This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I must confess...
I don't like Star Wars.
Real space nerds are Trekkies.
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
Ger wrote:
Cerise wrote:
...I also dig Return of the Jedi. Wedge Antilles rocks my world.
YES! Someone else in the world who likes ROTJ!!!!
(most Star Wars fans I meet tend to bash that movie cause of the Ewoks, but imo it's the greatest out of any of the SW movies)
Count me in! My favorite part is near the end where the battle Han, Leia, and the Ewoks are involved in parallels the one between Luke and the Emperor. ROTJ is my favorite of the Original Trilogy.
And it has the most scenes with Wedge Antilles in it.
What? Everyone quit looking at me so weirdly. I just have this thing for Wedge Antilles.
Seriously though (okay, technically the Antilles fascination is serious), I've loved ROTJ the most ever since I was a child. I know Empire Strikes back is probably a better movie, but ROTJ really drew me in the most as a youngster. It had a little bit of everything, and there's nothing cooler than the electricity dancing across Luke Skywalker's teeth when he's getting zapped by the Emperor. My goodness that rocked. And getting to see more Wedge Antilles. I still have no idea how I became obsessed with him, especially since it happened well before the various expanded universe novels turned him into a main character.
Giovanna wrote:
I must confess...
I don't like Star Wars.
Real space nerds are Trekkies.
I'm the opposite, I don't really like Star Trek (except for the fourth movie which cracked me up. Colorful metaphors indeed, Mr. Spock.) But that's because I don't particularly like science fiction. Star Wars is at best a space fantasy, which explains why I can like it and pretty much detest Star Trek (not that it's bad, I just really can't get into it). That's not to say I'm a big fantasy fan either, but somehow Star Wars managed to appeal to me. Just the original trilogy, though. I didn't like the new trilogy at all.
Cerise wrote:
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
Ger wrote:
YES! Someone else in the world who likes ROTJ!!!!
(most Star Wars fans I meet tend to bash that movie cause of the Ewoks, but imo it's the greatest out of any of the SW movies)
Count me in! My favorite part is near the end where the battle Han, Leia, and the Ewoks are involved in parallels the one between Luke and the Emperor. ROTJ is my favorite of the Original Trilogy.
And it has the most scenes with Wedge Antilles in it.
What? Everyone quit looking at me so weirdly. I just have this thing for Wedge Antilles.
Seriously though (okay, technically the Antilles fascination is serious), I've loved ROTJ the most ever since I was a child. I know Empire Strikes back is probably a better movie, but ROTJ really drew me in the most as a youngster. It had a little bit of everything, and there's nothing cooler than the electricity dancing across Luke Skywalker's teeth when he's getting zapped by the Emperor. My goodness that rocked. And getting to see more Wedge Antilles. I still have no idea how I became obsessed with him, especially since it happened well before the various expanded universe novels turned him into a main character.Giovanna wrote:
I must confess...
I don't like Star Wars.
Real space nerds are Trekkies.I'm the opposite, I don't really like Star Trek (except for the fourth movie which cracked me up. Colorful metaphors indeed, Mr. Spock.) But that's because I don't particularly like science fiction. Star Wars is at best a space fantasy, which explains why I can like it and not Star Trek (not that it's bad, I just really can't get into it). That's not to say I'm a big fantasy fan either, but somehow Star Wars managed to appeal to me. Just the original trilogy, though. I didn't like the new trilogy at all.
I really like surrealist films, but I tend to lean towards the ones more on the lightly surreal side, as opposed to the weighty, glaringly symbolic brand. (I dunno how much sense that makes, but think Utena [not the movie] vs The Wall.) Some of my favorite movies are Diva, Masculin Feminin, 8 1/2, Zentropa, The Lady Eve, Gertrude, Band of Outsiders, The Maltese Falcon, Discreet Charms of the Bourgeoisie, Some Like it Hot, La Dolce Vita, Umbrellas of Cherbourg, The Lady Vanishes, Blue, That Obscure Object of Desire, and LEGALLY BLONDE. (Come on, you CAN'T SAY you didn't love that movie. Jeeez. )
Also, I really like Jackie Chan's version of Around the World in 80 Days.
Cerise wrote:
I don't really like Star Trek (except for the fourth movie which cracked me up. Colorful metaphors indeed, Mr. Spock.) But that's because I don't particularly like science fiction. Star Wars is at best a space fantasy, which explains why I can like it and pretty much detest Star Trek (not that it's bad, I just really can't get into it). That's not to say I'm a big fantasy fan either, but somehow Star Wars managed to appeal to me. Just the original trilogy, though. I didn't like the new trilogy at all.
You know, now that you mention it, yeah, SW isn't really sci-fi. I don't think that's the difference for me, since I don't usually go for fantasy or for sci-fi, just the top works of both. I'm probably ST sympathetic because I've kept track of NASA over the years, which is populated by Trekkies. I wholeheartedly believe we're going to name the first manned interplanetary space SHIP (not mission) the Enterprise. Seriously.
That said, I'm a TNG girl. Kirk would win in a barfight, sure, but Picard wins my heart.