This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Hi guys!
Our favourite holiday of the year is coming, and someone on Reddit opened up a thread I thought was lotta fun.
Since we're all creative minds here at IRG, I thought why not open one at this forum.
Game is simple, just write a Halloween-themed haiku and share with us! Remember, the rules are simple: 3 verses, 5/7/5 syllables each, usually containing a seasonal reference. And don't go easy on 'rosy' references!
Since I'm the OP, let me start with mine, same one I wrote on reddit.
"Murasaki ink
Rich hue in my cheap paper
On November's Eve."
Last edited by pschreiber (10-28-2015 09:24:43 AM)
Candy tastes like Ricola.
On to the next house