This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Any Utena fan out there that the anime has a awesome Soundtrack especially Absolute Destiny: Apocalypse and the Duel themes in general
The chorus sounded epic despite the nonsensical lyrics, The rock was great and they ware just well compose music in general that help these duels stand out despite the use of stock footage
So tell Duel theme do you considered the best and in addition to that let people know why the Duel that the this theme played to was amazing
Last edited by Rosesareawesome101 (11-29-2012 07:04:44 PM)
I personally like Wakaba's duel theme and Shiori's duel theme. I also like the song they play during the movie when Juri and Utena duel.
First Serious post in this thread
Tainai Tokei Toshi Oruroi
Duel name: Revolution
Episode: 38 … Jl-TPPkQqs
The final duel in the tv series and it epic as you expect, the presentation was amazing, the Duel theme is one of the best in the tv series, the plot twist the proceeded it, the fact that the headmaster akio turns out to be the most unsympathetic of the male cast and everything Utena knows about the duels is illusion & a part of akio plans to unseal the power of dios.
*deep breath*
Rosesareawesome101 wrote:
Tainai Tokei Toshi Oruroi
This is my favorite too, bar none. It has such power and excitement that it automatically makes me want to do something intense with an antique clock when I hear it.
My favorites
1. Tanai Tokei Toshi Oruroi (Ikuni really knows how to make epic finals)
2. Watashi Kuusou Seimeitai (Mikage vs. Utena - The whole episode was epic mind screw)
3. Chikyuu wa Jinbutsu Chinretsushitsu (Utena vs. Shiori - specially this EPIC remix)
4. Last Evolution (Nanami vs. Utena 1st duel - Is so powerful, so passionate, so Nanami!)
5. Gentouchouga Juuroku Seiki (Wakaba vs. Utena - It really fits Wakaba's dramatic BSoD)
6. Virtual Star Haissegaku (Utena vs. Saionji 3rd duel - I like the chorus)
7. Tenshi Souzou Sunawachi Hikari (Utena vs. Juri)
8. Nanibito mo Kataru Koto Ari (Utena vs. Touga 2rd duel)
9. Heizoku Uchuu ni Fumetsu no Koutei (Utena vs. Miki)
10. Everything else, because Utena has one of the best OST in anime history.
Edit: I forgot to add Tenshi Androgynous! I forgot how much I love that song >^<
Last edited by Nastia (12-06-2012 12:54:33 PM)
Both of Juri's duel themes, as well as the duel theme between Akio and Utena in the last episode.
But it's really difficult to decide because the SKU soundtrack is absolute genius. ♥
I like Touga's second and third duel themes and Keiko's theme.
Can Missing Link from Ep 39 be considered a duel song? It's likely the most dramatically effective piece of music in that entire show (and that's saying something).
gorgeousshutin wrote:
Can Missing Link from Ep 39 be considered a duel song? It's likely the most dramatically effective piece of music in that entire show (and that's saying something).
I was thinking that.
But I haven't really analyzed the individual duel songs yet, so...
gorgeousshutin wrote:
Can Missing Link from Ep 39 be considered a duel song? It's likely the most dramatically effective piece of music in that entire show (and that's saying something).
Missing Link is one (if not my top) favorite themes. That moment when Utena pounds her fist against the floor and gets back up always gives me chills.
Wakaba's duel theme, everytime I hear it I feel like bawling my eyes out . Also, Missing Link, Utena vs. Akio, Utena vs. Juri, and Utena vs. Kozue (I'm too lazy to think of what the actual names are
I just set up an awesome music page on tv trope for the anime so start adding themes from the soundtrack.
I had a lot of these on my old I pod, but they've been lost to me for awhile now and I can only match up a few of the names to the songs.
Dual-wise, at least one of my favorites is the Juri Tenshi song (I forget which of the two it was I preferred though... i think it was Tenshi Souzou Sunawachi Hikari.)
My favorite song in the sound track is Virtual Star though, when they start using that for the last arc's credits, although I think a lot of the music throughout the show is fairly well paired with the on-screen events. I also like Toki Ni Ai Ha a lot. I think that one was from the movie. Although maybe I liked it because it was with that neat dancing scene on top of the roses/sky/glass.
Last edited by Valeli (12-07-2012 06:08:17 AM)
For me, there's only one. It stands head and shoulders above all the others. Its grandiose magnificence is set off by the fact that the on-screen action is closely choreographed to the music, creating a pageantry of sound, images and concepts that can only be called art. The lyrics speak to me of the infinite intricacies of human history, the history of human ideas and aspirations that is resurrected right there, right then, within Utena at that moment...
Yomigaere! Mukyuu no Rekishi "Chuusei" yo.
The infinite history of the Middle Ages. The endless history of human thought and endeavor, with all its victories and failures, triumphs and setbacks. In her eyes, in her hands, in her blood and breath, be reborn.
Last edited by Aelanie (12-07-2012 06:22:51 AM)
Rosesareawesome101 wrote:
I just set up an awesome music page on tv trope for the anime so start adding themes from the soundtrack.
Wow, you're a Troper, Rosesareawesome101? That's awesome!
I tried looking over the Tv Trope Utena main page but cannot seem to find the link to the music page yet. Then again, I'm never very good at navigating around Tv Trope . . .
The top 5 best/worst set of duel themes(by story arc and medium):
1. The Black rose duel themes: great vocal lyric(Unless you are Japanese) and the best instruments use in any of duel themes.
the electric organ/piano and the drums ware amazing in a good portion of these themes plus the most emotional duel theme in the anime yet(along with non-duel theme Missing link)
2. The Akio/Apocalypse duel themes: While the Choruses will more like full song and it much darker then the previous duel themes.
Personally the songs that came out of both of these arc are a bit of a step backwards compare to the Black rose duel themes in terms of instrument use & catchy-nest but that does't change the fact that it had awesome songs like Tainai Tokei Toshi Oruroi for example.
3. The Movie duel themes: not as good as the above two but really fun to listen too, why can't the plot and character development in the movie be as good as it presentation?
4. The Student council duel themes: Meh, not as good as it successors, the duel themes and the show itself did't start to get really good until the black rose arc.
5. The Saturn duel theme: the least listened duel theme out of the songs on this list, essentially the black rose duel theme if done wrong.
Honorable mentions:
Most of Soundtrack 7: while not really duel themes and related to utena in many ways, I would still recommend it if you have trouble getting into Seazer's pre-utena compositions.
Last edited by Rosesareawesome101 (02-02-2013 02:46:52 AM)
It's difficult to pick just one Duel Song. SKU has a lot of splendid music! . I think my favourite ones are:
Tainai Tokei Toshi Oruroi
Virtual Star Haissegaku (whenever I heard this I feel like I want to do something like running or train with my bokken xD)
Gentouchouga Juuroku Seiki
Last Evolution (specially the last seconds of this song!)
All of Juri's Duel Themes (including the one of the movie... specially the one of the movie)
And just like gorgeousshutin, Missing Link is one of my favourites because of the drama in that scene of the show
Juri's first duel song!
I can't get over those emoticons.. I can't. LOL
The best duel song, bar none, is Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery - the duel with Akio.
As a close second, Magic Lantern Butterfly Moth 16th Century - the duel with Wakaba.
I may just be judging those on plot terms though.