This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
okay so i was going through pics on photobucket n found ruka and utenas kid.
utena+ ruka= Szayel(bleach)
okay so if you guys find other utena characters kids feel free!
Miki+Wakaba=Hanon Hosho (in human from)
Eh? Eh?
omg thats funny.
Holy crap. That's eerie, Tamago.
After rewatching Pretear I've realized that Nanami has slept with Utena and Akio. The scary thing is both of them are just as narcissistic as Nanami.
holy shit!
crapz0rz, you guys.
that's ...awesome. i'm such a twit. ><
i'll dig around and see if i can't find anyone who fits the bill.
Touga and Anthy's kid:
The redhead, Chidori. Touga for the hair and Anthy for the.....weird. She's from Persona 3 and she's really, really crazy. And quite tragic. Also she tends to have a sketchbook, which makes me think of Anthy from the movie.
.....I have a massive collection of anime pics I just don't have time to go through them tonight! I'm sure there are more!
EDIT: I thought of another one:
Wakaba and Saionji's kid:
Dryden Fassa from Escaflowne! (GAH there are no official good pics of him! here's some fan art!) … n-17181720
Last edited by hollow_rose (02-24-2009 11:45:15 PM)
this thread is cracking me up!
keep going!
Utena and Wakaba (I don't know how, but Wakaba would make it happen):
Amu from Shugo Chara.
This show is like Utena for kids, anyway.
juri+wakaba+ orihime bleach
If you guys don't mind me posting characters from video games, namely Final Fantasy XIII, then I'd like to add Lightning and Serah Farron to this list. (sorry if any of the pictures are ridiculously large; first time posting imgs on here)
Obviously Utena+...maybe Anthy. I'm inclined towards Anthy for Lightning having a greener tint in her eyes than Serah, as well as that they're both pretty selfless and willing to sacrifice themselves for who they love (namely when either sister's well-being is on the line). They were orphaned around when Lightning was 15, and since (21 in-game) she's been a soldier in a faction of their world's military. Serah's 18 and newly engaged (Light's not happy with the guy in the least; if it means anything he calls himself a "hero" and follows whatever he feels that title entails) in FF13, and in 13-2 is a schoolteacher 3 years later.
Oh. And Lightning's got a White Horse. And a sword [read: gunblade]. And her motif when she summons Odin is ROSE PETALS.
And in 13-2 she basically becomes a knight in shining armor
Definitely channeling some Utena there. (And Serah in Final Fantasy XIII-2 gains the power to tame monsters, which reminded me of Anthy's liking of animals)
So....yeah. I actually came across Utena through reading a FFXIII AU fanfic where the author mentioned something to the effect of Lightning "channeling Utena" and that the outfit she chose in the story was based off of Utena's. I was intrigued, and ending up getting hooked to Utena. Aaaand enough fangirling for me, XD Sorry for the influx of images (if I even did this right..)
[I was gonna post about Oerba Dia Vanille from the game as a Juri (looks) + Wakaba/Anthy (personality), but I'm not sure. May do it later]
For a moment I thought this is a thread dedicated to Mrs. Ohtori and Mr. Kaoru. Oh well.
gorgeousshutin wrote:
For a moment I thought this is a thread dedicated to Mrs. Ohtori and Mr. Kaoru. Oh well.
You could still make a portion of it about them.
Personality wise...
Nanami + Squid Girl ( … Dubbed.jpg ) =
Okay, so she doesn't look like either of them. Maybe she's adopted? Her behavior is just such a perfect blend of the two of them though, imo. Skuld is extremely obsessed with her older sister Belldandy and gets pretty jealous whenever anyone gives Belldandy affection or vice versa. She tends to come up with plots (usually involving technology) that end up blowing up in her face, like Squid Girl (and Nanami, come to think of it.)
jmie5 wrote:
gorgeousshutin wrote:
For a moment I thought this is a thread dedicated to Mrs. Ohtori and Mr. Kaoru. Oh well.
You could still make a portion of it about them.
Okay . . . using hair color as visual cue:
This man (please ignore the Rose Bride)
+ this woman
= these children
I guess we know where Kozue gets it from then.
I always thought Kozue act and look more like Mrs. Ohtori's daughter than Kanae.
Ripped straight from a certain Neogaf Thread when lightnings new costume was leaked
Lightning: "This is what I am"
*Lightning transforms into a mecha*
Hope:"You're beautiful!"
There was a piece of fanart that came along but I had trouble getting to it.
This could be Utena's and Anthy's daughter (if it was possible )
...Aaand if she've had half of Utena's baddasery
Also I can't decide if Sanetoshi could be Utena's and Akio's son or Mikage and Utena...Akio and Mikage ???
yeah I have a thing for pink.heared characters, blame the fact that Utena was my first anime ever.
Dafne wrote:
This could be Utena's and Anthy's daughter (if it was possible
Sure it is. A witch did it.
lmao!!! that was amazing.
Vincent from Pandora Hearts is a very disturbing mix of Nanami and...Ruka.
From Nanami he got an extreme and highly unhealthy attachment to his older brother, Gilbert. It goes beyond obsession and straight into monomania as Gilbert is Vincent raison d'être and that leads him to commit some truly atrocious deeds, all for the misguided sense that he is doing it for Gilbert's sake. Having one of those backstories that can make the cobblestones weep, Vincent was always being protected by his older brother growing up. So he developed a sense of self tied to his strong devotion for Gilbert. As for Gilbert...for the most part he finds Vincent creepy (and with good reason) and while he does like him it is not with half the same intensity.
Vincent knows he is not even remotely the most important person in his big brother's life (Gilbert is too busy obsessing over Oz...I think this crazy loyalty may run in the family) and seems more or less resigned to it- as long as he gets to control him from afar, that is.
To seal the deal, Vincent even has a traumatic past involving cats and has a minion who he treats with even less kindness than Nanami treats hers.
From Ruka he got the manipulation and ambiguity when it comes to figuring out just what side he is on. Vincent is also a rare case of a shounen character who uses his sex appeal to get what he wants. His scheming ways and courtly façade, Vincent was raised in a noble family after all, make him very much like Touga or even Akio but there is a catch that makes me more a match to Ruka: unlike Touga or Akio, Vincent views his popularity with women as something he has to endure in order to further his insane goals. He takes no pleasure in it except in knowing himself to be above the high class girls he seduces. Also, the whole reason why he even bothers doing it at all is, again, for Gilbert's sake in a way that is more in line with Ruka's treatment of Shiori.
Vincent comes across as a truly disturbed young man in a cast where virtually everyone has shades of psychosis. He should take a ride on Mikage's elevator.