This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I found this really neat community on LiveJournal that caught my attention. The idea was really neat, and I thought I'd bring it to this fandom.
Personal canon is "ideas you have about the characters, what they think and what they've done, that, while not explicitly defined by actual canon, still fit within its bounds." So, for example, it's my personal canon that Akio is fluent in six languages, and is familiar with four more. And that Miki and Kozue weren't allowed to have many sweets growing up, so when they were left home alone, they would search all over the house for hidden candy bars and other treats that their parents had hidden away.
So, the basic premise of the thread is to have fun and make up pretty stories about our favorite characters that may or may not be complete crack. This is personal canon, so it's also personal preference. Anyone can believe what they want to about SKU and its characters.
I'll start off:
1) Mrs. Ohtori's affair with Akio has been going on since the first year of her marriage to Mr. Ohtori. She was 22 at the time, her hair deep navy and her breasts perky and skin unmarred by any wrinkle. He offered her pleasures and the rapt attention her too-busy husband could not provide adequately. And in return, she gave him more power. Mrs. Ohtori never once asked why Akio had not aged in 31 years. She didn't need to know, since he still gives her the same level of attention he did their very first tryst.
2) Saionji is very skilled at poker. He takes it very seriously, and even when he feels his temper running high, he keeps his face as blank as he can. It's the one thing he's better at than Touga, and he will not give that up.
3) Believe it or not, Miki is a huge fan of comic books. He adores all kinds, but he loves Superman and Green Arrow the most. Everybody loves Superman, and Miki is no exception. Green Arrow, though... not many people really know who Green Arrow is, unless you actually read the comics instead of watching the silly cartoons. Green Arrow cares so deeply about the under-privileged who deserve justice and never quite get it, until he gets there -- a modern-day Robin Hood. That's what Miki wants to be. He wants to change the world where it is broken the most. If he has to start with playing the piano, that's just fine, but one day, he plans to donate over half of his paycheck anonymously every month to a random charity. He may not retain his innocence forever, but he can certainly keep his hope for the world.
Now it's your turn!
Grrr, none of the ones I've thought of quite capture the spirit of what you're doing. They're all answers to questions actually posed at least indirectly in the series, like my feeling that Kozue is as good a pianist as Miki, or at least used to be. The Saionji playing poker thing is pretty cool, though. Well, here's one.
Juri is a complete philistine where food is concerned. She enjoys cheese whiz on triscuits as a snack and often eats at McDonalds. She's very sensitive about this.
sigh...that was lame, I know, but it's pretty early. Sorry.
Stormy, my darling, that's awesome! You can put it in any format you want, as long as the idea is still there. That goes for everybody else, too, in case I scared people off.
I have ideas... they're just kind of amorphous in my head and I need to find a way to put them into words so I can share them. I think this is a really fun idea for a thread and I definitely want to contribute.
When Wakaba goes out into the town, she likes to visit local dives and score some extra cash hustling games of snooker.
Tanaka, Yamada and Suzuki once attempted to make it big in the music world by starring in a boy-band called The Megane 3... their debut song never got any higher than 139th on the music charts and was disbanded soon after.
Tsuwabuki loves yellow Mentos and always has one before breakfast and one after tea-time.
It's not suprising that Shiori and Mari look alot alike, they are first cousins after all as Shiori's father and Mari's mother are in fact fraternal twins.
Last edited by Tamago (01-24-2008 02:51:44 PM)
Utena and Mikage are twins...and in loooove!
Miki's obsession with clicking his stopwatch was the side effect of an accident when a headless nail from an exploding shed pierced the side of his head and lodged into his brain when he was 9 years old.
Despite of her reputation, Kozue is in fact still a virgin.
I always thought that, after the anime was over, Anthy went through a brief period when she merely wanders areound the world in her "search for Utena." As she does, she touches the lives of random people so they could be a step closer to "breaking the fourth wall," as she and Utena kinda-sorta did. All the while, she's still pretending to be completely innocent and girly while still using her witching abilities as subtly as she did before. Because that's why I love her.
...And I guess Juri and Miki have a sort of friends-with-benefits thing that Kozue will one day discover and therefore *catfight!* Juri with some weapon other than a sword. Like a slipper -- when Juri has her guard down (which is never, but this is my personal fandom and senseless crap always happens there).
Ragnarok wrote:
Movie!Utena is Mikage and Tokiko's daughter.
There, fixed that for ya!
Series!Utena is either Chibii-Usa from an alternate universe or they were switched at birth.
She also has an actual pair of red pants in her closet...but never wears them.
Anthy doesn't own any actual clothing aside from that pink outifit from the end of the series.
Juri ships Nanami x Miki and even writes fanfic about it.
Saionji has a very large collection of yaoi manga that he keeps locked with a thousand bolts.
Nemuro made Tokiko wear cat ears. That is *really* what those cats that appear when he is with her mean. Mikage proceeded to do the same with Mamiya.
Nanami trained her laughter to get it just right.
Miki wears his sister's clothing and impersonates Kozue. And vice versa
Shiori and Wakaba are actually sisters.
Touga has tried to curl his hair so that it would look a bit like Juri's. It didn't work.
Anthy has a straw doll version of each and every member of the cast and enjoys to stick pins into it. Revenge is ever so sweet, after all.
Kanae is actually...Akio's daughter!
Tamago wrote:
Tanaka, Yamada and Suzuki once attempted to make it big in the music world by starring in a boy-band called The Megane 3... their debut song never got any higher than 139th on the music charts and was disbanded soon after.
Was the song called "Pao! Pao! Pao!"?
Nocturnalux wrote:
Kanae is actually...Akio's daughter!
I have actually entertained this thought more than once.
1. Kozue is every bit of the prodigy that Miki is, genious and all. It her actions that lead people to believe she is the more 'normal' of the twins. Also, her talent lies in writing and drawing. The visual genius to Miki's musical one.
2. Miki is probably proficient in another instrument, probably violin, but prefers the tone of the piano.
3. Saionji is probably a SHIMASEN HERO! It fits with the whole japanese traditionalist thing
4. Nanami probably has subscriptions to every high profile foreign fashion magazine evar, because she's that shallow.
5. Wakaba is an excellent singer. She just is full of stage-fright.
In Episode 9 of SKU, the real reason that Utena told the young Saionji and Touga that the third coffin was meant for her was that she had in fact died in the car accident but due to a secret govenment project involving alien DNA, Utena was brought back to life.
That explains the MiB types that took Utena away.
The alien DNA also explains her super-human athletic prowess and endurence as she can climb all those stairs and not even be slightly puffed out.
Miki has a 'Prince Albert'.
The snails inside of Anthy's pencil case are the lost souls of the 100 duellist that were killed in Nemuro Hall.
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
Was the song called "Pao! Pao! Pao!"?
Quite possibly!
Last edited by Tamago (01-25-2008 02:24:28 AM)
I have no basis for this at all, but I kind of see Juri's older sister as being a rebellious, rock-and-roll type girl, who drives a motorcycle and has tattooed boyfriends. Because Juri resented her sister's wild, extroverted personality, she did her best to emulate the exact opposite personality type.
Also, I think the village-bicycle opera glasses (you know, the ones everyone pass around to spy on Utena with) were originally Anthy's, and that when you look through them, you see people naked. It'd explain why Touga had them so often, neh?
Finally, Keiko, Yuuko and Aiko don't follow Nanami around because they like Touga--they're just masochists who like being abused by her. Kinky!
Tamago wrote:
Despite of her reputation, Kozue is in fact still a virgin.
You know, that wouldn't surprise me. I kinda always thought Shiori was the sort of person who slept around, considering her inferiority complex and need to be needed.*
*rather than Kozue, I mean
Last edited by ArsenicForBreakfast (01-25-2008 10:36:45 PM)
The teacher with the riding crop in Episode 1 is the real mother of Kanae but was forced to give the baby to Mrs Ohtori because she had the child out of wedlock and Mrs. Ohtori blackmailed her into giving Kanae up as Mrs. Ohtori was infertile.
ArsenicForBreakfast wrote:
I'm not sure I can believe that to be the case but your idea is compelling none the less.
Though that was never mentioned in the manga, Dios actually had an evil twin sister, who is known in the anime as... Mrs Ohtori (BTW: In Polish edition of the manga In the prologue, when Utena desribes her meeting with her prince, she refers to him as "Lollipop")
Poptarts for the translators
Hey, this sounds fun!
My (tongue in cheek) thoughts:
-When Touga was very young, he was terrified of cooties. Nanami was never able to convince him to play doctor with her.
-Mitsuru has a collection of Nanami's underwear which he cleverly spirits away each time he does her laundry.
-The shadow girls' flying saucer isn't a prop.
-Using only his stopwatch and a pair of mirrors, Miki once timed the speed of light to three significant digits.
-Every so often, just to make a point, Akio takes a young lady on a date to a fast food restaurant and has her pay for both their orders.
Juri's older sister was actually in the same grade as Saionji, and when they were in kindergarden, she pushed him into the sandbox and stole his toy firetruck. This is why Saionji is so passionate about keeping Anthy in her place, and also why he is so angered by Utena's strong nature. Deep down, his resentment towards Touga stems from his desire for that shiny red firetruck just out of his reach. Poor, poor Saionji.
And it isn't really personal, since other's have fancied the idea as well, but I'm in the camp of Nanami-as-Saionji's-sister fans.
Chu Chu isn't an ordinary monkey mouse. He is actually a mutation of the human species, an advanced creature whose cogitative skills far outshine that of normal humans.
That's all I have for now.
There are actually over a dozen clones of Anthy who enjoy crossdressing and impersonating wives of 40 year old men.
...either that, or Anthy has extreme teleportation abilities.