This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Stephanie wrote:
^Lol, you edited your post =p
It'll be weird if a girl asked the guy out
Or do you want it that I should be the one reaching for you?
I'm a guy now? >D Should I be flattered? *snerks*
And why would you reach for my hand? You have 5 who would gladly hold yours.
Edited for verb error.
Last edited by Seitokaichou (12-19-2008 10:48:00 AM)
I thought you wanted to be Touga?
*grabs Touga's hand while in Utena's princess outfit in 1st ending theme*
*Places Touga's hand in her waist and the other in her hand*
"Is this mellow enough for you?"
"Please lead away!"
Last edited by Stephanie (12-19-2008 10:48:31 AM)
*cups her hand and gently slips his arm around her waist; a few delicate steps and turns in harmony with the lovely music, and he catches the presence of the lonely prince from a distance; one last look at his fallen princess, he leads her to Nanami's Rose Groom's direction, softly offering her hand to him.*
"With the absence of the true prince of this thread, please continue from here, Nanami's Rose Groom. The Rogue, on the other hand, belongs to the other thread."
Edited because I'm being GOOD to Stephanie.
Last edited by Seitokaichou (12-19-2008 08:54:37 PM)
<feels a bit lonesome now, starts practicing sword fighting on an Akio natural sized plushie>
*Dances with Nanami's Rose Groom*
"Why so lonely, dear prince..?"
Lol, can't believe IRG can be mellow
Awww, I'm going to die of a cuteness aneurysm
*Pushes Iris to Seito*
"I noticed the flirting stopped in the chef's kitchen, would you two like to join me and NRG dancing?"
*Clasps her arms around Seitokaichou's waist with a little grin, resting spiky blue hair on his chest* "A witch and a rouge should never detract from the sweetness of a prince and princess... what do you say, my dear Touga?"
*switches to his white uniform and runs his hands from Iris's gorgeous tresses down her slender form*
"Need I answer that? Or must I drag you into my boudoir?" *smirks at Stephanie*
"I've been told that I wasn't aggressive enough by our lady prince here, what say you, Kozue?"
*Arches into Seitokaichou's teasing touch, feline blue eyes trailing along the curves of his lips* "Not aggressive enough? You?" *Pushes herself upwards against him so her lips touch his ear* "Pity. Perhaps you should remedy that perception."
*gently nods and hands you over to Stephanie*
"I'm sure the lady prince here can be your best student, Kozue."
Katzenklavier wrote:
Just to let you know...I was teasing there. I know you're a guy, NRG. Feel free to slap me if necessary. And I can't help it. Akio is becoming quite literally the butt in all my jokes. Therefore...
"I'll take you from here, thank you."
*snaps fingers and turns you into Manya*
"Missed me?"
*Raises an eyebrow as she's pushed over to the precious princess, trailing a fingernail down Stephanie's neck.* "She looks sweet as sugar... but I'm in the mood for something much more bitter."
*Turns back to Seitokaichou, winding a lock of crimson hair around her fingertip to draw him closer with a little tug.* "I'll teach her later."
*playfully cocks a brow*
"As always, patience has never been one of our virtues."
*grabs her wrist and pulls her closer, his chest pressing harder against hers as he quickly entraps her lower lip between his teeth; his hands explore her curves and down they cup her lovely ass as he slips his raging tongue deeper into her mouth*
*Manya just arches a brow as she suddenly appears in the middle of a random flirtation zone. One blackened lip curls.* Ah, such naive little sweetlings. Actually inviting me to come play? Usually I like to make surprise appearances, but ah well. I'm willing to make appointments.
*Her eyes narrow as she spots Touga pawing a little piece.* What do I spy with my widdle eeeeeye? *While his tongue slithers into Iris's cavern, Manya stalks over and grabs the man by his luscious long locks and jerks his head back, watching his strained veins bulge.* If you can't keep those delectable lips limited to my lower regions, I'll just have to slice them off and keep them for myself...I'm a very selfish woman.
"Who ever benefited from patience?"
*Her words are cut off by the aggressive kiss, her grin suddenly turning into a moan of pleasure. Without hesitation, slides one pale bare leg up his white pants, pressing against him with animalistic heat. Winds a hand into his crimson strands, almost cruelly, sliding down to his shirt color. Rudely her prize is taken away, leaving Kozue with reddened lips and ragged breath.*
"What's this, a baby bird taking all my fun away? I can't have that...." *Pulls away from Touga with a raised eyebrow. Captures the strange lady's chin between her fingers, slapping her lightly on the cheek. The contact is tiny as a slap on the wrist.* "A sexy little brat... is still a brat."
*Licks Seitokaichou's neck, winding a finger around a cord and pulling him with her to the Love Hotel.*
*A high whiny pitch screeches in her ear, and although she can't quite make out the words, she can sense that they're coming from someone with an amazingly plush rack. No doubt one that would be accentuated by a variety of differently colored bruises. Then, out of nowhere, she feels contact on her cheek. The less exciting cheek, true, but still the slight sting is intoxicating. Her murmur is coarse.* Not enough! Do me harder! Ooooooh yes my pet... *With the sound of flesh hitting bone, she drives the flat of her hand across her own cheek, letting out a shrieking laugh at the refreshing pain. However, she sees her prey escape out of the corner of her eye.*
No! *She hisses, saliva dribbling from her mouth. Panting with desire, she sprints after the pair, getting to her knees and roughly grabbing the slender girl. She fastens her thighs around Kozue's calf and viciously humps the captive limb.* I want it! I want the dirty nooooow! Give it to me want it want it! *Drooling, she laughs madly.*
"Are you insane?" *Kozue asked in a bored, almost disapointed voice as the girl slapped herself.* "I know an awfully good psychologist you could go to with pink hair. He helped me wonderfully."
*Turning to go, she's stopped again by the strange woman... humping her calf. Perplexed and a bit alarmed, Kozue stared in wonder for a few moments as drool formed on her pretty face. After scratching her head in utter confusion, the smaller girl took her free foot and placed it firmly on her chest, pushing her backwards.* "Are you done?" *Kneels over her, straddling her for good measure*
*Manya growls as her very satisfying date is rudely interrupted. And she hadn't even gotten to the good part yet. Even worse, there was someone getting her nice leather shirt dirty with an ugly dirty foot. She scowled and hissed as she was forced to the ground, then pressed further as the girl's hips met hers. Awfully bold for a mere junior slut.*
I'm just starting my fun, lovey dove. *Bucking her hips violently, she creates just enough room to give her leg free room. Digging her fingers into Kozue's hips to hold her in place, she slams her knee between the girl's legs, intending not to induce pleasure but instead white hot pain.*
*The slender Kozue groans at the sudden pain, rolling off of Manya with an inward hiss. For a minute she seemed to float away, turning pale from the sensation. Too quickly her mind returned to her, a hand shooting out to grab Manya roughly by the hair and pulling her upwards. The two of them being the same height causes her arm to strain, but her pain and fury work well as motive.* "A pity. And here I've been being all sweet..."
*Although her hips and stomach hurt from the impact, Kozue wanted to taste the girl's kiss. As always a mixture of insecurity and violence, first a bite at the girl's lip followed by an almost sweet touch of lips. After all, she'd never kissed a crazy woman before.*
"Heh.. I figured it was weird for IRG flirt thread to be so mellow"
*Looks at Manya and Kozue*
*Touga seems to just be watching*
*Still dancing with NRG*
"Man! I still do have to understand a lot!" I actually didn't understand half of what was mentioned.
<stops dancing and leans towards Stephanie's neck and whispers>
- If I was a vampire, your crimson blood, would stain this beautiful skin. However, I am a Prince, although on the verge of fall. And that's why I still hesitate to kiss you, as my innocence and purity forbids me to desire you.
((( for the sheer in-character roleplay and catfight.
You owe me $$$ for hurting my hair, bitches. Pay up! Lol. )))
*Manya pulled him by the hair, rudely cutting the torrid kiss short as well as the warm connection between Kozue’s leg and his. He brusquely peeled her fingers off his soft locks and tossed a mild glare at her, tugging his jacket back in place.*
“Can’t I seek pleasure from another woman? I’m no one’s property after all.”
*Without waiting for Manya’s response, he turned on his heel and locked hands with Kozue; when he was about to lead the alluring woman to his bedroom, Manya caused another delay. He could only sigh in slight exasperation as he watched the scene slowly unfolding into a catfight.*
Women: you love them, you hate them.
*He ran his hand through his hair and enjoyed the view: Kozue gave Manya a gentle kick to the chest, while the latter returned it in a more vicious way; he narrowed his eyes upon catching sight of Kozue in pain.*
“That’s enough!”
*Swiftly, he snaked his arm around Manya’s waist, picked her up and tossed her on his shoulder*
“Don’t think, for one second, I’d let you break my toy—”
*He carried Manya, dropped her to a nearby couch, and fastened her there with his penetrating stare.*
“—Attempting so will provoke me to break you.”
((( Touga is naturally mean to Manya, but I my Katzenklavier. *hugs, French kisses, gropes, penetrates—with love* )))
*Manya grunted in sheer animalistic pleasure and need in response - more to the hair pulling than the kiss, but the latter action put just the right amount of kink into the former. Now this was a broad who knew how to fight. Pain, pleasure, hatred, and lust; these were all things she seldom made distinctions between. Scraping long and tapered nails through the girl's luscious hair, she was just preparing to deliver her challenger glorious pain beyond the child's wildest dreams before she felt herself being lugged up like a pack of potatoes.*
No! *Her growl was low and guttural as she clawed viciously at Touga's back. Her thrashes were violent to the point she almost slipped out of his arms and off his shoulder.* She's mine! She's mine! I want her! Never get between me and my prey! *But the wretched little boy didn't seem to pay any attention as she was thrown onto a couch. Scrambling up in preparation to charge, her advance was suddenly interrupted as she caught Touga's gaze. Then, in an abrupt transformation, the snarl left her face and her blue eyes were filled with a sudden joy bordering on childlike.*
Helloooo sweetheart! *She cooed happily, suddenly shoving the man's head exuberantly into her cleavage, hugging him to her tenderly.* Manya's missed you soooo much! And guess what?! She loves you! She loves you! She loooooooves you! *Pulling his head up, she began kissing all around his face with excessive affection.*
Nanami's Rose Groom wrote:
<stops dancing and leans towards Stephanie's neck and whispers>
- If I was a vampire, your crimson blood, would stain this beautiful skin. However, I am a Prince, although on the verge of fall. And that's why I still hesitate to kiss you, as my innocence and purity forbids me to desire you.
This scene reminds me the ending movie of Twilight
Oops, spoiler
Meh, I'm so new to this kinds of flirt
But please lead the way NRG
"Who said we were innocent?"
Last edited by Stephanie (12-21-2008 12:42:45 AM)