This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Louchan wrote:
There is literally nothing in Utena that I hate or that pisses me off.
So I'll just list the things that I feel a certain apathy towards. That's as close to dislike as I can get.
1. The resused animation in duels. I see the duels as more of a short look into the characters involved rather than a fight sequence, but it certainly would be nice if we didn't get to see the exact same sequences used almost every time. Sometimes they even used the same sequences but with redrawn characters. Meh. Also, I found it sort of ironic that one of the duels that got the most new animation... was Tsuwabuki's. No offense to any Tsuwabuki fans but... couldn't they have used that for a slightly more important character? D:
2. The animation quality at times. Most of the time it looks great, and I find the style very enjoyable... but when that style is drawn poorly, damn, it looks very bad.
3. A couple of sudden revelations that are just a bit too... well... sudden. "Woo! We've just finished the Black Rose Saga! What's up next? ... Wait, Touga is okay now? He's in a car with Akio? Why is dressed like that? Huh, Utena lives with Akio now? WHAT!?"
4. The lack of information about Miki and Kozue's past with their parents. I love it when things are not completely explained and are left for the viewer to think about, but... I would have liked to get a bit more than just this, this and this flashing by. I always had the impression that they, or at least Miki, was molested as a child. Quotes such as "Adults who tell you to do things "for your own sake" can't be trusted.", "If Dueling means being used by selfish adults, I won't do it." and "But he's an adult, isn't he?" are what lead me to believe this.
5. The lack of insight in Touga's goals and desires. Yes, I know, he wants power for the sake of having power. But... why? What happened that made him desire that so much?
6. Juri throwing away her locket in episode 17. It's just a small nitpick, but I feel that it breaking in episode 29 would have had a much bigger impact if it would have stayed clear that it was something that she definitely could never get rid of by herself. But no, she just... threw it away without much of any problem. Huh.
7. The first ending theme. MIIISSIIING TRUTH AND FOREVAAAAH!
I think I agree with most of your list. I only half-heatedly agree with the part of about Tsuwabuki just because I like him so much. But you're right, he isn't really that important of a character in the end. (He's still cool though.) And yes, the badly drawn derp-face moments look pretty bad. I haven't really though about all the crazy stuff going on in episode 25 but I guess it's because I was glad that it was not filler. While I like Tsuwabuki and some of the stuff in his diary made me laugh, that episode was still filler without any cool duel flashbacks. (Although I suppose if there was flashbacks to the Black Rose Duels, it would kind of ruin the point of everyone forgetting about Mikage.) Still you do have a point about how between episode 24 and 25 it was a bit sudden to have Touga come out of his room of emo, start being Akio's henchman, start sleeping with Akio, and for Utena and Anthy to be living with Akio.
I never thought that either Miki or Kozue were molested as kids, but since it is SKU, I suppose it's possible. I thought that Miki may have been molested by his piano teacher since when Juri talks to Kozue about pushing the teacher down the stairs, she says that she can't forgive anyone who hurts Miki.
As for Juri's locket, once she gets it back she says she's not strong enough to let it go again, so that nitpick never really bothered me too much.
I totally agree with you about the first ending theme. I kind tolerate it a bit better now, but it's still not very good. I've noticed on my new DVD sets that the first ending theme is always ear-splittingly loud if I don't turn down the volume before it comes on. I really don't think that it's Right Stuf's fault at all; it's just the way the song is, because it was like that when I watched Utena on youtube.
The animation for the first song is okay, but being the big Anthy/Utena fangirl that I am, I like the second ending animation better for obvious reasons. I really like the second ending song, but I do like the duel chorus version of it a little bit more.
CausalityStar wrote:
The animation for the first song is okay, but being the big Anthy/Utena fangirl that I am, I like the second ending animation better for obvious reasons. I really like the second ending song, but I do like the duel chorus version of it a little bit more.
I also like the second ending theme, but I also agree the duel version is better. Still, I don't know which one was made first, the duel version or the ending version, but it always made me feel a bit sorry for Saionji. He wasn't worth the effort of getting another dueling theme, so they just decided to use the ending theme for him. Poor guy.
I hate the glasses and horrible updo Anthy wears for most of the show. I know that they are symbolic and all but they're just . . . icky damnit. Her librarian look is especially weird when paired with her big poofy Rose Bride dress.
Also, how come no one has pupils? Is that symbolic too? It just looks weird.
Louchan wrote:
1. The resused animation in duels. I see the duels as more of a short look into the characters involved rather than a fight sequence, but it certainly would be nice if we didn't get to see the exact same sequences used almost every time. Sometimes they even used the same sequences but with redrawn characters. Meh. Also, I found it sort of ironic that one of the duels that got the most new animation... was Tsuwabuki's. No offense to any Tsuwabuki fans but... couldn't they have used that for a slightly more important character? D:
I think there might actually be a logical explanation for Tsuwabuki getting the extra treatment... that being his body type. He's the shortest person Utena ever duels, and I think as a result of that they couldn't use a fair deal of the "stock" duel animations they'd already mapped out because they wouldn't "fit" him. Thus, they probably had to draw new ones.
I was gonna say that. They could only reuse Nanami because she's the only other one with daggers and...she has boobsandis a good deal taller. The new animation for Tsuwabuki was obviously out of necessity.
Oh wow, I didn't even think of that. But you're totally right, his height has to be the reason.
Louchan wrote:
CausalityStar wrote:
The animation for the first song is okay, but being the big Anthy/Utena fangirl that I am, I like the second ending animation better for obvious reasons. I really like the second ending song, but I do like the duel chorus version of it a little bit more.
I also like the second ending theme, but I also agree the duel version is better. Still, I don't know which one was made first, the duel version or the ending version, but it always made me feel a bit sorry for Saionji.
He wasn't worth the effort of getting another dueling theme, so they just decided to use the ending theme for him. Poor guy.
I never thought of feeling sorry for Saionji because of his duel theme being the same as the ending theme, but you night have a point there. I guess it's because I think that that particular song is really cool. Now that I think about it, another thing that bothers me is that in the second round of duels against the Student Council, Saionji is the only one who doesn't bring a Rose Bride. I think it might be symbolic for Anthy being the only Rose Bride for Saionji, but still. (Or maybe Saionji is still freaked out by the last time someone removed a sword from his body...)
Saionji doesn't get a Rosebride because they couldn't sew a dress small enough for his hand. BAZZING.
Two things piss me off concerning Utena, which is an otherwise spectacular series.
1: The 'Nanami' episodes. These are the filler episodes that are meant to make you give a damn about Nanami, and are just goofy enough that you can't buy that they're continuity. IE: The cow episode, the egg episode, the spicy curry episode.
2: Mikage who? Nice to know that you spend all this time building Mikage up, having the seminars to explore the psychological problems of the minor characters so you can have a nice and robust cast, but after being defeated, everyone forgets he ever existed. Completely. As if that set of 10 episodes meant absolutely nothing.
The way I've personally taken Nanami's filler episodes is really rather clever on Ikuhara's part. Granted I might be the only one that feels this one but still. To me they serve to mostly fill up on Nanami's comedy relief role (while giving us little hints early on that some of the other characters aren't all they appear), making the watcher mostly expect comedy and over the topness to come their way whenever Nanami is around. Why is this clever? You get so used to seeing her involved in outlandish situations that by the time her fall happens later in the series, it hits the watcher on a very base level. The last arch of the show really does make me gush with love because it fully reaches its boiling point and everything that was paved along the way gets turned on its side. Used to giggling whenever Nanami is around? Here you go, have a nice boatload of trauma for the girl we're so used to seeing turning into a cow or being chased by surfing elephants.
Yeah, but by then Nanami's credibility is shot to hell so hard, that the angle isn't really about her downfall, but about what kind of an asshole Touga really is. And even that folds in on itself about the time of the final title match.
From my perspective, the Nanami episodes are more about Anthy than Nanami anyway. After the first one, you can predict Nanami's reactions, but I always have to wonder why Anthy comes up with the ideas she does.
You know if you chopped off the Nanami-centric episodes you'd be losing a third of the show, right? Nanami gets 13 episodes. That's the equivalent of an entire season of Nanami.
i feel like i wrote this out before...maybe not? XD
but i think the thing that really gets me is when nanami kills the kitten. i showed my friend sku (we got to episode 20 so far ) i asked if we could skp that episode, she wanted to see it (understandable, it's her first time watching the series and it's better to watch it completely...) but i walked out of the room (i wasnt being a pissy pants...hopefully XD but we were both in good moods and she understood lol) during her duel and the part of the "tracing a path" episode. i just...i get so angry and sad. i feel like that went to far, and it wasnt the kind of dislike i had for her just because she's a bitch/ the kind i had in the vermin episode of her treatment of keiko. the nanami episodes are funny to me, but when she finds akio and anthy and that whole part, i began to find sympathy and like her, but i remembered what she did, and it's totally ruined that for me. for me, having her kill a kitten was too much, and i think they should have shown her feelings in another way than killing an animal...
also! juri. i dont like juri xD i wouldnt change her (in fact, the kitten thing is the only thing i hate that much.) but her character and the way she acts/personality. YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THE MISERY I FACE EACH DAAAYYYYY
Well, she didn't actually mean to kill the kitten. She meant to send it away... and doesn't a little boat trip on a river sound like the kind of thing a little kid would think would work for finding a kitten a new home? Plus, in the Manga Utena was 'rescued' by Dios when she tried to commit suicide by throwing herself into a river, and in the movie Touga drowns trying to save a girl from the same fate... rivers, princes and death seem to be theme in Utena. One could also reasonably assume due to her parents alarm when she showed up to Touga's Birthday party dirty and with a stray kitten -proof that she had been wandering around town by herself- that they started keeping an eye on her, so she would have limited options when it came to getting the kitten as far away from the Kiryuu's residence as possible. It's only when she notices the rapids beyond that she realizes she has killed the kitten.
And she looks shocked and upset by it. Terrified and guilty over what she did, she did what many people do -she began to rationalize it. The kitten got what it deserved for coming between her and her brother! She did nothing wrong, and she certainly doesn't feel horrible over it! And when you are little, these kinds of things are easier to do... not so much when you start growing up. So she buried those feelings of guilt down deep, and one of the many reasons she is so devoted to her brother and despises herself (because her Akio Arc episodes make it clear she has no real feelings of intrinsic self-worth) is the guilt she feels over this act, which is starting to resurface now that she's older and has been triggered by Touga's injuries and her own jealousy over Touga's behavior towards Utena. Oh, and Anthy buying Touga a kitten. Anthy triggers everything.
Watch that episode again, and among all the other things going on there, it's also made clear that Nanami, whether she realizes it or not, is both seeking forgiveness for that act and projecting the guilt she feels onto Utena (by blaming her for injuring her brother) when she so aggressively goes after her in the dueling arena. That Nanami, depressed and with her hair cut after she loses looks like a little girl caught out in the rain is no coincidence.
Nanami feels bad about the kitten as well, and while it was tragic... all of us have made mistakes, sometimes cruel ones, when we were jealous little children. One time when I was five or six I sat on a baby chick (I was pretending to be its mother, which hell, if that doesn't make this an SKU flashback I don't know what would) and it of course was crushed to death. Horrified, I fed its body to our cat so my parents would never find out. I still feel bad about that little chick.
Last edited by OnlyInThisLight (08-24-2011 07:16:07 PM)
The thing that pissed me off?
The fashion.
First: the uniforms. Just... who designed those? The boys' uniforms look awful, that green color, and the shape of it is hideous. The girls have those awful puffy sleeves but then the really shirt skirts? And the colors are terrible, too. I know both uniforms are based off actual school uniforms in Japan, but yikes.
Utena's outfit. I like it for the most part. What I don't like is that she's wearing this cool black top and... red shorts. She would've looked so much nicer with pants. The frills Anthy adds to the outfit during duels makes it seem less empty and lame, but I can't say I like it much. Also, her epaulets look like really thick white dreadlocks. They really shouldn't be that thick. It looks especially bad on cosplayers.
Juri's pants don't match her hair. Small complaint, since only Saionji and Miki seem to care about the pants (Touga wears white and Nanami has that awful bee-inspired look), but hers look like they're vaguely supposed to match. What's up, Juri?
Oh, Juri's curls. They're like princess curls, ringlets, right? I don't know if its the animation's fault, but they looked really stiff and kind of ugly, to be honest. I like that she had an unusual hairstyle, I just feel her Shirley Temple curls weren't done justice by the $5 budget animation.
Akio's ponytail. It's so lazily done and ugly!
Also, why does Akio have a bindi? I guess he's part of the crowd that considers bindis to be fashion accessories and not have any particular religious significance anymore (or not care), but it's so weird.
Anthy's... everything is a hot mess from beginning to end. Okay, she's Indian, so she'll have darker skin - good start. Let's give her dull, purple hair that doesn't contrast with her skin at all! And green eyes, because green and purple go well together. Oh, and a red dress with green trim, so she can look like an inverted Christmas tree. Her sleeves on the dress both me; it looks like a sleeveless dress, but it covers the top of her shoulders, making the overall shape a little weird. Finally, her hairstyle most of the time is so boring and awful.
In the movie: why does Miki have a mullet. It's so hard to take the bathtub scene seriously because all I can think of is "Kozue, if you really want to hurt Miki, threaten to cut his hair, not his throat." The mullet does make him look older, and the characters are supposed to be older, I think, so I suppose it works... but trying to invoke the styles of 80s rock stars is not gonna get you power, Miki. Also, why is his skin darker (more orange, maybe?) than his TWIN sister's? Does he tan a lot? It doesn't even look like a real tan; it looks like he used and abused spray tan. On the bright side, I love his outfit in the movie; the shade of blue chosen for the top was really nice.
Utena gains pants in the movie, but loses the coolness of the rest of her outfit and also gets a lame haircut (did Miki steal Utena's hair?!? a true mystery). I'm annoyed at her duel with Saionji when he (somehow) gets her top open and you see her cleavage. You just had to get that fanservice in there, didn't ya?
The ridiculously long legs. The incredibly pointy chins. Nobody has pupils except Nanami, who has no sclera. Nobody looks their age except Mitsuru and Miki - Nanami has a pretty large bust for a 12-year-old (although that's certainly not unheard of). Saionji and Touga are crazy-ripped, but they do do physical training, so it has a tiny bit more justification that the girls' ridiculous figures, which can't really be explained by exercise. All the girls have incredibly tiny waists and are just generally veeeeery thin. Juri might be a tiny bit thicker, but she also has larger breasts than everyone else. At least they didn't put in as much fanservice as they could have.
staplerman wrote:
In the movie: why does Miki have a mullet. It's so hard to take the bathtub scene seriously because all I can think of is "Kozue, if you really want to hurt Miki, threaten to cut his hair, not his throat." The mullet does make him look older, and the characters are supposed to be older, I think, so I suppose it works... but trying to invoke the styles of 80s rock stars is not gonna get you power, Miki.
I dunno...
TV Series
-My god the uniforms are lames. (except Utena's and the council member's).
-Episode 24 is so pointless I would have prefer they made a second episode with Mari instead.
The movie
-I really don't like the movies since many characters I like get bastardized. Kozue just exist so Miki has a reason to be in Ohtori and oh boy I really don't like what they to Shiori. Okay she does has some interesting things but I really hates her last scene. Shiori crash and is let alone but Saionji can get redemption even if all he did in the goddamn movie before was being angry. I feel everyone except Touga, Anthy and Utena are just plot device.
-The Nanami cow scene is unfunny. I like seeing Nanami being a punching bag in her comedic episodes because she pretty much put herself in trouble with her own jerk attitude or stupidity but here all I see is a cow who did nothing wrong and get abused.
The manga
-I know many people hates the characterization but honestly that annoyed me less than the movie. The only things I really dislikes are Saionji who is just a jerk IRRC and of course Juri (Manga!Juri seems to be the most hated character in the franchise).
-The short story with Mikage. Why the hell that exist? He show up then he die. I would rather prefer Nanami show up since that establish she exist in the universe too. The only thing that would redemption Manga!Juri for me is make her interacted with Nanami for entertaining but that don't happen.
Ruka Tsuchiya.
He's the one thing in the entire Revolutionary Girl Utena franchise that pisses me off; first of all, he comes in completely out of nowhere, no buildup, no foreshadowing, they even practically hang a lampshade on how out of nowhere he is with Miki not having any idea that this guy used to be a member of the Student Council even though he's the secretary so you'd think he would have reviewed the minutes of the old meetings or something.
Second, the show tries to paint him in a tragic light at the very end, the Shadow-Girls talking up how sad it was that he was sick and dying and how he just wanted to bring Juri a miracle isn't that just soo romantic? Gag me. The show makes no bones about the other douchebags being douchebags, but this guy gets to be lionized after freaking assaulting Juri? No, not acceptable, not at all.
Third, and most personal and petty of my reasons, they could have used Miki to get Juri out of her cycle of suffering with Shiori; obviously not in the same way they used with Ruka of course, but he was still a pre-established character and Juri's best friend, it would not have been hard to come up with something for him.
cypsiman2 wrote:
Second, the show tries to paint him in a tragic light at the very end, the Shadow-Girls talking up how sad it was that he was sick and dying and how he just wanted to bring Juri a miracle isn't that just soo romantic? Gag me. The show makes no bones about the other douchebags being douchebags, but this guy gets to be lionized after freaking assaulting Juri? No, not acceptable, not at all.
Can I persuade you that this was part of the point of his character?
To begin with, can we agree that -- in SKU -- all princes are douchebags? Every last prince is a douchebag, even the well-intentioned ones, like Dios, or Utena in the Student Council Arc, or Touga in the Apocalypse Arc. And that's because, at a minimum, being a prince involves treating a human being like an object to be rescued. The very notion of "saving someone," which is what princes ostensibly do, is debunked by the end of the show. You can't save someone. You can accept them unconditionally, and stand beside them and love them while they save themselves, and that can be incredibly valuable, but you can't save them. And so anyone in SKU who thinks they are saving someone is inherently suspect. They might be well-intentioned. But they are suspect. You shouldn't try to be a prince; you should try to be a kind human being.
Ruka, of course, is all about saving someone. Like the show's other well-intentioned princes, he thinks he is being kind, but in fact he is being a douchebag. The show knows this. You should believe that the show knows this, partly because it is impossible that there is only one good prince and he is Ruka of all people, and partly because Ruka deceives Shiori and assaults Juri and cavorts with Akio. He acts like a bad guy. The show is not going to turn around and tell you he is secretly a good guy. The show is going to turn around and tell you he is complicated. Ruka's story is a little two-episode arc that encapsulates many of the questions the show wants us to ask about princes. When you "save" the maiden, are you really doing her a favor? Or are you "saving" her because rescuing girls is easy but having real human relationships is hard? What makes you think you know what's best for the maiden? Are you as selfless as you think you are? Is selflessness even a good thing to aspire to? And which is more important: what you want for someone or how you treat them?
Ruka tries to do a good deed. That counts for something, at least superficially. And if it feels like the Shadow Girls are lionizing him, that's why: the Shadow Girls often mock superficiality by embodying it. The skit is inviting you to react against them -- without dismissing them. You react against them because you know Ruka was a douchebag. But you can't dismiss them because you also know that most of SKU's cast doesn't even try to do a good deed. The final conclusions are yours to draw, but this much is sure: the show wants us to see the character flaws of white knights and seek to be better than them. Ruka is just another way of presenting that theme.
Two words: Movie Utena. She's a whiny weakling instead of the tomboy we know and love for most of the movie. Plus she's a hypocrite. She slams Anthy down on the roof after freaking out over Saionji abusing Anthy. Bitch. I wish she'd fallen off that roof and snapped her neck.
only think that bugs me is any translation that makes "Utenasama" into "lady Utena" arrrrggggg
(a reason why I avoid anything translated)
other than that, all the other stuff like how some characters are, I find them as plot tools and I like everything that was created especially the psychological games and how they effect each character.
Karuka wrote:
only think that bugs me is any translation that makes "Utenasama" into "lady Utena" arrrrggggg
(a reason why I avoid anything translated)
I watched the English dub first and they translated it as 'Miss Utena'. It sounded ok as a translation (if my understanding of the honorific -sama is to go by), if I bit awkward, but one could argue that's the point anyway. But 'Lady Utena' is a lot more awkward, I agree. Perhaps it's a good thing SKU is not dubbed in my language, since then it would be 'Gospođica Utena', which in frequent repetition (read:more than once) would make me want to smash my screen.
What pisses me of is how Utena is portrayed to go complete 180 over Akio. I liked the drama around it but it always seemed a bit awkward and forced, such a complete change. Luckily, it's in that part of the series when more important and interesting things divert your attention.
satyreyes wrote:
Ruka tries to do a good deed. That counts for something, at least superficially. And if it feels like the Shadow Girls are lionizing him, that's why: the Shadow Girls often mock superficiality by embodying it. The skit is inviting you to react against them -- without dismissing them. You react against them because you know Ruka was a douchebag. But you can't dismiss them because you also know that most of SKU's cast doesn't even try to do a good deed. The final conclusions are yours to draw, but this much is sure: the show wants us to see the character flaws of white knights and seek to be better than them. Ruka is just another way of presenting that theme.
This is exactly why I find Ruka so compelling, and have since the first time I watched the show. My own perspective on him as a character is that he's a deeply flawed individual - just like everyone else in Utena - who tries to do the right thing but it doesn't work out like he'd expected, largely because his expectations were fundamentally incorrect.
If there is one thing that bothers me about Ruka is that is sudden death seemed aimed at getting him an amout of sympathy that he wouldn't otherwise garner. That and the fact that he appears out of nowhere, which is bad, and is never mentioned ever again which is worse. Unlike Mikage who was deleted from the characters' memories, Ruka should be remembered at least by Juri even if only briefly.
cypsiman2 wrote:
Ruka Tsuchiya.
He's the one thing in the entire Revolutionary Girl Utena franchise that pisses me off; first of all, he comes in completely out of nowhere, no buildup, no foreshadowing, they even practically hang a lampshade on how out of nowhere he is with Miki not having any idea that this guy used to be a member of the Student Council even though he's the secretary so you'd think he would have reviewed the minutes of the old meetings or something.
This. It would have been very easy to have Miki know about Ruka, it would be a perfect way of blending him into the plot even if he was a last moment addition of sorts.