This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I was wondering how many of you here were members of Livejournal? And if any of you are what do you think of the whole 'Warriors of Innocence' mess that is going on over there.
For anyone who doesn't know what I mean two days ago they wiped out 500 journals that were said to have questionable content in regards to children and incest, most of them were fanfiction journals and communities, the most widely known of which was an adult harry Potter fan comm called Pornish_Pixies <-- What Live Journal has to say on the matter.
I'm not posting the warriors of Innocence site because they have spyware, I've only just managed to get rid of it and didn't want to get the computer infested again.
I was just wondering how many people here have been effected by this?
And what those of you who don't live journals there and aren't involved in the mess think?
I'm a member of LJ (same screename there) and, gods yes, I've heard all about it. I was very disappointed in LJ. Warriors of Innocence reported some stuff, but LJ started suspending accounts after that to cover their asses.
Thankfully, LJ apologized and groveled and promised to fix it:
I'm still weary about it, though. But I'm probably staying on LJ. I got a GJ too, though, to keep up with friends who are moving there for sure. It's "fairycross" (since some stupid stalker took my sleepdebtfairy name on GJ, and copied my layout and userinfo. Some of my friends badgered her and she deleted the journal and moved to a new one like a coward, but now I can't get the name on GJ.
They said they're going to fix it, but nothing has been restored yet, and they said they are going to be keeping a closer eye on fanfiction. (I'll quote that as soon as my computer stops being a pain and loads the damn page!)
And there's a max exodus starting, three people on my friends list have already gotten GL's Which's has pompted me to get one too, (Vulpine_Wolf) And My friends list isn't very big.
I don't think it's quite over yet.
EDIT: Has livejournal imploded or something? I can't seem to connect to any journal at all.
Last edited by Shy Kitsune (05-31-2007 12:37:11 PM)
Does that mean that most of the stuff, such as Pornish Pixies, is GONE?!
What the motherfucking FUCK.
I don't have an LJ, and I don't plan to have one, but this is some kind of ridiculous bullshit. It's not up to me to censor myself because of someone else's children, it's up to someone else's parents to keep a damn eye on their children and not let them be exposed to things they don't want their kids to be exposed to. All I really have to say is a great big FUCK YOU to the Warrior of Innocence () because if they're that concerned, maybe they should make some effort to protect their own kids instead of bothering people who really aren't doing anything wrong.
Also, I have fond memories of the first website I ever searched for. It was gay porn, and I was 10 or 11, and I was curious because I didn't know how guys would have sex. I haven't turned into a gay man yet, so I'm guessing it didn't have any appreciable effect.
I haven't paid a lot of attention to this, but one person I know is leaving LJ because of it. I only use mine to keep up with friends (and read scans_daily), so this hasn't affected me aside from that. Now I'll have to get a greatest journal thingy if I ever want to hear anything about my friend who I haven't even seen in over a year. Blarh.
Shy Kitsune wrote:
(I'll quote that as soon as my computer stops being a pain and loads the damn page!)
It seems to crash IE for some reason. I can load it up in Firefox fine.
Shy Kitsune wrote:
EDIT: Has livejournal imploded or something? I can't seem to connect to any journal at all.
No, it's still there.
I actually made a LJ not too long ago for the sole purpose of participating in a yuri challenge fanfiction group. A lot of the challenges (including the ones I was considering) involved girls under 16. So yeah, this almost affected me but not really.
It really bothers me that the whole of this country can be bullied into bending over and spreading over the phrase, "BUT THIIIIIINK OF THE CHILDREN" and anyone who speaks out about it is OBVIOUSLY a paedophile
...yeah, this is a lot of bullshit. And as far as I can tell, Warriors of Innocence is hardly a real organization - it's just one blog maintained by three whiny people that seems to exist solely for the purpose of pissing and moaning about Internet porn and trying to remind the public every other sentence that pedophiles are monsters.
Perhaps I'm a monster because I think that pedophiles are only monsters if they actually hurt a child.
I was so glad that I bought a JournalFen account last year. Unfortunately, despite being being tauted as a wank to rival CrystalWank, it didn't even get as big as the Sailormoon Sues wank from last year. ::sad panda face::
Lady Nilamarthiel wrote:
Does that mean that most of the stuff, such as Pornish Pixies, is GONE?!
What the motherfucking FUCK.![]()
I don't know about most, The places I tend to go to are still there, probably because Shota was the worse affected and it’s not something I read, but Pronsh Pixies is defiantly suspended, as well as a comm talking about Lolita.
It was rumoured that a help comm for victims was affected as well, while this is false a few personal journals of victims were suspended.
To be fair some of what they took down should have been taken down, but they took down a lot that shouldn't have been along with them. There's been such a fuss kicked up that it's made the news. The real amazing things is that fandoms that would have clawed each others eyes out before this are now working together.
Yasha wrote:
I don't have an LJ, and I don't plan to have one, but this is some kind of ridiculous bullshit. It's not up to me to censor myself because of someone else's children, it's up to someone else's parents to keep a damn eye on their children and not let them be exposed to things they don't want their kids to be exposed to.
Actually they were trying to target people who were supporting paedophile acts and encouraging other to do the same. But regardless of the reason a blunder this big is nothing less that gross incompetence.
Ragnarok wrote:
It seems to crash IE for some reason. I can load it up in Firefox fine.
Pity I don’t have firefox, it still won’t load for me.
EDIT: Finally managed to connect, LJ news have said that they're restoring about half the journals. (250) Considering they said in their first post that they were unlikely to find more than 10 that were taken down by mistake, this shows just how much of a cock up this was.
Here's a list of what was taken down, as you can see alot are already back up again, including Pornish Pixies and Boysfuckingboys. (You'll have to scroll down a bit to get to the list.)
Last edited by Shy Kitsune (06-01-2007 02:08:23 AM)
Oh fuck me. I remember reading about this. I didn't know it was up to 500 suspended journals.
This is what happens when idiots brainwashed by the American-suburban "culture of fear" get access to the internet.
You know, the weird thing about this for me (and I probably need to take into account that it happened when I wasn't on the internet, as i still don't have regular access) is that it bothered me less than it probably should have, and I can't work out why. I mean, the fact that people who live in a country whose conservative government would go to war with another country to "free" them seem to have nothing better to do than repress free speech on their own turf, this annoys me. But it doesn't surprise me. I'm actrually more pissed off right now about George W. Bush deciding that now he's in charge of action on global warming when until now he's been an absolute ass about the entire thing. But now he wants in, and because of that he wants to be in charge. God, does the man have no common sense? I think sometimes he must have some form of autism, because he seems to have no idea of what the world thinks of him. Else he doesn't care. Either way, I'm badly frightened of him.
But yeah. I think it was fucked up of lj to do this, but in the climate they must function in I can understand how it happened. LJ isn't the problem here. And to that end, I'm not leaving them. Besides, I've had my journal since 2001, and I've never managed to keep a paper one that long...
Clarice wrote:
But yeah. I think it was fucked up of lj to do this, but in the climate they must function in I can understand how it happened. LJ isn't the problem here. And to that end, I'm not leaving them. Besides, I've had my journal since 2001, and I've never managed to keep a paper one that long...
I have to admit that I've been happy overall with LJ's service over the years so I'm staying with them too. I've been a member since 2004 ever since uJournal shut down. Fortunately, I was given a last chance to save my entries and moved them to a post in LJ. Never had any problems since. I can't fully blame Livejournal since it must have been a pressuring position. It just comes to show that there are a few people who can ruin everything. Their action, however, was just too much. 500 journals is a lot. Too much. Since some of them were comm journals, you have to multiply that number. That's a lot of angry people. I was watching a yaoi scanlation group and some of the projects had minimal shouta-con themes. Luckily, it wasn't affected.
Obviously, we see that to solve a problem, sometimes we can only do too little or go overboard. LJ definately went overboard. However, these blogging communities will always have problems such as this to no end. Livejournal's done a great job informing the maintenance of the site over the years and they're still informing their members of what's going on right now:
Freedom of speech has always been, and always will be, a touchy subject. I'm glad a lot of journals were restored (and that specific ones were not) but, as we always say, LJ could've done better.
But hey! Pornish Pixies is back!
I'm sticking with LJ too. And I'm glad that Pornish Pixies is back up (I didn't have a backup copy of The Definition of Inexperience, which is HAWT).
As for the Warriors of Innocence or whatever... as far as I can tell, they're not an organization. It's just one blog run by three people who have nothing better to do than complain about fanfiction and that they don't think laws protecting children are strong enough and declare over and over again that pedophiles are monsters. Yes, we know. We all know that anyone who would hurt a child is a monster. But what harm does writing stories about people who don't exist ever do? Especially when nobody who writes these stories would ever want to hurt a child.