This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
Kozue and Saionji would eat each other alive. C'mon, we all know Saionji's got a major virgin-whore complex, Miki wouldn't approve, and if anyone could handle Saionji in the "think about raising your hand to me and I'll push your ass down a long flight of stairs" department it's Kozue. I can just see them using, abusing and heartlessly sexually satisfying each other.
Yeah, he'd be disgusted with himself for being dominated in bed and loving it, but I don't think Saionji would ever threaten her because she'd be unimportant and harmless to him.
I know what you're thinking: Kozue? Harmless? This is the girl who calls herself a wild animal. Still, she's not stealing anything precious to him like Utena is, and she's just another slut on campus to him. He can find a Kozue anywhere, but an Anthy is a treasure.
That said, here's a nice, sexy, and in-character oneshot about them if you're interested.
Tamago wrote:
Akio Car X Utena Car (Highway Shipping)
Mwahaha! Y'know, that would actually make a cute crackfic. I like the way you think.
Last edited by Riri-kins (09-05-2010 01:52:10 PM)
Saio wrote:
Kozue x Shiori
Seconds this..../fap
Melancholic_Soul wrote:
Saionji stripped of his manhood....erm...masculinity.... leads to a self loathing Saio....which leads to self abuse which will take the form of intense (and kinkyly painful) masturbation. Ah...perfection
These icons are taking the forum by storm!
I knew I am not alone...
How come I didn't know about this icon x
I knew Mikage/Saionji was canon.
Leave him alone he (Saionji) is just excentric sometimes, but not gay!
/ Nanami thxkbye
No, I don't think they belong together because they're both slap crazy and love palming other people's faces.
Look, they're both Touga-mind screwed and they put up a mean bitch front to hide the fact that they obviously have some issues in the bedroom. Plus, Saionji could marry her for the money AND be in the Kiryuu family finally while Nanami would get the closest she could to her big brother without the whoring.
On another note, Saionji would be Nanami's right hand in the Utena production of Mean Girls. aw, what a cute icon
haelsyx wrote:
/ Nanami thxkbye
Yeah, hello mental image of Saionji giving Nanami a facial while crying. How are things going?
haelsyx wrote:
Look, they're both Touga-mind screwed and they put up a mean bitch front to hide the fact that they obviously have some issues in the bedroom. Plus, Saionji could marry her for the money AND be in the Kiryuu family finally while Nanami would get the closest she could to her big brother without the whoring.
I decided I was going to write this at RoseCon.
...and the latest Filament just arrived. ...I'll be in my bunk.
Yasha wrote:
Melancholic_Soul wrote:
Saionji stripped of his manhood....erm...masculinity.... leads to a self loathing Saio....which leads to self abuse which will take the form of intense (and kinkyly painful) masturbation. Ah...perfection
O__O I LOVE this icon....
I'm going to use it in amazingly inappropriate topics...
Clarice wrote:
haelsyx wrote:
Look, they're both Touga-mind screwed and they put up a mean bitch front to hide the fact that they obviously have some issues in the bedroom. Plus, Saionji could marry her for the money AND be in the Kiryuu family finally while Nanami would get the closest she could to her big brother without the whoring.
I decided I was going to write this at RoseCon.
D: Why doesn't it already exist???? seems bare of SO MANY of these deserving pairings. I cannot stop laughing at the mental image this gives me.
haelsyx wrote:
Clarice wrote:
haelsyx wrote:
Look, they're both Touga-mind screwed and they put up a mean bitch front to hide the fact that they obviously have some issues in the bedroom. Plus, Saionji could marry her for the money AND be in the Kiryuu family finally while Nanami would get the closest she could to her big brother without the whoring.
I decided I was going to write this at RoseCon.
...WHY HAVE I NOT WRITTEN THIS YET I DON'T KNOW WHAT EVEN.D: Why doesn't it already exist???? seems bare of SO MANY of these deserving pairings.
I cannot stop laughing at the mental image this gives me. seems to be devoid of many of things... It seemed to lose something after that huge overhaul a couple of years ago.
I like Nanaionji, I wonder if they'd have a secret love diary?
Tamago wrote:
How about Nanami X Anthy X Saionji? (Bitchslap Shipping)
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
Yeah, hello mental image of Saionji giving Nanami a facial while crying. How are things going?
I CAN JUSTIFY THIS. It's waaaaay more common than people think for some guys to be ultimately unable to come outside of their hand. They have no problem getting up, performing, etc....but just can't "finish" without it. This is especially common if the guy has some sexual issues. A former boyfriend of mine was that way, and even then he didn't have NEAR the sexual issues and confusion Saionji had, although it was along the same lines of disgust for premarital sex and unease with his sexuality(looooong story). But Saionji would be so DISGUSTED with himself that he couldn't properly consummate the marriage.
And Nanami's all TAKE IT LIKE A MAN, GODDAMNIT YOU PUSSY. He flips out and rage-comes in her face, then hates himself for a week.
I don't think this one has been posted yet. How about anime!UtenaXanime!AnthyXmovie!UtenaXmovie!Anthy. Since we can ship Akio and movie!Akio, a how lesbian parallel universe? foursome should work. Bonus points if anime!Utena tries to insist that she's straight but still gets smexed by the other three.
CausalityStar wrote:
I don't think this one has been posted yet. How about anime!UtenaXanime!AnthyXmovie!UtenaXmovie!Anthy. Since we can ship Akio and movie!Akio, a how lesbian parallel universe? foursome should work. Bonus points if anime!Utena tries to insist that she's straight but still gets smexed by the other three.
I find this incredibly arousing.
Am I getting just a smattering of Utena plot bunnies? Why, yes, yes I am.
CausalityStar wrote:
I don't think this one has been posted yet. How about anime!UtenaXanime!AnthyXmovie!UtenaXmovie!Anthy. Since we can ship Akio and movie!Akio, a how lesbian parallel universe? foursome should work. Bonus points if anime!Utena tries to insist that she's straight but still gets smexed by the other three.
lol I think all that hair would get in the way of the sex though.
haelsyx wrote:
/ Nanami thxkbye
No, I don't think they belong together because they're both slap crazy and love palming other people's faces.
Look, they're both Touga-mind screwed and they put up a mean bitch front to hide the fact that they obviously have some issues in the bedroom. Plus, Saionji could marry her for the money AND be in the Kiryuu family finally while Nanami would get the closest she could to her big brother without the whoring.
On another note, Saionji would be Nanami's right hand in the Utena production of Mean Girls.
Nanaionji is my favourite SKU ship. For these exact reasons. (Well, okay, and also because I kind of incestuouslyship the pair of them with Touga.)
also I love that we have now. XD
Celaenoe wrote:
CausalityStar wrote:
I don't think this one has been posted yet. How about anime!UtenaXanime!AnthyXmovie!UtenaXmovie!Anthy. Since we can ship Akio and movie!Akio, a how lesbian parallel universe? foursome should work. Bonus points if anime!Utena tries to insist that she's straight but still gets smexed by the other three.
lol I think all that hair would get in the way of the sex though.
Would it?
Perhaps a new type of shipping would be born, one dependent entirely on the interpersonal relationships of hair.
I would love to see a cat fight between Movie!Anthy and Nanami... I think that might prove entertaining.
Can I add more? How about Miki/Kozue/Touga. Kinky piano room times for the win! Like this: … 24#/dydn91
Got some weird & some normal pairings for ya.
Touga x Utena - Touga has often tried to present himself as Utena's protector, and genuinely cares for her by the end of the series. There is also definite chemistry between them, even if Utena acts uninterested, and in the movie they are actually portrayed as a former couple. So.
Saionji x Anthy - Saionji is a twisted jerk much of the time, but he could get better given the right circumstances. [Writing a fic about the time after Ohtori right now. Saionji DOES get better, but it takes a lot of work.]
Miki x Shiori - Since I already pair Anthy with Kyouichi, and because Miki seems to have such a soft spot for 'sweet' girls who turn out to be...well, bitches (at least some of the time - I am a big fan of Anthy, so I'm not badmouthing her, but she did some pretty nasty stuff)... Also, Shiori needs to get away from Ruka. And this could happen pretty easily after the finish of the series, because Juri and Miki are already friends and Juri is once again friends with Shiori. So!
Juri x Ruka - Do I even need to explain? Granted, Ruka caused Juri a lot of grief during his short time at Ohtori, but he was doing it to save her from the chains that still tied her to Shiori. It was for her own good! (And he eventually succeeded. The only problem now is that he' know.......*SPOILERRRR!!** dead.)
Nanami x Mitsuru(Tsuwabuki) - When Mitsuru gets more mature, I won't have to imagine it. It WILL happen and you know it. [That other girl can go boil her head. I don't care about her.]
Akio gets to be alone because he's an evil bastard. I agree that he's extremely hot & smexy, but he's still an evil bastard. Don't try to argue.
And no, I do not think he loved Utena. He certainly desired her - or at least enjoyed her company, but she was only a tool to him, really. Pretty tools are still just tools.
Kozue x Mamiya - This is probably my absolute WEIRDEST one, but you know, they can be compared to each other more easily than you'd think. They're sorta...perpendicular in personality. Hah, alliteration is fun. And their haircuts look alike, so yeah.
Mikage x Tokiko - After everything that poor guy went through, I think he deserves to be happy with Tokiko even though I don't like her. Screw Mamiya, he's too young for Mikage anyway.
Last edited by Gainel (12-21-2010 06:42:34 PM)
My turn, one pairing is for serious and one is for the crack lols.
Now Anty x Utena is nice and all but i like to see this happen... Wakaba X Utena- I think once Wakaba matures a bit it would be a lovely pairing, but who would wear the pants...maybe they can take
Now drum roll please. the crack pairing.
Saionji X Chu-Chu- you ask why. Why for the bdsm aspect. Chu- Chu likes the abuse and you know it.
Mitsuru x Shiori