This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Link works now. Quiz is pretty comprehensive and interestingly handled. And... there's a conspiracy afoot that makes me a bit and a little bit
, but I'll avoid balconies for awhile, just in case.
Ruka was #1 for me, not exactly shocking. But from there it gets strange...Anthy, Kozue, Mikage and Shiori in that order...
i don't like that quiz...I got Mitsuru as number one...then Kozue and then Akio.
"You're Kyouichi Saionji. The world sees you as an aggressive, misanthropic bastard - which you are, but there's more to it than that. You despise change and want more than anything for something in your life to be eternal, constant, something you can depend on. As it is, you're deeply paranoid and mistrustful of others."
Oh, the irony! I guess it's pretty accurate... I do practice kendo, after all, but I don't hit women.
SelectSmart wrote:
#1 Shiori
#2 Utena
#3 Juri
#4 Nanami
#5 Anthy
#6 Kozue
#7 Mikage
#8 Miki
#9 Saionji
#10 Touga
#11 Akio
#12 Tsuwabuki
#13 Wakaba
#14 Ruka
I was not expecting that. Huh.
Apparently I'm Mikage. Surprisingly enough, Akio is number 2, Juri is number 3 and Ruka is number 4.
#1 Utena
#2 Tsuwabuki
#3 Miki
#4 Nanami
#5 Saionji
#6 Wakaba
#7 Juri
#8 Ruka
#9 Shiori
#10 Akio
#11 Mikage
#12 Touga
#13 Kozue
#14 Anthy
Honestly, when I looked at my number one, I thought, "Damnit, not again," since I always seem to get Utena. Even after I changed one of my answers to evil, I'm still Utena.
Razara wrote:
Even after I changed one of my answers to evil, I'm still Utena.
I wonder if the test knows something we don't.
But yeah, the test is a little screwy, because I came up with Juri, Saionji, and Touga in that order. The good thing about that site, though, is that it has its own template to make tests with. (They don't have to be yes/no questions, though, that's just what this test maker chose.)
If anyone wants to really try making one, go here. The one you took was the "Classic" model. You'll probably want to make one with the "Plus" model.
For me, my #1 was Wakaba, and #2 was Utena (who I figured would be my number 1). I can't decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing...but I think I'll go with "good thing."
#1 Anthy
#2 Kozue
#3 Shiori
#4 Juri
#5 Akio
#6 Mikage
#7 Miki
#8 Nanami
#9 Tsuwabuki
#10 Ruka
#11 Utena
#12 Saionji
#13 Wakaba
#14 Touga
I... what?
#1 Utena
#2 Miki
#3 Wakaba
#4 Ruka
#5 Juri
#6 Touga
#7 Shiori
#8 Tsuwabuki
#9 Anthy
#10 Nanami
#11 Akio
#12 Mikage
#13 Kozue
#14 Saionji
Utena? So not surprised.. although I don't really see myself as any of them.
Yasha wrote:
Actually, Gio an I were thinking a while back that it would be nice to have a real personality test to see who was most like which character. The only thing was that we were never really sure we could code it properly. I'm fairly sure I could work up questions that would relate strongly to the characters without giving themselves away, but to be honest, Gio's the coding genius, not me. I can't code to save my life.
I think it would be great if you and Gio made a really in-depth, detailed Utena personality quiz and put it on the site!
Perfect description of me, I see.
Cool! Juri!
You are pink. You are in limbo. Not pure and manipulated like white, not impure and noble like red. You are unsure of your real identity, but whatever you chose it to be, you can be it. That is your power. You change everyone you touch, and everyone remembers you. In literature, pink represents the place between heaven and hell. You are the one we will never forget.
You're Anthy! Outwardly you're a pretty shy person. You keep to yourself, you're reserved, but not necessarily non-sociable. You have plenty of hobbies, yet there's still an air of mystery.
Yay! Anthy!
You're Utena Tenjoh, beautiful gender role scofflaw and Victor of the Duels. You're marked by a disturbed past, an idealistic and noble nature, and intense loyalty to your friends. Your innocence makes you an easy target for manipulation, but your determination and the power of your belief in goodness overcomes all.
I had a feeling I'd get Utena in at least 1 quiz.. XD
Last edited by Stephanie (10-29-2007 02:00:36 PM)
#1 Mikage
#2 Saionji
#3 Shiori
#4 Anthy
#5 Miki
#6 Nanami
#7 Akio
#8 Juri
#9 Kozue
#10 Touga
#11 Ruka
#12 Tsuwabuki
#13 Utena
#14 Wakaba
It's funny that my amount of Miki-ness is right between Anthy and Nanami. Well, I think it's funny.
Utena. I kind of knew it! Then Miki, Wakaba, Juri and Ruka O_o
#1 Anthy
#2 Ruka
#3 Touga
#4 Shiori
#5 Utena
#6 Kozue
#7 Saionji
#8 Juri
#9 Tsuwabuki
#10 Mikage
#11 Akio
#12 Wakaba
#13 Miki
#14 Nanami
I'm surprised that Anthy edged out Ruka for the top spot. Actually, I'm surprised she was high up on the list at all. I tend to think of myself as far too blunt to be Anthy.
You are red. You are impure, but noble. You are precious and true to yourself and others. When you love, you love entirely, and will do anything to make your love happy. You are sure of your identity, therefore, you cannot change others or be changed. You are a true prince, you may be forgotten, but without you, none of us could go on.
Offline had this to say about me...
1. Mikage Souji
2. Akio Ohtori
3. Miki Kaoru
4. Nanami Kiryuu
5. Juri Arisugawa
6. Shiori Takatsuki
7. Kyouichi Saionji
8. Mitsuru Tsuwabuki
9. Kozue Kaoru
10. Ruka Tsuchiya
11. Utena Tenjou
12. Wakaba Shinohara
13. Anthy Himemiya
14. Touga Kiryuu
And my predicted result was Mikage. I've taken this test before, when I didn't know what genki meant. Ahh, the memories...
Oooh... nifty colors test.
You are red. You are impure, but noble. You are precious and true to yourself and others. When you love, you love entirely, and will do anything to make your love happy. You are sure of your identity, therefore, you cannot change others or be changed. You are a true prince, you may be forgotten, but without you, none of us could go on
1 Anthy
2 Touga
3 Utena
4 Shiori
5 Juri
6 Kozue
7 Miki
8 Ruka
9 Wakaba
10 Akio
11 Saionji
12 Tsuwabuki
13 Nanami
14 Mikage
Never would have thought myself to be like Anthy, that's for sure.
Oh, why not. I'm not doing my work like I should be anyway.
#1 Wakaba
#2 Utena
#3 Ruka
#4 Tsuwabuki
#5 Touga
#6 Miki
#7 Kozue
#8 Shiori
#9 Nanami
#10 Saionji
#11 Anthy
#12 Akio
#13 Juri
#14 Mikage
I also got Wakaba on that first test:
Wakaba You are the cute and fun Wakaba.
I guess that confirms it?
I took some of the Utena tests a few days ago and i was angry that i got Utena on three different tests...after thinking about it I realized that if I am Utena then Touga wants to fuck me huzza
I am so Utena let's get it on touga.k