This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
This one is cool Draw A Pig Personality Test
My result:
*I am positive and optimistic.
*I am direct, enjoy playing devil's advocate and neither fear nor avoid discussions.
*I am emotional and naive, I care little for details and is a risk-taker.
*I am secure, stubborn, and stick to my ideals.
*I am a good listener
*The Quality of my sex life is poor, lol
Last edited by Stephanie (10-15-2007 10:03:29 AM)
I would post my results but i just don't agree with it. mostly cause i drew it with little detail. if you go on my DA page you will take note i load my work with detail >_>
so one little piggy does not tell me anything about how i am in the least. but it was still fun. XD
Actually, I believe, no matter what personality test or whatever test you take won't really tell you who you are.. You are who you are.. n_n
And, for add, horoscopes and astrology signs?
Year of the pig my butt, those things were all created because people don't know what their purpose is in life and who they are, thus created this things and a little not too general to be exact to what the person is so it'll seem more applicable to us..
You know, Chinese men are good business men.. They have year of the monkey and stuff.. Seriously.. Animals, right? And libra, taurus, aquarious my butt as well..
Anyway, you might ask why I put this thing if I contradict it.. It's because it's fun.. n_n
But what I'm getting it at is, no test or whatsoever psychological stuff can tell you who you really are completely..
It would've been fun to see your post, though..
That tis mah piggah!
I suck at drawing with a mouse so I TOTALLY STICK FIGURED IT. And am not going to post it here.
Toward the middle, you are a realist.
Facing left, you believe in tradition, are friendly, and remember dates (birthdays, etc.)
With few details, you are emotional and naive, they care little for details and are a risk-taker.
With 4 legs showing, they are secure, stubborn, and stick to their ideals.
The bigger the better. You drew large ears, you are a great listener!
The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life.
And again more is better! You drew large tail, WOW!
Lalalala. The detail one is wrong.
We did this for work.
Mine was totally not right.
For all you feeling insecure about your pigs, know that you are not alone.
*Toward the top of the paper, you are positive and optimistic.
*Facing right, you are innovative and active, but don't have a strong sense of family, nor do you remember dates.
*With few details, you are emotional and naive, they care little for details and are a risk-taker.
*With 4 legs showing, they are secure, stubborn, and stick to their ideals.
*The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are.
The bigger the better. You drew medium sized ears, you are a good listener
*The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life.
And again more is better! You drew medium sized tail
Toward the top of the paper, you are positive and optimistic.
Facing front, you are direct, enjoy playing devil's advocate and neither fear nor avoid discussions.
With few details, you are emotional and naive, they care little for details and are a risk-taker.
With 4 legs showing, they are secure, stubborn, and stick to their ideals.
The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are.
The bigger the better. You drew small ears, you are an OK listener
The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life.
And again more is better! You drew small tail
Um... I guess fantasizing and doesn't count toward the quality of sex life, huh... <_<
Well, it's understandable that I'm not that good of a listener. I doze off/wonder off a lot. It' the price to pay to stay a daydreamer.
KTK, I love your pig.
Last edited by Hiraku (10-15-2007 02:34:47 PM)
This is my damn pig.
Why yes, I am bitter about Animal Farm, how'd you know?
[+] [+] [+]
Toward the middle, you are a realist. Check.
Facing left, you believe in tradition, are friendly, and remember dates (birthdays, etc.) No check.
With few details, you are emotional and naive, they care little for details and are a risk-taker. Check only for the emotional part.
With 4 legs showing, they are secure, stubborn, and stick to their ideals. Check for the last two.
You drew medium sized ears, you are a good listener. Check.
You drew small tail Fuck you.
Toward the middle, you are a realist.
Facing left, you believe in tradition, are friendly, and remember dates (birthdays, etc.)
With few details, you are emotional and naive, they care little for details and are a risk-taker.
With 4 legs showing, they are secure, stubborn, and stick to their ideals.
The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are. You drew medium sized ears, you are a good listener
The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life. And again more is better! You drew medium-sized tail.
The accuracy is a bit of a mixed bag.
Toward the bottom, you are pessimistic, and have a tendency to behave negatively. - Despite all my bitchyness in the gripes thread, I actually try to keep positive in my life about my situations and I'm pretty regularly complimented on the fact that I'm smiling for no actual reason.
Facing left, you believe in tradition, are friendly, and remember dates (birthdays, etc.) I'm a polyamorous lesbian who can't remember the names of half the people she's slept with, and not because I was particularly not close to them. I just really suck with names.
With few details, you are emotional and naive, they care little for details and are a risk-taker. Anyone remember how I totally fucked up the second mafia game by loading it with details and paricularities? Yeah, do that in real life too. I'll give them spontaneous, though.
With 4 legs showing, they are secure, stubborn, and stick to their ideals. True but... ::looks at the last comment::
The bigger the better. You drew large ears, you are a great listener! IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE I HAVE CAPD, RIGHT? LoOLOdLDOldololol
The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life.And again more is better! You drew small tail I make sure I have a quality sex life even if I have to do it myself.
I think the problem here is that my pig looks like a cat. D: I'm pretty sure what this drawing says about me is that I did it with a bleeding trackball.
Hinotori wrote:
Such a good word.
I like your cat-pig.
It wants to put its evil inside you.
Toward the top of the paper, you are positive and optimistic.
Facing front, you are direct, enjoy playing devil's advocate and neither fear nor avoid discussions.
With few details, you are emotional and naive, they care little for details and are a risk-taker.
With 4 legs showing, they are secure, stubborn, and stick to their ideals.
The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are.
The bigger the better. You drew large ears, you are a great listener!
The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life.
And again more is better! You drew large tail, WOW!
Yasha's Pig From Hell.
That pig is full of win!
I'm not posting mine because I suck at mouse drawing and I'm insecure like that, but here are my results:
Toward the middle, you are a realist. (check)
Facing front, you are direct, enjoy playing devil's advocate and neither fear nor avoid discussions. (check)
With many details, you are analytical, cautious, and distrustful. (check)
With less than 4 legs, they are insecure or are living through a period of major change. (I guess so)
The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are.
The bigger the better. You drew medium sized ears, you are a good listener (well, that depends on what I'm listening to)
The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life.
And again more is better! You did not draw a tail (This is currently true, but if I really wanted sex I could probably get it)
My pig looks like a cat. I suck at drawing.
Toward the middle, you are a realist.
And here I was, thinking I was a bottomless pit of negativity.
Facing front, you are direct, enjoy playing devil's advocate and neither fear nor avoid discussions.
I do enjoy playing the devil's advocate, but then again I don't know to draw a pig's snout's in profile
With few details, you are emotional and naive, they care little for details and are a risk-taker.
Or you suck at drawing, which would be my case.
With less than 4 legs, they are insecure or are living through a period of major change.
Or you cannot draw to save your life. Altough I reckon this one is accurate, sadly.
The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are.
The bigger the better. You drew medium sized ears, you are a good listener
...which is why my pig looks like a cat.
The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life.
And again more is better! You drew large tail, WOW!
...which is why my pig looks like a cat, heh.
Toward the top of the paper, they are positive and optimistic.
Facing front, they are direct, enjoy playing devil's advocate and neither fear nor avoid discussions.
With few details, they are emotional and naive, they care little for details and are a risk-taker.
With less than 4 legs, they are insecure or are living through a period of major change.
The size of the ears indicates how good a listener they are.
The bigger the better. They drew medium sized ears, they are a good listener
The length of the tail indicates the quality of their sex life.
And again more is better! They drew small tail <==Awww man (>_<)
Nau fo mah p1g!
*steals rae's pig*
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
*steals rae's pig*
Ognoes! You can't take him! Hee ... thanks I guess !
That's a HUGE tail!! Not medium..
So, that means.. poptarts to you!
Aww.. Come on! My pig looks like a teddy bear,
Everybody has cutie pigs!
Goddamn, it's difficult to draw with that thing - I'm ashamed to post!
As for the results, I've found fortune cookie advice to be more on the mark!
Still, good times, good times!
I gave in. Overall I rather like him.
Click to view my test results[/url]
With 4 legs showing, they are secure, stubborn, and stick to their ideals.
The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are.
The bigger the better. You drew medium sized ears, you are a good listener
The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life.
And again more is better! You drew large tail, WOW!
With many details, you are analytical, cautious, and distrustful.
Facing left, you believe in tradition, are friendly, and remember dates (birthdays, etc.)
Toward the middle, you are a realist.
Last edited by morosemocha (10-16-2007 01:02:41 AM)
lol, I laughed at the arrow in the pig's head..
Ohnoes you have no tail, poor spouse in the future..
Nice! Cute!
Nocturnalux and I need to start a catpig club.
And polyamorous is.... uhm, kind of like depleted uranium as far as words go. D: It's pretty heavy and I don't like throwing it around much. Still fits in certain situations though.