This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Almaser wrote:
Hey, I'm only 9 days older than SDF. Cool.
Maybe we could be long-lost almost twins.
Last edited by SleepDebtFairy (07-10-2007 02:03:15 AM)
Almaser wrote:
Gio's star machine <insert Akio joke>
How 'bout just insert Akio?
Wheee, PMS makes me just mad horny.
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
I like witchcraft.
What does that mean, though? I looked at the chart, but it confuses me.. so I'm reading the stats.;
Well, open up your chart and we'll look at it together!
In the outermost ring of the chart, you'll see a bunch of weird colored symbols -- twelve in all, arranged in a circle. Those symbols represent the signs of the zodiac -- from Aries, the red symbol which in your chart is just to the right of the very bottom of the chart (the "nadir"), to Pisces, the pink symbol which is all the way around the chart counterclockwise from Aries until it ends up just to Aries's left. The positions of the signs in your chart represent the positions of the zodiac constellations in the sky at the moment of your birth. For instance, the signs near the top (Libra and Virgo) were directly overhead. East and west get flipped in this chart compared to a normal map, so Sagittarius (far left) was rising, and Gemini (far right) was setting.
Now, most charts (I think) have each sign represented exactly once. But if you read counterclockwise from Aries in your chart, the symbols go: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pisces. The progression skips Leo and Aquarius while duplicating Gemini and Sagittarius. I'm sure there's a good reason for this; I just don't know it.
Just as the symbols in the outer ring represent where the signs were when you were born, the symbols in the next most outer ring represent where the planets were. You may even recognize the symbols for Mars and Venus, in the bottom left and top left respectively on your chart, and the symbol for the Moon is pretty self-explanatory in the bottom right. A great page for learning the symbols: … lyphs.html
The smaller symbols in the same ring clarify exactly what sign the planets are in and where in that sign they are.
The next ring in contains the numbers from 1 to 12. They represent the Twelve Houses, which govern various areas of your life. For instance, the Second House, where your Mars is, governs money and finances. Mars, the planet of war and sex, in the house of money means that you're likely to be aggressive in business, maybe to the point of unscrupulousness. On the other hand, Mars is also in the sign of Aquarius -- the humanitarian -- so if I were an astrologer, I would feel comfortable downplaying the unscrupulousness.
The next ring has a bunch of red and blue lines with geometrical shapes on them. These lines point out the relationships ("aspects") between the planets. You've got a bunch of great aspects! A lot of blue lines (representing "trines" and "sextiles" -- planets that are about 120 or 60 degrees apart tend to favorably reinforce each other), and not very many red lines (representing "squares" and "oppositions" -- planets that are about 90 or 180 degrees apart tend to negatively reinforce each other). Continuing to look at your Mars, your Mars has a square with your Sun -- see the red line leading from your Mars to your Sun (in the Eleventh House)? The Sun has to do with your outwardly expressed personality, so Sun-Square-Mars means that you may be outwardly warlike in a negative way, manifesting as bossiness or a need to prove yourself.
And that, my dear SDF, is how to read a birth chart!
Last edited by satyreyes (07-10-2007 01:47:45 PM)
Giovanna wrote:
AnjitheArtist wrote:
Can you do me please?
:eyebrow wiggle:
Giovanna wrote:
Almaser wrote:
Gio's star machine <insert Akio joke>
How 'bout just insert Akio?
Wheee, PMS makes me just mad horny.
Gio, can you please reupload mine? It doesn't seem to want to work
Rising Sign is in 06 Degrees Libra
Very attractive and popular, your charm helps you to get your own way and prevents others from getting angry with you. "Peace and harmony at all costs" is your battle cry. You always try to ameliorate or to cosmetically hide any physical ugliness or any angry feelings between people. Flashy, but not gaudy, you prefer to dress elegantly. You generally have good taste in music, art and literature. Beware of the tendency to compromise yourself in your attempt to be agreeable at all times. A bit of a social butterfly, at times you can be vain and lazy. For the most part, however, you are gracious and affectionate, and your refined and aristocratic demeanor serves as a role model to others.
Sun is in 05 Degrees Leo.
More than a bit of a showoff, you love to be the center of attention! But others do not usually mind because they tend to enjoy your genuine warmth and affection. Very spirited and willful, proud and self-important at times, you demand your own way. You are quite honest, however, and the respect of others is very important to you. You never compromise yourself and you pursue your goals with persistence and dedication. Your regal presence and demeanor draws you to positions of leadership and authority. But beware of being overly hardheaded, domineering, ostentatious or patronizing or you will lose the goodwill and admiration that you enjoy. Very theatrical, you live life on a grand scale wherever and whenever possible. Your strength and energy vitalizes those who come in contact with you.
Moon is in 06 Degrees Virgo.
You tend to be serious-minded but cheerful for the most part. You need tasks that engage both your mind and your hands. A careful worker, you enjoy making things. You are neat and orderly, and are very concerned with good health habits. Fastidious to the extreme, you cannot tolerate messes and will immediately clean them up. Reserved, shy, and very self-critical, you tend to be very hard on yourself. You usually will go out of your way to be helpful and useful to others. Practical, reliable, efficient and conservative, at times you are a bit of a prude. You are known to lead a simple, uncomplicated, frugal, methodical and unemotional lifestyle. You are devoted and caring to those you love.
Mercury is in 15 Degrees Cancer.
Your emotions tend to rule your thought processes. You have difficulty seeing life objectively. You have an excellent memory, especially about things to which you have formed an emotional bond. You prefer ideas and thoughts that are known and familiar, and therefore tend to dislike fads or radical ideas. The beliefs and traditions of your family and culture are very important to you. Your thinking becomes quite unclear when you are emotionally shaken -- try not to make major decisions when you are upset. Let things calm down first.
Venus is in 28 Degrees Cancer.
You like to be very close to other people. You need emotional support yourself and are willing to give it to others. When you feel unloved and insecure, you can be very jealous and possessive. You are not interested in casual or superficial relationships -- only deep emotional involvements interest you. Your faithful devotion is one of your greatest gifts, but be careful not to become too dependent on others. Learn to stand on your own two feet and demand your own rights once in a while.
Mars is in 14 Degrees Leo.
You are a very proud person. Strong, bold, courageous and self-possessed, you love to be the one to initiate significant actions. When people expect a lot of you, you respond positively and will work hard in order to maintain their respect. But when your dignity or pride is threatened, you tend to become sarcastic, arrogant and domineering. Try not to take any challenge or resistance that you meet as a personal affront. You are very stubborn about your right to live your life according to your own principles.
Jupiter is in 28 Degrees Aries.
The way that you grow and develop is by being an uncompromising individualist. You have a great need to be yourself and to explore your latent talents and abilities. Do not be afraid to let yourself go and develop self-confidence and pride in your accomplishments. But try not to become so self-centered that you ignore the needs of others. Also, you may have to build up your self-discipline in order to focus your energies properly.
Saturn is in 14 Degrees Sagittarius.
Basically quite conservative, you respect traditional authority figures and are very thankful and supportive of the laws and institutions which govern your life. You learn and accept new ideas only after having very thoroughly examined them. Ideals and abstract concepts are important to you only if they can be used in some practical fashion. You are so practical and so orderly that you have natural skills in planning, administrating and organizing.
Uranus is in 23 Degrees Sagittarius.
You, and most of your peers, have the tendency to think that all ideas, customs and traditions from the past are outmoded and irrelevant. You are attracted to radically new ideas, philosophies and religions that will, hopefully, cause sweeping changes throughout the world.
Neptune is in 05 Degrees Capricorn.
You, and your entire generation, will idealize work, practicality and the ability to attain reasonable goals. But, because you will also stress the need to be selfless and giving, you may find it difficult to attain your goals unless you have lowered your expectations on all fronts.
Pluto is in 07 Degrees Scorpio.
For your entire generation, this is a period of intense research and discovery in areas that were heretofore considered mysterious, remote or taboo. The root causes for many complex occurrences will be unearthed due to the intensity and thoroughness of the search.
N. Node is in 03 Degrees Aries.
You're at your most comfortable when involved in group activities outside of your immediate family circle. You delight in getting involved with others in neighborhood civic or political activities, especially if you can be a part of the leadership of the group. Your zeal and overabundant energy bring out your real creativity when you can work toward tangible results -- things that will immediately benefit those around you. You have a real gift for getting the most out of charity drives and community benefits. Take time out between projects though, because you tire out easily and your effectiveness becomes greatly diminished when your energy is depleted. Also, don't even think of trying to get involved at a peripheral level -- you need a total commitment to feel personally fulfilled. Let others bake the cookies and set up the chairs -- you should be the one to tell everyone what to do and when to do it!
Almaser wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
Almaser wrote:
Gio's star machine <insert Akio joke>
How 'bout just insert Akio?
Wheee, PMS makes me just mad horny., can you please reupload mine? It doesn't seem to want to work
Try now?
satyreyes wrote:
Sorry for the late reply, I'm at a friend's house. But wow -- thank you so much for that!
I'm not complaining about the lack of Leo, honestly. From my experience, it's probably been the sign I've been most opposed to. (Had an ex who was a Leo, an ex friend, and a few others, and they were way too egotistical and did anything for their ego) But, I'm sure there are awesome Leo's, too. I'm waiting to meet them. *is just biased*
For business, I agree more with the second meaning. I'm not much a fan of strongly competitive things like business.
Last edited by SleepDebtFairy (07-11-2007 03:42:19 PM)
Can someone help me with interpretation of mine? I get kind lost after Mercury
AnjitheArtist wrote:
Can someone help me with interpretation of mine? I get kind lost after Mercury
Well, the interpretation should all be in Interp.rtf, in the ZIP file Gio posted. Of course, that analysis is assembled by computer program, and doesn't try to resolve contradictions or anything like that. That would take someone who actually knew what they were talking about.
<-- does not know what he is talking about, but will try to answer specific questions if you have them
I'm a Scorpio.. Now that pluto is "no longer a planet.." I'm not sure what my planet is.
SDF, remember that the astrologers' definition of "planet" is rather different from the astronomers' definition. For the astrologers, the Moon is a planet (it governs Cancer), and so is the Sun (Leo). So I think astrologers have responded to the redefinition of "planet" by saying "yeah, well, we say Pluto's still a planet." Your governing planet is still Pluto.
Rising Sign is in 00 Degrees Taurus
Calm and deliberate, you hate to move quickly or act hastily. Very practical, every effort must count or you can't be bothered. Patient, persistent and steady, but very stubborn -- you can't be pushed or pressured into anything. You seem outwardly self-assured because you tend to repress your inner tension and turmoil. You exude an earthy warmth, friendliness and charm. You demand comfortable surroundings and appreciate the good life. Be careful of a tendency to be overly self-indulgent. At times, you are lazy and difficult to motivate. Overcoming inertia is a problem for you and, because you are not by nature a self-starter, it is often necessary for you to receive stimuli from others in order to get moving.
Sun is in 08 Degrees Libra.
Very sociable, you enjoy being with others and definitely prefer not be alone. Warm and affectionate, you go out of your way to make others like you. You despise ugliness, for you being surrounded by beauty and harmony is a necessity of life. You prefer fine clothing, an attractive home and pleasant surroundings wherever you are. Your refined tastes apply to music and to art as well. At times, you are very indecisive you waver and falter when forced to make a choice because you have the ability to see both sides of any question. The positive part of this is that you are very fair-minded and can be trusted to settle disputes. Your greatest challenge is to take any one- on-one encounter and make the most of it.
Moon is in 26 Degrees Leo.
You always want to be proud of yourself and will never do anything that will make yourself look bad. You need the respect and admiration of others and enjoy attracting attention to yourself. Everything you do tends to be self-emphasized and self-exaggerated. Very stubborn, willful and independent yourself, be sure to allow others who are close to you the similar right to "be themselves." Your need for love, affection and reassurance, and your tendency toward vanity, allow you to have your head easily turned by flattery. The more insecure you are, the more you tend to be a showoff. You love games and sports as a matter of fact, you would usually rather play than work. Be careful of a tendency to be snobbish and uppity -- it does not become you.
Mercury is in 03 Degrees Scorpio.
You are a born investigator. You are fascinated by secrets and mysteries and unanswered questions of any kind. When you become upset or angry, your emotional reactions are overpowering -- reason and logic disappear in an uncontrollable passionate outburst. You tend to keep your thoughts secret and bottled up and this makes others regard you with suspicion. It is not that you are trying purposely to be evasive, it is just that you would rather not deal with the explosions and hassles that often occur when you reveal your true feelings and opinions. Your sense of humor tends toward sarcasm and irony.
Venus is in 15 Degrees Scorpio.
Your feelings about others are deep, powerful, intense and complex. When you like someone, you do so totally and obsessively if you do not like someone, they do not exist. Your faithfulness and loyalty to your lover is unquestioned, indeed at times it is too much so -- you get so possessive that you almost smother your partner. At times, your feelings are kept deep within you and, because they are so complex and intense, they frighten you -- this is the way that you try to ignore them. But the more you try to do this, the more explosive things get when you eventually do express them.
Mars is in 28 Degrees Cancer.
Your moods are very important to your overall well-being. You are confident and self-assertive when you are feeling upbeat, and you are retiring, irritable and grumpy when you get depressed about anything. Very sensitive, you wear your heart on your sleeve. You are easily angered whenever you think someone has slighted you. It is best for you to show your anger immediately and let it all out, rather than to try to hold it in or to hold grudges for a long time. You're extremely loyal and defensive of your family, neighborhood, community and culture.
Jupiter is in 15 Degrees Scorpio.
You love to dig deep beneath surface appearances in order to find out what is really happening. A persistent researcher, you are very interested in the psychology of any situation. You tend to become overwhelmed by the complexity of what you uncover, however, and that makes you a bit gun-shy about explaining things to others. But you must learn to try to communicate as best you can because what you know is really very valuable to others.
Saturn is in 06 Degrees Pisces.
Your tendency to think that your life is out of control is based on an unreasonable fear, probably connected with an unfortunate experience with the person who filled the father figure role in your early life. Learn to take responsibility here and now for your own life. Try to stop having unrealistic expectations about guide figures. Remember that they are merely human, with all the same faults and self-doubts that you have. When you get confused or uncertain, try to simplify your lifestyle -- things will then become easier to bear.
Uranus is in 22 Degrees Capricorn.
You, and your peer group as well, seek out practical solutions to a changing society's attitudes to customs, traditions and authority structures. Your logical and orderly manner of dealing with these matters will result in permanent and carefully planned, but sweeping, reforms.
Neptune is in 20 Degrees Capricorn.
You, and your entire generation, will idealize work, practicality and the ability to attain reasonable goals. But, because you will also stress the need to be selfless and giving, you may find it difficult to attain your goals unless you have lowered your expectations on all fronts.
Pluto is in 26 Degrees Scorpio.
For your entire generation, this is a period of intense research and discovery in areas that were heretofore considered mysterious, remote or taboo. The root causes for many complex occurrences will be unearthed due to the intensity and thoroughness of the search.
N. Node is in 15 Degrees Scorpio.
You have a special aptitude for working by yourself, or with a like-minded group of dedicated individuals. Once you've committed yourself to a person or group or project, your loyalty and devotion are total until the group's goals have been realized. Not at all gregarious by nature, you're uncomfortable around strangers, greatly preferring to be in known and familiar situations. Others may regard you as shy or eccentric, but those who know you well are aware of the intense loyalty that you have to your friends.
That was mine, and most of it was dead-on.
You know how you can get your stars done for each individual year? Is there any place on the net that's good for that, that people would recommend? A place to look up your stars for 2010? Or a book I could buy possibly? I totally enjoy star signs, their accuracy notwithstanding.
sharnii wrote:
You know how you can get your stars done for each individual year? Is there any place on the net that's good for that, that people would recommend? A place to look up your stars for 2010? Or a book I could buy possibly? I totally enjoy star signs, their accuracy notwithstanding.
Maybe this is what you are looking for.
Tamago wrote:
sharnii wrote:
You know how you can get your stars done for each individual year? Is there any place on the net that's good for that, that people would recommend? A place to look up your stars for 2010? Or a book I could buy possibly? I totally enjoy star signs, their accuracy notwithstanding.
Maybe this is what you are looking for.
I'm pretty sure it's not. Sharnii asked for a site where you can "look up your stars for 2010," which I assume means she's looking for a predictive horoscope, not a birth chart. I don't know any fantastic site for looking up future horoscopes for an arbitrary date, and there's a reason for that. A birth chart gives you an insane amount of detail about what the stars said at the moment you were born. You could get that level of detail for any day of any year, but would you want it? For horoscope purposes, you want the edited version -- a gestalt idea of "good day or bad day, and for what." That's a job for a human and can't be readily done by computer yet.
That said, you might start here to get your sign's forecast for 2010 as a whole, though day-by-day horoscopes aren't likely to appear until a few days before they become important.
Necro'd!! A little while ago I ordered an astrology course from the American Federation of Astrologers, which they send in print in a huge binder. Because of various postal-service-related shenanigans, I wound up with two copies of the course. This is a really good course; it focuses on the natal chart, and includes details about ideas like aspects and progressions that are harder to get clear answers about online. It even teaches you how to do the math of casting a precise birth chart by hand, using an ephemeris. I don't need two copies of the course -- so, my extra copy is free to a good home for the cost of shipping. (It's heavy, so I'm guessing about $10.) Any takers?
satyreyes wrote:
Necro'd!! A little while ago I ordered an astrology course from the American Federation of Astrologers, which they send in print in a huge binder. Because of various postal-service-related shenanigans, I wound up with two copies of the course. This is a really good course; it focuses on the natal chart, and includes details about ideas like aspects and progressions that are harder to get clear answers about online. It even teaches you how to do the math of casting a precise birth chart by hand, using an ephemeris. I don't need two copies of the course -- so, my extra copy is free to a good home for the cost of shipping. (It's heavy, so I'm guessing about $10.) Any takers?
I would so like a detailed astrology course for $10! Have you still got it?
I have still got it. Message me with your address and I'll send it out to you, just as soon as I overcome crushing election-related existential despair!