This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
*Shrugs* I was screwing around with photo shop yesterday, and I somehow ended up making a desktop. For the record, the shadow is actually the C-ko-Shiori-Angel from episode 17, and despite what Kealdrea thought, it's not blood on the wall, thank you very much. I added the text today, and it's from Shiori's duel song, translating to, "Even light casts shadows, making a pair out of me and me." Symbolism is nice, isn't it?
I bet it would scare the hell out of Shiori if the Shadow's of people who aren't really there to show up... Especially C-ko switching between an angel and a devil... One side telling her to burn things and the other telling her not too... But since she's looking away from the angel in this picture, I guess that it symbolizes that she's going to listen to the devil and burn things. Or that she's unwilling to listen to her good side on matters involving Juri. Whatever. I have to go study for my chemistry final. Apparently Ruka and Shiori don't have much of that.
Razara wrote: … sukuri.jpg
*Shrugs* I was screwing around with photo shop yesterday, and I somehow ended up making a desktop. For the record, the shadow is actually the C-ko-Shiori-Angel from episode 17, and despite what Kealdrea thought, it's not blood on the wall, thank you very much. I added the text today, and it's from Shiori's duel song, translating to, "Even light casts shadows, making a pair out of me and me." Symbolism is nice, isn't it?
I bet it would scare the hell out of Shiori if the Shadow's of people who aren't really there to show up... Especially C-ko switching between an angel and a devil... One side telling her to burn things and the other telling her not too... But since she's looking away from the angel in this picture, I guess that it symbolizes that she's going to listen to the devil and burn things. Or that she's unwilling to listen to her good side on matters involving Juri. Whatever. I have to go study for my chemistry final. Apparently Ruka and Shiori don't have much of that.
I really like it. The only thing I'd recommend is adjusting the text a bit; font is a bit hard to read for me, though it may just be the size of the image I'm looking at. Perhaps it is the shadow of the font.
Considering I'm not sure how to, in BBCode, resize an image, I give you all just a link. This is my current wallpaper, which makes me happy because it is nicely simple. … amiya5.png
I also have a nice even dozen wallpapers of the Utena variety here: … allpapers/
Take them if you like them. It will make me happy.
Necroing this thread with some quick wallpapers I made in the honor that is Kyouichi Saionji's Birthday.
Last edited by OnlyInThisLight (08-25-2008 09:39:21 PM)
I made a paper of Utena.
Kinda big. Kinda white. Sorta messy/artsy.
And I drew in every line myself.
We're not doing this again.
Okay I had put this in fanart, since I didn't know there was a wallpaper thread. But here you go. … r-98913715
for some reason, photobucket decided to resize it. ;__;
the resolution is 1440 x 900, if you want to have the original one, just message me with your email or something and I'll send it too you.
allegoriest wrote:
I made a paper of Utena.
Kinda big. Kinda white. Sorta messy/artsy.
And I drew in every line myself.
We're not doing this again.
Well, even if it was rough, you've earned a fav on Deviantart. It's gorgeous!
Notebook Darling wrote: … tience.jpg
for some reason, photobucket decided to resize it. ;__;
the resolution is 1440 x 900, if you want to have the original one, just message me with your email or something and I'll send it too you.
Nice wallpaper!
To get rid of the photobucket resizing, go to "My albums" in your account - right below the upload form, you should have a drop down menu that reads "reduce to". Check "1 mb file size", so if your upload is too big photobucket will act on the resolution but not on the size.
Page eight? Unspeakable.
A medium sized one is here. I couldn't upload the fullsize one.
.... I have a particular fondness for allegoriest wallpapers (I've been using your awesome hand-drawn 'I change the world' one for ages). I may have to switch now.
aww, thankyou~
...Okay, I'm not done. Hmm.
These are mediafire links, because I'm making papers that are too damn big. D:
This should be the fullsize one I just posted yesterday.
NNNG. Don't know how I feel about that one.
omg its so big
Well this isn't a big computer wallpaper but I hope it can go here . . . I made an iPhone/iPod Touch wallpaper based on something awesome Iris posted a few pages back. I didn't mean to steal, I just wanted to iPhone-ify it and I thought I'd just post it here in case anyone else wanted to Utenate their phone.
I also sort of wish I didn't have such a huge monitor or I'd use some of the stuff in this thread . . . argh.
I bow before your superior skills.
Also I made this one and post it in fanart almost nobody comment on it... so I'll post it here
Last edited by teyhy (06-02-2010 05:43:09 PM)
I work on a netbook, which makes the screen size is wonky, so I made myself this:
Not a lot of stuff going on so that I can use special desktop software and make my desktop all weird and useful. It was a pain to cut Utena out of the action shot, though.
Also, I have two other, normal-sized wallpapers made for the Empty Movement multimedia section that I'll put on my netbook someday. Someday.
allegoriest wrote:
I made a paper of Utena.
Kinda big. Kinda white. Sorta messy/artsy.
And I drew in every line myself.
We're not doing this again.
This shall be the cover for my retreat-planning binder (if you don't mind). Because I love it that much.
Aine Silveria wrote:
Considering I'm not sure how to, in BBCode, resize an image, I give you all just a link. This is my current wallpaper, which makes me happy because it is nicely simple. … amiya5.png
I also have a nice even dozen wallpapers of the Utena variety here: … allpapers/
Take them if you like them.It will make me happy.
I know you made this post a long time ago and probably aren't even following this thread any more, but damn! These are good.
Two versions of pedo!nemuro
1300x700 px
I used rhyaniwyn photoshop rose brushes thank you!
Last edited by Epi_lepsia (08-24-2010 01:13:05 AM)
I have just made two last night. Original pics, of course are from Empty Movement.
Uploaded with
Finally I'm back here again! It smells so fresh here!
Just made this today. Very simple, very retro, weird color scheme. I put the moon in the window, and the Miki/Anthy and Kozue sketches were originally separate, so getting it to look like they'd been drawn together was a bit of a pain. All told, I like how it came out.
Lyrics are from "Within You" by David Bowie.
Last edited by poetoffire (08-29-2010 11:51:26 AM)
This is nice, I feel like a vampire night.
I've just made two more wallpapers:
I actually want to add a caption: 'Huh? Sorry, I'm busy right now, can't we talk later?'
That's the least I can do for our Onion Prince.