This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I love reading the fanfiction on this forum, some it I've noticed is exclusively here and not on your journals and sites or ffn.
But sadly, I'm lazy, really, really lazy.
If you could plug as many links of your fanfiction as you can (from the forum or elsewhere) into this thread, you will make me very, very happy. For just one fanfic I will give you a poptart. A partly WHOLE animated poptart. So gain a poptart and make someone melancholy happy today. Pledge a fanfic (or ten).
*insert big glassy eye'd face of myself*
Most of my fanfiction is posted here:
Some of my fanfiction can be found at
I do post newer stories on my livejournal first and if you are interested I also write my own fiction and those are on two seperate LJs and you would have to be friended to read them.
Alithea wrote:
Most of my fanfiction is posted here:
Some of my fanfiction can be found at
I do post newer stories on my livejournal first and if you are interested I also write my own fiction and those are on two seperate LJs and you would have to be friended to read them.
AHHHHH!! My first customer!! I'm reading from the ffn link now!! thanx
There's the link to my fanfics! Please check out my Utena one!
I, uh, wrote this a gajillion years ago. Haven't written anything like that since. ;.;
Unstained, PG-15, Kozue/Miki
You deserve another one of these for a hopeful heart
Felt like a missing scene out of Utena, you really have the setting down, I like your expression too--great manipulation of words, gorgeous and well thought out, you were able to make it so natural as if the characters were thinking on their own, I love their reactions to one another and how your able to naturally alter their mood and feelings towards the other as the fic progress's. No way I could have thought of this. Damn, I'm gonna be on ffn for awhile now O.o
BlackRoseVixen you have made me smile here have a you earned it, I can't control my knee, I can't afford to lose weight you know but it's hammering in anticipation of whats going to happen next. Brilliant first chapter and I liked how you presented each character. The handsome trio made me snort and I cracked up at the click of Miki's watch, I can't afford to stay up reading this.....*bites lip*......really....I can't......yea...
Edit: Oh god wow, is that all the fanfiction you have Lady N? No matter have a oh god wow. I wish I could write like that. Do you have anymore. You can unravel so many layers in so few words. Great Kozue introspection too. And yes, I'm a very very dirty girl but I thought it was a little hot as well
*shudders* yea....
Last edited by Coco Melancholy (03-27-2008 03:17:00 PM)
Mines are like.. in spanish, you know.
Epi_lepsia wrote:
Mines are like.. in spanish, you know.
*pout* ah man! I think there are people who translate fanfiction now, for the desire to help the cause I'll give you a poptart about to be cut in half:
currently reading: The Capricious Lies of Desire by Alithea
My Utena fic can be found in my LiveJournal memories. … filter=all
Coco Melancholy wrote:
BlackRoseVixen you have made me smile here have a
you earned it, I can't control my knee, I can't afford to lose weight you know but it's hammering in anticipation of whats going to happen next. Brilliant first chapter and I liked how you presented each character. The handsome trio made me snort and I cracked up at the click of Miki's watch, I can't afford to stay up reading this.....*bites lip*......really....I can't......yea...
Thank you! I think you'll like the later chapters. Make sure to tell me what you think of them!
Neva Caruso wrote:
My Utena fic can be found in my LiveJournal memories. … filter=all
Read under the same sky. You deserve a my friend. I loved Anthy falling asleep, typical she'd do it after Utena asks her something like that. The conversation is so them, and Anthy's fingers curling around Utena at the ends was fabulous touch. Very natural, very in character, felt like a scene out of the anime for sure.
The Capricious Lies of Desire: interesting, more so since my mind ran on this scene after the episode for months, so I jumped at the chance to read it in fanfic form. I loved the details, the characters and scenery and school are given so much personality and animation in the writing. About halfway through I was completely absorbed in the fic, and from then to the end I found it very intense.
Edit: Withered Roses Don't Always Die chapter 2, awww, Miki is so cute and adorable. I love Akio's voice, so him, nice to see Touga introducing Akio as EOTW, thats so fitting, and you get an extra poptart for this line
‘Slut…’ Saionji thought as he glanced at Touga, seeing how the red head was practically humping the Chairman with his eyes.
This looks to be a real creative and original fanfic, I loved the elements and swords, lightning is so Saionji. When the three guys emerged I was like WTF, but as I read it I became really quite intrigued, you have a stroy tellers skill. I liked Utena's reaction to them as well, very in character for her.
Midnight blue was total love for Kozue insight, I think the metaphors for me clinched it getting the feelings, thoughts and moments across better than plain descriptions could.
Currently reading: Yield by Nevacaruso
Last edited by Coco Melancholy (03-27-2008 05:05:17 PM)
No more pledges? Don't worry it's going to a good cause.
My time.
Edit: read Yield, god that was beautiful and vivid.
Last edited by Coco Melancholy (03-27-2008 05:25:11 PM)
Neva Caruso wrote:
My Utena fic can be found in my LiveJournal memories. … filter=all
Woah. "Waiting to Bloom". Awesome. Pure brilliance. Makes you wish you could see what she'll look like when she finally does.
*cough* It's pretty much just badly-written boysmex for now. u.u
Last edited by OnlyInThisLight (03-27-2008 06:10:35 PM)
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
Neva Caruso wrote:
My Utena fic can be found in my LiveJournal memories. … filter=allWoah. "Waiting to Bloom". Awesome. Pure brilliance. Makes you wish you could see what she'll look like when she finally does.
I read it just now after reading your comment. I found it quite sad....but strangely fitting. I especially liked the fading clack of her incredulous coworkers walking away from her, the yeah right kina made me snort. Very quiet but sharp and well written fic. Liked that one.
I don't know if anyone even likes mine, but, here you go. … embryology
Oh, and the reason it takes so long to load is because doesn't accept word processor files, so I have to send them to my school's computers, turn them into new files, then send them back. Not to mention the editing I have to do.
Last edited by XHelios6 (03-27-2008 06:32:06 PM)
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
Woah. "Waiting to Bloom". Awesome. Pure brilliance. Makes you wish you could see what she'll look like when she finally does.
Thank you so much!
Making XHelios6's job a little easier, here's a direct link to the story! … Embryology
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
Neva Caruso wrote:
My Utena fic can be found in my LiveJournal memories. … filter=allWoah. "Waiting to Bloom". Awesome. Pure brilliance. Makes you wish you could see what she'll look like when she finally does.
*cough* It's pretty much just badly-written boysmex for now. u.u
I read Confiscated and The Prince so here you go it's on me ^__~ both were satisfying to read and I think you just watered the TxS fangirl in me.
Neva Caruso wrote:
Thank you so much!
*nods sagely* you are a good fanfic(let?) writer my friend, yes, yes you are.
You know what, I'm giving XHelios6 a but I'm giving BioKraze on to for helping the cause. Here you go,
I love this thread, this is how it should be, instead of me working hard and travelling miles across the web to get good fanfiction, the fanfiction comes to me.
Currently reading: Virtual Star Embryology by XHelios6
Most of my fic is here:
Most of the drabbles are there, but a few are only on livejournal here: … filter=all
I've also written three essays -- one of which is on Empty Movement; one is on a Mikage shrine and the other only on my livejournal -- but I'll only link if you want to see those too. Be warned, my writing? Not the best...
Dark Kingdom Productions
Currently, this contains Shin Kakumei Evangelion, my Eva/Utena fusion.
There is also a DBZ story I wrote for a friend called Saiyajin Genesis if you're remotely interested in a fairly dark and serious Bulma/Vegeta story.
The unfinished Utena fic some of the IRGers here are Beta-Reading will also be there once it's finished.
I'll share my not-so-secret past....I used to write Sailormoon fanfiction. ;-)
Don't be sad, there are some truely awesome SM fanfiction out there. Sailor Nothing is one of them. Anime Hunters has a kind of Digital side story on their site of it and links to other totally awesome stories. (The Anime Hunters last updated the SM fanfiction site 'cause of me!)
If you want some damn good Utena fanfiction, read under my 'Favorite Stories' bit. My Utena stories need updating very badly...
Sheesh, I just realized that Black Vixen has already read my best story!
From Utena Forever:
"Hai. She sould be there." I told him. "It'll take us two days to get there. What makes you think we need Nanami?"
"Eggs?" Anshii asked.
Last edited by Anthiena (03-28-2008 11:29:26 AM)
Didn't get to read much today, *sigh* the world of too much of one company.
Read chapter 1 Virtual Star Embryology by XHelios6 was really different, fast paced and interesting had fun reading that one.
Withered Roses Don't Always Die by BlackRoseVixen05, I liked the development of chapter 8 and chapter 9 piqued my curiosity. I might read chapter 10 later, I mean, it's called, "the awful truth", dude, I wanna know the awful truth, tell me, tell me.
"Under the same sky" and "Yield" and "Waiting to bloom" are still my favourites but I'm beginning to really like Neva Caruso's writing style. Both "eyes open" and "small favours" were insightful.
I'm only just getting into Utena fic so I'm happy to get good quality yaoi this early on. And like, yea, Saturday Mornings by OnlyInThisLight was just hot. Nuff said.
Oh yes for Clarice thanks a lot! Also, I read a lot of your essays when I first entered the SKU fandom. Yea, I'm a closet Clarice fangirl don't shoot me.
Ahhh so your the writer of that fic Ashnod, I've seen it rec'd around, I think you should get a oh lookie, I even got a site link as well
yep, I'm liking this thread.
It's cool rhyaniwyn, we got so little sailor moon here but I'm interested nontheless, and I'd be surprised if there wasn't any gems for such a classic series, here have a
Anthiena don't worry I know what its like updating and stuff, thanks I'll check out your favourites list too for that you get two:
Currently reading: Celeste Goodchild by Deadwood
Last edited by Coco Melancholy (03-29-2008 03:37:47 PM)
Coco Melancholy wrote:
I'm only just getting into Utena fic so I'm happy to get good quality yaoi this early on. And like, yea, Saturday Mornings by OnlyInThisLight was just hot. Nuff said.
Good quality yaoi? Mmm, me must check this out. And here's a rec for you -- I didn't write this. [sob] I wish I had. But it's one of most cracktastic and yet one of the most FANtastic Touga/Saionji fics I have ever read: There's a prequel here, but it made more sense to read it after the other one:
And then, by a different author: <-- Probably my most favourite fic in this fandom. Ever. It breaks my heart. Bear in mind that I'm also a Mikage and Nemuro fangirl, so it's a bit odd for me to have a T/S fic as my favourite.
Coco Melancholy wrote:
Oh yes for Clarice
thanks a lot! Also, I read a lot of your essays when I first entered the SKU fandom. Yea, I'm a closet Clarice fangirl don't shoot me.
Ahahahahaha, like I'd shoot you for that. I like closets.
Clarice wrote:
And here's a rec for you -- I didn't write this. [sob] I wish I had. But it's one of most cracktastic and yet one of the most FANtastic Touga/Saionji fics I have ever read: There's a prequel here, but it made more sense to read it after the other one:
Holy crap. That was the the most squee-worthy, hot, and mind-blowingly awesome T/S fanfics I have ever read. It doesn't even matter that I have a horrible stomach flu and really need some sleep, I simply could not stop myself from reading it start to finish in one sitting. Thanks for the link!!!!