This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I hope Miki can still recognise his sister.
(edit: cleared some coloring flaws)
Last edited by Tenjou_sailorsaturn (02-05-2007 07:43:06 AM)
Dayum... mah skillz feel so inferior to you, Tamago.
T__T I am too busy messin' with Google Earth right now to even do any recolors... I'll try and do some soon...
Tenjou_sailorsaturn wrote:
I hope Miki can still recognise his sister.
(edit: cleared some coloring flaws)
I do love the colourings you used, the main trick you need to learn next is to recolour without losing the outline in the process. That's easy to do if you got the layers feature.
My first attempt to recolor that didn't come out horrible.
If Kanae and Utena are both Akio's princesses, why not switch hair colors? I just decided to make the rest blue and pink, because those are nice colors
Last edited by dollface (11-30-2008 12:20:00 PM)
Tamago wrote:
makes her look phantomish
I'm not doing it.
Oh come on... You know you wanna.
Tamago wrote:
I... er...
Tamago wrote:
I do love the colourings you used, the main trick you need to learn next is to recolour without losing the outline in the process. That's easy to do if you got the layers feature.
Thank you very much for your advice.
Tenjou_sailorsaturn wrote:
Tamago wrote:
I do love the colourings you used, the main trick you need to learn next is to recolour without losing the outline in the process. That's easy to do if you got the layers feature.
Thank you very much for your advice.
It's alright the odd helpful hint or idea from time to time can only improve the art, its only when you get bombarded with advice is when it sux some serious bottom (saying ass all the time is so cliche)
Tamago wrote:
While the Nanami in the bikini was ok, I thought I could do better and I wanted to give her a new duelling uniform as well. … migold.jpg
That's...... like uber-sexy Nanami out on her own in the Dueling world. Like a new Seitokaichou-type, with all the Touga-wiles, plus feminine ones.
Very nice.
Tamago wrote:
Danke Lady Chani
Well this is an edit and a recolour I did in a hurry as I had to leave for an appointment, so I may have to check out later to see if it was up to standard or not. … ince4b.jpg
That may be fap-worthy but take THIS!!!\
Hohoho! For you Saionji-Touga fans who also like Yuri!
I shall call it, Chigutena!
I think I mighta been high... or sumfin...
ooh...Miki is hot with Touga's red hair...mmm....oooh....nice....
Whoa - the Juri and Saionji switch is kind of disturbing, I'm not gonna lie.
ts amazing what a quick color change can do to a picture.
Just for the sheer heck of it, I created this:
from this:
I hope you like it
hyacinth_black, I can't recognise the switched Juri/Saionji! I find it really natural to see Juri in Saionji's hair style.
Tamago, now we've got what we c all 'A True Knight'.
Tamago wrote:
Just for the sheer heck of it, I created this: … knight.jpg
from this:
I hope you like it
Tama-chan, that's some awesome work! I love the coloring!
Yasha wrote:
Tama-chan, that's some awesome work! I love the coloring!
Tenjou_sailorsaturn wrote:
Tamago, now we've got what we c all 'A True Knight'.
Thanks for the cool comments, dudettes You know I plan on making more groovy pics in the future.
I'm not very sure if this belongs in this thread but... here's a my share of "recolored" images. ^^ I was roleplaying as Tsuchiya Ruka on an alternate universe community on LiveJournal a year ago, and well... the Chigusa player inspired me to render this image. ^^0
Click on image for full view.
Last edited by FencingCaptain (02-07-2007 04:46:58 AM)