This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :) just dont get enjoyment out of eating steak, thinking "this coulda been nanami..."
or when you get steak you tie the napkin around your neck and proudly proclaim "time to eat!"
You know you watch too much SKU when you berate A-Ko and B-Ko for not knowing the series as in-depth as you do.
While they're on screen, doing their schtick.
And people are watching with you.
You don't think it's odd if a boy and girl crossdress. (boy=RoseBride, girl=Prince. My two great friends did this.)
While reading fairytales, you say "Okay, but where are the GIRL princes?!"
You add SKU references/allusions to every fanfic you write...even Halo.
...When the bells randomly ring, in a circular outdoor, dare I say arena of sorts, which is surrounded by trees- And you're waiting, with your cool coat, rose signet and rose bride.
(Everyday at 6 pm!)
You think of how an AMV would go to most songs you hear more than once.
...Unfortunately, I know nothing on video editing.
SO thought out that my lack of skills would surely disappoint me.
You're more set on recreating art from sketches than your own fanart ideas, solely because you'd rather actually see those finished, than something you can see better in your mind. (What? I can already imagine it there just fine... its the other I can't.)
You can over-analyze things like Bartleby and Ethan From, and piss off your classmates as a result.
You think of Shiori whenever you see a bird. Especially if it's looking down at you.
You want to comfort your friends when they're hurt with, "Nothing in this world is eternal..." but then realize this may freak them out instead.
You fangirl/boy in some shape or form when you see a fast and sexy car.
Singing Apocalypse has become a lullabuy.
You waste three hours of your life writing essays on how Utena compares to other anime.
You joined "The Rose Garden."
You think witches are hella awesome, and all princes are somehow out to get you.
I'm not out to get you. Really.
You spend a night figuring out a list of producers and screen plays guys and stuff. Graaaagh.
You send people letters with red ribbon and a wax imprint from the ring.
...You try to work in dialogue from the show into everyday conversations.
"The path you must take has been prepared for you. Just take a left onto Main Street and go straight for three blocks. It'll be on your left."
"If your soul has not truly given up hope, then you can hear the sound..."
"Yeah, yeah, it's just the phone. I'll get it."
"From this day forward, I belong to you."
"Whoa, wait a second. I'm not quite ready for that level of commitment."
"If it cannot break out of its shell, the chick will die without ever being born."
"Sorry, sir, I don't understand. Do you want those scrambled or over-easy?"
You know you watch too much SKU when you sing Kakuu Kakokei Majinai (Utopian Past-Tense Incantation) over the TV whenever you fly around in the Epoch playing Chrono Trigger.
Bonus points if you do it during Neo Epoch scenes in Chrono Cross too.
BioKraze wrote:
You know you watch too much SKU when you sing Kakuu Kakokei Majinai (Utopian Past-Tense Incantation) over the TV whenever you fly around in the Epoch playing Chrono Trigger.
Bonus points if you do it during Neo Epoch scenes in Chrono Cross too.
Tiiiiiime Machine. Haha, that's wonderful. And here I thought humming Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku while going up some stairs was clever.
I've got a good one. Way back in the day, I used to play Clue with my sister and cousin, using the color coding of the pieces to represent different Utena characters, and we would play the game as our chosen character. Twas fun, especially accusing "Nanami in the Conservatory with the Candlestick." We freaked out a lot of people doing that, but gods was it fun.
Sometimes, when I'm describing something, I use Utena names for different colors. The word "Anthy' will actually come to mind quicker than "purple" when looking at something of that color.
I also named all of my personal objects "Akio" in high school...
Your non-Utena watching father says 'I wonder I wonder" and your mother goes NOOOOO NOT THE SHADOW GIRLS.
Don't remind me of Utena and Cluueeeeee (Still rendering. I'm sooo lazy.)
You Know You Watched Too Much Shoujo Kakumei Utena When...
1. You write down the character's birthdays on your calender.
2. You try to figure out what each character's sign is.
3. You buy a white mouse and try to give an earring and make it walk upright.
4. You design new clothing and hairstyles for the Utena cast.
5. You come up with very sexy images of the Utena boys in drag.
6. You want to buy a red 1995 mozda miata special edition convertable and give it a licence plate that says "Akio Car".
7. You begin to search for green roses.
8. After you fail to find some, you attept to grow them.
9. You obsessively try to find a picture of Jack Taylor.
10. You randomly picture the Utena cast as various animals(cows, horses, snakes, dolphins, etc).
11. You suggest the name "Anthy" for your newborn neice.
12. You become excited whenever you see a boy with crimson dyed hair.
13. You awkwardly start imagining the Utena cast as senior citizens.
I was walking aimlessly around a college and I saw a kendo team during practice....cue the related Utena scene in my head.
You start designing an SKU-themed nightclub/bar.
If you build it they will come
Last edited by SexingTouga24/7/365 (03-23-2008 11:18:22 PM)
Maarika wrote:
SexingTouga24/7/365 wrote:
If you build it we will come
Doubly fixed
Offline aren't insulted when someone calls you a witch.
-If your Wiccan craft name was inspired by an SKU character. (See Username)
-If you regularly accidently call online friends by the name of a character. (Nin=Professor Nemuro -see sig)
-If you mention 'Surfing Elephants' to a child more than three times a week.
-If you let little kids watch SKU.
-If you ironically call SKU 'Princess Movie' for a three year old.
You know when you're too afraid to drive even a mile unless you're pretending you're Anthy. Complete with music.
(Not that I do this, or anything.)
This is the most recent remotely appropriate thread for this, but in chat, I just described Anthy and Akio thus:
[20:31] MrsAkioOhtori: lol she's the ventilation shaft to his death star
...I hurt.
I was in church today, and when I liked up at the alter real quickly, for a second I thought that from behind some guy had Akio's hair, and that it was Akio. He actually didn't have any hair, so that was a huge schizophrenia moment for me. e_e
Yesterday I'm in the hospital going up the elevator singing "Absolute Destiny Apocalypse" with my pregnant friend whose water may have broken, when we go back down again, I'm asking her for any confessions and still telling her to go deeper when all I get is a worried look.
Razara: Maybe there's a tear in diemensions and any minute now you're going to find yourself accidentlly caught up in the world of SKU. Never no.
Or maybe you'll find yourself in an alternate universe where Akio is GOOD.
I mean, really, Akio attending CHURCH? That would tarnish the sexy bad boy image he has spent so long refining... Bref, 'you know you've seen too much SKU...'
Last edited by Mishi (04-21-2008 08:09:11 AM)