This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Now that I've been permanently scarred by Fluffy's post over here about this incredibly disturbing (in a good way!) AMV, I thought it might be nice to have a list of recommended AMVs.
My current fav is this one at YouTube by Aluminum Studios. It's movie-verse, set to that song that goes "First we'll take Manhattan, then we'll take Berlin".
But this one is the one that got me to watch the series in the first place. I'd never even heard of it before and was randomly dling AMVs. I became obsessed with finding out about the AMV because it looked so damn cool in the video. It's set to Excalibur - "When you want more than a crown, when you a sword that sings, I'm wrapped up in a shroud and tucked into a box...."
I'm always looking or good AMVs. What's your fav?
Offline There is a good chance that you guys have already have seen this Utena AMV of Zappa version of Hit Me Baby One More Time but what can I say? It still kicks bootay!
This is made by me, my first Amv.
Tamago wrote: There is a good chance that you guys have already have seen this Utena AMV of Zappa version of Hit Me Baby One More Time but what can I say? It still kicks bootay!
Touga's pasties are hilarious, but other than that, the entire AMV is just
Sey wrote:
This is made by me, my first Amv.
I'll have to watch this later.
Edit: That's really pretty, Sey! I like the way the cuts match up to the music.
Last edited by Yasha (10-19-2006 12:27:49 AM)
I like this one too and this … nwebII.avi - ;_; Romantic
Last edited by Sey (10-18-2006 08:55:52 AM)
Alright, my favorites are below.
Björk - "Bachelorette" and Utena movie:
"Somewhere" - Within Temptation
and this is a crossover thingy with "Azumanga Daioh" (I'm a fan of that, too, so I can't help it)
"Soramimi cake" is brilliant song.
Trouble wrote:
Now that I've been permanently scarred by Fluffy's post over here about this incredibly disturbing (in a good way!) AMV, I thought it might be nice to have a list of recommended AMVs.
My current fav is this one at YouTube by Aluminum Studios. It's movie-verse, set to that song that goes "First we'll take Manhattan, then we'll take Berlin".
New favourite, also. That's completely fantastic, and matches meaning and words fantastically. Also, original song-type - mostly we tend to get, well, Evanescence for Utena. I watched that about three times in a row. Who wrote/performed that song, anyway?
Also, I'm happy to scar someone else with the BEAUTY of Gunther. I still threaten my friends with that song, and ahahaha well it's just very very Akio.
and this is a crossover thingy with "Azumanga Daioh" (I'm a fan of that, too, so I can't help it)
My chest BURST. Like in Alien! But in a happy, positive, laughter kinda way, rather than a monster eating my insides kind of way. I think, anyway...whoever made that was an extremely bored genius. I love Azumanga, and this was like 1700 kinds of win. There is a good chance that you guys have already have seen this Utena AMV of Zappa version of Hit Me Baby One More Time but what can I say? It still kicks bootay!
Ha! Never seen that one, and I'm so glad I did, because the editing is so darn slick, and so creative. Ahaha, Touga lipsynching. I can't even imagine the amount of time/effort going into it - it looked so professional.
Only one fave for me, but I love it: : Anthy, to Tori Amos' Virginia, wonderfully apt lyrics and sound, and beautifully put together. Yeah...
(I love how they put Touga and Akio to the line "ghetto pimps and Presidents")
I LOVE the Azumanga Daioh crossover in many, many ways.
And even though all of you have probably seen these before, no vid recommendation discussion is complete with mention of Alice Meichi's "Deluge" and more recent "Embers." I know you can get proper downloads of them somewhere, but I will of course offer the Youtube versions:
I seriously can not think of a better Juri/Shiori AMV than that one.
I'm never going to search 'Akio' on YouTube ever again.
I only know of two that haven't been mentioned. This is because people only inform me of AMVs they think I'll like.
Naturally, they're about Akio or feature him almost centrally. … hp?v=28831
I also happen to really like both of these songs.
I have a file that says 'Shoujo Kakumei Utena - The Phantom of the Opera', but I'm afraid to click it.
Giovanna wrote:
I'm never going to search 'Akio' on YouTube ever again.
That proves that only Akio can truely pull off acting like Akio, anyone else trying to imitate him ends up looking second rate at best and an idiot at worse. besides if that guy was serious about wanting an Akio car, he would need to get his hands on a 1957 ZL1 Corvette and customise it before it looks anything like the Akio car.
Giovanna wrote:
I have a file that says 'Shoujo Kakumei Utena - The Phantom of the Opera', but I'm afraid to click it.
Well then, just take a deep cleansing breath and take one for the team and click it, I can't do it myself until my server gets me out of running only at dial-up speeds and back into broadband speed again at the end of the month. (damn 5Gbpm quota)
Edit: I added a smaller picture of an Akio car lookalike.
Last edited by Tamago (10-18-2006 08:31:39 PM)
Giovanna wrote:
I only know of two that haven't been mentioned. This is because people only inform me of AMVs they think I'll like.
Naturally, they're about Akio or feature him almost centrally. … hp?v=28831
YES! I'm in love with that video... on their own, Poe and Akio are sexy enough, but damn! That is the fine I'm looking for.
I'm also very fond of this vid … d_id=35817
..Wow! "Hey Pretty" by Poe? Just a few moments ago before I saw this thread, that song came up on my playlist and I was thinking "Hey.. this sounds like Akio". But I didn't realize there was an AMV for it. A little later when I'm not busy I need to check out all of these Utena AMV recommendations and dig up some of my favourites as well.
Tamago wrote:
That proves that only Akio can truely pull off acting like Akio, anyone else trying to imitate him ends up looking second rate at best and an idiot at worse.
besides if that guy was serious about wanting an Akio car, he would need to get his hands on a 1957 ZL1 Corvette and customise it before it looks anything like the Akio car. … -ZL1-1.jpg
My Chevrolet does not look like that. NEEDS IT PRECIOUS
There are actually a couple cars that look like Akio's, though it's probably that one. Shelby Cobras and the early racing version of the Ferrari Testarossa. I like that one because 'Testarossa' means 'Redhead'. Figure it out.
You're right though. Only Akio can pull off being Akio. That's part of his charm. Anyone else in that outfit would look absolutely ridiculous.
Tamago wrote:
Well then, just take a deep cleansing breath and take one for the team and click it, I can't do it myself until my server gets me out of running only at dial-up speeds and back into broadband speed again at the end of the month. (damn 5Gbpm quota)
It was Akio/Utena. I'm admittedly unsurprised since really, who else in the series would possibly match up with the Phantom at all? The video itself is not horrible but nothing great, the version of the song (sung by Nightwish or something) frankly sucked. They used Phantom of the Night, although if you're going to dump the role into Akio's lap, maybe the song that comes after would be more appropriate, because that one's plainly about sex.
azuresquirrel wrote:
I seriously can not think of a better Juri/Shiori AMV than that one.
Major props to [i]Embers[/i[. It is by far the best Juri/Shiori focused AMV I've ever seen. What I like the best about it (aside from the technical aspect) is how you really can't tell if the video's from Juri or Shiori's perspective.
As for the Azumanga Daioh crossover video... I nearly hyperventelated because I was laughing so hard.
Maarika wrote:
"Somewhere" - Within Temptation
I second this.
...And the Ding Dong Song.
These are great. They make my webbed toes tingle.
So... how does one MAKE these strange AMVs, anyway? I've always (always being since the first and only time I watched the series - last month) wanted to make one with Juri....
Giovanna wrote:
I'm never going to search 'Akio' on YouTube ever again.
Whoa, I regret clicking that.
...leaves a mental scar.
Maarika wrote:
Alright, my favorites are below.
and this is a crossover thingy with "Azumanga Daioh" (I'm a fan of that, too, so I can't help it)
"Soramimi cake" is brilliant song.
Trouble wrote:
These are great. They make my webbed toes tingle.
So... how does one MAKE these strange AMVs, anyway? I've always (always being since the first and only time I watched the series - last month) wanted to make one with Juri....
I want to know too! Someone tell us how you did it-- I've got a song in mind that I really want to use.
Yasha wrote:
Trouble wrote:
So... how does one MAKE these strange AMVs, anyway? I've always (always being since the first and only time I watched the series - last month) wanted to make one with Juri....
I want to know too! Someone tell us how you did it-- I've got a song in mind that I really want to use.
I've made an AMV before, so I will impart my limited knowledge upon you all.
First, you need the proper program. There are many out there but I used Adobe Premier. Then you need your song (the clearest version possible) and load it into Adobe Premier. Now you need your footage. To get your footage, I suggest using a firewire connection (you can get a firewire card real cheap) and a digital videocamera. Using the video camera, recored the footage you want off of whatever DVD you are susing.l Video cameras can easily be hooked up to DVD players and recoreded that way.
Next you take the camera and hook it up to your PC via firewire and using Adobe Premier play through the recoreded footage on the camera and capture the sequences you wish. Now you take the sequences and match them up to your music. The program is real easy to use, fairly user friendly and there is a multitude of tools to cut down the sequences and the very basics allow you to do overlays and fades.
Two very important things to remember: Plan and Power.
Plan: Take you music and break it down to the second. learn your music inside and out and create a general outline using minute markers as to where you want certain sequences/oimages. When you test render and watch, don't be surprised at the accidental timing that happens. Honestly, some of the best image to music timing happens by accident.
Power: If you don;t have the right computer, you won't get a good quality capture. Not only do you need a higher end processor (if youo're going for capture quality) but more importantly, you need a lot of RAM. I suggest at least 500MB of RAM or Premier will end up dropping frames during the capture process. Normally that's not too harrowing, but if you are capturing something like a strobe effect in the original footage, it'll come out choppy and blocky. The computer I used was so low end (my video was made in 2002) Premier dropped every third frame and my colora weren't crisp. The rendering had washed out some of my colors, mostly the blacks, as the computer simply could not handle the task given to it.
I'm sure by now, there are better programs out there and better techniques to use when creating a music vid, but if you're just looking to play around, Premier is not a bad program to use. If you have a DVD-ROM on your computer, I'm sure you can completely skip the firewire/digital video camera task, but back in 2002 those wonderful DVD players were not common onf PCs.
Play and have fun. let me see what you all come up with if you ever decide to create something. I'd toss mine up for all to see (despite it's terrible quality, horribly missed overlay, and sometimes too literal application of image to lyrics) but the file is 200MB as my ex never compressed it further and thus iuis too big for me to toss up online anywhere.
Oh thank you! But then, I'm disappointed, too... my old beast of a computer isn't tough enough to make a really good AMV. I wonder if Gio would do the capture for me...
Or maybe I could sneak in and do it at work...
Hmm. I have to think about this.
Yasha wrote:
Oh thank you! But then, I'm disappointed, too... my old beast of a computer isn't tough enough to make a really good AMV. I wonder if Gio would do the capture for me...
Or maybe I could sneak in and do it at work...
Hmm. I have to think about this.
At this point even my computer would drag its ass a bit. Need to upgrade so so bad.
That said, what about using sources. I have most of the series sitting on my computer dubbed in Italian for practice, and the image quality is good enough. (What? It's not like I can stop at Best Buy and pick up the Italian dubs. )
My personal favourites are two set to E.S. Posthumus songs -- Nara, which is movie-based (and I like it because it is GORGEOUS and that's the only reason I watch the movie anyway -- TEH PRETTY), and Pompeii, which runs much of the gauntlet of the series and works so incredibly well. I can't find either on youtube, but has anyone else here run across them?
Giovanna wrote:
Yasha wrote:
Oh thank you! But then, I'm disappointed, too... my old beast of a computer isn't tough enough to make a really good AMV. I wonder if Gio would do the capture for me...
Or maybe I could sneak in and do it at work...
Hmm. I have to think about this.At this point even my computer would drag its ass a bit.
Need to upgrade so so bad.
That said, what about using sources. I have most of the series sitting on my computer dubbed in Italian for practice, and the image quality is good enough. (What? It's not like I can stop at Best Buy and pick up the Italian dubs.)
I'm nowhere near as expert as angelicreation, but I'm quite certain you can load video files from your hard drive to edit in Premier. On that line, if you're using a lower-end computer but you have a very roomy hard-drive, it may be a good idea to rip the DVD directly to disk and convert to .avi or a similar format. Takes hours upon hours (i.e. leave the DVD in overnight and you might wake up to a finished rip), but quality is pretty much assured.
Which reminds me, I totally have to make some AMVs soon.
Maarika wrote:
"Somewhere" - Within Temptation
That was gorgeous. It gave me goosebumps and made me cry.
Oh, here's my absolute fav video.
Utena - Bring Me to Life
Yeah it's an overused song, but it just fits so perfectly with the series.*_*