This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
if my BF had more spell caster's in his campaign, im sure he would be that way about the spell!
BioKraze wrote:
Anybody out there know any DMs that are "Wish Lawyers?" For those not in the know, I'll elaborate.
A Wish Lawyer holds you to the letter whenever your mage casts the "Wish" spell (9th level, I'm not too sure). For example, if you say "I wish I had a huge diamond in my hand," the diamond appears...INSIDE YOUR FREAKING HAND! You must now have your diamond surgically removed and your hand reconstructed. Nice.
Another example was wishing for a million platinum pieces to appear. They appeared...above the character. He took 1 hit point for every coin that brained him, and died under the onslaught of greed.
And yet another idiot forgot to wish for eternal youth ALONG WITH eternal life. He's a 700 year old mage who can't move because of arthritis and other conditions of aging. I'd be surprised if he remembered where he kept his spellbook!
FYI, I never participated in these, or any other, sessions of D&D. I hate the structure, and I like to play games my own way...
So cast another Wish! I mean, you can't if you're dead, but the 700-year-old mage has no excuse for not Wishing away his arthritis.
Last edited by satyreyes (01-17-2007 08:07:52 PM)
Remember, I never played those games. I would wonder why he didn't Wish away his troubles. Because the player wasn't smart enough to realise that?
If I were governing Wishes, I would only punish the greedy and evil ones. The compassionate and selfless ones I'd let slide. It's something to do with my aging mother, who plays a Devil's Advocate quite well.
BioKraze wrote:
I've only been in one D&D campaign...and that's about how it went. Although, the wish I made saved my life, even if it knocked me out for a few minutes. Out of 10 PC's that were there, less than half survived: me, the DM, and the DM's girlfriend, and maybe someone else. He decided that everyone else was leveling too fast for his he sent in a big ass dragon.
Im on my way to EPIC LEVEL! yessssah!!! im a level 15 chatacter now!! W00T W00T!
I think it's about time someone linked to this little story.
Congrats on level 15, KTK!
Last edited by ShatteredMirror (01-28-2007 01:11:03 AM)
If Utena can be applied to DnD, then I'm in. Now I need to snag someone to teach me how to play.
tohubohu wrote:
Saionji: I waste her with my Rose Bride!
That is the single greatest collection of words that have ever been assembled in any language ever.
"Revolutionary Girls of the Dinner Table" FYW.
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
A friend's brother came to me the other day and had to go on about...
"People who play Dungeons and Dragons never have sex.."
I couldnt believe he even bothered to say that to me cause he wanted to play! plus ive had so much sex i think my head should blow up. (as it seems just about everyone on this forum is sexually charged and very horny)
which brings me to, has anyone ever played in a campaign so realistic that they had to go into battle pregnant?
I know i have. We dont get periods but my character is actually married and pregnant for the 2nd time! woo!
This is some serious thread necro, and I apologize. I was just sifting through all the old tabletop RP related threads, for no particular reason.
Interestingly, one of my Shadowrun players, our elven Maya shaman, is going into a gunfight on Sunday's run that may or may not get her into gunfights with other players, while her character's in like, late second trimester at this point. It's the Tlaloc's Pox run from Emergence; a bioweapons sample has dropped into the ghetto from orbit and everyone goes to fight for it. This character hates Aztechnology so much she's willing to go into a fight while pregnant as fuck to make sure the Azzies don't save face by coming up with the prize (it was originally their bioweapon).
Duelist Megu wrote:
This is some serious thread necro, and I apologize. I was just sifting through all the old tabletop RP related threads, for no particular reason.
Interestingly, one of my Shadowrun players, our elven Maya shaman, is going into a gunfight on Sunday's run that may or may not get her into gunfights with other players, while her character's in like, late second trimester at this point. It's the Tlaloc's Pox run from Emergence; a bioweapons sample has dropped into the ghetto from orbit and everyone goes to fight for it. This character hates Aztechnology so much she's willing to go into a fight while pregnant as fuck to make sure the Azzies don't save face by coming up with the prize (it was originally their bioweapon).
Man, my char LOVES her Aztechnology rocket launcher. It's the bastards at Renraku that were after. lol
Our dwarf hijacked a city bus with one of those launchers once. Good times. And yeah, Renraku. They make wonderful villains. One of our players has fallen in with them, having an anti-technomancer bent, and secretly sold out the last run to Renraku. The Azzie-hater is pro-techno and onto him already. The Renraku-aligned PC is trying to recover the sample for her Islamist allies, so iIt's distinctly possible that either her or the shaman will meet with an accident this session.
I've never played D&D honestly, but I do read just about any books about the Drow. I loved Eilistraee. I'm so mad they did what they did to her when they rebooted Llolth. That was the one deity I gave a shit about except for Mystra and that Goddess has had just about the same done to her.
Shame on you, editors.
The whole Faerun reboot was a bad idea. The setting may have needed a haircut, but they gave it a lobotomy.