have sex with since incest is so popular on this show. Now I must win her from Utena.
Utena and Miki together: :thinking: If I had a penis, I would so bone Anthy right now.
Miki: :after thought: ...Hey, wait....
Freud: :talking in Miki's head: Good job, laddy! You've found the one, the "shining thing" able to take on your repressed sexual desire for your sister and even your mother...
....Oh, and about your mother, well, maybe we'll have to explain that one sometime in the Akio Arc, but still, that's some time away, happy!
:Freud poofs out of existence in Miki's head: :Miki smiles whilst tears brim over his eyes while he unknowingly begins to reach down for his crotch.:
---Next Episode---
Miki: *sitting in piano room looking at stop watch* I wonder where Himemiya-san is. I hope she hasn't forgotten about me. I really don't find playing with myself as much fun as playing with a girl like her, and I'm talking about playing the piano, by the way.