This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Old Utena & Anthy: *finally look up, and spot the others, or rather their bodies*
Utena: Anthy, I thought we talked about putting dangeorus substances in my tea.
Anthy: No, I'm fairly sure this is real.
Utena: That's what you said last time, before you turned into a rose bush. was metaphorical.
Utena:......this isn't even a good trip.
Anthy: That's because it's real.
Miki: *has tears in his eyes* No, this can't be what Himemiya-san will look like in the future it's impossible. Now how am I supposed to get a hard on when thinking about her?
TV ad: "Finding it hard to get hard by hot girls because someone showed you images of them as old people?"
Miki: "Yes...wait I'm talking to a TV."
TV ad: "Then you need the popular unwanted memory remover on the market, BRAIN BLEACH! Brain Bleach contains---" *TV is clicked off*
Miki: "Does anyone have any Brain Bleach in this place?"
Old Utena: YOU'RE MAMIYA?!?!
Young Utena: Huh? Who's MamaMia?
Old Utena: OH MY GOD. YOU'RE MAMIYA?! And all these years I thought that I'd been cheating on you when I took his tiny cock down my hungry throat. I felt so guilty about that too, though not guilty enough to stop having secret liaisons with him behind your back. Because for a guy he's fucking hot, don'tcha know. And he looks kinda like you... Um... OH MY GOD. HOW COULD YOU?! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?!
Old Utena: Well, for one thing, Miki would still be straight.
/Miki is sadly too occupied with his brain bleach to respond to this. Please call again later.
TV: I haven't seen shit this weird since the last time they aired that show where everyone turned to orange goo.
Old Anthy: Evangelion?'re dead to me now.
Old Anthy: Erm, yes, but before that....would you like a cup of tea? I promise it has no bleach in it.
Old Utena: For some reason, looking at your slightly eerie scary shiny glasses makes me want to trust you.
Utena: Obviously I haven't changed all that much...
Old Anthy: If this ends badly, you'll be needing some of that brain bleach, young lady.
Old Utena: I'm not young. It says so right there in my name.
Utena: Wait, what?
Old Utena: Don't ask me, I have no idea what I just said.
Old Anthy: You young people are so forgetful. I myself am nearly 900 years old.
Old Utena: .....I feel kind of icky now.
Old Anthy: /sigh If there's one thing this series has taught me, gender-bending never ends well. Never mind.
/Old Anthy evolves into Old!Mamiya!
/All your Utenamons were knocked out.
TV: Pokemon references, they never get old. Did I say never get old, because I meant suck. I'll be crying somewhere.
Miki: You're a TV.
TV: Let's face it, at this stage, all bets are off.
Dead Akio: OMG! My sister is also Mamiya! I can't believe I was having sex with a guy every time I had sex with her! I must become more dead now! *shoots himself in head again*
/in a puff of smoke, Makio appears. Haha, puff, get it? ......
.....I make myself sad sometimes.
Makio: /Pats Dead!Akio on the shoulder. Honey, I think you have some closet 'issues'.
Old Anthy: It's ok, Utena. Gay people don't exist.
Ikuhara: I agree. Personally, I can tell you that there are no gay people in any of my shows. Not even Sailor Moon. They were just friends. Honestly.
/Ikuhara is swiftly pwned by the cast of Utena and Sailor Moon in a stunningly meta moment. Ohgod my brain hurts now.
Old Anthy: I believe they call it 'subtext'.
Ikuhara: No, seriously, no gays.
/Ikuhara is again pwned in the face, this time by a rather masculine-looking young woman in a sailor-style uniform.
Mystery Woman: I swear, everytime some n00b posts on Youtube claiming me and Michiru are just friends, a get that little bit closer to killing somebody.
Utena Canon: /crying by itself in a corner, completely forgotten
Juri: /mumbling If they're cousins, I'm a man.
Makio: Oh, don't be so down on yourself, darling.
Juri: Never talk to me. Ever.
Last edited by Miss Bluesky (04-28-2009 04:33:27 PM)